Default login popup for web sites -

I am trying to build a web site with ASP.NET MVC, I'm new to this. My question is: how can I display the default login dialog? I am not referring to a custom dialog, like the jQuery Dialog, there is a default pop-up for credentials, which looks different depending on browser, same as with javascript alert(), but I don't know how to display it. To know what I mean, go to, there is a Login button at the bottom of the page, when you click it a pop-up appears. That is what I want to display. Any ideas?

So there is no way I can do this with FormsAuthentication?

That dialog is the result of a challenge-response authentication initiated by the server.
In the context of IIS, you would get this if you used windows authentication with no anonymous access.
You do not display this dialog or have anything to do with it other than restricting access to the resource in question.

Related identity LoginView not switching to LoggedInTemplate

I have just started working on ASP.NET Identity. I created a web forms project in VS2013 using the Web Forms template.
Then I added BotDetect CAPTCHA in Register.aspx. I Registered the first user so that the Identity schema is created. so far so good.
Now, I observe a very strange thing - I start debugging my application - it shows me the home page. I click on "Log In" menu and the login page is shown. I enter the credential and click on Login. The user successfully logs-in (signinManager.PasswordSignIn returns SignInStatus.Success); however the LoginView does not switch to LoggedInTemplate.
Now, I just go to Register page and then go to Login page, then Login and this time the LoginView switches to LoggedInTemplate properly.
This has happened consistently - unless I go to the Register page the LoginView won't switch to LoggedInView.
Further, I commented the CAPTCHA code (but not the configuration done in the web.config). Now, even if I go to Register and then try to Login nothing happens (LoginView remains in AnonymousTemplate).
Is there any connection between LoginView and BotDetect CAPTCHA?
Please let me know if any more info is needed.
Thank you.
I removed the BotCAPTCHA entirely from the project and now the LoginView correctly switches to LoggedInTemplate! My guess is that BotCAPTCHA does URL Rewriting and this is affecting it. I have posted this to BotCAPTCHA support and will Update here once they reply me.

Navigation to and search a string in an aspx page and show the whole process to the user in the browser

Is it possible to navigation to any website like using Webbrowser or any other .net technology like silverlight, html5 etc. in a webpage and programmatically enter in textbox "stackoverflow" and then click search button and then get the results back to save in the database. But most importantly show the whole process of navigation and textbox filling and button click and results to the user in the browser window and webpage.
It can be easily done by putting a webbrowser control in a windows form in windows .net assembly so that user also sees it. But I was wondering if this can be done in a web based way. User must be able to see everything in the browser page in the same way it happens in a windows form with the webbrowser control.
I want to develop a web-based software that does web automation and also show it to the users as it is happening without user downloading any exe etc. Just web based.
Actually it can be done to some extend. But to show the entire process to the user, its another issue. How do you want to share the screen ?
there are a lot of 'browser automation' tools like watin or selinium, where you can 'make' the browser execute actions which are pre-defined.
Again where do you want to 'execute' these all ? In clients browser or on server ? If you do in server, you can share the screen via some streaming API's to the client via flash or silverlight.

how to auto login to another html page from flex

I have a flex application. From this application I want to navigate to another url which is a html page. To do that I can use navigateToURL() method. In the new url I have to login. I need to automate the login into the page. For example if I am in a flex app, then clicking on a button I should auto login to my gmail page in another tab. I have all the necessary credentials in the flex app itself Has anybody done that?
If you use OpenId you could have one login for many sites. You'd have to start with GMail, FBook or some provider like that and you could move to your Flex site. I don't know about going the other way around though.
More info:
facebook login

How to open localhost server on computer

I am making project on a I have completed my project and also i have make a software disc of my project. But when i am trying to access show authentication required dialog box.which contain username and password.But i have not set any username and password. How can i overcome from this problem.
This might help. Especially the solution by nramsey34
In IIS, you can right click on either
the Website, or any virtual directory
under a website and bring up the
properties page. Under the 'Directory
Security' tab, click the Edit button
under 'Anonymous Access and
Authentication Control'. This will
bring up a window where you can
configure the authentication method
for your website. To stop it from
asking for a password, make sure that
Anonymous Access is selected. The
username should look like this -
IUSR_YOURPCNAME, and you should let
IIS control the password. You should
still be able to leave Windows
Authentication selected as well, but
to be certain it will not ask for a
password you can also uncheck that
or this one, the solution by boyban
The Login Popup is due to a setting in
your IE Browser. In your IE Browser:
Go to the Top menu "Tools" -> "Internet Options".
Then choose the "Advanced" Tab.
Then Scroll all the way down and "Uncheck" the Checkbox corresponding
to "Enable Integrated Windows
Then Click the button that says "Apply" and then "OK".
Close the browser and in a new browser try http://localhost.

IFrame and Basic Authentication

I have a webpage which displays an IFrame. The IFrame source page is located on the other server which needs Basic Authentication. Is there a way to programatically pass the basic authentication information to the other server page so it does not throw the login box using ?
As long as you don't mind exposing the password to everybody you can change URL to something like this:
