Providing raw MP3/AAC data to Flex/Flash from a custom container - apache-flex

Having had a quick look at the Flex docs I can't seem to find any reference to providing audio content to be played from a custom (possibly encrypted - don't worry, it's not that evil) container format. Is this possible and if so, could someone point me in the right direction.
Or if that's not possible, some way to hook into the disk/network (disk is much more important in this case) I/O of the sound playing mechanism to provide a supported container in memory from a custom wrapper.

Since Flash Player 10, it's posible to write PCM / raw audio data to a Sound Object.
Basically, you call play on an "empty" Sound Object and it will start dispatching periodically a SampleDataEvent, requesting data. You then can write to the audio stream through the data ByteArray exposed by the event object.
Also, if you're interested in good articles and reference for audio programming in Actionscript, you might want to check out Andre Michelle's stuf:

A must either be:
constructed/loaded with a URLRequest,
inherit its data through embedding
There currently is no provision for directly piping mp3 (or aac, or video) data to a any "media" object, such as Sound. You can only get the Sound object to download the data for itself. There are people who are upset about this, including myself; you are not alone!
I say "at this stage" because it's not unthinkable that Adobe will update the API to make this possible in a future version. For the now, you're best to go with the decoding-to-a-dynamic-sound workaround mentioned by Juan, if you really need to be able to do this.
And post a feature request at Adobe's bug tracker, or vote on an existing one!


multipart/mixed support in Netty

By browsing the source code and playing with some toy examples I got to the conclusion that Netty currently (as of 5.0.0 alpha2) supports only multipart/form-data, but not multipart/mixed, at least not as specified in RFC1342 (sec. 7.2). It looks like mixed is supported inside a part in multipart/form-data though.
Is that really the case or am I missing something?
Since I get the very same question, I post here what could be an beginning of answear...
However, the current implementation seems to have 2 limitations:
1) it supports only multipart/form-data. I would like to also be able
to use multipart/mixed, which is very similar on the wire (see ). I think that
the encoder/decoder could be extended to understand multipart/mixed
and still create the same kinds of HttpDatas.
Yes, the current codec is focused on multipart/form-data. I shall be possible to extend or propose a new one (based on it probably) to enable the support of multipart/mixed.
The current codec was made based on user needs (mine in the beginning, others following). Since no one yet has requested a support for multipart/mixed, it was not coded, except for internal multipart/mixed code.
The reference is RFC1867.
As Netty loves contributions, you are more than welcome to propose yours ;-)
2) it seems that is it only possible to use efficient HttpDatas like
FileUpload if you are in multipart/form-data. I would like to be able
to add a FileUpload to the request, and by this way make the contents
of the file be the body of the request, without making it a multipart
request. I think this could be done by extending the Standard Post
Encoder to understand FileUploads.
This could a bit more complicated since it has to be done without multipart, which holds currently the FileUpload class.
Maybe a good direction could be to switch to ChunkFile or ChunkNioFile and to combine it with "your" HttpCodec or in your "HttpHandler" when doing the body request, in order to pass the content through the ChunkFile.
Hoping this helps you in the right direction...

Generating a waveform from an audio (or video) file?

I'm trying to understand how I can generate a waveform from an audio (or video) file to display to the user.
I've been googling around for quite a while now and can't determine if this is even possible in Qt without using something like FFmpeg. I've seen all of these classes: QMediaPlayer, QMediaContent, QMediaResource, QAudioProbe and experimented with the Qt Media Player Example but am just not seeing where I can access the actual audio buffer.
So I have 2 questions:
Is what I want to do even possible without 3rd party libraries?
If it is possible, can some kind soul outline what I need to read and understand in order to access the audio data
I have tried the suggestions from this question (Audio visualization with QMediaPlayer) but the result of audioProbe->setSource(player) is always false and the method processBuffer never gets called.
audioProbe = new QAudioProbe(this);
bool success = audioProbe->setSource(player);
qDebug() << success;
connect(audioProbe, SIGNAL(audioBufferProbed(QAudioBuffer)), this, SLOT(processBuffer(QAudioBuffer)));
Update: Adding some additional detail in the hope of clarifying things.
For testing/learning I am using the Media Player Example which ships with Qt, so it is set up correctly with Q_OBJECT etc.
For audio, I tested with both .mp3 and .wav files. FWIW, the player example won't play video for some reason (.mp4, .avi were tested)
The player in the code is QMediaPlayer – which inherits from QMediaObject. The example code for the Player class is here. I added my code (in original comment above) right after the player is instantiated. I also tried adding it once media is loaded.
I tried declaring my slot first as private, then as public – either way, it is never called.
Frustrating that such a simple thing is so hard.
Going the "no external library" route will likely just lead to more of a headache and more work than is necessary. The other advantage of going with an established library is you won't be bound to one file format, as not all formats store their data the same way. If the audio format is uncompressed (wav or other) you can read the header until you get to the data chunk. An answer to this question here details this in C. You should be able to get an idea for the file format from this to apply it to another language.
You will want to understand how many channels are in the wav file, bit depth, and also the sampling rate before you can do anything worthwhile with the data. All this info can be grabbed from the header.
It turns out that QAudioProbe is not supported on OSX – the platform I am working on. Took quite a while (a "Qt while. . .") to ferret that info out so I am posting it here explicitly.
See this document for full details: Qt 5.5.0 Multimedia Backends

