How to calculate both positive and negative angle between two lines? - math

There is a very handy set of 2d geometry utilities here.
The angleBetweenLines has a problem, though. The result is always positive. I need to detect both positive and negative angles, so if one line is 15 degrees "above" or "below" the other line, the shape obviously looks different.
The configuration I have is that one line remains stationary, while the other line rotates, and I need to understand what direction it is rotating in, by comparing it with the stationary line.
EDIT: in response to swestrup's comment below, the situation is actually that I have a single line, and I record its starting position. The line then rotates from its starting position, and I need to calculate the angle from its starting position to current position. E.g if it has rotated clockwise, it is positive rotation; if counterclockwise, then negative. (Or vice versa.)
How to improve the algorithm so it returns the angle as both positive or negative depending on how the lines are positioned?

Here's the implementation of brainjam's suggestion. (It works with my constraints that the difference between the lines is guaranteed to be small enough that there's no need to normalize anything.)
CGFloat angleBetweenLinesInRad(CGPoint line1Start, CGPoint line1End, CGPoint line2Start, CGPoint line2End) {
CGFloat a = line1End.x - line1Start.x;
CGFloat b = line1End.y - line1Start.y;
CGFloat c = line2End.x - line2Start.x;
CGFloat d = line2End.y - line2Start.y;
CGFloat atanA = atan2(a, b);
CGFloat atanB = atan2(c, d);
return atanA - atanB;
I like that it's concise. Would the vector version be more concise?

#duffymo's answer is correct, but if you don't want to implement cross-product, you can use the atan2 function. This returns an angle between -π and π, and you can use it on each of the lines (or more precisely the vectors representing the lines).
If you get an angle θ for the first (stationary line), you'll have to normalize the angle φ for the second line to be between θ-π and θ+π (by adding ±2π). The angle between the two lines will then be φ-θ.

This is an easy problem involving 2D vectors. The sine of the angle between two vectors is related to the cross-product between the two vectors. And "above" or "below" is determined by the sign of the vector that's produced by the cross-product: if you cross two vectors A and B, and the cross-product produced is positive, then A is "below" B; if it's negative, A is "above" B. See Mathworld for details.
Here's how I might code it in Java:
package cruft;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
* VectorUtils
* User: Michael
* Date: Apr 18, 2010
* Time: 4:12:45 PM
public class VectorUtils
private static final int DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS = 3;
private static final NumberFormat DEFAULT_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.###");
public static void main(String[] args)
double [] a = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
double [] b = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 };
double [] c = VectorUtils.crossProduct(a, b);
public static double [] crossProduct(double [] a, double [] b)
assert ((a != null) && (a.length >= DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS ) && (b != null) && (b.length >= DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS));
double [] c = new double[DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS];
c[0] = +a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1];
c[1] = +a[2]*b[0] - a[0]*b[2];
c[2] = +a[0]*b[1] - a[1]*b[0];
return c;
public static String toString(double [] a)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(128);
builder.append("{ ");
for (double c : a)
builder.append(DEFAULT_FORMAT.format(c)).append(' ');
return builder.toString();
Check the sign of the 3rd component. If it's positive, A is "below" B; if it's negative, A is "above" B - as long as the two vectors are in the two quadrants to the right of the y-axis. Obviously, if they're both in the two quadrants to the left of the y-axis the reverse is true.
You need to think about your intuitive notions of "above" and "below". What if A is in the first quadrant (0 <= θ <= 90) and B is in the second quadrant (90 <= θ <= 180)? "Above" and "below" lose their meaning.
The line then rotates from its
starting position, and I need to
calculate the angle from its starting
position to current position. E.g if
it has rotated clockwise, it is
positive rotation; if
counterclockwise, then negative. (Or
vice versa.)
This is exactly what the cross-product is for. The sign of the 3rd component is positive for counter-clockwise and negative for clockwise (as you look down at the plane of rotation).

One 'quick and dirty' method you can use is to introduce a third reference line R. So, given two lines A and B, calculate the angles between A and R and then B and R, and subtract them.
This does about twice as much calculation as is actually necessary, but is easy to explain and debug.

// Considering two vectors CA and BA
// Computing angle from CA to BA
// Thanks to code shared by Jaanus, but atan2(y,x) is used wrongly.
float getAngleBetweenVectorsWithSignInDeg(Point2f C, Point2f A, Point2f B)
float a = A.x - C.x;
float b = A.y - C.y;
float c = B.x - C.x;
float d = B.y - C.y;
float angleA = atan2(b, a);
float angleB = atan2(d, c);
cout << "angleA: " << angleA << "rad, " << angleA * 180 / M_PI << " deg" << endl;
cout << "angleB: " << angleB << "rad, " << angleB * 180 / M_PI << " deg" << endl;
float rotationAngleRad = angleB - angleA;
float thetaDeg = rotationAngleRad * 180.0f / M_PI;
return thetaDeg;

That function is working in RADS
There are 2pi RADS in a full circle (360 degrees)
Thus I believe the answear you are looking for is simply the returned value - 2pi
If you are asking to have that one function return both values at the same time, then you are asking to break the language, a function can only return a single value. You could pass it two pointers that it can use to set the value of so that the change can persist after the frunction ends and your program can continue to work. But not really a sensible way of solving this problem.
Just noticed that the function actually converts the Rads to Degrees as it returns the value. But the same principle will work.


Calculate Radians In Order To Have Player Face Unit - From Player(X,Y) to Unit(X,Y)

Given a Player.X and Player.Y, and a Unit.X and Unit.Y, what is the formula to calculate the proper amount in radians to face the player towards, so that the player is facing directly towards the units x,y position..
Minimum radians is 0, maximum radains is ~6.3(360 degrees) for radians in the game I am modding in C++.
Player.x = -9000
Player.y = -150
Unit.x = -8950
Unit.y = -132
I am not great at math, so thank you in advance!
If you use std::atan2 from <cmath>, then you might be able to do something like:
template <typename P, typename U>
double delta_theta(P p, U u) {
auto delta = std::atan2(u.y, u.x) - std::atan2(p.y, p.x);
if (delta > M_PI) return delta - 2*M_PI;
if (delta < -M_PI) return return delta + 2*M_PI;
return delta;
This generally returns positive if u is to the left (turn counter-clockwise) and negative if u is to the right (turn clockwise).

What is the fast way to constraint an float angle in a range?

For example, I have an angle with value 350 degree, and I want to constraint it in a range with max positive offset of 30 and a max negative offset of 40.
As a result, the angle value should be in a range of (310, 360) and (0, 20). If the computed angle value is 304, the angle value should be constrainted to 310, and if the computed angle value is 30, the angle value should be constrainted to 20.
I have already implemented a method, but it's not efficient enough(Most of the effort is to solve the issue when the angle value is near 360~0 ). What is the fast way to achieve this please?
// All values are in the range [0.0f, 360.0f]
// Output: the angle value after constraint.
float _KeepAngleValueBetween(float originalAngle, float currentAngle, float MaxPositiveOffset, float MaxNegativeOffset).
For example:
KeepAngleValueBetween(350.0f, 302.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f)
result: 310.0f
KeepAngleValueBetween(350.0f, 40.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f)
result: 20.0f
KeepAngleValueBetween(140.0f, 190.0f, 45.0f, 40.0f)
result: 185.0f
I couldn't come up with a solution that doesn't use if. Anyway, I handle the problem around 0/360 by translating the values before checking if currentAngle is in the desired range.
Pseudo code (Ok, it's C. It is also valid Java. And C++.):
float _KeepAngleValueBetween(float originalAngle, float currentAngle, float MaxPositiveOffset, float MaxNegativeOffset) {
// Translate so that the undesirable range starts at 0.
float translateBy = originalAngle + MaxPositiveOffset;
float result = currentAngle - translateBy + 720f;
result -= ((int)result/360) * 360;
float undesiredRange = 360f - MaxNegativeOffset - MaxPositiveOffset;
if (result >= undesiredRange) {
// No adjustment needed
return currentAngle;
// Perform adjustment
if (result * 2 < undesiredRange) {
// Return the upper limit because it is closer.
result = currentAngle + MaxPositiveOffset;
} else {
// Return the lower limit
result = currentAngle - MaxNegativeOffset + 360f;
// Translate to the range 0-360.
result -= ((int)result)/360 * 360;
return result;

