Let's say I do this in a unix shell
$ some-script.sh | grep mytext
$ echo $?
this will give me the exit code of grep
but how can I get the exit code of some-script.sh
Assume that the pipe operation is immutable. ie, I can not break it apart and run the two commands seperately
There are multiple solutions, it depends on what you want to do exactly.
The easiest and understandable way would be to send the output to a file, then grep for it after saving the exit code:
./some-script.sh > $tmpfile
grep mytext $tmpfile
rm tmpfile
A trick from the comp.unix.shell FAQ (#13) explains how using the pipeline in the Bourne shell should help accomplish what you want:
You need to use a trick to pass the exit codes to the main
shell. You can do it using a pipe(2). Instead of running
"cmd1", you run "cmd1; echo $?" and make sure $? makes it way
to the shell.
exec 3>&1
eval `
# now, inside the `...`, fd4 goes to the pipe
# whose other end is read and passed to eval;
# fd1 is the normal standard output preserved
# the line before with exec 3>&1
exec 4>&1 >&3 3>&-
cmd1 4>&-; echo "ec1=$?;" >&4
} | {
cmd2 4>&-; echo "ec2=$?;" >&4
} | cmd3
echo "ec3=$?;" >&4
If you're using bash:
An array variable (see Arrays) containing a list of exit status values from the processes in the most-recently-executed foreground pipeline (which may contain only a single command).
There is a utility named mispipe which is part of the moreutils package.
It does exactly that: mispipe some-script.sh 'grep mytext'
First approach, temporarly save exit status in some file. This cause you must create subshell using braces:
(your_script.sh.pl.others; echo $? >/tmp/myerr)|\ #subshell with exitcode saving
grep sh #next piped commands
exitcode=$(cat /tmp/myerr) #restore saved exitcode
echo $exitcode #and print them
another approach presented by Randy above, simplier code implementation:
some-script.sh | grep mytext
echo ${PIPESTATUS[0]} #print exitcode for first commands. tables are indexted from 0
its all. both works under bash (i know, bashizm). good luck :)
both approaches does not save temporarly pipe to physical file, only exit code.
I have an R script which I'm running in the terminal by firstly generating a .ksh file called myscript.ksh with the following information:
Rscript myscript.R 'Input1'
and then run the function with
which sends the script to a node on the cluster in our department (the processes that we send to the cluster must be as a .ksh file).
'Input1' is an input argument that is used by the R script to some analysis.
The issue that I now have is that I need to run this script a number of times with different input arguments to the function. One solution is to generate a few .ksh files, such as:
Rscript myscript.R 'Input2'
Rscript myscript.R 'Input3'
and then execute them seperately, but I was hoping to find a better solution.
Note that I have to do this for 100 different input arguments so it is not realistic to write 100 of these files. Is there a way of generating another file with the information needed to be supplied to the function e.g. 'Input1' 'Input2' 'Input3' and then run myscript.ksh for these individually.
For example, I could have a variable defining the name of the input arguments and then have a loop which would pass it to myscript.ksh. Is that possible?
The reason for running these in this manner is so that each iteration will hopefully be send to a different node on the cluster, thus analysing the data at a much faster rate.
You need to do two things:
Create an array of all your input variables
Loop through the array and initiate all your calls
The following illustrates the concept:
#Create array of inputs - space separator
inputs=(Input1 Input2 Input3 Input4)
# Loop through all the array items {0 ... n-1}
for i in {0..3}
echo ${inputs[i]}
This will output all the values in the inputs array.
You just need to replace the contents of the do-loop with:
Rscript myscript.R ${inputs[i]}
Also, you may need to add a ` &' at the end of the Rscript command line to spawn off each Rscript command as a separate thread -- otherwise, the shell would wait for a return from each Rscript command before going onto the next.
Based on your comments, you need to actually generate .ksh scripts to submit to qsub. For this you just need to expand the do loop.
For example:
#Create array of inputs - space separator
inputs=(Input1 Input2 Input3 Input4)
# Loop through all the array items {0 ... n-1}
for i in {0..3}
cat > submission.ksh << EOF
Rscript myscript.R ${inputs[i]}
chmod u+x submission.ksh
qsub submission.ksh
The EOF defines the beginning and end of what will be taken as input (STDIN) and the output (STDOUT) will written to submission.ksh.
Then submission.ksh is made executable with the chmod command.
And then the script is submitted via qsub. I'll let you fill in any other arguments you need for qsub.
