IIS7 Mixed Mode Authentication - iis-7

We're getting ready to start migrating some of our IIS6 sites to IIS7, and the application currently uses Forms Authentication. We have started getting some requests from various sites to use the Windows Authentication for the users. While this is easy enough to implement (and I've shown internally that there is no issue with the app, as expected) the question then is how to continue to keep Forms authentication for when Integrated Windows doesn't work. I've seen several walkthroughs on how to have it configured on IIS6, and I could do the same thing on IIS7, but then I have to turn on Classic Mode processing. Any solution should also be back portable to IIS6, if possible, to keep the build tree simple.
So what are my options on this? Do I setup the app with Integrated Windows Authentication in IIS7, Forms Auth in the web.config, and redirect 401 errors to an "error page" allowing them to login using forms, then back to the regular app?
The case when Forms is likely to be needed is going to be reserved for Contract workers, our support staff, and if someone needs to access it on their site from their Extranet. So primarily it's for our staff to login to check functionality and confirm bug reports. I suggested we just maintain that for our support staff to work, we need a Windows login that will always be live, and then we'll just enforce local responsibility on who can login to the site, but I'm told that we would do better to have Forms Authentication.
Any thoughts? I can post some of the links of the articles I've already read through if that would help the forum better narrow my needs.
tl;dr: How to do mixed mode authentication (forms, windows) in IIS7 without changing to classic pipeline and still be able to use the build in IIS6 if possible.

No, that's not quite right, but I can't do a code block in a comment reply, so I'll post a new answer ...
The following code block allows me to control anon access from IIS7 without having to muck about in the metabase (where GUI changes on IIS6 get applied)
<location path="WindowsLogin.aspx" >
<deny users="?" />
<allow users="*" />
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" />

thanks for getting back to me, I have been playing round with several of the implementations on and off for a few weeks now, that I've read about on the internet (javascript, 401, 2 virtual directories) but still havnt really found anything that works as I wanted. We will be potentially rolling it out to more than one client-each with different hardware/setups even different versions of iis, so wanted it to be as generic as possible. Ive come up against a brick wall on a couple of the suggested solutions...
when you say for IIS7+ you removed anon access in web config, I assume like this: -
<location path="Authent/WinLogin.aspx" >
<add accessType="Deny" users="?" />

I spent a few days trying to get this to work, with a slight difference... I wanted the first login screen to present the forms login with an button underneath "Login With Windows Authentication".
I eventually gave up on all these techniques, as I never could quite get the satisfactory results. My workaround was as follows, and works perfectly:
Create a separate website "LoginWithIntegratedSecurity"
Set this up with integrated security
This web site creates a temporary "User Hash Key" in the database, which identifies the user
Redirects back to LogonPage in Forms Authentication website with Hash key in url
LogonPage in Forms Authentication checks for Hash key, and logs user in after database check
So if the User clicks the button "Login with windows Authentication", the server redirects to the windows authentication site (passing the "ReturnUrl"). This site challenges and logs in user, then redirects back, again passing the "ReturnUrl" as well as the HashKey.
This all happens very fast, and appears pretty seamless.
I know its a hacky workaround, but for my case it worked well.


Issue getting ASP.Net and Windows Authentication working on IIS

I have a simple ASP.Net page with VB code running on WIN7 Enterprise VM with IIS 7.5 on which I need to get the visitors domain username on load and store it in a string variable.
The page is hosted internally on our domain and IIS is setup to authenticate anonymously.
I am getting the username with the following code: Environment.Username but of course it always says that the logged on user is IUSR
I installed the Windows Authentication component for IIS but don't know how to get it to work properly. I only started with ASP and IIS last month so I am very new to this. I only want this to apply to a specific folder so I selected it and enabled Windows Authentication, set it NTLM, and disabled Anonymous + ASP Impersenation. That didnt work. I think I tried every combination possible and all I am getting is either error 500, 404 because it tries to redirect to some login page which doesnt exist and sometimes I would get a username/password prompt but even then it wont accept anything
I dont want to prompt users, I just want to pass their existing logon info and open the page. Can someone please tell me how to set this up. I spent all day looking at hundreds of forums and sites and could not get it to work.
I also added the following to the web.config file:
<Identify impersonate="true" />
Make sure you specify authorized users in web.config:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="mydomain\someADgroup"/>
<allow users="mydomain\somuser"/>
<allow users="*" /> <!-- if you want it open to anybody, as long as they are authenticated-- on the domain!>

