How do I nicely manage many localhost web site URIs with IIS7 - iis-7

I'm having trouble setting up a clean development environment with all the web sites I'm working on. I'm working on up to 40 different web sites, and at least 5 of them simultaneously. I need them all to be in a site root, for URL management to work with all CMSes.
My first attempt was to use increasing port numbers for them, beginning with localhost:1000 and working upwards. Unfortunately, it took a great deal of looking up which port belonged to which web site, and it was very irritating.
My second try was mapping the irritating ports to real words using the hosts file. So I ended up with localhost.tele2, localhost.ikea, etc. Unfortunately, this takes a long time to set up (cleaning and adding to the hosts file, setting web site with highest port number in IIS etc.) and regularly I have to flush the DNS cache in order to get some sites working that I've added/removed from the hosts file.
So how do I organize a lot of web sites in IIS7 nicely? Perhaps I've missed a very clever method that you're using.

i created a quick program that i press a button and a list of domains is set to in my host file, and press another button and all these entries are removed so my computer goes back to normal.


IIS7 and Classic ASP and Applications and Paths

I yesterday received a zip file containing an old asp site from 2005. Its came in a folder called ivx.
I've unzipped ivx to c:\inetpub\wwwroot and then created an application in IIS called ivxapp and pointed it to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ivx. Now when I type http://localhost/ivxapp, I am able to access the index page.
My problem is, whoever designed that site, designed it when IIS5 or IIS6 was around. He's used paths like more... which leads to http://localhost/new_posts.asp and not http://localhost/imagevertex/new_posts.asp
The whole site is some 21000 lines of code and contains many many references like this. Then comes the problem with <!--#include virtual = "/common/adminverify.asp" -->
Instead of having to manually edit the entire code, do you know a way to get things going?
This site worked perfectly well on a production server. Right now it's on my local machine on Windows 7 64 home premium.
Yes, you need to give this site a root-URL of its own, and not run it in a subdirectory of your localhost.
This is more of a web-administration question, but what you need to do is either run it under "localhost" directly, or add a domain-name to your network to run this site under.
The easiest for you right now is probably the first option.
If you aren't running a different site under localhost already:
Go to the IIS manager and click the 'localhost' site. On the right side of the IIS interface you can change the basic settings. Point the physical path to the ivx directory. You can reach the site directly on http://localhost.
If you are already running a site under localhost you need to keep:
Now, if you -are- already running a site on your localhost, the second easiest option is to run the ivx site under localhost, but on a different port. To accomplish that, click on the current ivx site in IIS, change the path in the same way as descibed above, and after that click on "bindings" in IIS, and change the PORT for the ivx site to something other than 80, for example 81.
The ivx site will then run on http://localhost:81, your current localhost will still run on http://localhost.
The hard way: adding a host to your network or PC:
The last option is to add a new hostname for the site to your network. You can add an A-record in your DNS for the ip-address of your server or add a host name to your HOSTS file in Windows on your server ("server" in the sense of the machine that runs the site, which can also be your local machine)
You can add a made-up name to the ip-address of the server, and in IIS' bindings add that name under "host name". this way you can run two different sites on the same machine, the "host name" seeting in IIS will make sure that calls to that specific hostname will reach the correct site. Adding it to the DNS of your network, or the HOST file in Windows will make sure the name is resolved to the correct machine (your webserver).
This last option is a little tricky of you've never done something like this before, but the first option works just as well.
Good luck!

How Can I Host Unlimited Unknown Domains on IIS?

In an upcoming version of a currently-in-development webapp, I need to serve multiple domains from a single site. The code on the site will recognize the individual domains and vary the content accordingly. I do not know all of the domains that we will be serving, as clients can add new domains to their site. The coding parts, I know how to do - when clients add a domain, there will be a corresponding entry into our database and that will act as a key to control which set of content is shown.
The thing is, I suck at system administration. The server already hosts a dozen different sites unrelated to this webapp, so it's not a situation where every domain that hits our server's IP can go through the code I describe above. If I knew the domains ahead of time, I could simply point them to our server's IP and then create bindings in IIS to handle each. But since I do not know the domains ahead of time, I'm rather at a loss. What can I do to enable my IIS7 server to support this situation?
After looking around a bit, I have found a few options for this.
1) Building It Into The Code
Probably the best option is to programmatically create bindings in IIS6 and in IIS7. This way everything is integrated into the webapp, meaning there's no muss or fuss outside of the app. It requires a bit more work in the app itself, but the benefits of keeping things clean and keeping all the functionality around this action inside the single codebase are almost definitely worth it.
2) PowerShell
Another option is to set up a script for powershell to have it handle this stuff based on the script detecting changes to the database. This would work well also, but has the drawback of creating two codebases to maintain.
3) Remove Domain Bindings
This answer led me to try removing the existing domain from the webapp's bindings in IIS. Making this change resulted in being able to reach my webapp by just visiting the IP address (so the binding was no longer an issue). And the one domain we have set for this webapp so far still reached the desired site as well. So it seems that the solution could be as simple as to have no host/domain listed in the bindings on IIS. As long as only one site does this, all traffic that does not match another binding loads that site. A big upside here is that it takes less time/effort than any of the coding solutions mentioned above. The downside is that you can only have one site on the server perform this way, and you can no longer have the server locked to only serving content with recognized domains.
Is it possible to add a extra ip address to the server?
This way you could let the IIS process all request on this IP address and run your logic for these request only. leaving the existing websites untouched.