When your script doesn't know all parameters when it starts, you can make a .ksh file called mycode.ksh with the following information:
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 input"
exit 1
# Or start at the background with nohup .... &, other question
Rscript myscript.R "$1"
and then run the function with
./mycode.ksh inputX
When your application knows all arguments, you can use a loop:
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 input(s)"
exit 1
for input in $*; do
Rscript myscript.R "${input}"
and then run the function with
./mycode.ksh input1 input2 "input with space in double quotes" input4
When there is no files inside the folder the below script goes inside the for loop. Not sure what i can modify so that it doesn't go inside the for loop. Also when there is no files inside the directory exit status should be success. Wrapper script checks the exit status of the below script
FILESRAW ="/exp/test1/folder" .
for fspec in "$FILESRAW"/* ; do
echo "$fspec"
if [[ -f ${fspec} ]] ; then
..... processing logic
... processing logic
if using bash,
you can set nullglob
shopt-s nullglob
if you have hidden files,
shopt -s dotglob
with ksh,
set -o noglob
for file in /path/*
for fspec in `dir $FILESRAW` ; do
To exit if $FILESRAW is empty:
[ $( ls "$FILESRAW" | wc -l ) -eq 0 ] && exit 0
If this test precedes the loop, it will prevent execution from reaching the for loop if $FILESRAW is empty.
When $FILESRAW is empty, "$FILESRAW"/* expands to "/exp/test1/folder/*", as ghostdog74 points out, you can change this behavior by setting nullglob with
shopt -s nullglob
If you want hidden files, set dotglob as well:
shopt -s dotglob
Alternately, you could use ls instead of globing. This has the advantage of working with very full directories (using a pipe, you won't reach the maximum argument limit):
ls "$FILESRAW" | while read file; do
echo "$file"
This becomes messier if you want hidden files, since you'll need to exclude . and .. to emulate globing behavior:
ls -a "$FILESRAW" | egrep -v '^(\.|\.\.)$' | while read file; do
echo "$file"
if you are using ksh,
try putting this in front of for loop so that it won't go inside it.
"set -noglob"
Even I have got the same problem, but I was able to resolve it by doing this.
What is the meaning for $! in shell or shell scripting? I am trying to understand a script which has the something like the following.
local#usr> a=1
local#usr> echo $a
local#usr> echo $!a
It is printing the variable back. Is it all for that? What are the other $x options we have? Few I know are $$, $*, $?. If anyone can point me to a good source, it will be helpful. BTW, This is in Sun OS 5.8, KSH.
The various $… variables are described in Bash manual. According to the manual $! expands to the PID of the last process launched in background. See:
$ echo "Foo"
$ echo $!
$ true&
[1] 67064
$ echo $!
[1]+ Done true
In ksh it seems to do the same.
From the ksh man page on my system:
Expands to the name of the variable referred to by vname. This
will be vname except when vname is a name reference.
For the shell you are asking, ksh, use the the ksh manual, and read this:
Parameter Substitution
A parameter is an identifier, one or more digits, or any of
the characters *, #, #, ?, -, $, and !.
It is clear that those are the accepted options $*, $#, $#, $?, $-, $$, and $!.
More could be included in the future.
For the parameter $!, from the manual:
"!" The process number of the last background command invoked.
if you start a background process, like sleep 60 &, then there will be a process number for such process, and the parameter $! will print its number.
$ sleep 60 &
[1] 12329
$ echo "$!"
If there is no background process in execution (as when the shell starts), the exansion is empty. It has a null value.
$ ksh -c 'echo $!'
If there is a background process, it will expand to the PID of such process:
$ ksh -c 'sleep 30 & echo $!'
That is why echo $!a expanded to a. It is because there is no PID to report:
$ ksh -c 'echo $!a'
Other shells may have a different (usually pretty similar) list of expansions (a parameter with only one $ and one next character).
For example, bash recognize this *##?-$!0_ as "Special parameters". Search the Bash manual for the heading "3.4.2 Special Parameters".
Special Parameters
The shell treats several parameters specially.
It gives the Process id of last backgroundjob or background function
Please go through this link below
! is a reference operator in unix, though it is not called with that name.
It always refers to a mother process. Try typing :! in vi, it takes you to command prompt and you can execute commands as usual until exit command.
! in SQLPLUS also executes the command from the command prompt. try this in sqlplus
SQL> !ls --- this gives the list of files inthe current dir.
$! - obviously gives the process id of the current/latest process.
Is there an alternative to tee which captures standard output and standard error of the command being executed and exits with the same exit status as the processed command?
