Flash Builder keeps losing my imported classes...arghh - apache-flex

I've been having this really annoying thing happen the past few days, that has happened before but not as frequently. I create a project in Flash Builder, import some classes, and then on occasion it keeps erasing those classes. So then I get errors in a lot of my datatypes, have to go back through my document and retype the datatype so that it reimports the class.
What could be causing this? I know flash builder can be a bit buggy at times, but wasn't sure if someone else has had this problem and knows what might be causing it.

I haven't worked that much with flash builder yet, but I have had it clean up unused imports for me rather unexpectedly when I'm refactoring code. i.e cut a section of code from one section - flash builder cleans up imports - then when I paste the code back somewhere else, I'm missing the necessary imports.
I think if you go to:
Window > Preferences > Flash Builder > Editors > ActionScript
You can disable "remove unused imports" and see if this fixes your problem.

This was a known bug in the FB4 betas. Make sure you are using the release version of FB4.


Eclipse CSS Editor "Unknown property" after LESS nature mess

I'm done with googleing, I have to ask you folks...
I have a static web project (not JavaFX, thus no JavaFX toolkits!) in Eclipse Kepler. Now thats the messy road I went:
I created a .less file (for the first time)
Eclipse starts nagging with the "Do you want to add the LESS-project nature?"-popup
I clicked 'no' 10 times (pops up every time I start Eclipse)
then I clicked 'yes' to add the nature for making this stop (could not find ANY workaround for that #$%!+"* !)
Now I face this travesty:
The built in CSS-editor marks every trivial property as unknown. I have no clue how to fix this. I removed the less-nature and restored my old .project file too but the warnings (and even real errors) persist. I found out that rewriting the properties does not summon these warnings!
No, I won't rewrite ~6000 lines of css...
Please help. Please make it stop...
Sorry, found the solution (dumb as can be):
delete project (only!) in Eclipse
re-import project (which completely revalidates the project structure)
errors are gone...
Although this solved my problem, I feel uneasy about the fact that I could not find any possibility to do a complete re-validation without to delete and re-import my project. This is pretty nasty...
Right click project Configure->Remove LESS nature.

>500 lines in <fx:Script> and it all stops working

Well, it's a little ridiculous; and probably unbelievable, but when I have more than five hundred lines of actionscript in tags in my MXML FLEX Main.mxml, all syntax highlighting, error and syntax verification, error reporting, "Problems" pane, and even sometimes compilation fail. Upon removing any chunk of code, it works again.
I don't see why Adobe could release a product such as Flash Builder 4.5 Premium, have this big of a problem; and nobody notice. Therefore I believe the problem has to do with my computer, or my project; as there's now ay more people have had this happen if I can't even find it on Google.
Additionally, many objects that have been defined in the MXML properties above the code, even those in All States, are now showing as warning: Access of undefined property down the side of my document. However, these warnings are not showing up in the "Problems pane", and aren't even yellow squigly underlining the right sections of code to pertain to the message.
Steps I have taken to TRY and fix this:
I have tried restarting, as well as re-installing the IDE (Adobe Flash Builder 4.5).
I have tried creating a new project.
I have tried splitting my code into smaller .as files and including them.
I have tried compiling my application.
Nothing has worked, PLEASE HELP.
Edit 1: In response to the first answer, I have already tried increasing the memory allotted to Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 by editing the flashbuilder.ini and flashbuilderC.ini files in the main installation folder, it did not help; as my heap (heap display in bottom right) never uses more than 128MB anyways (even during compile) this did not fix anything.
You can try the following steps:
You can try to allocate additional memory for your Eclipse/Flash Builder by editing of eclipse.ini.
You can try to compile your project from the command line using mxmlc compiler and compare result.
You can try to split your code but not using just code including (which you should avoid forever) but extraction subcomponents (keywords are refactoring, OOP, composition etc.).
And of course you can use all of these advices together :)
Anyway you should avoid large code listings in a Script block of a single MXML file. The main purpose of Script block of MXML is to have simple and clear code with event handlers and required fields declarations.

