Flex 4 XML Declaration available in Modules - apache-flex

I'm building a Flex/Flash Builder 4 application that loads data using E4X/XML, like this:
I originally build an application that was a single MXML file which loaded this XML file and built a form from the data.
I've now build a main menu screen with a button to load the form screen as a seperate module. How do I get the XML declaration to work in this module without loading it again. Is it as simple as repeating the declaration in the module?

With Modular Flex apps you need to way to communicate across Modules without creating a tight coupling between the pieces. I usually use a Message Bus approach (see the Architectural Patterns First Steps in Flex screencast for more info) to accomplish this. When the module loads just send a message to the bus asking someone for the data you need. Have a listener on the bus listening for that message so that it can respond with another message containing the needed data.


Extensible application using Qt

I am working on an application which interact with a database and construct reports, I want this application to be extensible and I can in the future to integrate custom report builders to the application as plugins.
I have some question about the plugin architecture supported by Qt:
Can I load the plugins in there own processes ?
How could I send some custom QML type from the plugin to main application and hook some event handlers on it.
Another question: is there any framework to develop service based qt application ?
Can I load the plugins in there own processes ?
Not with the plugin mechanism (QPluginLoader). The plugin mechanism dynamically loads libraries (different threads are possible). However, your plugins can be a normal application, that gets started by your main application via QProcess, and exchange data via stdin/stdout (or other IPC mechanisms)
How could I send some custom QML type from the plugin to main application and hook some event handlers on it.
In case you use normal plugins, simply add method that returns the created QML object. Have a look at:https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-cppintegration-interactqmlfromcpp.html#loading-qml-objects-from-c
In case you want to use the multi process version, it gets slightly more complicated. Pass the QML code via stdout and create it in your main application. Pass some "communicator" object to this created QML object, so that the QML type can send back data via that communicator to it's original process.

Flash inside Flex inside ExtendScript

i have been working on a Photoshop UI project and also working with Flash Builder for about 3 weeks and i can't find a solution to a communication problem. Here are some details about the issue; if you are interested in helping me, thanks.
The main frame of the UI is Extendscript
I have an as3 swf which needs to load a local JPG file dynamicly, I
assume this is a "Access Local Files Only" situation for Flash.
The same SWF needs to communicate with Extendscript, so i load it into
a FLEX app dynamicly via SWFLoader and it passes some variables to,
and triggers some functions in FLEX via a "myFlexParent" object.
Flex is the bridge between Flash and Extendscript so it passes the
variables and functions to Extendscript JSX code via
Externalinterface.call or CSXSInterface.instance.evalScript().
This is where i'm STUCK. I guess ExternalInterface calls or CSXSInterface.instance.evalScript() are threated as a network operation and they don't work if i set the compile option "-use-network=false" in flex. Bu otherwise the local JPG file cannot be loaded.
Adding locations in the Settings Manager wont work for me because i'm going to turn the UI into an Extension and it should be easy to install.
I guess i'm trying to find a way to establish 2 way communication between FLEX and ExtendScript, that would be interpreted by flash player as a LOCAL communication, which actually is.
I'll appreciate any bit of information. Thanks.
ExternalInterface is going to be considered a network call and setting the -use-network=false will break those calls down. This is due to the security sandbox. If it was allowed then the flash app could be used with some simple AJAX to turn a non-network app into a network app very easily.
Adobe doc's say:
This communication relies on the domain-based security restrictions
that the allowScriptAccess and allowNetworking properties define. You
set the values of the allowScriptAccess and allowNetworking properties
in the SWF file’s wrapper.
Reference link:
Look into changing your app into an AIR app as you will be able to do both network and local file operations (different security model since the user installs the application).

Better way to handle page that links to hundreds of binaries?

I've struggled with a better solution for the following setup. I'm not actively working on this, but know some that might appreciate other ways of handling this.
Tridion-managed page has a single "linked list" component Linked list
Single component has component links to other components in Tridion
Linked-to components often link to multimedia component (mm)
An XSLT component template (XSLT CT) renders XML with above content and with links to PDF
XSL document() function used to grab embedded (linked-to) content, all content converted to XML nodes and attributes
TCMScriptAssistant namespace with publishBinary() publishes related PDF and other media
Page template just outputs the result of the CT
Business requirements:
improved publishing (last I worked on this, some of these files created a 2GB publishing transaction because of the PDFs)
published XML content file must reference the associated PDFs; hyperlinks work but identifiers might not help because of...
no Tridion content delivery APIs, mainly for independence from the storage database but also to avoid Tridion-specific code on the presentation server (loosely coupled setup and less training for developers)
The biggest issue is the huge transport package during publishing. The second problem is publishing any of the linked-to PDFs will cause the page to republish.
How could this setup be improved or re-engineered, preferably without too many changes to the existing templates, though modular templating could be considered.
Dynamic component presentations could possibly work, but would need to be published to the file system and not use dynamic linking or broker objects (e.g. no criteria filters, binary metadata, etc).
There are indeed 2 questions. I will handle them in reverse order.
To prevent the page from being republished when you publish a binary, you can use the event system in older versions of Tridion (pre-2011) to turn off link resolving, or with newer versions you can use a custom resolver to prevent this. There is an article by Nuno which explains this(http://nunolinhares.blogspot.com/2011/10/tridion-publisher-and-custom-resolvers.html)
Your second one is a bit tougher, in no small part because of your criteria for not using the SDL Tridion CD APIs. I would have suggested publishing the binaries separately (this would keep the file size down of your transaction package), and using Binary Linking to resolve the paths at request time.
Given this is not an option, I think the only was I would approach it would be to still use dynamic component presentations, and then use predictable unique file names for the PDfs (i.e. use something like 317-12345.pdf based on the URI), and use one directory for all the binaries. That way you could enter the paths to the binary using your XSLT template, as you know where the binaries will be located later. You could then use a custom resolver to publish the binaries when you publish the main list component or page.
Hope that helps

Dynamically extract interfaces from silverlight modules and load modules

In some winforms / webforms applications, I wrote a module that at application start, using reflection, inspects all assemblies from BIN folder, extract all public classes and interfaces they implement and write into a repository. This to to allow me later, at runtime, to load modules based on interfaces they implements and use.
I need to know if / how can I accomplish this for Silverlight. Is there any way to inspect all XAP's and extract all modules together with their metadata? And later to be able to dynamically load the module where the component I need is located, and then load the component from it.
Thank you
The source code for MEF's DeploymentCatalog should show how to inspect the main application XAP as well as download and inspect other XAPs.

How can I load a local resource synchronously in Flex 3?

I want to store some test data for a FlexUnit test in small XML files in my Flex project, and access them trivially for the flex test. How can I load these bits of data synchronously? HTTPService is the way I'd be loading them _a_synchronously, but adding event handlers to my test cases seems like a bit of overkill.
see this post for a similar sort of thing
Load xml file in flex before application start/intialises
To the best of my knowledge, there is no support for synchronous network & file I/O -- all such activity happens on the background thread, and is exposed to the main thread with event handlers.