Something like the following:
eet -a some.log -- mycommand --foo --bar
Where "eet" is an imaginary alternative to "tee" :) (-a means append and -- separates the captured command). It shouldn't be hard to hack such a command, but maybe it already exists and I'm not aware of it?
This works with Bash:
set -o pipefail
mycommand --foo --bar | tee some.log
The parentheses are there to limit the effect of pipefail to just the one command.
From the bash(1) man page:
The return status of a pipeline is the exit status of the last command, unless the pipefail option is enabled. If pipefail is enabled, the pipeline's return status is the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully.
I stumbled upon a couple of interesting solutions at Capture Exit Code Using Pipe & Tee.
There is the $PIPESTATUS variable available in Bash:
false | tee /dev/null
[ $PIPESTATUS -eq 0 ] || exit $PIPESTATUS
And the simplest prototype of "eet" in Perl may look as follows:
open MAKE, "command 2>&1 |" or die;
open (LOGFILE, ">>some.log") or die;
while (<MAKE>) {
print LOGFILE $_;
close MAKE; # To get $?
my $exit = $? >> 8;
close LOGFILE;
Here's an eet. Works with every Bash I can get my hands on, from 2.05b to 4.0.
while [[ $# > 0 && $1 != -- ]]; do
tee_args=("${tee_args[#]}" "$1")
# now ${tee_args[*]} has the arguments before --,
# and $* has the arguments after --
# redirect standard out through a pipe to tee
exec | tee "${tee_args[#]}"
# do the *real* exec of the desired program
exec "$#"
(pipefail and $PIPESTATUS are nice, but I recall them being introduced in 3.1 or thereabouts.)
This is what I consider to be the best pure-Bourne-shell solution to use as the base upon which you could build your "eet":
# You want to pipe command1 through command2:
exec 4>&1
exitstatus=`{ { command1; echo $? 1>&3; } | command2 1>&4; } 3>&1`
# $exitstatus now has command1's exit status.
I think this is best explained from the inside out – command1 will execute and print its regular output on stdout (file descriptor 1), then once it's done, echo will execute and print command1's exit code on its stdout, but that stdout is redirected to file descriptor three.
While command1 is running, its stdout is being piped to command2 (echo's output never makes it to command2 because we send it to file descriptor 3 instead of 1, which is what the pipe reads). Then we redirect command2's output to file descriptor 4, so that it also stays out of file descriptor one – because we want file descriptor one clear for when we bring the echo output on file descriptor three back down into file descriptor one so that the command substitution (the backticks) can capture it.
The final bit of magic is that first exec 4>&1 we did as a separate command – it opens file descriptor four as a copy of the external shell's stdout. Command substitution will capture whatever is written on standard out from the perspective of the commands inside it – but, since command2's output is going to file descriptor four as far as the command substitution is concerned, the command substitution doesn't capture it – however, once it gets "out" of the command substitution, it is effectively still going to the script's overall file descriptor one.
(The exec 4>&1 has to be a separate command to work with many common shells. In some shells it works if you just put it on the same line as the variable assignment, after the closing backtick of the substitution.)
(I use compound commands ({ ... }) in my example, but subshells (( ... )) would also work. The subshell will just cause a redundant forking and awaiting of a child process, since each side of a pipe and the inside of a command substitution already normally implies a fork and await of a child process, and I don't know of any shell being coded to recognize that it can skip one of those forks because it's already done or is about to do the other.)
You can look at it in a less technical and more playful way, as if the outputs of the commands are leapfrogging each other: command1 pipes to command2, then the echo's output jumps over command2 so that command2 doesn't catch it, and then command2's output jumps over and out of the command substitution just as echo lands just in time to get captured by the substitution so that it ends up in the variable, and command2's output goes on its way to the standard output, just as in a normal pipe.
Also, as I understand it, at the end of this command, $? will still contain the return code of the second command in the pipe, because variable assignments, command substitutions, and compound commands are all effectively transparent to the return code of the command inside them, so the return status of command2 should get propagated out.
A caveat is that it is possible that command1 will at some point end up using file descriptors three or four, or that command2 or any of the later commands will use file descriptor four, so to be more hygienic, we would do:
exec 4>&1
exitstatus=`{ { command1 3>&-; echo $? 1>&3; } 4>&- | command2 1>&4; } 3>&1`
exec 4>&-
Commands inherit file descriptors from the process that launches them, so the entire second line will inherit file descriptor four, and the compound command followed by 3>&1 will inherit the file descriptor three. So the 4>&- makes sure that the inner compound command will not inherit file descriptor four, and the 3>&- makes sure that command1 will not inherit file descriptor three, so command1 gets a 'cleaner', more standard environment. You could also move the inner 4>&- next to the 3>&-, but I figure why not just limit its scope as much as possible.