XCode 4 breakpoints not breaking at correct line

My breakpoints have stopped working properly in the latest XCode 4 release. With no change to the project settings, the breakpoints no longer break at the line they are set.
For instance, in one function I can set a breakpoint anywhere within it's body, but the code will always break at the last line of the function.
In another instance, I can set a breakpoint anywhere in one function and the code will break at a line in the middle of a different function in the same file! Tracing through after the break shows that it did break in the wrong place and it's not just a file / debugger sync issue.
I have no idea why this has started. It did however seem to start on new breakpoints while old ones worked. Any new breakpoints I add break in the wrong place. And recently, some files now don't even break at all! I can only assume the breakpoint is so wrong it's moved into code that's not called. I have done numerous internet searches and forum searches for this problem, and although I have found people with similar issues, there was either no solution or the solution listed (rebooting device, swapping debug output, turning off optimization etc.) haven't worked for me.
It is worth mentioninig I'm mostly coding in C++ using .mm files. For the past year of development in XCode 3, and for the last few months in XCode 4 things have been fine! I have debug set up correctly. No optimization on a debug run, no dead code stripping and I'm using the LLVM compiler 2.0 with DWARD with dSYM debug file. However, changing these values makes no difference.
Please help, it's driving me mad!!
An update to this. It's started happening again on a brand new machine with a fresh Lion and xcode install. The whole editor is out of whack. Example below of the errors appearing on the wrong lines.
From what I've read all around, Xcode tend to get confused with breakpoints and the way to get rid of the out-of-sync problem is to clean the "Derived Data"; two ways of cleaning it so far I've found (instructions are valid for Xcode 4.x) :
a) go in the organiser, under the Projects, choose your project and hit that delete on the Derived Data
b) go in the Product menu, hold the ALT button on the keyboard and observe that the menu are changing... so the clean transform to "Clean Build Folder..."
With-in "Build Settings" under the project target change the "Optimization Level" for "Debug" to "None".
I found that this fixed the issue for me.
I have fixed this, although I haven't found the root cause.
I removed the references from the project for the files that were not working with breakpoints. I then did a full clean and went into the folders and deleted any build and temporary data. I then opened the project bundle and deleted all data except for the project file itself. I then compiled so it threw up errors due to the missing files. I then put the files back in the project.
Now, the exact same files work fine with breakpoints!
No idea why but happy it's fixed.
Have you cleaned your targets? Shift-Cmd-K.
This started happening to me after I upgraded to XCode 4. I just deleted all breakpoints, did a clean, then re-added my breakpoints. Seems to work OK now.
I have figured out why this happens now. As mentioned in one of the replies you can fix it by deleting the derived data. This will always fix the problem. The editor for some reason loses it's relationship between the source code and the markup of the code it uses to cross reference breakpoints and errors etc. Deleting the derived data forces it to recreate this.
I believe that this only happens with files using C or C++ code. Apple seem to ignore C++ developers on iOS. I know a lot of professional game developers and every single one uses C++ to write games. Apple's lack of support is annoying.

How do I display content assist in flex builder for all classes?

I have a components and classes project library. Within the library, flex builder only seems to display content/code assist options for top level classes (e.g. arguments, Array) but not other classes such as VBox. Also, within the non top level classes, class properties are not provided by content assist.
In my other flex projects in the workspace, content assist works fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Flex / Flash Builder is often inconsistent in stuff like this; but I have never seen the exact situation you describe.
Have you tried closing down and relaunching Flex Builder?
Have you tried launching Flex Builder with the '-clean' attribute?
Have you tried cleaning your workspace?
Are you sure you do not have a syntax error somewhere causing issues? Are all the classes in the library included in your library class? Sometimes error don't show up if the class is not used, and therefore not compiled into the file SWC.
Did you save your source files? I don't think Eclipse updates its index until you save - so, if you just wrote class X with function Y, but didn't save X.as, then Eclipse won't know what to do with X.Y(...
Sometimes when I've run into the problem you're describing, it's been because FB wasn't able to determine what type of object I was using (for example, obj["toto"] = ?).
Another idea may be to update your version of eclipse ("Software Updates" or something like that under the Help menu).
Finally, there's an annoying issue that happens to me sometimes where the content assist will appear for about half a second, then disappear like the window tried to scroll and lost the pop-up. Do you get anything when you press Ctrl-Space?

