Use of qsrand, random method that is not random - qt

I'm having a strange problem here, and I can't manage to find a good explanation to it, so I thought of asking you guys :
Consider the following method :
int MathUtility::randomize(int Min, int Max)
if (Min > Max)
int Temp = Min;
Min = Max;
Max = Temp;
return ((rand()%(Max-Min+1))+Min);
I won't explain you gurus what this method actually does, I'll instead explain my problem :
I realised that when I call this method in a loop, sometimes, I get the same random number over and over again... For example, this snippet...
for(int i=0; i<10; ++i)
int Index = MathUtility::randomize(0, 1000);
qDebug() << Index;
...will produce something like :
I realised too, that if I don't call qsrand everytime, but only once during my application's lifetime, it's working perfectly...
My question : Why ?

Because if you call randomize more than once in a millisecond (which is rather likely at current CPU clock speeds), you are seeding the RNG with the same value. This is guaranteed to produce the same output from the RNG.
Random-number generators are only meant to be seeded once. Seeding them multiple times does not make the output extra random, and in fact (as you found) may make it much less random.

If you make the call fast enough the value of QTime::currentTime().msec() will not change, and you're basically re-seeding qsrand with the same seed, causing the next random number generated to be the same as the prior one.

If you call the qsrand Qt function to initialize the seed, you must call the qrand Qt function to generate a random number, not the rand function from the standard library. the seed initialization for the rand function is srand.
Sorry for the dig up.

What you see is the effect of pseudo-randomness. You seed it with the time once, and it generates a sequence of numbers. Since you are pulling a series of random numbers very quickly after each other, you are re-seeding the randomizer with the same number until the next millisecond. And while a millisecond seems like a short time, consider the amount of calculations you're doing in that time.

modern Qt c++ 11
#include <random>
#include "QDateTime"
int getRand(int min, int max){
unsigned int ms = static_cast<unsigned>(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch());
std::mt19937 gen(ms);
std::uniform_int_distribution<> uid(min, max);
return uid(gen);

Two problems:
1 As others have pointed out, the generator is being seed multiple times.
2 This is not a very good method to generate random numbers within a given range. (In fact it's very very bad for most generators )
You are assuming that the low-order bits from the generator are uniformly distributed . This is not the case with most generators. In most generators the randomness occurs in the high order bits.
By using the remainder after divisions you are in effect throwing out the randomness.
You should scale using multiplication and division. Not using the modulo operator.
my_number= start_required + ( generator_output * range_required)/generator_maximum;
if generator_output is in [0, generator_maximum]
my_number will be in [start_required , start_required + range_required]

I've found the same action and solved it by using rand() instead the srand().
But I use it for checking my application. It just working in the cicle, so I don't need to look for it updates.
But if you going to do some king of game, it isn't a good way, because your randomizing will be the same.


I was trying binomial coeffecient problem using dp. i know its not an efficient approach bugt i wamt to know whats this SIGFPE error

Program I wrote. ran it on practice environment of gfg:
class Solution{
int nCr(int n, int r){
// code here
enter code here const unsigned int M = 1000000007;
long long dp[n+1]={0},i,ans;
return 0;
return ans;
don't really understand what is going on. The division seems to be well defined.
The division seems to be well defined.
You are right suspecting the division as the SIGFPE error origin. As you know, division is well defined as long as the divisor is not zero. At first glance, one wouldn't expect that dp[n-r]*dp[r] could become zero. But the elements of dp have a limited range of values they can hold. With a 64-bit long long, the maximum representable value typically is 263−1 = 9223372036854775807. This means that dp[i] already has overflown for i > 20, though on common processors this overflow is silently ignored. Now, as computing the factorial by multiplication with even higher values of i proceeds, more and more zeros are "shifted in" from the right until eventually all 64 bits are zero; this is on common processors for i = 66 where the exception occurs when n-r or r are equal to or greater than 66.

Method to do final sum with reduction

I take up the continuation of my first issue explained on this link.
I remind you that I would like to apply a method which is able to do multiple sum reductions with OpenCL (my GPU device only supports OpenCL 1.2). I need to compute the sum reduction of an array to check the convergence criterion for each iteration of the main loop,
Currently, I did a version for only one sum reduction (i.e one iteration
). In this version, and for simplicity, I have used a sequential CPU loop to compute the sum of each partial sum and get the final value of sum.
From your advices in my precedent, my issue is that I don't know how to perform the final sum by calling a second time the NDRangeKernel function (i.e executing a second time the kernel code).
Indeed, with a second call, I will always face to the same problem for getting the sum of partial sums (itself computed from first call of NDRangeKernel) : it seems to be a recursive issue.
Let's take an example from the above figure : if input array size is 10240000 and WorkGroup size is 16, we get 10000*2^10/2^4 = 10000*2^6 = 640000 WorkGroups.
So after the first call, I get 640000 partial sums : how to deal with the final sumation of all these partial sums ? If I call another time the kernel code with, for example, WorkGroup size = 16 and global size = 640000, I will get nWorkGroups = 640000/16 = 40000 partial sums, so I have to call kernel code one more time and repeat this process till nWorkGroups < WorkGroup size.
Maybe I didn't understand very well the second stage, mostly this part of kernel code from "two-stage reduction" ( on this link, I think this is the case of searching for minimum into input array )
void reduce(__global float* buffer,
__local float* scratch,
__const int length,
__global float* result) {
int global_index = get_global_id(0);
float accumulator = INFINITY;
// Loop sequentially over chunks of input vector
while (global_index < length) {
float element = buffer[global_index];
accumulator = (accumulator < element) ? accumulator : element;
global_index += get_global_size(0);
// Perform parallel reduction
If someone could explain what this above code snippet of kernel code does.
Is there a relation with the second stage of reduction, i.e the final sumation ?
Feel free to ask me more details if you have not understood my issue.
As mentioned in the comment: The statement
if input array size is 10240000 and WorkGroup size is 16, we get 10000*2^10/2^4 = 10000*2^6 = 640000 WorkGroups.
is not correct. You can choose an "arbitrary" work group size, and an "arbitrary" number of work groups. The numbers to choose here may be tailored for the target device. For example, the device may have a certain local memory size. This can be queried with clDeviceGetInfo:
cl_ulong localMemSize = 0;
clDeviceGetInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &localMemSize, nullptr);
This may be used to compute the size of a local work group, considering the fact that each work group will require
sizeof(cl_float) * workGroupSize
bytes of local memory.
Similarly, the number of work groups may be derived from other device specific parameters.
The key point regarding the reduction itself is that the work group size does not limit the size of the array that can be processed. I also had some difficulties with understanding the algorithm as a whole, so I tried to explain it here, hoping that a few images may be worth a thousand words:
As you can see, the number of work groups and the work group size are fixed and independent of the input array length: Even though I'm using 3 work groups with a size of 8 in the example (giving a global size of 24), an array of length 64 can be processed. This is mainly due to the first loop, which just walks through the input array, with a "step size" that is equal to the global work size (24 here). The result will be one accumulated value for each of the 24 threads. These are then reduced in parallel.