d3js Cluster Force Layout IV block by Mike

I am new to d3js and I'm just starting out.
I am trying the cluster layout example written by Mike in one of his blocks.
I got it to work on my machine with my code but I really don't like just blindly copying code without understanding it.
However I am having a tough time understanding the math behind the 'cluster()' and 'collide()' functions and as to how they function.
Could anyone please explain it? Thanks for your help !!
Let's look at each method and I'll comment it as best I can.
First the caller:
function tick(e) {
.each(cluster(10 * e.alpha * e.alpha)) //for each node on each tick call function returned by cluster function
//pass in alpha cooling parameter to collide
I won't rehash an explanation here about how the tick event works. The documentation is clear.
The function:
// returns a closure wrapping the cooling
// alpha (so it can be used for every node on the tick)
function cluster(alpha) {
return function(d) { // d here is the datum on the node
var cluster = clusters[d.cluster]; // clusters is a hash-map, the key is an index of the 10 clusters, the value is an object where d.cluster is the center node in that cluster
if (cluster === d) return; // if we are on the center node, do nothing
var x = d.x - cluster.x, // distance on x of node to center node
y = d.y - cluster.y, // distance on y of node to center node
l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), // distance of node to center node (Pythagorean theorem)
r = d.radius + cluster.radius; // radius of node, plus radius of center node (the center node is always the largest one in the cluster)
if (l != r) { // if the node is not adjacent to the center node
l = (l - r) / l * alpha; //find a length that is slightly closer, this provides the illusion of it moving towards the center on each tick
d.x -= x *= l; // move node closer to center node
d.y -= y *= l;
cluster.x += x; // move center node closer to node
cluster.y += y;
The collide function is a bit more complicated. Before we dive into it, you need to understand what a QuadTree is and why Bostock is using it. If you want to determine if two elements are colliding the naive algorithm would be to loop the elements both outer and inner to compare each one against every other one. This is, of course, computationally expensive especially on every tick. This is the problem QuadTrees are trying to solve:
A quadtree recursively partitions two-dimensional space into squares, dividing each square into four equally-sized squares. Each distinct point exists in a unique leaf node; coincident points are represented by a linked list. Quadtrees can accelerate various spatial operations, such as the Barnes–Hut approximation for computing many-body forces, collision detection, and searching for nearby points.
What does that mean? First, take a look at this excellent explanation. In my own simplified words it means this: take a 2-d space and divide it into four quadrants. If any quadrant contains 4 or less nodes stop. If the quadrant contains more than four nodes, divide it again into four quadrants. Repeat this until each quadrant/sub-quadrant contains 4 or less nodes. Now when we look for collisions, our inner loop no longer loops nodes, but instead quadrants. If the quadrant doesn't collide then move to the next one. This is a big optimization.
Now onto the code:
// returns a closure wrapping the cooling
// alpha (so it can be used for every node on the tick)
// and the quadtree
function collide(alpha) {
// create quadtree from our nodes
var quadtree = d3.geom.quadtree(nodes);
return function(d) { // d is the datum on the node
var r = d.radius + maxRadius + Math.max(padding, clusterPadding), // r is the radius of the node circle plus padding
nx1 = d.x - r, // nx1, nx2, ny1, ny2 are the bounds of collision detection on the node
nx2 = d.x + r,
ny1 = d.y - r,
ny2 = d.y + r;
quadtree.visit(function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) { // visit each quadrant
if (quad.point && (quad.point !== d)) { // if the quadrant is a point (a node and not a sub-quadrant) and that point is not our current node
var x = d.x - quad.point.x, // distance on x of node to quad node
y = d.y - quad.point.y, // distance on y of node to quad node
l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y), // distance of node to quad node (Pythagorean theorem)
r = d.radius + quad.point.radius + (d.cluster === quad.point.cluster ? padding : clusterPadding); // radius of node in quadrant
if (l < r) { // if there is a collision
l = (l - r) / l * alpha; // re-position nodes
d.x -= x *= l;
d.y -= y *= l;
quad.point.x += x;
quad.point.y += y;
// This is important, it determines if the quadrant intersects
// with the node. If it does not, it returns false
// and we no longer visit and sub-quadrants or nodes
// in our quadrant, if true it descends into it
return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1;