flashdevelop vs flex builder

I just started making games and I decided for my next project to use either flashdevelop or flex builder. Reason being is because you can embed just about everything and for licensing purposes and it recommended the the game is compiled into one file. flex sdk is good with that type of stuff.
As of right now I decided to use flashdevelop. but recently it's been kicking my behind. First I wasnt able to use ui class (e.i. buttons, and textboxes) probably because of something stupid I did. Now for some reason I can not compile my applications. When I compile, nothing happens, no errors, no nothing. below is a screenshot of what happens when I compile.
Yes i installed debugger and yes I installed sdk
So now I was thinking about just going with flex builder. Not sure which one is more easier to assemble and use. But I do know the flex builder community is bigger, and they have a much better documentation. I am good with actionscript, but I am not so good with using flex.
My ultimate question is...
Which one is easier to assemble
which one is easier to use
which one is BETTER overall
as far as not compiling goes, looks like it compiled just fine.
I don't know what you're expecting to see from the code other than the "Hello"
to see that open up your output window (under View)
Whether you use flex or flashdevelop, you end up using the same compiler.
Like Adam, I find flashdevelop easier to use than flex, but that's because I've used it more (flex trial expired and FD didn't)
And plus I'm fast with FD, like really fast :)
Try some of the shortcuts:
to create getter and setter or
generate function press 'ctrl shift ~' and PRESTO
or for a for loop or for each loop type in the first few
letters and press 'ctrl B'
to find instances of any string in code you
can do F3 and shift F3, whereas F4
will find the object or function
declaration(even in separate files)
FD also adds a lot of the classes as
needed (sometimes I have to do it manually)
and the latest version lets
you generate classes which extend
another class easier.
I'm sure that flax does most of this as-well, but when you're already used to this then switching slows you down.
I had the same issues when I started working with FD. What it boils down to is that flex has a bunch of libraries that it's using that FD doesn't unless you link to them, and sometimes even then.
But once you start compiling your libraries and assets into SWCs you will be able to compile them through Flash and Flex. Which can be handy (like when you're working with other developers)
FD doesn't have a profiler, but this has not prompted me to stop using it. When I need some debugging and trace isn't enough I add the demonsters debugger class: http://www.monsterdebugger.com/ it's pretty powerful, but you still can't step through your code.
** Update - Flash Develop has had a profiler for a few versions now, It's good for watching memory use, but I still end up using monster debugger a lot. You can use debug in Flash Develop as-well and step through your code.**
FD doesn't have the UI that flex does, and for developing mxml it is a bit more tedious, but at pure as3, I find FD is all I need. Well than and Flash to create my SWCs
I think a lot of it is personal preference, and what you have previously used. Some people do have strong opinions though.
Personally I like FlashDevelop, but only because I am use to it, and can get things done a lot faster e.g. setting up projects, workflow, shortcuts etc. But I am sure If I forced myself to only use FlashBuilder (formally FlexBuilder) that I would soon come to grips with its nuances.
Here are a few of my points for either side:
I like how FlashDevelop is so simple,
where as Flash Builder is rather
FlashDevelop is totally free, where Flash Builder actually cost quite a bit.
Flash Builder:
Built on Eclipse, so has a massive community, tons of plug-ins etc.
Source control intergrated into the IDE (very important in large projects).
Also might want to check out this article on ActionScript Editors.
I know it's an old topic, but in case someone finds it, here is an interesting thing I've noticed:
I am using pixel fonts in my project, and by default Flash Player blurs part of it (it is a known problem). One solution is to use a bitmap text (some kind of custom class) and the other is to use Text Renderer with some of its related elements to force Flash to render the font correctly. When compiling under the same version of Flex SDK in Flash Builder 4+ the font rendered correctly. But when I compiled with Flash Develop (latest version) the text was really ugly, with missing pixels at random places. It might be caused by the fact that Flash Develop or Flash Builder are sending some hidden arguments to the compiler which either make it work/break.
This is a long running question that has been repeated a few times. Review this question and see if it answers yours.
Web-based Game Development: Flex Builder or Flash CS3?