Inaccurate results with OpenCL Reduction example

I am working with the OpenCL reduction example provided by Apple here
After a few days of dissecting it, I understand the basics; I've converted it to a version that runs more or less reliably on c++ (Openframeworks) and finds the largest number in the input set.
However, in doing so, a few questions have arisen as follows:
why are multiple passes used? the most I have been able to cause the reduction to require is two; the latter pass only taking a very low number of elements and so being very unsuitable for an openCL process (i.e. wouldn't it be better to stick to a single pass and then process the results of that on the cpu?)
when I set the 'count' number of elements to a very high number (24M and up) and the type to a float4, I get inaccurate (or totally wrong) results. Why is this?
in the openCL kernels, can anyone explain what is being done here:
while (i < n){
int a = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i);
int b = LOAD_GLOBAL_I1(input, i + group_size);
int s = LOAD_LOCAL_I1(shared, local_id);
STORE_LOCAL_I1(shared, local_id, (a + b + s));
i += local_stride;
as opposed to what is being done here?
#define ACCUM_LOCAL_I1(s, i, j) \
{ \
int x = ((__local int*)(s))[(size_t)(i)]; \
int y = ((__local int*)(s))[(size_t)(j)]; \
((__local int*)(s))[(size_t)(i)] = (x + y); \
To answer the first 2 questions:
why are multiple passes used?
Reducing millions of elements to a few thousands can be done in parallel with a device utilization of almost 100%. But the final step is quite tricky. So, instead of keeping everything in one shot and have multiple threads idle, Apple implementation decided to do a first pass reduction; then adapt the work items to the new reduction problem, and finally completing it.
Ii is a very specific optimization for OpenCL, but it may not be for C++.
when I set the 'count' number of elements to a very high number (24M
and up) and the type to a float4, I get inaccurate (or totally wrong)
results. Why is this?
A float32 precision is 2^23 the remainder. Values higher than 24M = 1.43 x 2^24 (in float representation), have an error in the range +/-(2^24/2^23)/2 ~= 1.
That means, if you do:
float A=24000000;
float B= A + 1; //~1 error here
The operator error is in the range of the data, therefore... big errors if you repeat that in a loop!
This will not happen in 64bits CPUs, because the 32bits float math uses internally 48bits precision, therefore avoiding these errors. However if you get the float close to 2^48 they will happen as well. But that is not the typical case for normal "counting" integers.
The problem is with the precision of 32 bit floats. You're not the first person to ask about this either. OpenCL reduction result wrong with large floats