Efficient way to apply mirror effect on quaternion rotation?

Quaternions represent rotations - they don't include information about scaling or mirroring. However it is still possible to mirror the effect of a rotation.
Consider a mirroring on the x-y-plane (we can also call it a mirroring along the z-axis). A rotation around the x-axis mirrored on the x-y-plane would be negated. Likewise with a rotation around the y axis. However, a rotation around the z-axis would be left unchanged.
Another example: 90º rotation around axis (1,1,1) mirrored in the x-y plane would give -90º rotation around (1,1,-1). To aid the intuition, if you can visualize a depiction of the axis and a circular arrow indicating the rotation, then mirroring that visualization indicates what the new rotation should be.
I have found a way to calculate this mirroring of the rotation, like this:
Get the angle-axis representation of the quaternion.
For each of the axes x, y, and z.
If the scaling is negative (mirrored) along that axis:
Negate both angle and axis.
Get the updated quaternion from the modified angle and axis.
This only supports mirroring along the primary axes, x, y, and z, since that's all I need. It works for arbitrary rotations though.
However, the conversions from quaternion to angle-axis and back from angle-axis to quaternion are expensive. I'm wondering if there's a way to do the conversion directly on the quaternion itself, but my comprehension of quaternion math is not sufficient to get anywhere myself.
(Posted on StackOverflow rather than math-related forums due to the importance of a computationally efficient method.)
I just spent quite some time on figuring out a clear answer to this question, so I am posting it here for the record.
As was noted in other answers, a mirror effect cannot be represented as a rotation. However, given a rotation R1to2 from a coordinate frame C1 to a coordinate frame C2, we may be interested in efficiently computing the equivalent rotation when applying the same mirror effect to C1 and C2 (e.g. I was facing the problem of converting an input quaternion, given in a left-handed coordinate frame, into the quaternion representing the same rotation but in a right-handed coordinate frame).
In terms of rotation matrices, this can be thought of as follows:
R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 = M_mirrorC2 * R_C1_to_C2 * M_mirrorC1
Here, both R_C1_to_C2 and R_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 represent valid rotations, so when dealing with quaternions, how do you efficiently compute q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2 from q_C1_to_C2?
The following assumes that q_C1_to_C2=[w,x,y,z]:
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,x,-y,-z]
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,y,-z]
if C1 and C2 are mirrored along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[w,-x,-y,z]
When considering different mirrored axes for the C1 and C2, we have the following:
if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,y,x,w]
if C1 is mirrored along the X-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(-1,1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[-y,z,-w,x]
if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[z,-y,-x,w]
if C1 is mirrored along the Y-axis and C2 along the Z-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,-1,1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,1,-1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,z,y]
if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the X-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(-1,1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[y,z,w,x]
if C1 is mirrored along the Z-axis and C2 along the Y-axis (i.e. M_mirrorC1=diag_3x3(1,1,-1) & M_mirrorC2=diag_3x3(1,-1,1)) then q_mirroredC1_to_mirroredC2=[x,w,-z,-y]
Test program
Here is a small c++ program based on OpenCV to test all this:
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#define CST_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
// Random rotation matrix uniformly sampled from SO3 (see "Fast random rotation matrices" by J.Arvo)
cv::Matx<double,3,3> get_random_rotmat()
double theta1 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
double theta2 = 2*CST_PI*cv::randu<double>();
double x3 = cv::randu<double>();
