Where can I put my source files? - asp.net

I am developing a web form using Visual Web Developer
Currently I have class source files in the same directory as the web form, or in the App_Code folder. I'd like to organise the files into folders within the web form folder, but I can't find a way of adding a reference to the folders, and they don't seem to be being picked up automatically.
These are files that are under constant development.
What is the asp.net/c#'s equivalent concept to c++'s #include?
This is a Web Site rather than a Web Application

I'd suggest taking these out into a separate class library project and you can then reference this DLL in your web project. You would then add a 'using' statement at the top of your web form code to include this reference.

In a C# file (foo.cs), you would use:
using MyProjectsDefaultNamespace.Folder1.Folder2
In an aspx or ascx file, you would use:
<%# Import Namespace="MyProjectsDefaultNamespace.Folder1.Folder2" %>

Never really thought of doing this, but i guess i would do this as follows.
A folder represents a namespace. So where it says inherits="Project.PageName" in your PageName.aspx file, it should state inherits="Project.Folder.Folder.PageName". You also have to change the namespace in your PageName.aspx.designer.cs and PageName.aspx.cs files.
For ASP.Net website simply adjust your CodeFile attribute:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Folder/Folder/Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>

Its not clear if you mean the codebehind .aspx.cs file or a standalone .cs class file.
You can't have .cs files loose in your main folder. It has to be in the app_code folder (or in a class library if you were doing a WAP).
Your .aspx.cs files are paired up with your .aspx file. I wouldn't recommend trying to move these files away if thats what you are trying to do.
The top level namespace that contains _Default or any code that doesnt appear to have a namespace is ASP. This is generally hidden within Visual Studio. So its true name is ASP._Default

And the answer is, obtained from looking into the other answers thanks:
Organise the files into folders within the App_Code folder, they will automatically be included.

Right click on project in solution explore
Go to Add> Add ASP.NET Folder > App_Code
Then add your files/folder structure there
BUT, be warned of what you put in there. Please refer to:
In the properties of the source file(s), you might want to set the "Build Action" property to "Compile"


How can include a reference in a standalone ascx control?

I have an ASP.NET ascx control. In the code behind file I need to add some reference (Sharepoint Libraries) to do some queries. How can I do that? Is a standalone control, I mean I have only the .ascx and the ascx.cs files. They are not part of any project so I don't have the tipical Property folder in the solution explorer, and they are loaded in a sharepoint page using the SmartPart control. So I'm little lost here, any help will be appreciated.
The simple answer is that you can't, In ASP.NET references are added to the web.config file of the application not the individual control. You would have to edit the SharePoint web.config file.
I found that if I put the dlls in a \bin folder at the same level of the control, I can use the code defined in it without problem. So I don't need to add a reference, by convention all dlls in that folder are available to my control. More clearly the file structure is like this:

How asp.net application works?

I am quite new to .NET development and I am just wondering how does it work?
My undermentioned points are:
While developing ASP.NET application, under the project we have files like:
After adding certain functionality to pagename.aspx page, assuming I have the development required web application (this is not my concern, what is developed)
Now I'm going to deploy this application, I use web deployment MSI which creates the required files in the one folder called folderdelopyed.
This folder contains the files required to support this application but interesting does not contain pagename.aspx.cs and pagename.aspx.designer.cs files.
My question is if folderdelopyed does not contain .cs file, then how does it work to run the segment of code which I have written in this file called PageName.aspx.cs?
The code in your cs files gets compiled into a dll.
For Web Application projects this is one dll
For Web Site projects, this is a dll per page.
All of the code is now in the dll's in the bin folder of the website.
You can use a tool like ILSpy (http://wiki.sharpdevelop.net/ILSpy.ashx) to look inside the dll's and see your code.
In the old days, for classic ASP, the script used to be embedded in your page - a mix of code and HTML, and was interpreted at runtime.
I like the new way more :-)
ASP.NET code is compiled into Dynamic-link library files, also known as DLL files.
The code you write in your code behind, which is the files with .cs extension, is compiled and put into whole new file, with .dll extension - and that file is copied to the server, to the BIN folder of your site.
Depending on what project type you choose, it's possible to have several DLL files for the web application, changing in every build - see dash's answer for more details.
On every .aspx page you have referece to what DLL file to use, as the very first line. For example:
<%# Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="pagename.aspx.cs" Inherits="MyNameSpace.pagename" %>
In this example, the Inherits part determines what DLL to use. How? By the namespace, which is also the name of the DLL file.
When the above .aspx is requested by a browser, the .NET engine will go to the BIN folder, look for MyNameSpace.dll and in there look for class called pagename that inherits from the base Page class - all the rest is typical life cycle of ASP.NET page.
let me to say you something more Amazing.
you can hide your aspx file too.and put their content in to dll as same as your cs file put in dll.
you can make k aspx that just contain an address to the ddl file and no html body :D
that was greate!!! not only you can hide your cs file, you can hide you aspx file too :D