How to get a "random" number in OpenCL

I'm looking to get a random number in OpenCL. It doesn't have to be real random or even that random. Just something simple and quick.
I see there is a ton of real random parallelized fancy pants random algorithms in OpenCL that are like thousand and thousands of lines. I do NOT need anything like that. A simple 'random()' would be fine, even if it is easy to see patterns in it.
I see there is a Noise function? Any easy way to use that to get a random number?
I was solving this "no random" issue for last few days and I came up with three different approaches:
Xorshift - I created generator based on this one. All you have to do is provide one uint2 number (seed) for whole kernel and every work item will compute his own rand number
// 'randoms' is uint2 passed to kernel
uint seed = randoms.x + globalID;
uint t = seed ^ (seed << 11);
uint result = randoms.y ^ (randoms.y >> 19) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
Java random - I used code from .next(int bits) method to generate random number. This time you have to provide one ulong number as seed.
// 'randoms' is ulong passed to kernel
ulong seed = randoms + globalID;
seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
uint result = seed >> 16;
Just generate all on CPU and pass it to kernel in one big buffer.
I tested all three approaches (generators) in my evolution algorithm computing Minimum Dominating Set in graphs.
I like the generated numbers from the first one, but it looks like my evolution algorithm doesn't.
Second generator generates numbers that has some visible pattern but my evolution algorithm likes it that way anyway and whole thing run little faster than with the first generator.
But the third approach shows that it's absolutely fine to just provide all numbers from host (cpu). First I though that generating (in my case) 1536 int32 numbers and passing them to GPU in every kernel call would be too expensive (to compute and transfer to GPU). But it turns out, it is as fast as my previous attempts. And CPU load stays under 5%.
BTW, I also tried MWC64X Random but after I installed new GPU driver the function mul_hi starts causing build fail (even whole AMD Kernel Analyer crashed).
the following is the algorithm used by the java.util.Random class according to the doc:
(seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1)
See the documentation for its various implementations. Passing the worker's id in for the seed and looping a few time should produce decent randomness
or another metod would be to have some random operations occur that are fairly ceratain to overflow:
long rand= yid*xid*as_float(xid-yid*xid);
with xid=get_global_id(0); and yid= get_global_id(1);
I am currently implementing a Realtime Path Tracer. You might already know that Path Tracing requires many many random numbers.
Before generating random numbers on the GPU I simply generated them on the CPU (using rand(), which sucks) and passed them to the GPU.
That quickly became a bottleneck.
Now I am generating the random numbers on the GPU with the Park-Miller Pseudorandom Number Generator (PRNG).
It is extremely simple to implement and achieves very good results.
I took thousands of samples (in the range of 0.0 to 1.0) and averaged them together.
The resulting value was very close to 0.5 (which is what you would expect). Between different runs the divergence from 0.5 was around 0.002. Therefore it has a very uniform distribution.
Here's a paper describing the algorithm:
And here's a paper about the above algorithm optimized for CUDA (which can easily be ported to OpenCL):
Here's an example of how I'm using it:
int rand(int* seed) // 1 <= *seed < m
int const a = 16807; //ie 7**5
int const m = 2147483647; //ie 2**31-1
*seed = (long(*seed * a))%m;
kernel random_number_kernel(global int* seed_memory)
int global_id = get_global_id(1) * get_global_size(0) + get_global_id(0); // Get the global id in 1D.
// Since the Park-Miller PRNG generates a SEQUENCE of random numbers
// we have to keep track of the previous random number, because the next
// random number will be generated using the previous one.
int seed = seed_memory[global_id];
int random_number = rand(&seed); // Generate the next random number in the sequence.
seed_memory[global_id] = *seed; // Save the seed for the next time this kernel gets enqueued.
The code serves just as an example. I have not tested it.
The array "seed_memory" is being filled with rand() only once before the first execution of the kernel. After that, all random number generation is happening on the GPU. I think it's also possible to simply use the kernel id instead of initializing the array with rand().
It seems OpenCL does not provide such functionality. However, some people have done some research on that and provide BSD licensed code for producing good random numbers on GPU.
This is my version of OpenCL float pseudorandom noise, using trigonometric function
//noise values in range if 0.0 to 1.0
static float noise3D(float x, float y, float z) {
float ptr = 0.0f;
return fract(sin(x*112.9898f + y*179.233f + z*237.212f) * 43758.5453f, &ptr);
__kernel void fillRandom(float seed, __global float* buffer, int length) {
int gi = get_global_id(0);
float fgi = float(gi)/length;
buffer[gi] = noise3D(fgi, 0.0f, seed);
You can generate 1D or 2D noize by passing to noise3D normalized index coordinates as a first parameters, and the random seed (generated on CPU for example) as a last parameter.
Here are some noise pictures generated with this kernel and different seeds:
GPU don't have good sources of randomness, but this can be easily overcome by seeding a kernel with a random seed from the host. After that, you just need an algorithm that can work with a massive number of concurrent threads.
This link describes a Mersenne Twister implementation using OpenCL: Parallel Mersenne Twister. You can also find an implementation in the NVIDIA SDK.
I had the same problem.
You can find the documentation here.
You can download the library here:
why not? you could just write a kernel that generates random numbers, tough that would need more kernel calls and eventually passing the random numbers as argument to your other kernel which needs them
you cant generate random numbers in kernel , the best option is to generate the random number in host (CPU) and than transfer that to the GPU through buffers and use it in the kernel.