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R(std::cos(theta1),std::sin(theta1),0,-std::sin(theta1),std::cos(theta1),0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,1> v(std::cos(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sin(theta2)*std::sqrt(x3),std::sqrt(1-x3));
return -1*(cv::Matx<double,3,3>::eye()-2*v*v.t())*R;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> rotmat2quatwxyz(const cv::Matx<double,3,3> &R)
// Implementation from Ceres 1.10
const double trace = R(0,0) + R(1,1) + R(2,2);
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_wxyz;
if (trace >= 0.0) {
double t = sqrt(trace + 1.0);
quat_wxyz(0) = 0.5 * t;
t = 0.5 / t;
quat_wxyz(1) = (R(2,1) - R(1,2)) * t;
quat_wxyz(2) = (R(0,2) - R(2,0)) * t;
quat_wxyz(3) = (R(1,0) - R(0,1)) * t;
} else {
int i = 0;
if (R(1, 1) > R(0, 0))
i = 1;
if (R(2, 2) > R(i, i))
i = 2;
const int j = (i + 1) % 3;
const int k = (j + 1) % 3;
double t = sqrt(R(i, i) - R(j, j) - R(k, k) + 1.0);
quat_wxyz(i + 1) = 0.5 * t;
t = 0.5 / t;
quat_wxyz(0) = (R(k,j) - R(j,k)) * t;
quat_wxyz(j + 1) = (R(j,i) + R(i,j)) * t;
quat_wxyz(k + 1) = (R(k,i) + R(i,k)) * t;
// Check that the w element is positive
quat_wxyz *= -1; // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
return quat_wxyz;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> apply_quaternion_trick(const unsigned int item_permuts[4], const int sign_flips[4], const cv::Matx<double,4,1>& quat_wxyz)
// Flip the sign of the x and z components
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped(sign_flips[0]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[0]),sign_flips[1]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[1]),sign_flips[2]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[2]),sign_flips[3]*quat_wxyz(item_permuts[3]));
// Check that the w element is positive
quat_flipped *= -1; // quat and -quat represent the same rotation, but to make quaternion comparison easier, we always use the one with positive w
return quat_flipped;
void detect_quaternion_trick(const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_regular, const cv::Matx<double,4,1> &quat_flipped, unsigned int item_permuts[4], int sign_flips[4])
if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(0))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(0)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(1))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(1)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(2))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(2)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(0))) {
sign_flips[0] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(0)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(1))) {
sign_flips[1] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(1)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(2))) {
sign_flips[2] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(2)>0 ? 1 : -1);
else if(abs(quat_regular(3))==abs(quat_flipped(3))) {
sign_flips[3] = (quat_regular(3)/quat_flipped(3)>0 ? 1 : -1);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_xflip(-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_yflip(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,1);
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_zflip(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,-1);
// Let the user choose the configuration
char im,om;
std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which input ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> im;
std::cout << "Enter the axis (x,y,z) along which output ref is flipped:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> om;
cv::Matx<double,3,3> M_iflip,M_oflip;
if(im=='x') M_iflip=M_xflip;
else if(im=='y') M_iflip=M_yflip;
else if(im=='z') M_iflip=M_zflip;
if(om=='x') M_oflip=M_xflip;
else if(om=='y') M_oflip=M_yflip;
else if(om=='z') M_oflip=M_zflip;
// Generate random quaternions until we find one where no two elements are equal
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R;
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular,quat_flipped;
do {
R = get_random_rotmat();
quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
} while(quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(1) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(0)==quat_regular(3) ||
quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(2) || quat_regular(1)==quat_regular(3) ||
// Determine and display the appropriate quaternion trick
quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
unsigned int item_permuts[4]={0,1,2,3};
int sign_flips[4]={1,1,1,1};