Cannot Parse .aspx during WAP Conversion

I've copied over the Web Site files to a new WAP project. Made sure that it compiles and it does. The problem I have is that it can't parse the .aspx pages when I perform a convert to WAP. The error simply says it can't parse the .aspx pages.
When I look at one of the .aspx pages, I have the page directive as such but it can't recognize that namespace. That is the namespace I'm using for my new WAP project.
My code-behind pages all have the namespace Instant.Web as well as the project properties is set to Instant.Web for the primary namespace.
so when I go to a page for example, it's not recognizing the Web.Attachment portion of my Inherits.
Here's an example (slightly modified the wording for privacy):
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="Instant.Web.Attachment" Codebehind="SomeAspxPage.aspx.cs" %>
<asp:Content ID="ctlContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="ctlContentPlaceHolder" runat="Server">
<Frm:Attachment ID="Attachment1" runat="server"/>
namespace Instant.Web
public partial class Attachment : Instant.InstantFrm.Pages.Base.UserPage
Also for some reason UserPage in the code-behind isn't showing as a class that you can right-click and go to source. Not sure why because that assembly is definitely in this WAP Project and it's the latest assembly for Instant.InstantFrm
Do not know if it is relevant for your real case, but as for your example, you have an attribute Codebehind="Attachment.aspx.cs" which looks for the file Attachment.aspx.cs, but the file's name is SomeaspxPage.aspx.cs. Usually "file could not be parsed" means the wizard cannot find the matching code-behind file and cannot convert the page.
BTW one more note from here:
Before converting the project files, add references to the Web
application project for assemblies that existed in the Bin folder to
help prevent errors.
It is not clear from your description if you have added the reference to your custom UserPage. If not and that assembly is just copied somewhere into WAP Project it can also cause the converting error.
Try adding a new blank page to your project, check if that can be parsed.
Then in small steps add functionality until you get the page that is the same as the one that is giving you the error.
This should allow you to identify what the problem is.
Based on this quote Warning 126 Unrecognized tag prefix or device filter 'asp' in one of the comments, it sounds like you are missing an Assembly reference in your CSProj file.
Verify that you have System.Web in your References folder of the project.
If it is there, verify the version (directory) it is pulling from is the same as what .NET version you are targeting with your project.
Save and close the solution, then re-open it and try again.
I'm theorizing that VS is caching something and the projects needs to be reloaded.
For WAP site, I'd remove the ASPX layout completely (except the first line, which is required) and output the content using Response.Write in codebehind.
In addition to simplicity, this gives much cleaner output and granular control over the process.

consuming classes from folder other than App_Code

I am creating a site wherein I have a folder which contains some .cs files. I want to access those classes in .aspx and .ascx files. I’ve created some properties in it, but when I create the object of the class I don’t find that property via IntelliSense.
How can I use and consume those properties from that .cs file?
The website will only compile code files that are in the App_Code folder or are codebehind files for referenced controls. There isn't a way to reference classes defined in code files outside of the App_Code folder.
If you compile those classes and put the resulting dll in your website's bin folder, then you can reference them. To do that, you'll need to add them to a Web Application project in Visual Studio. See Ian Robinson's WAP blog post for most details.
Just have those properties public and you'll see them.
If still no luck please post your code and also tell: can you create instance of the class without error? Can you access any other properties or methods?

Page class outside of App_Code will not compile

I have a website that has 2 files as follows:
It used to be that I could just drop new files onto the web server and IIS would automatically compile the files and I could access the page e.g.
... and the associated functionality in the page class contained in the .cs file would work nicely.
Now I get the error: "Could not load type namespace.classname" which refers to my page class.
Now for some strange reason I have to put all my .cs files, even page classes into the app_code folder.
All that has changed on my website is that I reorganised the structure so that instead of my pages being on the web root they are now inside http://.../newfolder/page.aspx.
For some reason all my page.aspx.cs files now have to be in app_code.
Any ideas?
Sounds like you are mixing up a Web Application Project and a Web Site.
Are you sure the files are exactly the same? Perhaps one #Page directive says CodeBehind=Page.aspx.cs and the other says CodeFile=Page.aspx.cs?
CodeBehind requires project compilation, so you cannot just drop in a new .cs file, you need to upload a new compiled DLL. CodeFile will allow dynamic compilation.
The App_Code directory is dynamically compiled (in both cases) when your app is accessed, so the Inherit directive has a valid type when you put the file there. In general, don't do this. You want the .cs file to go with the .aspx file. Use App_Code for business logic or utility classes that aren't associated with a particular page.
Finally, is this new subdirectory set up as a new app in IIS? What does the web.config file in your new directory change? Are you running the same version of ASP.NET? Check the "compilation" tag. I'm not sure what you could do there to cause this, but I'm sure you could cause some chaos.
