Custom RowGroupHeader? - datagrid

Is it possible to customize the row group header in a datagrid ?

This might help you:
Even if you're not looking for the summary information, having the ability to set a custom value for the group name is helpful in a number of situations.


Antd - Form.List prefill

I use and would like to prefill items (with specific data) in the form.
What is the best approach to do this ? I have entries in redux which I would like to get into this dynamic form prefilled.
I know that I can create placeholders, but how can I add specific data ?
What really makes it difficult is that I need a relation between a rendered item and an entry from a data array.
Please see:
I hope the solution works for your use case. You will need to replace my hard-coded default values with desired initial values from your redux store. Cheers!
I found a better implementation. Turns out add method allows one to set a dynamic fields defaultValue

Filtering data and Display Heading based on filters

being a newbie to SSRS, I am trying to figure out the following:
say for instance I have a dataset which does a :
SELECT [cols...] from [some view]
I want to be able to further filter this based on parameters given from an ASP.NET site (I am using the AJAX control toolkit for the report viewer). There could be x amount of parameters and potentially can be filtered on 1 or more columns.
First question is, how would I filter the dataset and pass along the parameters along with which field the filter should apply to? I may have [col1] and I want to filter it with x values.
Second question Is, I want to be able to group the results per page based upon a column. So for each grouped result set, I want them to be displayed per page (per group per page).
Then on the headers of the page, I want it to display what the page grouping is. How would I do this?
In terms of what have I tried - nothing as I DO NOT KNOW HOW, it is why I am asking the question here to see what the experts (you) can suggest and guide me.
thank you!
To do this you can create Parameters in SSRS, they do not need to be in your query or anything. Then, go to your tablix and click either ROW or column depending on the filter type and set it show/hide visibility. For example I have a report that has personal information, so i have true/false parameter that hides/shows those columns, similar I have one that hides/shows any row with a -1 for the total paid.

Drupal 6 Views - Get & Set remembered filter values

I have a view with filters, with "remember last option".
I need to get the remembered values from these filters, in order to apply these filters to other sub-views on the site.
Also I need not only to get these values, I need to set these values to another value, o reset them.
Please give a clue, I don't know where to begin. Views code is to big :(
Doing some research in the database & printing the $_SESSION superglobal I found that these values are in $_SESSION['views']. So, I can read these values & also can update them. Problem solved :)

Combine two views into one view

I have two views that I would like to combine into one.
The first view shows all items of X where company ID = Y. This is to give preferential sort to the client first, and then everyone else.
So I created a second view, all items of X, where company ID != Y.
I created it as an Attachment to attach to the first view, but I don't think I got the intended result.
How can I combine these views so the first view results are listed first, and then the second view is too, using the same pager, filters, and arguments?
Is there any way of achieving this without programming it?
From a MySQL point of view, the order-by-field syntax would be the appropriate way to handle this. Example:
SELECT * FROM tickets ORDER BY FIELD(priority, 'High', 'Normal', 'Low');
It would be great if there is a module that add this kind of functionality to Views, but AFAIK, it does not exist.
If you want to solve this without programming, I think you can use the rules module to automatically set the 'sticky' checkbox on nodes where company ID = Y. With that in place, you can order the View on the sticky value.
Along the lines of the 'sticky' idea, if you didn't want to override that, maybe you could add a checkbox field to the company type -- isClient. Make it false for everyone except the client, and sort by that.
I haven't done this, but maybe you need to create both versions as attachments, and attach them both to another display...?
for drupal 5 there was views union. Someone started something for D6, but I don't know how far they got.
Create the second view as an attachment and attach it to first.
Set all Inherit arguments, Inherit exposed filters and Inherit pager to Yes.
how is the client parameter passed to the view? as an url argument? if so, you can create your second view like i outline here and then select the exclude the argument option on the appropriate location.
usually the easiest way to achieve this is with a small hook_query_alter, but that requires a small amount of programming.
A little bit later... but I've found a better solution using only the Views module:
Create a Block View with that shows the first list that you need ("all items of X where company ID = Y")
Create another View that must be a "Page view" with the second list (all items of X, where company ID != Y)
In the "HEADER" settings of this second view, click "Add" and select "Global: View area".
In the "View to insert" list, select the first you have created (and check "Inherid contextual filters" if you are using it)
And that's it!

How do you get a Min() or Max() in drupal using views?

I'm using Drupal's Views 2, and need to retrieve min values from fields in a custom table. The query for this is easy if I were writing it by hand--something like, "SELECT foo, min(bar) FROM table GROUP BY foo." But how would I do this using Views? I've already defined the table in a file, so there's no trouble getting views to see the table. It's the Min() part of the query I just don't understand. My next stop will be the Views API documentation, but if someone can just provide the outline for how to do this quickly, I would greatly appreciate it.
New answer to an old question, but something like this will work. You need to create a custom field handler and then wrap the field as follows:
class views_handler_custom_field extends views_handler_field {
function query() {
$this->field_alias = $this->query->add_field("MAX({$this->table_alias}", "{$this->real_field})",$this->table_alias . "_" . $this->real_field);
Use aggregation from advanced configuration of views. After this is set
yes you can select max, min or any other selector to fields.
Test your results but it should work well
Alternatively in some cases you can sort your data ascending or
descending and then just pick one to be shown on the view. Can be
problematic when displaying multiple fields or so.
After testing first one seems to be faster at least on small scale.
One could consider the modules groupby and views_calc, but I assume they are not acceptable for you.
Additionally, you can accomplish this with a custom module.