char str_quat[4]={'w','x','y','z'};
std::cout << std::endl << "When iref is flipped along the " << im << "-axis and oref along the " << om << "-axis:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "resulting_quat=[" << (sign_flips[0]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[0]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[1]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[1]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[2]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[2]] << ","
<< (sign_flips[3]>0?"":"-") << str_quat[item_permuts[3]] << "], where initial_quat=[w,x,y,z]" << std::endl;
// Test this trick on several random rotation matrices
unsigned int n_errors = 0, n_tests = 10000;
std::cout << std::endl << "Performing " << n_tests << " tests on random rotation matrices:" << std::endl;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<n_tests; ++i) {
// Get a random rotation matrix and the corresponding quaternion
cv::Matx<double,3,3> R = get_random_rotmat();
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_regular = rotmat2quatwxyz(R);
// Get the quaternion corresponding to the flipped coordinate frames, via the sign trick and via computation on rotation matrices
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_tricked = apply_quaternion_trick(item_permuts,sign_flips,quat_regular);
cv::Matx<double,4,1> quat_flipped = rotmat2quatwxyz(M_oflip*R*M_iflip);
// Check that both results are identical
if(cv::norm(quat_tricked-quat_flipped,cv::NORM_INF)>1e-6) {
std::cout << "Error (idx=" << i << ")!"
<< "\n quat_regular=" << quat_regular.t()
<< "\n quat_tricked=" << quat_tricked.t()
<< "\n quat_flipped=" << quat_flipped.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << n_errors << " errors on " << n_tests << " tests." << std::endl;
return 0;
There is little bit easier and programmer oriented way to think about this. Assume that you want to reverse the z axis (i.e. flip z axis to -z) in your coordinate system. Now think of quaternion as orientation vector in terms of roll, pitch and yaw. When you flip z axis, notice that sign of roll and pitch is inverted but sign for yaw remains same.
Now you can find the net effect on quaternion using following code for converting Euler angles to quaternion (I'd put this code to Wikipedia):
static Quaterniond toQuaternion(double pitch, double roll, double yaw)
Quaterniond q;
double t0 = std::cos(yaw * 0.5f);
double t1 = std::sin(yaw * 0.5f);
double t2 = std::cos(roll * 0.5f);
double t3 = std::sin(roll * 0.5f);
double t4 = std::cos(pitch * 0.5f);
double t5 = std::sin(pitch * 0.5f);
q.w() = t0 * t2 * t4 + t1 * t3 * t5;
q.x() = t0 * t3 * t4 - t1 * t2 * t5;
q.y() = t0 * t2 * t5 + t1 * t3 * t4;
q.z() = t1 * t2 * t4 - t0 * t3 * t5;
return q;
Using basic trigonometry, sin(-x) = -sin(x) and cos(-x) = cos(x). Applyieng this to above code you can see that sign for t3 and t5 will flip. This will cause sign of x and y to flip.
So when you invert the z-axis,
Q'(w, x, y, z) = Q(w, -x, -y, z)
Similarly you can figure out any other combinations of axis reversal and find impact on quaternion.
PS: In case if anyone is wondering why anyone would ever need this... I needed above to transform quaternion coming from MavLink/Pixhawk system which controls drone. The source system uses NED coordinate system but usual 3D environments like Unreal uses NEU coordinate system which requires transforming z axis to -z to use the quaternion correctly.
I did some further analysis, and it appears the effect of a quaternion (w, x, y, z) can have it's effect mirrored like this:
Mirror effect of rotation along x axis by flipping y and z elements of the quaternion.
Mirror effect of rotation along y axis by flipping x and z elements of the quaternion.
Mirror effect of rotation along z axis by flipping x and y elements of the quaternion.
The w element of the quaternion never needs to be touched.
Unfortunately I still don't understand quaternions well enough to be able to explain why this works, but I derived it from implementations of converting to and from axis-angle format, and after implementing this solution, it works just as well as my original one in all tests of it I have performed.
