Should i keep #wrapper{ width:100%} in print css? - css

Should i keep #wrapper{ width:100%} in print css? because on screen my design is a fixed width design 960 px. but there are so many paper type and sizes in the world and anybody can take print on any size paper, bigger and smaller.
So if in print css i do not specify relative width then i think print of page will cut of from right size if user will take print on the paper size which can smaller or larger width than my site #wrapper width (960px). then it can create problem.
printer also leave some margin when printing.
So should keep everything is relative size in print css?
And should i also change float left or right to float:none in print css?

Yes, you should. If you stick to a definite pixel size, you could even run into a situation where different visitors could see different amounts of the page cut off because of their printer DPI and/or browser. You might want to also consider adjusting your font sizes to be relative as well (using em or %).
Word of caution: make sure all your elements flow correctly when you switch over to a relative width, or you could have other parts of your content cut off or pushed into strange places.

The browsers tend to translate pixels to a similiar size before sending to printer, so it will look similar to what you see on screen. It will not send the pixel size to the printer.


CSS Percentages And Pixels

I like to think of myself as having some serious CSS swagger(I am also a PHP hack, and pretty good at Javascript), but today I was chatting with a designer about a specific situation, and honestly I just did not know the answer to it. I was hoping someone could elaborate on the problem.
I hear many a people say, "Oh I use percentages for everything because of responsive design", but then you go and look at their css, and they are using px all over the place for margins, padding etc.
My problem is that should I be using pixels at all? I'd say the main pain point I have in understanding this, is when it comes to high resolution screens.
For example, I was creating a pretty simple "hero" in which I set the height of my container to 700px tall with a background image and some text, while setting the width of it to 100%. On my screen I was creating it on, it displayed full height of my screen(which was the intention), but when I had someone else view it on a higher resolution laptop screen, the picture was significantly shorter in height, with white space underneath it, failing to fill the whole height of the screen.
I am looking for someone to explain exactly how pixels values are affected on higher resolution screens, and if you should always use percentages.
For example, If I set a container to be 300px wide on a "normal" resolution screen, will that same container be 150px wide on the higher resolution screen, and also look shrunken and terrible?
Say I start using percentages for things like margin and padding, I am curious as to how css would calculate that? For example, say I have a contact form with many inputs stacked on top of eachother, and I do something like the following:
input {
margin-bottom: 2.5%;
Where would the css be calculating that 2.5% from? Does it say, "Make that margin-bottom 2.5% of the height of it's parent? I am just confused as what it would be based off of.
Any input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
First of all, I want to refer to an answer given on SO that explains the percentage property really good:
So should I use pixels?
Using pixels should indeed be avoided in modern Web Design, for a few simple reasons:
Pixels are fixed. They do not adapt to different screen sizes or viewports, scalings or layouts. Since mobile first is a goto pattern and responsive Web Design relies on adaptable units, and since pixels are avoidable, - avoid them.
High resolution screens are getting more and more mainstream, and if you do not want to adapt to even more media queries (for the larger screens), you should not be using pixels.
There are better, more dynamic alternatives. These include vw, vh, em, rem and of course %.
But when to use which unit?
em and rem are really good for font sizes or anything like that. They will easily scale and can be used for margins and paddings too, depending on content size.
% are best used in relative object positioning, not so much in margins, paddings or font-sizes, although they can (margins and paddings are okay, I guess). What I mean by this is that percentages work best when combining them with width, height or anything like that (they work great in flex-layouts, for example).
vw and vh are allrounders - I personally do not use them in specific cases, but they are quite handy sometimes. Best example would be an overlay which should fill the complete viewport.
All those units are dynamic and depend on the viewport. This is great, because this allows for flexible styling. Pixels do not.
% value in margin and padding is always % of the parent's width.
So say you have a <div> with margin-bottom: 25%;, inside another <div> which is 1000px wide, then the bottom margin of the <div> is 1000*25% = 250px.
.container {
width: 100px;
background: green;
background: yellow;
.child25 {
margin-bottom: 25%;
.child45 {
margin-bottom: 45%;
<div class="container">
<div class="child25">This one should have 25px margin bottom.</div>
<div class="child45">This one should have 45px margin bottom.</div>
<div class="child-none">This one has no margin</div>
As for your hero problem, if you want the hero's height to be full screen's height, use height: 100vh;, which mean 100% of the viewport's height.
A 700px height element will always be 700px high on any screen. The different in real-life perceived size is because of the screen's ppi (pixel per inch), or dpi (dot per inch) as they are usually called on mobile devices. The value refer to the number of pixel/dot that fill each real-life inch on that screen.

How do I make my image appear in relation to the size of a user's screen?

I have an image of that has a height of 480px. On my Macbook it looks OK but when I go to my 30 inch monitor obviously there is a huge space in the bottom.
What can I do to make sure that the 480px will always be in relation so the size of the user's screen?
I did some searches and it seems that using background-image: cover or background position I can do some stuff but highly likely it's not what I am looking for. What can I do tackle this issue?
One way to achieve this is to place the image in a container that can scale with the page.
Height is a hard attribute to scale, but you can achieve it as long as all of the parent elements have a specified height as well.
You can use CSS code such as
to scale elements.
Scale the page's height here to see for yourself:
Try with the width in percentage to set the image size as per the browser width. It's always preferable to set the width in percentage(instead of pixel) while re-sizing the element based on window re-sizing.
Set the image height to some percentage instead of pixel, that will automatically handle with the size of the screen.

Regarding div size

Basically, on one of the pages of my website, I have a div with 60% width, in which all of my content is stored.
My problem is, when I try the site on different, lower resolution monitors, Some of the content in the div ends up being cut out.
I don't want to increase the width, but I have no ideas on how to fix the issue without doing so.
You can use media queries to change the style rules based on factors like device-width and resolution:
For example, you could adjust the font-size in the div based on the size of the viewport

Responsive layout isn't working at an intermediate size. Works smaller and larger

In an 800px wide viewport, the logo in the header drops down and the nav shifts. At a slightly smaller size, it responds appropriately. At a larger size, it is also fine. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong in the css to cause this.
Seems to me it's the margin-left:5% on #logo. You should not mix percentage and pixel measurements like that. Stick to one of them, so in this case change 5% to an amount of pixels.

"em" based css for non-proportional width and height

When working with multiple resolutions, the "em" based approach seems a good way to code your css file. However, if you have say two resolutions 480x800 & 540x960, then the width ratio ( 540/480 = 112.5% ) is NOT same as height ratio ( 960/800 = 120% ).
So, if I have an em font size = 112.5% for moving from lower resolution to higher, the width seems perfectly aligned to new resolution but height ( which expects font-size of 120% ) seems to fall short and therefore there is a white blank space created at the bottom after rendering all elements for the page.
Any solution to this problem would be great help.
em is a unit of choice for fonts, not so much for element dimensions. With it evaluating to element's font-size, it's simply not reasonable to be setting widths using this unit.
You may be trying to refer to a vertical rhythm, which is a concept of maintaining text readability and should not be confused with the rest of the page layout.
For aesthetically pleasing rendering under different resolutions, you should look into fluid layouts - try playing with the browser width on that page. As you can see, the content flow is altered to make best use of space available, however the font size/line-height are not adjusted since the two techniques are independently implemented.
