Is it possible to do a #define in Adobe Flex? - apache-flex

I'm looking for a way to do something similar to a c/c++ #define in adobe flex.
I'd like to have lots of different paths a project build can take depending on wither or not something was defined. Does such a thing exist in flex?
I know there is ways to set global variables but that wont really suit my purpose. being able to have structures with numerous #ifndefined and such is really what i'm in need of.

Actually MXMLC (the compiler in the Flex SDK) does support some limited preprocessor features. You can use them to pass in constant values, or to simulate #ifdef / #ifndef type functionality.
Check out this documentation
Example 1:
This code only gets executed if the -define=CONFIG::debugging,true flag is passed to the compiler:
CONFIG::debugging {
// Execute debugging code here.
Example 2:
Change the color of the button depending on if you defined 'CONFIG::release' or 'CONFIG::debugging'
// compilers/
package {
import mx.controls.Button;
public class MyButton extends Button {
public function MyButton() {
// Set the label text to blue.
setStyle("color", 0x0000FF);
public class MyButton extends Button {
public function MyButton() {
// Set the label text to red.
setStyle("color", 0xFF0000);

Just to keep this info here, it is possible to use the C Pre-Processor (CPP) with AS3 if you want to. It provides more powerful features than the ones built into MXMLC, if you need them. Example:


Activating/Deactivating GameObject Not Working

I can't seem to get my button to activate gameobject. At the moment, I have the gameobject deactivating in the scene, but my button doesn't activate the gameobject. What am I'm missing in my coding? The script is currently not attach to the gameobject.
#pragma strict
public var myObject :GameObject;
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1120,930,100,50),"3D OBJECT"))
I dont understand your question well but,
first of all if you want to use GUI you must do it in OnGUI function.
function OnGUI () {
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(1120,930,100,50),"3D OBJECT"))
By the way i strongly recommend you that: Use Unity UI for GUI purposes.

Make File.nativePath bindable? or how to extend flash.filesystem.file

I would ultimately like to make .nativePath bindable or fire an event when it changes in Adobe Air. I figured I'd just extend the File class and be good.
But I cant find its source anywhere (so I know how to extend it). I've dug through quite a bit and didnt see anything.
Is there a way to make .nativePath bindable or extend File?
alxx, your code was definitely close. Thank you - it gave me an idea on how to extend it. Working code:
public class FileEx extends File
public function FileEx(path:String=null)
override public function get nativePath():String
return super.nativePath;
override public function set nativePath(value:String):void
dispatchEvent(new Event("nativePathChanged"));
The File Class is part of the Flash package, so it is not open source and you won't be able to get your hands on the code (unless you're deep in the inner circle of Adobe developers).
In theory you can extend the class, as it is not marked as final, and make the nativePath Bindable that way, but I'm not sure of the benefit. You'd have to expand on your use case to evaluate that.
You don't need source to subclass something. As long as it's not final, just extend it and override something you need:
public class BindableFile extends File {
override public function get nativePath():String {
return super.nativePath;
override public function set nativePath(value:String):void {
super.nativePath = value;
Not tested, but looks realistic :)

How do I manage library symbols with linked classes in Flash CS4 to compile/debug in Flash Builder 4?