Performing operations on CUDA matrices while reading from a global Point

Hey there,
I have a mathematical function (multidimensional which means that there's an index which I pass to the C++-function on which single mathematical function I want to return. E.g. let's say I have a mathematical function like that:
f = Vector(x^2*y^2 / y^2 / x^2*z^2)
I would implement it like that:
double myFunc(int function_index)
case 1:
return PNT[0]*PNT[0]*PNT[1]*PNT[1];
case 2:
return PNT[1]*PNT[1];
case 3:
return PNT[2]*PNT[2]*PNT[1]*PNT[1];
whereas PNT is defined globally like that: double PNT[ NUM_COORDINATES ]. Now I want to implement the derivatives of each function for each coordinate thus generating the derivative matrix (columns = coordinates; rows = single functions). I wrote my kernel already which works so far and which call's myFunc().
The Problem is: For calculating the derivative of the mathematical sub-function i concerning coordinate j, I would use in sequential mode (on CPUs e.g.) the following code (whereas this is simplified because usually you would decrease h until you reach a certain precision of your derivative):
f0 = myFunc(i);
PNT[ j ] += h;
derivative = (myFunc(j)-f0)/h;
PNT[ j ] -= h;
now as I want to do this on the GPU in parallel, the problem is coming up: What to do with PNT? As I have to increase certain coordinates by h, calculate the value and than decrease it again, there's a problem coming up: How to do it without 'disturbing' the other threads? I can't modify PNT because other threads need the 'original' point to modify their own coordinate.
The second idea I had was to save one modified point for each thread but I discarded this idea quite fast because when using some thousand threads in parallel, this is a quite bad and probably slow (perhaps not realizable at all because of memory limits) idea.
So how I do it currently is the following, which adds the value 'add' on runtime (without storing it somewhere) via preprocessor macro to the coordinate identified by coord_index.
#define X(n) ((coordinate_index == n) ? (PNT[n]+add) : PNT[n])
__device__ double myFunc(int function_index, int coordinate_index, double add)
//*// Example: f[i] = x[i]^3
return (X(function_index)*X(function_index)*X(function_index));
// */
That works quite nicely and fast. When using a derivative matrix with 10000 functions and 10000 coordinates, it just takes like 0.5seks. PNT is defined either globally or as constant memory like __constant__ double PNT[ NUM_COORDINATES ];, depending on the preprocessor variable USE_CONST.
The line return (X(function_index)*X(function_index)*X(function_index)); is just an example where every sub-function looks the same scheme, mathematically spoken:
f = Vector(x0^3 / x1^3 / ... / xN^3)
myFunc is a mathematical function which the user should be able to implement as he likes to. E.g. he could also implement the following mathematical function:
f = Vector(x0^2*x1^2*...*xN^2 / x0^2*x1^2*...*xN^2 / ... / x0^2*x1^2*...*xN^2)
thus every function looking the same. You as a programmer should only code once and not depending on the implemented mathematical function. So when the above function is being implemented in C++, it looks like the following:
__device__ double myFunc(int function_index, int coordinate_index, double add)
double ret = 1.0;
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_COORDINATES; i++)
ret *= X(i)*X(i);
return ret;
And now the memory accesses are very 'weird' and bad for performance issues because each thread needs access to each element of PNT twice. Surely, in such a case where each function looks the same, I could rewrite the complete algorithm which surrounds the calls to myFunc, but as I stated already: I don't want to code depending on the user-implemented function myFunc...
Could anybody come up with an idea how to solve this problem??
Rewinding back to the beginning and starting with a clean sheet, it seems you want to be able to do two things
compute an arbitrary scalar valued
function over an input array
approximate the partial derivative of an arbitrary scalar
valued function over the input array
using first order accurate finite differencing
While the function is scalar valued and arbitrary, it seems that there are, in fact, two clear forms which this function can take:
A scalar valued function with scalar arguments
A scalar valued function with vector arguments
You appeared to have started with the first type of function and have put together code to deal with computing both the function and the approximate derivative, and are now wrestling with the problem of how to deal with the second case using the same code.
If this is a reasonable summary of the problem, then please indicate so in a comment and I will continue to expand it with some code samples and concepts. If it isn't, I will delete it in a few days.
In comments, I have been trying to suggest that conflating the first type of function with the second is not a good approach. The requirements for correctness in parallel execution, and the best way of extracting parallelism and performance on the GPU are very different. You would be better served by treating both types of functions separately in two different code frameworks with different usage models. When a given mathematical expression needs to be implemented, the "user" should make a basic classification as to whether that expression is like the model of the first type of function, or the second. The act of classification is what drives algorithmic selection in your code. This type of "classification by algorithm" is almost universal in well designed libraries - you can find it in C++ template libraries like Boost and the STL, and you can find it in legacy Fortran codes like the BLAS.
