Link phpbb usernames to drupal profiles - drupal

I'm using drupal and phpbb with a bridge called phpbbforum. It works quite well, the user information is synched between the drupal and phpbb databases. The forum is embeded in a drupal page, so all variables that come with page.tpl.php should be avaliable.
I want drupal to be the only profile handler, so when someone clicks on a phpbb username, that person get's linked to the drupal profile. In phpbbs template files, the link to the profile is called by function get_username_string. I think the right place to edit it is in the /includes/functions_content.php file on line 1178. Right above that line it says "* Get username details for placing into templates." and there's a section about profile links.
I just can't figure out how to edit it so that the profile links lead to drupal profiles. Can anyone figure this one out?

I managed to achieve this just a few days ago! I must say, it did take a good 30 minutes for me to figure the files that needed to be edited, but after that, it was a breeze!
Basically, you have to edit the phpBB3 PHP Includes files, so that they point to the Drupal user profile, instead of the phpBB one. This can be achieved very easily. Firstly, install the Pathauto Drupal module. Make an auto alias for all user profiles, so that they go to[username]. Then basically, in the phpBB PHP Includes files, make the user profiles direct to:{USERNAME}.
In phpBB, {USERNAME} means the user's username. So when you add{USERNAME}, it will direct to the Drupal profiles that you created with Pathauto. For example, my Drupal profile pages are, and phpBB will use the {USERNAME} tag to print the user's username. So in phpBB, if you change the profile URLs, they'll go to the same place.
It's pretty easy, but will require a bit of PHP knowledge. Mine is working seamlessly now, and only took about 5 minutes after I'd searched through the phpBB files. What you must remember is - These modifications would be made to phpBB itself, and not Drupal, seeing as you want phpBB profiles to go to Drupal ones. If you need any help, let me know, I'll try to help you out. :)


Is there a way to restrict individual user access to plugins in WordPress?

I am looking to restrict access to plugins for a specific user. I still want this user to be able to edit the theme, but it should not be able to modify plugins or update wordpress.
I did a little research and don't think that there's a simple way to allow this, but before I go along the path of finding a plugin to support this feature, I wanted to ask and make sure there wasn't the ability to do this out of the box.
WordPress will only grant permission to edit the theme in the WordPress Admin Panel. While plugins may be able to restrict editing plugins in the same manner, using this feature at all is highly dangerous as all changes are effective immediately on a live server and can be extremely destructive. If the user's account is compromised someone can directly inject malicious code into the files.
Any changes to theme code, or plugin code for that matter, should be done on local copies of files and then uploaded to the server.
In all of my WordPress installations, even my local development environments, I put the following line of code in my wp-config.php file:
define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true)
This disables the editor in the WP Admin Panel.

Wordpress - restrict access to certain post types

I have a Wordpress site that the client wants to set a couple of users up on, purely for creating, editing and deleting blogs. They want to assign these users the 'author' role and when they log into the admin area, they only want them to see the post type 'posts'. They do not want them to have access to media or any other custom post types. Does anyone have any ideas on this please?
User Role Editor plugin ( has always served me well in cases like that.
As the description says: User Role Editor WordPress plugin makes user roles and capabilities changing easy. Edit/add/delete WordPress user roles and capabilities.
Sounds like the Groups plugin is what you're looking for here. I don't think that functionality is possible within stock Wordpress.
This allows you to further segregate users and permissions, restricting to posts, etc.

can someone pls help me to find out opensource drupal themes which has user login options and file upload

i have browsed through a few themes but culdnt find any.can someone pls help to find out drupal themes which has user login options , am trying to build a site where users can have their own account and upload their files whenever they want.
is it possible to use any theme and add login plugin but am doubtful that if i use login or user file upload plugin i may feel difficulties in customizing it.
Theme with login & file upload functioanlities. like this
Themes are (usually) only styling front-end of your site. Drupal by default (must) have users system login/registration form and all other functionality related to users.
When you activate your new theme logout and go to page "/user" to see your loging form. There are also "/user/register", "/user/password" and some other related with user account functionality.
Will your custom theme also style login/registration/pass forgot forms (pages) or not - that's another question. But they will definitely exist. But even if they are not styled you can put on your own some extra CSS to style them.
For Drupal 7 file field is already included in basic installation (for D6 you have to install extra module for that: ).

Drupal 6 Multilingual Site - permission to translate by node type?

I have translations enabled for page and profile (I am using the Content Profile module).
When I give authenticated users the 'translate content' permission, they get a Translate tab on their profile, but they see the "Translate" tab on all pages as well. Users need to be able to create a translated version of their profile, but definitely not of random site content - only content editors can do that. There does not seems to be a way to configure Drupal so that access to the content translation interface is controlled by node type. Since I need translations of all content, I can't just turn it off for pages.
Can someone point me into the right direction?
Ok, 2 minutes after posting this I found this rather crude fix. Still waiting for better ideas.

Wordpress or Drupal Users Report Module

I have to build a site that receives some custom report from my users and store them in a database. The users are able to view their reports and the department administrator comments on it. I was creating this myself using PHP although it was good but it's full of security holes and I get lost after a while when my code grows bigger.
I think if there is a module for drupal or wordpess that can benefit from grouping my users into separate groups that would be much easier.
Does anyone know if there is such plugin or would you recommend me some keywords to search with.
Thanx in advance
Sounds like Drupal would be a good fit for this. There would be (at least) two roles (one for regular users and one for administrators), and there would be a 'report' content type. Regular users would be able to upload reports and view their own reports and administrators would be able to comment on reports.
Drupal + CCK (and possibly the FileField module if users are uploading document files) would be able to handle all of this pretty easily.
Drupal with the CCK & FileField modules would work great (as Mike mentioned). Two roles would suffice (admin & regular user).
As for security, make sure to use the latest versions in Drupal 6 & stay on top of when those 2 modules get updated although Drupal makes it super easy for you through site notification. Along the lines of security, you'd want to 'hide' the login box from the homepage & use for your users to login.
