Can freetextbox display links that were not explicitly added? -

I would like to display links that are pasted in as links rather than text but freetextbox does not seem to do this. For instance, if somebody pastes in it looks like a link but shows up only as text. Do I need to convert this myself or is there a setting in the editor to take care of this?

It depends. In most cases, you need to convert it yourself. Sometimes when you copy a link you are actually getting a link and not just the text. But yes, you'll have to get your hands dirty here.


Image represented by text - what is it called?

I've seen in some sample code and other places what appears to be just a bunch of random text, but is rendered as an image.
For example:
background-image: url();
...which creates a checkbox.
What I'm wondering is, what is it called when you represent an image as text like this? I ask because I want to look for image editors that will do this for me (or see if my current editor has this type of export) and I don't know what to search for.
It's encrypted in BASE64, you can do it HERE
It's all in the code ;)
This is a Base64 encoded data-URI.
Try it here:

Different header in MigraDoc

I have been looking around and I cant find a way to do this as I want.
I have MigraDoc creating a PDF that can be one page or more, the header on the first page I would like to be different to every other page. E.g. First page has a logo and all others do NOT. So I need more then one header. This is something that I have found to do using
Section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True
The problem that I have is that this also means that the footer (that will not change at all) does not show up on the first page. For the Footer I am using a table Section.Footers.Primary.AddTable.
I could use a "quick fix" by just copying the table (footer) and pasting it with it changed to section.Footers.FirstPage.AddTable but then I would have a ton of code that is just messy and not needed as the footer does not change, is there a way around this?
Any help would be great. I will continue to look around to see if i can find anything more on this.
You could also use
section.Footers.FirstPage = Section.Footers.Primary.Clone()
after calling AddTable().
Maybe it would be enough to just all section.Footers.FirstPage.AddTable - IIRC the first page footer will be used for all pages if you do not assign a special primary footer (but I could be wrong about this; I'll check this Wednesday or Thursday).
Well, as no one else can answer this the best way I found to "solve" this problem is to create a function that creates the table. Then I call the function and use it as Section.Footers.Primary and section.Footers.FirstPage
If anyone does have a better way please do feel free to give a comment or something.

Symbols in Rich Text Field

What is the appropriate way to get symbols to publish correctly in a Rich Text field. For example, We are trying to the the registered trade mark symbol to show, but it always ends up with an extra  in front of it, like this: .®.
WE tried &#174, but that gives the same result. This sounds like a code page issue, but everything appers to be UTF-8? Any ideas?
This seems to be an encoding issue. When you say "everything appears to be UTF-8", is the encoding set on your page declaration? There are several other places to check for this. Have a look through Elena's post about how to resolve encoding issues:

How to force a monospaced font to render in Facebook?

I made a program that generates ASCII art from an image. I want users to be able to copy and paste that ASCII art to their wall and have it display properly.
Facebook doesn't use a monospace font.
Does anyone have any ideas on a workaround?
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚚𝚊𝚣.𝚠𝚝𝚏
But it must be done one line at a time unfortunately. But it is unicode so you can prepare it first in a text editor and copy/paste into facebook.
Basically the question is: can you post a formatted text on the wall? The answer is no, sorry. Facebook currently doesn't support any html, markdown-like syntax, or html entities in their wall posts, only plain text.
have you tried the following html tags (they may get filtered, but may not)
<pre> my code </pre>
<tt> my code </tt>
I get that this is a 9 year old question, but I was looking for something similar, saw in the comments, and went digging.
Found this:
It's a single-file script (js) that appears to accomplish the same thing:
𝙳𝚘𝚐𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚕 𝚆𝚘𝚆 𝚂𝚒𝚏𝚎
I'd imagine you could (as I plan to) use it as a base to convert something faster than one line at a time. Hope it helps someone!
monospace: Try a backtick ``before and after your text.`
italic: _italic_
bold: *bold*

VS HTML Designer Tag Hierarchy Links. Broken in all versions including 2010-or is it me?

Should this bar on the HTML designer show the tag name? It sometimes does!
Here's an image of what I referring to.
I thought for sure it must be a bug but considering that I heard that MS was rewriting the editor (designer too?) I am starting to question whether I know how to use it!
Note the "TD" tooltip on the bottom right. Shouldn't this "TD" appear on the bar on the far right where the mouse would be?
This looks like a bug. If there's a reliable repro for it (i.e. if you can show to do it from a new or sample form), you should file the bug on (Or you could file it anyways, but without a repro, it's hard to find and fix...)