I'm building a video player using Flash CS4 (hereby referred to as "Flash") to create the graphic symbols and compiling and debugging with Flash Builder 4 ("FB4"). Here are the steps I take in my current workflow:
--Create the graphic symbols in Flash. I've created a few different symbols for the player, but I'll focus on just the play/pause button ("ppbutton") here.
--In the Library panel, I go to the ppbutton symbol's Linkage properties and link to a class named assets.PlayPauseButtonAsset that extends MovieClip. I do not actually have an assets package nor do I have a class file for PlayPauseButtonAsset as Flash will create them for me when I publish.
--In Flash's Publish settings, I set the project to export a SWC that will be used in FB4, called VideoPlayerAssets.swc.
--After the SWC is created, I create my FB4 project called "VideoPlayer" and add the SWC to my path. FB4 creates the class VideoPlayer in the default package automatically.
--In, I import assets.*, which imports all of the symbol classes I created in Flash and are available via VideoPlayerAssets.swc. I can now instantiate the ppbutton and add to the stage, like this:
var ppbutton:PlayPauseButtonAsset = new PlayPauseButtonAsset();
At this point ppbutton doesn't have any functionality because I didn't create any code for it. So I create a new class called video.controls.PlayPauseButtonLogic which extends assets.PlayPauseButtonAsset. I add some logic, and now I can use that new class to put a working ppbutton on the stage:
var ppbutton:PlayPauseButtonLogic = new PlayPauseButtonLogic();
This works fine, but you may be asking why I didn't just link the ppbutton symbol in Flash to the video.controls.PlayPauseButtonLogic class in the first place. The reason is that I have a designer creating the UI in Flash and I don't want to have to re-publish the SWC from Flash every time I make a change in the logic. Basically, I want my designer to be able to make a symbol in Flash, link that symbol to a logically named class in Linkage properties, and export the SWC. I do not want to have to touch that .fla file again unless the designer makes changes to the symbols or layout. I'm using a versioning system for the project as well and it's cleaner to make sure only the designer is touching the .fla file.
So, finally, here's the issue I'm running into:
--As the design gets more complex, the designer is nesting symbols to position the video controls on the control bar. He creates a controlbar symbol and links it to assets.ControlBarAsset. The controlbar symbol contains the ppbutton symbol.
--The designer publishes the SWC and ControlBarAsset is now available in FB4. I create new class called video.controls.ControlBarLogic that extends assets.ControlBarAsset so I can add some logic to the controlbar, and I add the controlbar to the stage:
var controlbar:ControlBarLogic = new ControlBarLogic();
--This works, but the ppbutton doesn't do anything. That's because ppbutton, while inside controlbar, is still only linked to PlayPauseButtonAsset, which doesn't have any logic. I'm no longer instantiating a ppbutton object because it's part of controlbar.
That's where I'm stuck today. I can't seem to simply re-cast controlbar's ppbutton as PlayPauseButtonLogic as I get a Type error. And I don't want to have to make a class that has to instantiate each of the video player controls, the place them at their x and y values on the stage according to how the designer placed them, as that would require me to open the .fla and check the various properties of a symbol, then add those values to the code. If the designer made a change, I'd have to go into the code each time just to update those properties each time. Not good.
How do I re-cast nested symbols to use the logic classes that I create that extend the asset classes? Remember, the solution is not to link Flash symbols to actual classes so I don't have to keep recompiling the SWC, unless there's a way to do that without having to re-compile the SWC. I want the designer to do his thing, publish the SWC, and be done with it. Then I can take his SWC, apply my logic to his assets, and be able to debug and compile the final SWF.
Here is the solution that i use sometimes:
Instead of making PlayPauseButtonLogic extends PlayPauseButtonAsset, use this class as a warpper of PalyPauseButtonAsset, use composition instead of inheritance ! ; ).
You will get something like this in your ControlBarLogic class:
//constructor exemple
public function ControlBarLogic(){
//all logic of PPButton is inside PlayPauseButtonLogic
//you just pass a reference to the PlayPauseButtonAsset button contained inside ControlBarAsset
var ppButtonLogic: PlayPauseButtonLogic=new PlayPauseButtonLogic(refToButtonAsset)
//the warper class can extends EventDispatcher so you will be able to listen to custom or redisatched events
hope it will help you
You can have two classes, one holding functionality and the other providing its graphical implementation (asset/skin)
Have PlayPauseButtonLogic extend AssetWrapper.
A simple way to solve your issue regarding event listeners, you can do the following:
package {
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
public class AssetWrapper implements IEventDispatcher {
private var _skin:DisplayObjectContainer;
public function AssetWrapper( skin:DisplayObjectContainer = null ) {
if ( skin ) setSkin(skin);
public function setSkin(skin:DisplayObjectContainer):void{
_skin = skin;
public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean{
public function hasEventListener(type:String):Boolean{
return _skin.hasEventListener(type);
public function willTrigger(type:String):Boolean{
return _skin.willTrigger(type);
public function removeEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false):void{
_skin.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = false):void{
_skin.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, priority, useWeakReference);
You can then, of course, just add as many properties/methods to AssetWrapper that delegate to the DisplayObject (skin) as you need. It also gives you more control onto those properties/methods.
public function get x( ):Number {
return _skin.x;
public function set x( v:Number ):void {
if ( _skin.x = v ) return;
if ( _useWholePixels ) _skin.x = Math.round(v);
else _skin.x = v;
That way, for instance, you can tween your AssetWrapper instance directly. Also, you can control if you want it to be placed in round numbers (x=100) or not (x=100.5)
For methods, just the same idea:
public function addChild( child:DisplayObject ):DisplayObject {
return _skin.addChild( child );
Then to use it, you would extend AssetWrapper and implement a concrete behavior:
package {
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
public class SimpleButton extends AssetWrapper {
public function SimpleButton( skin:DisplayObjectContainer = null ) {
override public function setSkin( skin:DisplayObjectContainer):void {
super.setSkin( skin );
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onRollOver );
addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onRollOut );
protected function _onRollOver(e:MouseEvent):void {
_skin.alpha = .5;
And you would use it as follows:
//you can get your graphical assets in many different ways
var buttonSkin:Sprite = new LibraryButtonSkin
var ButtonSkinClass:Class = this.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition("SimpleButtonSkin") as Class;
buttonSkin = new ButtonSkinClass;
var button:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton(buttonSkin);
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _handleButton);
It is just a guide, in the real implementation you want to make sure you check for things like if a skin already exists, then remove all added listeners. You would probably could listen for an ADDED_TO_STAGE event and trigger a initialize method...
Also is a great to clean up after your instance by implement a destroy() method where you make sure all added listeners are removed and null/stop things like timers, sounds, etc.
Wow all the flow and we sunk in the finish line....
well, what about something like this
PlayButtonBehavior extends...
The trick, the graphic components should all implement some interface that allow them to pass a behavior at instantiation time, or even better, at runtime. The you just plug the login in, the logic will always remain outside and the poor assets will keep asking or answering to the same interface call, allowing you to work outside them.
could be?.