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name returns blank

I am using HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name to get the user name when the web application is in use. During development I was using my local iis, with integrated windows authentication enabled and anonymous access enabled and disabled, and I was able to get the username.
Now, when I publish the web application, it comes back blank. The setup on the published server is the same, and I have tried using Page.User.Identity.Name, which also returned blank.
Does anyone know why this is and how to fix it?
You probably had Anonymous Authentication on as well as Windows Authentication. Turn off Anonymous off.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
In IIS config for the app,
look in Authentication tab
Set **Anonymous Authentication** to **Disabled** and
Set **Windows Authentication** to **Enabled**
This should work and the Identity.UserName should now show up properly.
HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name always work for me in VS 2012 environment and IIS 7
To solve the problem, you have to enable the Windows Authentication feature. Follow the below steps:
-Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Open the Programs group.
-Under Programs and -Features, click Turn Windows Features on or off.
-Expand the item labeled Internet Information Services.
-Expand the item labeled World Wide Web Services.
-Expand the item Security ->
Make sure to select Windows Authentication
Also you need to disable Anonymous Authentication from the IIS as follows:
-Click on your application in IIS
-Double click Authentication under IIS group
-Click on Anonymous Authentication
-Click on Disable on the right side under Actions.
Hope this helps
When working with WIF you should use Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name instead of User.Identity.Name.
Read more here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff872350.aspx to learn more about Windows Identity Foundation
Similar question: User.Identity.Name is null after authenticate via WIF
set <authentication mode="Forms"> in web.config file & Your Problem Will solve.
Test your web-site by using below code
if (Page.User.Identity.Name != "" )
Label1.Text = "Hello";
This will not solve the original post, but want to put this here anyways in case others stumble across this when searching for why user.identity is returning nothing...
In my case User.Identity started returning nothing after updating a users ad username (specifically the pre-windows 2000 username).
The LSA cache on IIS was the issue. Even after restarting the IIS server while troubleshooting the issue persisted. It was not until adding the registry setting outlined here the the issue was fixed:
For a blank return, my solution ended up being the web.config. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, and the default web.config did not work. I replaced it with a nearly empty web.config and then success! Perhaps the default vs2010 web.config called too many references or configured the IIS incorrectly for the use of User.Identity.Name. My system is Windows7.
Default asp.net web site web.config from vs2010 was about 100-115 lines long. As you can see below the nearly empty web.config is about 20 lines long.
the web.config that i used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="Doman Name\Group Name" users="" />
<deny users="*" />
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true" />
<add accessType="Allow" users="" roles="Doman Name\Group Name" />
In IIS: click on your Site.
In Home Page: Authentication.
In Action menu: Open Feature.
Disable Anonymous Authentication.
Restart Site.
steps 1,2,3
step 4

ASP.NET Authentication Issues on IIS7 - User.Identity.Name is empty for Windows authentication

We have an ASP.NET application on ASP.NET 4.0 using MVC 3 which uses Windows authentication.
When run from Visual Studio 2010 everything works as expected but when rolled out to IIS7 the Windows logged in user never gets populated (checking User.Identity.Name). No dialog prompt for user credentials comes up either.
The web.config setting:
<authentication mode="Windows" />
In IIS I can see that Windows authentication is enabled, as is Anonymous (disabling Anonymous results in a 403 Forbidden and no content being shown).
I've tried both enabling and disabling "Kernel-mode authentication" (useKernelMode="true"), but this doesn't seem to make any difference. Though I do remember that we had to disable this setting on another site on a different server to get the authentication to work properly (might point to a potential issue further down the stack?).
In case it's useful, from IIS's applicationHost.config:
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" />
<digestAuthentication enabled="false" />
<basicAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true" useKernelMode="false">
<clear />
<add value="NTLM" />
Any ideas what the issue could be?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Update 1
I managed to find another IIS7 server to test on and I found if I disabled Anonymous access everything worked as desired. However I still have issues on the original IIS7 server even when I disable Anonymous access as well (I'm keeping Anonymous disabled now). So there must be some issue further down the stack I guess. Any ideas? Something I need to fix as it's going to keep popping up and biting us I imagine.
Update 2
If I enable Digest Authentication on the problem IIS7 box then I am challenged with the login prompt dialog and everything works as expected if I provide suitable credentials. But being an internal web app with users already logged in to the domain we don't really want to challenge them this way. Credentials should be passed through transparently as it works on the second IIS7 box.
Update 3
Some progress... I've found that if the web app is in the root and not a sub site then directly editing the applicationHost.config file for IIS7 to give the following authentication settings allows the site to work as expected:
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" />
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
<clear />
<add value="NTLM" />
<digestAuthentication enabled="false" />
Using IIS7's UI to configure the authentication doesn't give quite the right results. authentication items are either missing after wards (as I guess IIS7 assumes they are being inherited) or they have the wrong settings (windowsAuthentication seems to need the providers configuration above present to work correctly).
Unfortunatly the web application in question is actually a sub application as there's an internal version (using windows authentication > www.site.com/internal) and an external version (using forms authentication > www.site.com/external). I still can't get the authentication to work as a sub application yet. I just get a "Error Code: 403 Forbidden".
In this case it was a Microsoft ISA Server issue. Seems the request was being routed internally through ISA for the Windows Authenticated site, once ISA was removed the problem disappeared.
I don't know a lot about ISA and how it routes requests but I assume it must have been stripping out some important information from the request because of some rule someone will have configured.
As a side note in case it helps diagnose similar setups: I was told by the network admin staff that internal traffic was not routed through ISA, but pinging the website internally showed that ISA was actually in play.
You mentioned that disabling anonymous access worked on another server, but on your main server you are experiencing 403 errors. Therefore, I would check the file based permissions on the folder where your site is running from. In the past I have needed to grant the \Network Serivce account full control to the site folder and all subfolders or I would experience 403 errors. Check the file permissions on the server that is working and see if there are differences with the server that is not working.
Also, if this is not the issue, I would recommend comparing all of the other IIS settings between the two servers, since you know it works on one and not the other. Find the difference.

