Storing LDAP Credentials -

What's the ideal way to store login and password for LDAP membership providers in the web.config?
Having the login and password stored in the provider under connectionUsername/connectionPassword attributes does not go well with me because, I would want to encrypt the connection string later on.
Don't have much experience with this, and was wondering if anyone had any best practices on this.

Microsoft has tools built into the Framework for encrypting/decrypting sections of your Configuration files:
Encrypting and Decrypting Configuration Sections
And here's a walkthrough:
Walkthrough: Encrypting Configuration Information Using Protected Configuration


ASP.NET Core appSettings.json security

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.0 WebAPI application that has Db ConnectionString in appSettings.json.
While in development it has this value:
and only when we publish it to production we change this with appropriate passwords, by using VS 2017 publish profile.
So SQL server passwords for are not stored on repository and no problem there.
The file appsettings.json is protected by IIS
The question I wonder is should this password be somehow 'hidden' even on IIS?
One reason being additional security, so that SQL credentials are not in plain text in case of breach here.
Another for some authorization scenario where IIS admin should not have directly access to SQL server.
I figure it could be encrypted and the app itself will have key for decrypting it. This would not be 100% secure since in the case of breach on IIS even this key could be reverse engineered from the app, but it would make it more difficult then when it's there in plain text.
So first question is should I be doing this at all?
And second if 1.Q is Yes, what would be the best / recommended way to do it?
Is there some built in tool for this in .NetCore2 or VS2017 or IIS, or some other tool?
Here are some related links:
reddit aspnet_core_appsettingsjson_security_question
stackoverflow is-appsettings-json-protected-by-iis
itprotoday passwords-webconfig
I would suggest that you should user Active Directory Integrated security for accessing the database , the App Pool can run under the user account and that particular user account will only have the required access to the database . This safeguards the user credentials in case of an attack since the password is never exposed.
Solution I implemented is making custom encryption of Password in ConnectionString.
But since the App needs to the decrypt it, it is more an Obfuscation.
For encryption I have used AES (using System.Security.Cryptography) and the key is stored: half in connectionString itself and other half hardCoded in the Application.
In addition regex was used to extract Password from ConnectionString and then was replaced with decrypted string of it.

ASP.Net MVC 4 App: Best way to encrypt Web.Config files?

I was wondering what the best (most secure) way to encrypt Web.Config files in an ASP.Net MVC 4 Application are? I have some background with developing in-house applications using C#, but we never focused too much on encryption due to other security that was already in place.
EDIT: My host Server is ORACLE if that changes anything? A friend mentioned perhaps using aspnet_regiis.exe after deployment of my code with the '-pe' argument. Anyone have any pros/cons for this method?
EDIT2: ORACLE is a Database, not a Server! Can I go home yet?! >_<
The typical way is to use a ProtectedConfigurationProvider to encrypt the sensitive sections. There are several existing implementations. You can also implement your own if needed.
I was wondering what the best (most secure) way to encrypt Web.Config files
"Most secure" depends on what threats you are trying to protect against. You can assume that all the standard cryptographic algorithms are secure, but by encrypting web.config, you've simply exchanged the problem of protecting plaintext credentials in web.config for the problem of protecting an encryption key.
Typically you'll use Protected Configuration to encrypt web.config.
If you use the DPAPI provider, you'll encrypt using the server's machine key. This means that the encryption can be broken by anyone who can log in to the server. Also by anyone with write access to a folder containing a web site on the server, because they can upload code, say an aspx page with embedded script, that can do the decryption. This is a good choice if:
your server is secure (not shared with other untrusted applications, e.g. a hosting environment)
you don't want to copy the web.config to other servers (e.g. in a web farm) - it needs to be encrypted independently on each server.
Alternatively, if DPAPI doesn't meet your requirements, you should probably use the RSA provider. You can protect the key with an ACL against unauthorized access by other users on the same server, and can share it across multiple servers.
You can use the CryptoAPI to encrypt individual configuration values.
You can use the DPAPI to encrypt entire sections.

Retroactively encrypting/hashing stored (plaintext) user credentials

I am currently working on a project in which I am rewriting an old (late 1990s) web application in ASP.NET. Part of this application is a user authentication system, which is used to access a couple of pages on the site. The user credentials (username, password, etc.) are stored in a database table.
This is all pretty standard, but while working with this database I found, to my horror, that this data is stored in plaintext.
I am wondering what the best way would be to improve the security of this insecure system. Is there an easy method of taking the plaintext data, encrypting (or hashing) it, and reinserting it? Can I use .NET Forms Authentication to facilitate any of this, and is it a good option for user authentication in the new app?
If you are on a Windows network, I'd use Windows Auth, which uses Active Directory. That would allow your Systems Admin group/person to administer who has access to the application.
Forms Auth is a good idea if Windows Auth won't work for you.
If they won't give you the time to implement either of the auth frameworks, I'd definitely encrypt the passwords on the database. Write a Console app and encrypt the passwords using information found here: Encrypt and decrypt a string
Then you'd need to modify your existing app to check encrypted passwords instead of plaintext ones.

simple password encoding authentication from a db tutorial

I want to learn how to use authentication in your web appliction specially using some algorithm to encode your password so that it may be verified through a DB/file.
can someone share any project link??? has a built-in membership infrastructure. It allows you to create users, roles, profiles and also save data to DB and use hashed passwords, so you don't need to handle all of that yourself.
Here is a reference to anything and everything you will ever want or need to know about membership:

What is the most secure way to connect a ASP.NET 3.5 web application and SQL Server database?

I have a web application developed in .net 3.5, and a SQL Server database.
Current auth method is a connection string in web.config, it seems like a good idea to move the authentication details out of plain text.
So, I have two questions:
Trusted Connection - The password policy here is strict, requiring frequent changes. Does this mean i'll have to update the password for the website every time it expires?
Is there another/better option?
As an alternative to trusted connection you can look at this set of articles on how to encrypt your web.config.
In brief, if you invoke from command-line
aspnet_regiis -pe "connectionStrings" -app "/SampleApplication" -prov "RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider"
section connectionStrings in the web.config of application SampleApplication from the default site will be encrypted using RSA.
I think putting the username/password is better simply because I don't want the user that runs my IIS server to have access to lots of databases. I would prefer to have it be focused, to where, for this application there is a user and that user has only access to this database.
You do need to be certain that your web.config file is secure, so you do need security on that.
If you want more security you could just use a dependency injection framework, and inject the compiled class that has the username/password, and just use that connection string. This class could be obfuscated, if you want some semblance of more security.
No, you won't have to keep changing the trusted connection details. You don't store the password there, so password changes won't affect you. (This is if you're using Basic Authentication, getting the users to connect to the SQL box as themselves)
But - if your application pool is running as a particular user, and that user has its password changed, you'll need to update that. You could consider having a user whose password doesn't expire for this.
Trusted connection isn't an option? A frequently changing password shouldn't be a limiting factor in your decision, since it's trusted you don't have to enter a password.
Another alternative is encrypting the connection string.