Adobe Flex3: Keyboard shortcuts when a view is visible?

I have a quite large Flex application with a large set of views and I ceratain views I'd like to add shortcuts.
And i'm looking for something like:
<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>
Is there any framwork or component already done that does something like this? I guess it should be too difficult to build? When building this I only want the shortcuts to be active when the view is visible. How do I detect this? What base class is best to inherit from when working with non visual components?
I don't know of any framework component that does that already, but the examples above should get you started if you try to build your own.
There's no need to inherit from any component for a non-visual component like the one you've described here (your "foo" class needs no parents.) There's nothing in the Flex framework you need to inherit from for this.
However you architect it, your foo class is going to have to take in and parse keyboard codes to listen for and accept one or more methods to call. All you have to do is figure out when to add and remove the event listeners that will call the passed-in methods.
To handle turning your keyboard events on and off based on visibility, just have your foo component bind to the "visible" property of it's parent and add/remove event listeners accordingly.
You might also consider having the listeners added when the component that foo is nested in is on the display list rather than just visible. To do this, simply added and remove your event listeners in one of the component lifecycle methods - probably commitProperties is the most appropriate.
I don't think this solution answer your question directly but anyway, to help solve your problem here is an example.
For instance, I've extended the TextArea component like so. This is the best I can do so far, it can definitely be improved upon. Like, I don't know how to make the cursor go to the end after the next shortcut is pressed.
public class TextArea extends mx.controls.TextArea
// the keysmap is an example dictionary holding keycodes
private var keysmap:*={
112 = "some text for F1"
,113 = "the text for F2!"
//etc, etc
public var handleKeyDown:Boolean =false;
public function TextArea(){
if(handleKeyDown ==true){
public function keydownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
if(e.keyCode >= 112 && e.keyCode <= 123){
e.currentTarget["text"] += String(keysmap[e.keyCode]) +" ";
I can't give you a solution using MXML, however my first thought would involve a singleton static class with a Dictionary that contains a list of objects as its keys and dynamically created dictionaries as the value pairing that contain keys denoting the desired key press with a function reference as the value.
So, say you had a Sprite and you wanted to capture ctrl+s for save when focus is on that object, I would get the instance of that Singleton, and call a function such as registerKeyBinding passing in the Sprite, the keyCode you want, and your pre-defined callback:
private var registeredObjects:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
public function registerKeyBinding(targetObject:Object, keyCode:int, callback:Function) {
if (registeredObjects[targetObject]) {
Dictionary(registeredObjects[targetObject])[keyCode] = callback;
else {
registeredObjects[targetObject] = new Dictionary();
Dictionary(registeredObjects[targetObject])[keyCode] = callback;
targetObject.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownListener);
private function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (e.ctrlKey == true) {
//calls the function if that key exists.
Can't say I've tested this, but it was just the first thing that popped into my head. You could then setup functions to deregister and delete keys from the dictionaries, check states of the objects in addition to the keyCodes, remove old listeners, and delete entire dictionaries when there is no longer a need for them. Hopefully this is at least a tiny bit helpful.