Developing public site using vs 2010, authentication should be?

I'm developing a public web site in vs2010,
can I keep the authentication as windows authentication and just enable anon access
or should I leave it with the default forms authentication.
The site will NOT require any type of logging in mechanism...so really I dont see a point in forms authentication, but most users will not have windows authentication either.
So I am confused, in my asp.net web.config file what authentication do I use for a public website?
I also asked this question which is kind of related: developing site in vs2010 but changed to local IIS and prompts
But I am not having any luck with this :(. The site when using local IIS keeps prompting for a user name and password (See the stackoverflow question I posted above), ive checked the app pools, the security, and the permissions and it still prompts me for a user name and password. It prompts me about 10 times and if I keep cancelling out of it the page comes up but the images are not displayed nor is the CSS rendered. So it looks like it prompts for each image on the site, but all folders inherit from the parent and I've added Network, Network service, ASPNET user, the default app pool user...I dont know what else to do.
So two issues:
1) What do I specify in my web config for a public site
2) How do I get rid of this prompting!
You don't need to specify specify any authentication. Just deploy it as is, with the Web.Config out of the box.
<authentication mode="None" />
Go here for more reading.
Because it is prompting you with a login dialog, try using an authorization element in your web.config file with any authentication you like. Use "*" to allow access to all users by default. Refer to this article for more detail.
<allow users="*" />
Your web.config file has two sections that control requests for login. These are
<authentication> ... </authentication>
<authorisation> --- </authorization>
Authorization controls who can access what, and Authentication determines how the credentials of a particular user are established to see if they have the correct authorization to access your site.
An example of their usage might be
<allow users="*" />
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="login.aspx" timeout="40320" cookieless="UseCookies" slidingExpiration="true" />
which allows access to all users to the root of my applications and their credentials are determined using forms authentication.
Other parts of your site are allowed to have alternate authorization requirements through the use of a location tag in your web.config
However, neither section is required if no part of your site requires this functionality. However, you should be aware that there other places that this might be determined. There is a file called machine.config that determines the settings for the machine. Your web.config has priority over the machine.config, but if the authorization and authentication settings are made in the machine.config and not in you web.config then the machine.config wins.
Hope that helps. If you can post your web.config that might help us to point you in the right direction.

ASP.NET Forms Authorization

I'm working on a website built with pure HTML and CSS, and I need a way to restrict access to pages located within particular directories within the site. The solution I came up with was, of course, ASP.NET Forms Authorization. I created the default Visual Studio log in form and set up the users, roles, and access restrictions with Visual Studio's wizard. The problem is, I can't log in to the website with the credentials that I have set.
I'm using IIS 7.
I'd guess (since I don't have IIS7 handy ATM) that you'd need to turn off Anonomyous Auth, and enable Forms Auth in the IIS7 sections.
At what point did you insert your login/password? Did you have a look at the tables that where created? Althought your password must be encrypted, maybe it's worth just checking if your user was actually created.
At what point did you insert your login/password? Did you have a look at the tables that where created? Althought your password must be encrypted, maybe it's worth just checking if your user was actually created.
Forms Authentication does not require any form of user database.
Steve, can you please paste in your forms authentication web.config section, also any relevant code to the ASP.NET Login control you were using.
There is not enough information to troubleshoot here yet :)
The web.config section is pretty useless as far as I can tell:
<authentication mode="Forms" />
I looked in IIS 7, and in the Authentication section it says: Anonymous Authentication = Enabled, ASP.NET Impersonation = Disabled, Basic Authentication = Disabled, Forms Authentication = Disabled.
Also, I have made no changes to the code other than dragging a Login object onto the designer and changing the page it points at to index.html.
Currently, the log in fails by displaying the log in failed text.
EDIT: Earlier when I would try to navigate directly to a page that is restricted, I would receive a blue page saying that I had insufficient permissions. Now I can see the pages that are restricted without logging in even though I have anon access denied.
I don't think the issue is with your IIS settings. Because forms authentication does not rely on IIS authentication, you should configure anonymous access for your application in IIS if you intend to use forms authentication in your ASP.NET application.
Try this in your web.config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<authentication mode="Forms" >
<forms loginUrl="~/login.aspx" defaultUrl="~/">
<credentials passwordFormat="Clear">
<user name="YourUsername" password="superSecret" />
<deny users="?"/>
There are better ways to implement forms authentication than hardcoding a username and password into your web.config, but this should work for getting you started.