To Develop LMS and Scorm Sequesncing Engine

We want a LMS(coded in ASP.NET/ which is able to import SCORM packages & display it to learner for viewing content. I am totally new to SCORM and have been shifted to this project. I want to know how can I access SCORM Assessment object's (Test) result, like Learner ID, passed/fail, time.
Can you please guide me what will I need to implement in ASP.NET code to accomplish my goal ?
Task that I have done so far is,
Reading a manifest zip file, unzipping the file and get all information from the file(content name,description,items and launching page) and when user clicks on a particular course a pop up window is launching the page.
I eagerly want to know what I can do next to communicate with the LMS with the APIs. Shall I need to develop my own LMS to get the result,If there is a quiz which is running, all I need to know is the no of questions attempted by the user, whether the user is pass or fail and I need to store all information in the database for individual user so that I can review the result afterwards.
So the task remaining.
Tracking mechanism to deliver the content.
SCORM/LMS sequencing engine that controls the navigation between parts of SCORM conformant course.
Please help.
SLK at codeplex provides a good starting point. However, if you are truly wanting to provide an in-house written SCORM play that is fully compliant, you have a major task ahead of you. In essence there are three party you need to fully develop:
CAM - the unzipping process, which it sounds like you have already achieved.
RTE - the javascript host for SCORM, providing the 8 specified methods. Behind this you also need to implement the SCORM object model, which SLC does help with. If you have implemented all of this, then there should be data entries on the data model that indicate completion etc.
SN - the sequencing and navigation processing. This is significantly the most complex part. I am still in the process of trying to implement this, using SLC, and it is hard. It is the completion of this that will potentially give you more information that will enable you to know what has been done.
it is also worth looking at, who are a consultancy, but provide a lot of useful information about the scorm standard.
That is true. SCORM is one of these stadarts where you can implement as little as possible. But you will need some of Javascript with a Backend-Script (JSON to the rescue) so you can track the scorm data, and save it your database.
But let me tell you this: This is the easiest task! Making your own course-creator is a whole other beast.

Delay before playing embedded mp3 in Actionscript / Flex 3

I am embedding an mp3 into my Flex project for use as a sound effect, but I am finding that every time I play it, there is a delay of about half a second from when I call .play() to when you can hear the sound. This makes it weird because I want the sound effects to sync to game events. My mp3 itself is only about a fifth of a second long so it isn't because of the contents of the mp3.
I'm embedding with
public static var TockSound:Class;
public var tock_sound:SoundAsset;
and then playing with
if (tock_sound == null) {
tock_sound = new TockSound() as SoundAsset;
I know there's a delay because the sound plays about a half second after the Alert displays. I did consider that maybe it was the initial loading time of constructing the TockSound, but the delay is there on all the subsequent calls as well.
How can I avoid this delay on playing a sound?
Update: It turns out this delay is only present when playing the swf on Linux. I believe it is a Linux-specific flaw in Adobe's flash player.
Not sure about the reason, other than Flash always has had some bad audio latency issues. Read Tinic's blog to stay on top of this stuff:
One thing that might help: make sure your MP3 is 44.1kHz or else Flash will need to resample it.
You can actually embed a WAV file, it just takes work. You embed it as a byte array, and in FP9, dynamically construct a SWF file on the fly. Pretty horrible, but doable. :-) In FP10, you can use the dynamic sound API, so it's easy.
Try StandingWave
It has the ability to "cache" the sound before playing getting rid of those delays and clicks you normally hear
I haven't worked with audio in Flash too much but it sounds like the half second delay might be the Flash Player opening up the file and reading it into memory. You could try doing a play() and a stop() when you load the application. That might push it into memory.
The other option is using the StandingWave library which was built by the guys at Noteflight. You can get some additional control over the audio files with that library and hopefully it'll help your delay problem.
The problem is that all MP3s have a random amount of blank time at the beginning of the file that is put there during the compression process. Modern software jukeboxes(itunes, songbird etc...) compensate for this by scanning the file before its played and determining the songs actual starting point. Your best bet for sound effects is to use .wav files as their format allows for instant playback, but with a filesize hit.
you might also try: <- they claim to be able to trim the space off the mp3.

in flex, dynamically load Sound object from encoded bytes

I have a legacy file format that contains sounds embedded in it (in various encodings). I would like to be able to play these sounds in Flash (Air?) by reading the sound bytes out of the file and instantiating a Sound object with them.
If the sound is unencoded (e.g., raw pcm), I've found that I can use the new flex 4 SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA event to play the sound.
However, if the sound is encoded (e.g., mp3), then I'm at a loss. The sound expected by SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA has to be raw pcm. From what I've seen, encoded Sounds can only be instantiated by [Embed]ing them, or by using a URLRequest with Sound.load().
Surely there's a third way? AMF or e4x?
There are really only two routes for you to go. The first is to write a decoder in ActionScript. You may be able to use Alchemy to port over some C/C++ code to make this job significantly easier (and possibly more performant). This is exactly how I got Ogg Vorbis playback to work with Flash.
The other option is to dynamically create a valid SWF inside of a ByteArray. That SWF could contain an embedded sound object that was made up of your sound data. A number of folks have pulled off similar hacks in the past before Flash Player 10 was available. I believe you can find a good place to start in Andre Michelle's and Joa Ebert's PopForge codebase.
