Virtual pages for my plugin - wordpress

I am currently in the process of making a WordPress Plugin which is going to parse some external data (products) from various web services and present them as normal pages in WordPress.
I would like to avoid actually creating the pages programatically and instead just generate them on the fly to avoid any synchronization issues if a product is deleted and so forth.
My plugin is going to have a base url in which it will hook on to, for example /products/,
and then I would generate each product page by calling /products/some-product-name/.
I also anticipate the need for uri's like /products/category/some-category-name/ which I will use to list all items in that category.
Since I am new to WordPress plugin development, I am looking for some tips and advice to get me started on the right foot. Any help is highly appreciated ;)

I suppose it really depends on where/how you're getting your info from these web services, but I can imagine that the easiest way would be to setup a page as a controller and have it parse out some RSS or XML to build these "virtual pages" by request, so that you're not storing anything in the DB and if the info requested doesn't exist than yes 404 it.

I solved this by adding a filter to rewrite_rules_array and an action catching template_redirect.


Separate plugins or one giant plugin on WP

I’m building a WP plugin to enhance a website, and come to an interrogation with the workflow.
Basically, I have to create a custom post type, assorted with several custom taxonomies, which will be used/displayed on the frontend and backend, and create a backend section in order to interact with our CRM, and Supabase via their respective APIs (service centralisation).
All of the second part is only intended to be used/displayed on the admin section, to logged users.
However, when creating/saving a custom post type, or when viewing it from the frontend, I have to make a GET request to the CRM to fetch some data and store it in JSON somewhere (24h cache).
That I can do.
At the moment, I worked on the CPT part, and made a class to interact with the CRM, with credentials stored in wp_options. I now have to work on the backend part.
My question is: what are the best practices here? Keep it in a single plugin or divide into several plugins?
And if I divide, how should I turn it? 2 plugins, one for the CPT and one for the backend? Or go even deeper, and get the CRM and Supabase their own simple plugin, and call their methods to make my requests?
I am short of ideas here, so if you encountered this situation, could you enlighten me?

Display products from Woocommerce in external application

I have a question about integration e.g. Woocommerce with external app.
What is the best and safe method to accomplish this goal?
Woocommerce has REST API but it might be quite vulnerable and will not show anything (products etc.) to non logged user(which is understandable).
Only safe idea that's comes to my mind is creating scripts inside WordPress and access them via AJAX but I'm worrying about performance of this method.
Maybe there is a right way that I'm not familiar with?
For that purpose, you should create an API from scratch of the wordpress database. wordpress databse has all of you need in a good way and only some php codes needed to create and execute the API. then in you app with AJAX you should access that.
this link may help you:
The right way is likely creating your own API if you don't want to use Woocommence's one. That means you make a plan of what you need to expose, all the routes and start building the API. I warmly recommend the book by Phil Sturgeon - Build APIs you won't hate. The author is also a co-founder of so it's quite reputable.

wordpress and the $_GET method

I have recently updated a plain html website for a music festival into wordpress. All is fine and beautifulllllll(!), except for one thing. People who apply for the courses are supposed to pay for a deposit, and when they do so they should receive a confirmation email that includes a URL for the future payment of the rest of the course fee.
With the old site, we used to have something like:
The coursefee.php file used the $_GET method to create a form that would lead to the payment service (with the right amount to be paid, the correct reference number, ASO). The problem is that if I use the same configuration in wordpress.... well, things don't work. Wordpress uses url parameters as query parameters and I really don't know how to go around this issue.
Any ideas?
Did you check the path to your coursefee.php files is in the wordpress root directory ?
This php file is not part of Wordpress core, so if you have the standard .htaccess file, you should access it directly without initializing WordPress.

How do I make Wordpress and an ASP.NET MVC 2webapp appear as one app to the end user?

I want to use Wordpress as a CMS for our domains content pages, and also provide links to and from CMS and our service which is an MVC 2 app, and I would really appreciate some guidance on this subject:
The first approach that comes to my mind is to bind my wordpress site to "" and then bind the service to "", and just have them point to the different websites in IIS. In my opinion it does not provide a seamless experience since we are effectively moving from one domain to another when navigating between MVC and wordpress.
How would you solve the task of making a wordpress app and an MVC app appear to be one?
A co-worker came up with an interesting solution to a similar issue and to solve it he wrote a theme in WP that shows all front-end results in JSON. Then, he used ajax/js to pull in content by sending a link to the WP server and pulling back in the JSON-formatted results. I have been meaning write up a blog post about it but the concept should get you started.
Basically, a main-server-page loads all the HTML then hits the wp-server and pulls in the necessary content. The main issue with doing it this way was the page would be empty if the user disabled JS or something else went wrong, but we never had that issue on a lightly-used server.

Wordpress XMLRPC advice needed

I have been tasked with creating an API for retrieving and adding content to Wordpress from a flash application and legacy CMS (non-PHP). My plan is to utilise the existing default xmlrpc endpoint and add any additional functionality by creating a plugin which hooks into xmlrpc_methods.
A previous attempt had been made by another developer based on the following code:
This code looks unwieldy and poorly documented to me and my preference would be to use this approach:
I would be grateful if anyone with experience in this area could confirm that:
I will be able to distinguish between separate blogs in an MU installation when both retrieving and posting data via XMLRPC
I will be able to retrieve and post to custom fields
writing a plugin is the way to go.
We do not have the option of using Wordpress 3 as it is still in Beta and we are under time pressure.
I would greatly appreciate appreciate any input / advice.
Many thanks,
I've worked with WordPress' XMLRPC system before (using a WP-Hive installation with multiple separate blogs similar to a WPMU set-up). The new approach you're using is definitely simpler and easier to implement (I tried the 5ubliminal one as well the first time).
Whether or not you can distinguish between separate blogs in a MU installation depends entirely on how you build your handler function. You can build it to distinguish the separate blogs, to only function on specific blogs, or to treat the entire system as a single WordPress site. It's all up to you.
By "handler function" I mean a custom function you define to handle XMLRPC requests that call a specific, custom method (not necessarily the default WordPress methods). For example, I use XMLRPC in all my plug-ins to report back installation progress and errors -
each plug-in makes an XMLRPC call to a custom handler (method) on my server.
Yes, you can retrieve and post to custom fields.
Absolutely writing a plug-in is the way to go. The only other options are to change core files (BAD idea) or to build it into your theme, in which case it could ONLY be used on MU sites using that theme. Build it as a site-wide MU plug-in that can be controlled on a site-by-site basis by the global admin.
Wordpress XMLRPC offers various functionalities which can be harvested easily. I have used IXR_Library to parse the XML requests/responses. Currently with very small piece of code i can easily posts, fetch, edit and delete Posts in Wordpress based blogs either self hosted or on sites. (reference)
When you have multiple blogs hosted via MU you will need site ID of all those blogs which will become the first parameter for $params (in our case 0 should be replaced with site_id).
In the reference i gave above you will see the option to fetch and post to all created custom fields (unfortunately, you can't create custom fields on the fly from my script)
You are welcome to write a WP plugin to do all of this, be my guest and let me know if you need my help. I have used the same technique to post to blogger, tumblr, Wordpress and Posterous using their API's. I hope this helps.