How do I change the appearance of nodes in a Tree control in Flex using an extended TreeItemRenderer?

I'm using a tree control that I want to customize. The data items in the tree's dataProvider have a property name that should be used for labeling the node, and a property type that should be used to select one of several embedded images for use as an icon. The simplest way to do this is by using the labelField and iconFunction properties.
However, I wanted to get started with item renderers and open the door for adding more complex customization later, so I tried making my own item renderer. I extended the TreeItemRenderer class as follows and used it in my tree control:
class DirectoryItemRenderer extends TreeItemRenderer
private static var _DEFAULT_ICON:Class;
// ... some more icons ...
override public function set data(value:Object):void
{ = value; // let the base class take care of everything I didn't think of
if (value is Node) { // only handle the data if it's our own node class
switch ((value as Node).type) {
// ... some case clauses ...
this.label.text = (value as Node).name;
private function _vSetIcon(icon:Class):void
if (null != this.icon && this.contains(this.icon)) {
this.icon = new icon();
This code has no effect whatsoever, icon and label in the tree control remain at their defaults. Using trace(), I verified that my code is actually executed. What did I do wrong?
Looking at the base mx.controls.treeClasses.TreeItemRenderer class, I see that in the updateDisplayList function the renderer gets it's icon and disclosureIcon classes from _listData:TeeListData. Instead of overriding the updateDisplayList function, try modifying the icon and disclosureIcon classes of the renderer's private _listData instance in your _vSetIcon method using the public accessors, like so:
private function _vSetIcon(icon:Class, disclosureIcon:Class = null):void
var tmpListData:TreeListData;
if (disclosureIcon == null) disclosureIcon = icon;
tmpListData = this.listData;
tmpListData.icon = icon;
tmpListData.disclosureIcon = disclosureIcon;
this.listData = tmpListData;
Here is some clarification on the difference between data and listData. You'll have to excuse my omission of package names but I'm editing from my phone so its tough to look them up and I don't know the package names off the top of my head. data is defined in the context of a TreeItemRenderer in the IDataRenderer interface. You create a data renderer by implementing this interface and defining a public property data, which in this case is set by the parent control and contains some data and meta-data from the dataProvider to be rendered by the data renderer class.
listData is defined in the IDropInListItemRenderer interface as a property of type BaseListData and is realized in the TreeItemRenderer class as a property TreeListData. It differs from the data property in that it contains meta-data that describes the TreeListRenderer itself (icon, indent, open) as well as (I believe, I'll have to double check this later) a reference to the data item being rendered. I gather that It's used by the the TreeItemRenderer and I would imagine the parent list control for display update and sizing purposes. Someone is free to correct or add onto that if I'm incorrect or missed something, I'm going of what I remember drom the code.
In this case, you wanted to use meta-data from the data set from the data provider to modify data that determines the display of the renderer, so you would need to modify both.
I think the real confusion here however came from the fact that you extended the TreeItemRenderer class then tried to override functionality on the component in a manner the original developer didn't intend for someone to do, hence the unexpected results. If your goal is education and not ease of implementation you would probably be better served by extending the UIComponent class and using the TreeItemRenderer code as a reference to create a class that implements the same interfaces. That would be a real dive into the pool of custom component development.
I'd probably try something simple, as in this example from the Adobe Cookbooks. I notice that they override updateDisplayList, which may have something to do with your problems.
There's another example (for Flex 2, but looks applicable to Flex 3) that shows how to manage the default icons. It looks like you'll want to manage the icon yourself, setting the default icon styles to null, instead of trying to manipulate the superclass's icon property.
Update -- Looking at the source for TreeItemRenderer, commitProperties has the following before checking the data and setting up the icon and label:
if (icon)
icon = null;
Also, it looks like the setter for data calls invalidateProperties. Hence, your icon is wiped out when the framework gets around to calling commitProperties.