How can I get two SSL certs to work on a two domain, shared IP configuration

I have two web site that are 99% similar. They share all of the same pages except the difference being that the logos change, a few of the links change, and the products that show up on either web site are flagged to show up on either or, or both. They use the same database.
I have written a utility method that essentially injects a where clause into any database access code I write throughout the app to determine which products to display depending on the current URL.
Problem: Website B gives the user a warning message that the site they are trying to go to is in fact Website A. I've read that the SSL cert needs a distinct IP.
Right now how I have everything set up is very clean on a maintenance perspective. I can update files in one place. Any suggestions on how to make the SSL behave, or am I looking at seperate IP's for the hosting(I really don't want to have to do this)?
If the latter, what do you suggest?
Site runs ASP.NET 4.0. Precompiled DLL.
UPDATE: Thanks to #GregS comment
If the sites share the same domain you can use a wildcard certificate
site1 -
site2 -
Otherwise you will need to get a UCC (United communications certificate) that will be for both domains.
You will need to configure IIS 7 from the command line because the GUI doesn't support setting different host headers for the same certificate. This tutorial shows how it can be done.
I setup another website in IIS that points to the same files as the first web site, got another SSL cert for the new site.

Suspected loss of session state in IIS 6

I have an ASP.NET web site that responds with multiple skins depending on the domain that it is accessed via.
The problem is that authentication and some other features seem to suffer random glitches where the user is sent back to the log in screen, or other session controlled values appear to have been lost - but only when accessed via one of the domains. The other domain does not suffer the same issue.
On our test system, the issues DOES NOT exist when accessing via any domain. On live, the issue will happen at varying times during the session, even with identical steps followed. It is for these reasons that I don't think it is a bug in the application software.
On the live system, where the issue is, two websites are set up in IIS, each with bindings to the required domain. One accesses the site through a virtual directory at, the other accesses the site at the root path at I don't think that the virtual directory is the issue however.
I've now solved my problem, though still not sure what the exact cause was.
I opened up website properties for the two websites in IIS, the one that worked and the one that didn't and compared properties.
For anyone else trouble shooting this issue, these are the steps that I took, in order of how likely I think they were to be the cause of the issue.
Second website was using Default app pool. There is nothing particular about the Default app pool settings on this server that would cause session to be lost from what I can see, but I have now changed to use the same app pool as the site that was working all along.
Disabled windows authentication to match the working website.
Changed default documents so that only the required document was listed.
Limited connections to 500 to match the working website.
Hope this is of use to somebody else.

Share application variable between 2 websites (IIS 7.5)

I have two urls that are supposed to lead to the same actual folder.
I can't do a redirect because the websites are built so they question the URL and perform accordingly.
So I built two application in the IIS (I tried using a virtual directory for one of them, but I kept crashing on the web.config can not be read). Everything works perfectly except the Application variables which are different between the two addresses. (Specificly I'm counting the number of current users logged on).
I tried to switch from InProc Session management to SQL, but that didn't solve the problem.
Maybe the solution is somewhere in the IIS so I'll have a proper redirection without using another application? Any ideas how to do that?
The SQL session manager would do the trick but you need to configure it specifically so that it thinks they are the same application. Is this user specific variable, or global application variable?
Since you basically have one app, but want two url's I would try to map them to the same app.
If it's two different host names you can use host headers in IIS to have them both go to the same web application.
If you want two different paths to go to the same application you should look into using the IIS Rewrite Module. Set up an application on one url, and create a rewrite rule to map the other url to the first one.
There's a lot of information on about the URL Rewrite Module.
