regularexpressionvalidator fires even when CausesValidation="false" -

I have a regularexpression validator which validates a valid email. I have two buttons on my form. Submit and undo.
On undo, we are reverting the page state to default
submit has it validationgroup set while undo doesnot have any validationgroup and CausesValidation="false".
Now when i navigate to page and enter invalid emailaddress,i directly click undo. the validator fires and stops my page from posting.however if i press tab and navigate to other control and then click undo,the validator shows error message but posts back and furthur proessing is done.
This is very strange and i want the page to postback without any error message when i click to achieve it.
<tec:ThemedImageButton runat="server" ID="imgbtnSave" OnClick="imgbtnSave_Click"
<tec:ThemedImageButton runat="server" ID="imgbtnCancel" CausesValidation="false"
OnClick="imgbtnCancel_Click" />
These are normal image buttons with added themes.CustomerGroup is the validation group for my textbox and regularexpressionvalidator

Are you possibly clicking the undo whilst your focus is still within the email textbox? If so, perhaps the issue is that the initial blur event of the textbox is firing which in turn is calling the email validator and preventing the click / submission.
The first thing to try is to make sure you can enter an invalid email address, move the focus onto a completely different area of the page and then press undo to determine if this is the cause.

Double check your settings.
You might want to check the code behind to make sure you are not overwriting the control settings there. For example, in code, you might have the CausesValidation set to "True" or something like that.

Until you post more information you could do the following in your Undo button:
<asp:Button ID="btnUndo" runat="server" Text="Undo"
OnClientClick="Page_ValidationActive = false;"
OnClick="btnUndo_Click" />
I don't recommend this as it might solve your problem but really doesn't explain what is wired up incorrectly but the Page_ValidationActive = false; will disable all client validation on your page.


Avoid double clicking submit with validator display set to dynamic

I have some ASP.NET CustomValidators with Display="Dynamic". The layout of the page requires that I use them like this without a ValidationSummary.
<asp:CustomValidator ID="vldFirstThree" ControlToValidate="txtFirstThree" runat="server" OnServerValidate="ValidateTextBox" ValidateEmptyText="true" ErrorMessage="Please enter the first three characters of the owner name.<br />" CssClass="error" Display="Dynamic" Enabled="true"/>
If the user leaves the field blank and clicks submit, the error text is displayed. If the user fixes the problem and then clicks submit again, the validation error text clears, but a second click is required to submit the page. I've tried writing some server-side code and some JavaScript to cause the validated TextBox to blur() before submitting, but I'm still running into the need to click twice: once to clear the message and again to submit.
Is there a way to clear the error text and perform the submit with one click?
The answer is the second one here: RequiredFieldValidator have to click twice.
I had to set EnableClientScript="false".

LinkButton not firing ASP.NET validators

I have a form that currently uses an control to submit a form. Everything works perfectly. So now the new requirement is for the "submit' button to be a link. Changing it to a LinkButton control, without changing a SINGLE other thing, breaks the validation.
There is a bit too much code to post in a SO question and I know there's a bit of a lack of detail here, but is there any reason why a LinkButton wouldn't fire ASP.NET validation the same way a Button control would? In theory, they should both operate exactly the same, no?
The current submit button:
<asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" TabIndex="9" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="Forward" runat="server" />
The new submit button:
<asp:LinkButton ID="btnSubmit" TabIndex="9" Text="Send" ValidationGroup="Forward" runat="server" />
The Link button should fires the validation the same way a normal button does, my concerns in your case would be the following:
make sure these is nothing in the server side code stopping this.
make sure in the javascript code there is nothing stopping the "
ASP.NET controls that fire validation has a property called CauseValidation
Be sure all controls should fire validation, has this property set to True
Add attribute CauseValidation="True" to your control but if you want to fire this at particular line at code behind you can use validate the form by the following code:
I know this is old but it has never answered. Did your validator have a "controlTovalidate"? Currently it would appear as if the validator was not firing but in reality it is. It just does not have anything that it is 'watching'. Hope if anyone reaches this thread that this helps even if it is just a little bit.
I was unable to determine the cause of this issue but was able to solve it:
I set the CausesValidation="false" and added at the top of the onclick event this.Validate(linkButton.ValidationGroup) this allows the event to get to the code behind and validation to occur.

RequiredFieldValidator requires user to click twice

I have a simple web form with a textbox and a RequiredFieldValidator wired up to it. When the RequiredFieldValidator error is triggered the user has to click the submit twice to post the form. The first click clears the error, the second actually fires off the button click event. Is this expected behavior?
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqFieldCloseComment" ControlToValidate="tbCloseComment" ValidationGroup="ChangeStatus" ErrorMessage="Please enter a reason" Display="Dynamic" runat="server"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:TextBox ID="tbCloseComment" runat="server" CausesValidation="true" TextMode="MultiLine" Height="107px" Width="400px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="btnCloseRequestFinal" Text="Finish" CssClass="CloseReqButton" runat="server" ValidationGroup="ChangeStatus" />
I tried adding CausesValidation to the textbox per a suggestion found from a Google search and it doesn't help.
EDIT It seems that it doesn't always have to be a double click to fire off the event. As long as text is entered into the textbox and then the focus is taken away from the textbox, the RequiredFieldValidator error message goes away and the form requires only a single click.
I had the same issue with a CompareValidator and found the problem went away when I changed the Display property from Dynamic to Static. Hope that helps
This happens because the code that clears out the error message runs when the textbox loses focus. So what happens is:
You enter text in the field
You click on the button, which causes the onblur event to happen on the textbox, firing the code to check the field's value again and removing the error message
Now there are no errors in validation, so clicking the button again submits the form.
When you press the tab key first (or basically do anything that takes the focus off the textbox), then that onblur script runs and clears out the error so that when you click the submit button it is ready to go.

Can't change an asp page because of a required validator

On one of my pages I have a few textboxes and a required validator attached to them. Everything is ok with validation, but when I want to change page to another required validator doesn't allow it because I don't fill in a textbox :/
How to allowed change page without fill a validate textbox? I must create a condition in "exit page" (how is it named ?) event disabled required validation?
Please help ;)
If you're using some control to move to the next page, set it's CausesValidation property to False.
For example, if you're clicking a button that moves you to the next page, it would be like:
<asp:LinkButton id="myButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" .... /> validator issue

I am using a require field validator for a textbox in application. Problem is that when there is no value in textbox then no button on the web page do not works even page redirection button for back page also not performing function and validator gives err msg which i define
But if I put sum value in it then all btn works correctly.
Can anyone tell me that how can i overcome this problem
Set the CausesValidation attribute to False on the button and link controls that don't require validation (such as your back button).
<asp:button id="btnBack" runat="server" causesvalidation="false"></asp:button>