We can examine the set of all rotations and reflections in 3D this is called the Orthogonal group O(3). It can be though of as the set of orthogonal matrices with determinant +1 or -1. All rotations have determinant +1 and pure reflections have determinate -1. There is another member of O(3) the inversion in a point (x,y,z)->(-x,-y,-z) this has det -1 in 3D and we will come to this later. If we combine two transformations in the group you multiply their determinants. Hence two rotations combined give another rotation (+1 * +1 = +1), a rotation combined with a reflection give a reflection (+1 * -1 = -1) and two reflections combined give a rotation (-1 * -1 = +1).
We can restrict the O(3) to just those with determinant +1 to form the Special Orthogonal Group SO(3). This just contains the rotations.
Now the set of unit quaternions is the double cover of SO(3) that means that two unit quaternions correspond to each rotation. To be precise if a+b i+c j+d k is a unit quaternions then a-b i-c j-d k represents the same rotation, you can think of this as a rotation by ø around the vector (b,c,d) being the same as a rotation by -ø around the vector (-b,-c,-d).
Note that all the unit quaternions have determinant +1, so there is none which correspond to a pure reflection. This is why you cannot use quaternions to represent reflections.
What you might be able to do is use the inversion. Now a reflection followed by an inversion is a rotation. For example reflect in x=0 and invert, is the same as reflecting in the y=0 and reflecting in the z=0. This is the same as 180º rotation around the x-axis. You could do the same procedure for any reflection.
We can define a plane through the origin by using it normal vector n = (a,b,c). A reflection of a vector v(x,y,z) in that plane is given by
v - 2 (v . n ) / ( n . n) n
= (x,y,z) - 2 (a x+b y+c z) / (a^2+b^2+c^2) (a,b,c)
In particular the x-y plane has normal (0,0,1) so a reflection is
(x,y,z) - 2 z (0,0,1) = (x,y,-z)
Quaternions and spatial rotation has a nice formula for a quaternion from the axis angle formula.
p = cos(ø/2) + (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
This is a quaternion W + X i + Y j + Z k with W=cos(ø/2), X = x sin(ø/2), Y = y sin(ø/2), Z = z sin(ø/2)
Changing the direction of rotation will flip the sin of the half angle but leave the cos unchanged, giving
p' = cos(ø/2) - (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
Now if we consider reflecting the corresponding vector in x-y plane giving
q = cos(ø/2) + (x i + y j - z k) sin(ø/2)
we might want to change the direction of rotation giving
q' = cos(ø/2) + (- x i - y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
= W - X i - Y j + Z k
which I think corresponds to your answer.
We can generalise this to reflection in a general plane with unit length normal (a,b,c). Let d be the dot product (a,b,c).(x,y,z). The refection of (x,y,z) is
(x,y,z) - 2 d (a,b,c) = (x - 2 d a, y - 2 d b, z - 2 d c)
the rotation quaternion of this
q = cos(ø/2) - ((x - 2 d a) i + ((y - 2 d b) j + (z - 2 d c) k) sin(ø/2)
q = cos(ø/2) - (x i + y j + z k) sin(ø/2)
+ 2 d sin(ø/2) (a i + b j + c k)
= W - X i - Y j - Z k + 2 d (X,Y,Z).(a,b,c) (a i + b j + c k)
Note that mirroring is not a rotation, so generally you can't bake it into a quaternion (I might very well have misunderstood your question, though). The 3x3 component of the mirroring transformation matrix is
M = I-2(n*nT)
where I is an identity 3x3 matrix, n is the mirror plane's normal represented as a 3x1 matrix, and nT is n as a 1x3 matrix (so n*nT is a 3x(1x1)x3=3x3 matrix).
Now, if the quaternion q you want to 'mirror' is the last transformation, the last transformation on the other side would be just M*q (again, this would be a general 3x3 matrix, not generally representable as a quaternion)
For anyone who gets here by a web-search and is looking for the math, then:
To reflecting point 'p' through plane ax+by+cz=0, using quaternions:
n = 0+(a,b,c)
p = 0+(x,y,z)
where 'n' is a unit bivector (or pure quaternion if you prefer)
p' = npn
then p' is the reflect point.
If you compose with a second reflection 'm':
p' = mnpnm = (mn)p(mn)^*
is a rotation.
Rotations and reflections compose as expected.
Uniform scaling
Since scalar products commute and can be factor out then if we have either a rotation by unit quaternion 'Q' or a reflection by unit bivector 'b' (or any combination of) multiplying either by some non-zero scale value 's' results in a uniform scaling of s^2. And since (sqrt(s0)*sqrt(s1))^2 = s0*s1, these uniform scaling value compose as expected.
However this point is probably of no interest since in code we want to be able to assume unit magnitude values to reduce the runtime complexity.

