Clarification/explanation of RegisterClientScriptInclude method -

I've been looking on the Internet for a fairly clear explanation of the different methods of registering javascript in an application. I think I have a basic understating of the difference between registerStartupScript and registerClientScriptBlock (the main difference being where in the form the script is inserted).
I'm not sure I understand what the RegisterClientScriptInclude method does or when it is used. From what I can gather, it is used to register an external .js file. Does this then make any and all javascript functions in that file available to the aspx page it was registered on? For example, if it was registered in the onLoad event of a master page, would all pages using that master page be able to use the javascript functions in the .js file? What problems would arise when trying to use document.getElementById in this case, if any?
Also, when it is necessary/advantageous to use multiple .js files and register them separately?
I appreciate any help you can give. If you know of any really good resources I can use to get a thorough understanding of this concept, I'd appreciate it!

Here's an article on referencing JavaScript from master and content pages:


how to include aspx page in another aspx page? in

I'm working on a custom web application and because I have many separate blocks I want to put them on a different page, I was wondering how can I include aspx content on existing page?
the reason I'm asking about aspx, and not custom web controls, is because I planned to use pagemethods on those separate pages.
Another reason is that I saw someone some saying we can do that, can't find the link now, so thought I'll try too, since it looks very neat:)
Server.Execute (secondUrl) might do what you want. But UserControls are definitely more ASP.Net-ish :).
Based on what you describe, the proper answer is custom controls as they allow you to place the code anywhere on any page in an easily reusable manner.
Can you explain what you mean by "aspx content" - is that just html, is it controls? Also, what Page methods are you referring to?

Umbraco: Handling In Page Javascript in Uswe Controls

I have quite a number of user controls that I need to embed in Umbraco macros. Each user control has quite a bit of in page javascript that needs loaded into the page.
I have been building up the javascript with StringBuilder.Appendline then registering a startup script with code behind but this stinks and I feel there has to be a better way of going about this.
Has anyone any ideas please?
If the javascript isn't dynamic, that is that it changes based on the usercontrol you would probably be best to extract it and put it in either one .js file for the site or in a number of them. Doing so allows it to be cached by the browser.
If it is dynamic then I would personally keep it isolated inside the control rather than try to write it out all at once. I don't believe there is any major performance hit from having several script blocks, although I could be wrong.

How do I remove ajaxpro *.ashx handlers from individual pages?

I working on a ASP.NET web project where Ajaxpro.2 is referenced, and it seems automatically to add a bunch of ashx handlers to the page output - ie, core.ashx, prototype.ashx.
The problem is, I only need these to be present on a few pages, not the entire site. In trying to optimize the page download size (particularly for static public pages), it would be really good if I could stop these handlers being magically included everywhere. Is this possible?
You have to call the AjaxPro.Utility.RegisterTypeForAjax only on the pages you want to have it, maybe a simple "if" statement would help.

Placing jQuery Refernce at the bottom of HTML Document breaks User Control

Walter Rumsby provided a great answer to Where to place JavaScript in an HTML file. He references the work done by the Yahoo Exceptional Performance team and their recommendation to place scripts at the bottom of the page. Which is a hard and fast rule that I've been following for quite sometime now. In the same thread Levi Rosol pointed out "the best place for it [JavaScript] is just before you need it an no sooner." That is the predicament that I now find myself in.
I've added my reference to jQuery at the end of my page but have run into an issue with how to structure a user control that I'd like to add client side functionality to. Specifically, I am having a hard time working out the best way to accommodate dependencies. The user control has a span tag containing a numeric value that I'd like to update based on the number of check boxes the user has checked in the user control. I am using jQuery to find the span tag and update its text property.
Unfortunately, unless my reference to jQuery appears prior to the user control I receive JavaScript errors. This makes sense because the control is referencing functions that have not yet been added. I can think of several solutions to the issue but am looking for a best practice option.
Placing a reference to the jQuery library inside of the user control.
Downside: if the user control was placed into a repeater multiple references to the jQuery library would be made.
Put no JavaScript in the user control and write all code to update the span tag for the user control in the containing page.
Downside: I'd end up with the same code in multiple places creating a potential maintenance nightmare.
Place the jQuery reference in the head section of the page.
Downside: I've violated the recommendation to place scripts at the bottom of the page and have created an unusable user control if the page does not include a reference to jQuery.
Those are the options and downsides I came up with when thinking about solutions to this problem. I am certainly open to suggestions for better solutions and barring none looking for a recommendation of which of the three I should choose.
There's a Google project that aims to solve these pains you may want to look at called Jingo:
Another solution I'd recommend is a loader like YUI Loader Utility.
It will allow you to manage dependencies etc. and it's not just useful when you're using their UI components. It can be used for anything; just look at the docs around addModule.
If you're using ASP.NET the ScriptManager is another good solution.
Another option would be to dynamically generate the script reference by registering a startup script from your usercontrol that wrote a script reference to the document head.
The javascript function could check for an existing jQuery reference, and if none was found, write the reference out. This would solve the multiple references. A basic example was discussed in this thread.
The simplest solution to this I've found is to use a helper to accumulate Javascript fragments to be included at the page body while rendering other page elements. Then, you can include jQuery first, followed by any deferred literal Javascript fragments.
It does require maintaining some extra state during page generation, which can complicate your rendering pipeline just a bit. However, it allows you to get deferred Javascript inclusion, without requiring complex DOM manipulation after the page is loaded to pick out any existing references to jQuery.

Conditional Display in ASPX Pages on Sharepoint

I wonder what the best practice for this scenario is:
I have a Sharepoint Site (MOSS2007) with an ASPX Page on it. However, I cannot use any inline source and stuff like Event handlers do not work, because Sharepoint does not allow Server Side Script on ASPX Pages per default.
Two solutions:
Change the PageParserPath in web.config as per this site
<PageParserPath VirtualPath="/pages/test.aspx"
CompilationMode="Always" AllowServerSideScript="true" />
Create all the controls and Wire them up to Events in the .CS File, thus completely eliminating some of the benefits of
I wonder, what the best practice would be? Number one looks like it's the correct choice, but changing the web.config is something I want to use sparingly whenever possible.
So in that case I would wrap it up in a feature and deploy it via a solution. This way I think you will avoid the issue you are seeing. This is especially useful if you plan to use this functionality within other sites too.
You can also embed web parts directly in the page, much like you do a WebControl, thereby avoiding any gallery clutter.
What does the ASPX page do? What functionality does it add? How are you adding the page into the site? By the looks of it this is just a "Web Part Page" in a document library.
I would have to do a little research to be 100%, but my understanding is that inline code is ok, providing it's in a page that remains ghosted, and thereby trusted. Can you add your functionality into the site via a feature?
I would avoide option 1, seems like bad advice to me. Allowing server side code in your page is a security risk as it then becomes possible for someone to inject malicious code. Sure you can secure the page, but we are talking remote execution with likely some pretty serious permissions.
Thanks so far. I've successfully tried Andrew Connel's solution:
Wrapping it into a solution is part of that, but the main problem was how to get the code into that, and it's more leaning towards Option 2 without having to create the controls in code.
What I was missing:
In the .cs File, it is required to manually add the "protected Button Trigger;" stuff, because there is no automatically generated .designer.cs file when using a class library.
Well, it's a page that hosts user controls. It's a custom .aspx Page that will be created on the site, specially because I do not want to create WebParts.
It's essentially an application running within Sharepoint, utilizing Lists and other functions, but all the functionality is only useful within the application, so flooding the web part gallery with countless web parts that only work in one place is something i'd like to avoid.