Almost no programs uses pre-opened file descriptor three and four directly, so you almost never have to worry about it, but the latter is probably best to keep in mind and use for general-purpose cases.
{ mycommand --foo --bar 2>&1; ret=$?; } | tee -a some.log; (exit $ret)
KornShell, all in one line:
foo; RET_VAL=$?; if test ${RET_VAL} != 0;then echo $RET_VAL; echo Error occurred!>/tmp/out.err;exit 2;fi |tee >>/tmp/out.err ; if test ${RET_VAL} != 0;then exit $RET_VAL;fi
exec 2>&1
exec "$#" | tee "$logfile"
Hopefully this works for you.
Assuming Bash or Z shell (zsh),
my_command >>my_log 2>&1
N.B. The sequence of redirection and duplication of standard error onto standard output is significant!
I didn't realise you wanted to see the output on screen as well. This will of course direct all output to the file my_log.
I'm trying to write a (sh -bourne shell) script that processes lines as they are written to a file. I'm attempting to do this by feeding the output of tail -f into a while read loop. This tactic seems to be proper based on my research in Google as well as this question dealing with a similar issue, but using bash.
From what I've read, it seems that I should be able to break out of the loop when the file being followed ceases to exist. It doesn't. In fact, it seems the only way I can break out of this is to kill the process in another session. tail does seem to be working fine otherwise as testing with this:
touch file
tail -f file | while read line
echo $line
Data I append to file in another session appears just file from the loop processing written above.
This is on HP-UX version B.11.23.
Thanks for any help/insight you can provide!
If you want to break out, when your file does not exist any more, just do it:
test -f file || break
Placing this in your loop, should break out.
The remaining problem is, how to break the read line, as this is blocking.
This could you do by applying a timeout, like read -t 5 line. Then every 5 second the read returns, and in case the file does not longer exist, the loop will break. Attention: Create your loop that it can handle the case, that the read times out, but the file is still present.
EDIT: Seems that with timeout read returns false, so you could combine the test with the timeout, the result would be:
tail -f test.file | while read -t 3 line || test -f test.file; do
some stuff with $line
I don't know about HP-UX tail but GNU tail has the --follow=name option which will follow the file by name (by re-opening the file every few seconds instead of reading from the same file descriptor which will not detect if the file is unlinked) and will exit when the filename used to open the file is unlinked:
tail --follow=name test.txt
Unless you're using GNU tail, there is no way it'll terminate of its own accord when following a file. The -f option is really only meant for interactive monitoring--indeed, I have a book that says that -f "is unlikely to be of use in shell scripts".
But for a solution to the problem, I'm not wholly sure this isn't an over-engineered way to do it, but I figured you could send the tail to a FIFO, then have a function or script that checked the file for existence and killed off the tail if it'd been unlinked.
sentinel ()
while true
if [ ! -e $1 ]
kill $2
rm /tmp/$1
touch $1
mkfifo /tmp/$1
tail -f $1 >/tmp/$1 &
sentinel $1 $! &
cat /tmp/$1 | while read line
echo $line
Did some naïve testing, and it seems to work okay, and not leave any garbage lying around.
I've never been happy with this answer but I have not found an alternative either:
kill $(ps -o pid,cmd --no-headers --ppid $$ | grep tail | awk '{print $1}')
Get all processes that are children of the current process, look for the tail, print out the first column (tail's pid), and kill it. Sin-freaking-ugly indeed, such is life.
The following approach backgrounds the tail -f file command, echos its process id plus a custom string prefix (here tailpid: ) to the while loop where the line with the custom string prefix triggers another (backgrounded) while loop that every 5 seconds checks if file is still existing. If not, tail -f file gets killed and the subshell containing the backgrounded while loop exits.
# cf. "The Heirloom Bourne Shell",
# http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/sh.html,
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/heirloom/files/heirloom-sh/ and
# http://freecode.com/projects/bournesh
/usr/local/bin/bournesh -c '
touch file
(tail -f file & echo "tailpid: ${!}" ) | while IFS="" read -r line
case "$line" in
tailpid:*) while sleep 5; do
#echo hello;
if [ ! -f file ]; then
IFS=" "; set -- ${line}
kill -HUP "$2"
done &
continue ;;
echo "$line"
echo exiting ...