How to adjust player sprite speed correctly? (Basically a math question?)

Background: I have a bird view's JavaScript game where the player controls a space ship by touching a circle -- e.g. touch to the left of the circle center, and the ship will move left, touch the top right and it will move to the top right and so on... the further away from the circle center of pseudo joystick, the more speed in that direction. However, I'm not directly adjusting the ship's speed, but rather set a targetSpeed.x and targetSpeed.y value, and the ship will then adjust its speed using something like:
if (this.speed.x < this.targetSpeed.x) {
this.speed.x += this.speedStep;
else if (this.speed.x > this.targetSpeed.x) {
this.speed.x -= this.speedStep;
... and the same for the y speed, and speedStep is a small value to make it smoother and not too abrupt (a ship shouldn't go from a fast leftwards direction to an immediate fast rightwards direction).
My question: Using above code, I believe however that the speed will be adjusted quicker in diagonal directions, and slower along the horizontal/ vertical lines. How do I correct this to have an equal target speed following?
Thanks so much for any help!
var xdiff = targetSpeed.x - speed.x;
var ydiff = targetSpeed.y - speed.y;
var angle = Math.atan2(ydiff, xdiff);
speed.x += speedStep * Math.cos(angle);
speed.y += speedStep * Math.sin(angle);
Assuming you already checked that the touch is inside the circle, and that the edge of the circle represents max speed, and that the center of the circle is circleTouch == [0, 0]
In some C++-like pseudo code:
Scalar circleRadius = ...;
Scalar maxSpeed = ...;
Scalar acceleration = ...;
Vector calculateTargetSpeed( Vector circleTouch ) {
Vector targetSpeed = maxSpeed * circleTouch / circleRadius;
return targetSpeed;
Vector calculateNewSpeed( Vector currentSpeed, Vector targetSpeed ) {
Vector speedDiff = targetSpeed - currentSpeed;
Vector newSpeed = currentSpeed + acceleration * normalized(speedDiff);
return newSpeed;
// Divide v by its length to get normalized vector (length 1) with same x/y ratio
Vector normalized( Vector v ) {
return v / length(v);
// Pythagoras for the length of v
Scalar length( Vector v ) {
Scalar length = sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y); // or preferably hypot(v.x, v.y)
return length;
This is just off the top of my head, and i haven't tested it. The other answer is fine, i just wanted to give an answer without trigonometry functions. :)
