Where can I store User Permissions for my website? - asp.net

i am trying to store the user permissions for my web site.But I am little bit confused with xml and Database. For each user in site have different permissions. Have u ever faced this issue? for Example , if my site is a shopping site , for a local user , the report menu need not to display. A sales man need not to display the purchase page. and so on ..
I think you understood my problem .I have done this user management using a xml file . For each user a new node will create according to the menu and keep in the xml file . Next time the user login ,checks the permissions and and show only the allowed menus.
My boss tell me to do the same thing using the Database. by using XmlDataSource it is quite simple to bind data to the treeview (for setting permission) and binding to the menustrip also.
He is pointing the security problem . i don't think like so.
Which is better ? DB or XML


My advice would be to use asp.net membership and roles (written by Microsoft). It is a very good security solution - login security, roles (permissions) and is stored in a SQLServer database (not sure if it can be stored elsewhere).
I use it on my site and you can use membership controls straight out of the box (login forms, change password, etc.) or you can roll your own.
The only tricky bit I found was setting up the membership tables, views and stored procs in my dB (you download a dB script), but really it was fairly straightforward to implement.
Here's a link to asp.net membership and roles

ASP .NET Membership and Roles (part of the Provider Model introduced on ASP .NET 2) is (IMHO) nice only when you need some basic stuff. The issue is that you need to use the whole system using SQL Server, but if you are planning to move to a different DB provider (MySQL, SQLite, etc..) then you'd have to implement your own provider (which is at best painful), and learn how the whole pieces fit each other. Granted, finding a custom implementation it's quite easy, but is not a copy & paste thing.
Another bad thing of the default provider model is that you will get a ton of SQL stored procedures, also called maintainance nightmares. The issue is that if your site scales, then these SP's will make your life a living hell (been there) and if you even dare to change hostings then you're in for a treat, so my advice would be make your own permissions hierarchy and use it the way you wish. Also, look for advices and some pre-existing solutions to the permissions problem which is quite common.

Website security can be split up into to distinct parts.
Authentication: Logging in
Authroization: Roles/Permissions.
The ASP.NET Forms Authentication Provider is a great way to implement authentication. I recently created a custom provider that communicates with our companies X500 directory (LDAP). It was very straight forward.
For Authorization, we implemented the entlib security application block. It allows you to keep Roles/Permissions in a separate location that can be accessed by your UI as well as your service layers (assuming your developing a scale-able solution). You may also want to look at the Windows Itentity Foundation which is slated to supersede entlib security application block, however it is only available for .NET 4.0.


Connecting .NET Membership and Roles wth Existing Database

I find a few topics on this, but they point to too-generic documentation or, for the link that seemed most pertinent so far, don't work.
(I'll refer to all the built-in functionality for membership/roles in .NET as "Membership" here on out.)
Using .NET 4.0 and Visual Web Developer 2010 Express and SQL Server 2005.
I'm creating a website where, in order to sign up, you need to be a paying member. I've already created the database that holds all membership info, and I've already created the form where they sign up, as well as the pages where they themselves or site admins can manage their account info. I've also even created a class for authenticating them and checking for permission on pages based on level of access (roles).
I'm hoping for a clear, concise explanation of either of these options:
• Point "Membership" at the place where username/password are stored, disallowing it from auto-creating its own db. (I'll then go back through my site and replace my own custom authentication in the few places I have it with official .NET "Membership".)
• Or still run my own custom authentication, but in that process, say to "Membership", "Hey! User known as "username" and of role "member" is now authenticated. Note that in your own special place, assign them that role, and know what to do with it when I ask you hereafter." Could this be "Forms Authentication API"?
There's more to the account than just username/password/role. I know I can add more fields to accounts created using .NET but I also really don't want to use some randomly created, self-contained, disjointed database just for the sake of handling logins.
I have not yet learned the basics of "Membership", though I'm getting darn close in my process of learning .NET; and I can't spend the time right now making progress on that for personal reasons, but I have to proceed with making this site. I would like to be able to use many of the benefits that come along with .NET security, like being able to exclude users from folders using web.config, etc.
Mostly I'm just seeking assurance it will be possible for me to backpedal after I get some other aspects of the project shored up, but before I make it live, and without having to rewrite half of the membership forms and splitting that data into several databases and figuring out how to use "Membership" for either pieces of it or all of it when a member signs up.
If I understand you correctly, what you are working on is similar to something I am working on here.
We have a custom authentication scripts in ColdFusion and I am creating a second .NET System with Membership login.
The way I went about it was to move all the user/role/profile information into Membership's tables and created an additional tblUserProperties table which holds all other information that the Membership standard tables cannot hold.
I have recoded the ColdFusion queries to point to the new Membership tables.
This way, if a user change password from either system, the logins will work from the other system as well.
I think keeping two systems/tables that do the same thing (authentication) is risky because of the password change reasons. There could be more, but why can't you just simply change your custom code to point to where Membership is pointing? That way you can use Membership provider to its full potential.

Asp.net 4 Login Control

I have a usermanagement table into my sql server 2008 i want to check each user with their particular role frm my database & not from asp.net predefined database. please help me with the code for the same. also what i need to change into my web config file.
You probably want to implement (roll your own) version of the membership provider to make this job easier, more secure and less error prone - it will also save you writing tons of additional plumbing code.
In essence it means implementing the IIdentity and IPrincipal interfaces (Sounds scary but its really not that bad). See this blog here http://www.bradygaster.com/custom-authentication-with-mvc-3.0 for a step by step guide. Additionally it is worth reading the comments and links to enable proper Forms Authentication via Auth Cookie rather than the basic session management referenced directly in the post!.
Also note this example on the blog is for MVC 3 BUT its equally applicable to Web Forms projects too.

Is it worth using the ASP.Net built in profile system?

I just discovered ASP.net uses its own profile system to register users and there seems to be a lot of features available as bonus with it (such as secure authentication). However it seems rather specific to have such a feature for a general purpose development environment and things which work in the background the way the profiles system does without me really knowing how (like where the user data is stored) kind of scares me.
Is it worth developing a website which requires user authentication using the asp.net profile system or would it be better to develop my own using SQL databases and such? I'm not going to avoid using SQL anyway, even if I use profiles I'll use the profiles unique ID to identify user data in the SQL table so in that sense I'm not going to avoid using SQL for user information at all.
My favorite thing about profiles is that you can create custom permissions in Web.config files using them () and avoid having to type in the same code to the top of all your aspx source files to do the authentication check.
The other thing I kind of like about it is that security is built in with secure authentication cookies, so I wouldn't have to deal with them myself.
But it doesn't seem like that big of a deal really. I'm just confused as to where profiles stand as far as ASP.Net development goes and what they're designed to accomplish.
The Profile/Membership and Role provider API is very intertwined, and specifies things very narrowly. The benefit is that there is little you have to do to get a lot of functionality working. The disadvantage is when what you need doesn't match what is provided. Nevertheless, there are many potential gotcha's that the API takes care of for you that it really does make sense to use it, at least for authentication.
My needs did not match what the API provided, and I really only needed the Membership portion. The problem is that I had a piece where I needed to use the same authentication and authorization across a web application and a desktop application. My needs are pretty unique, but it's designed for a classroom setting.
Getting the membership to work for my needs wasn't that difficult. I just had to implement the Membership API. There are several features I just didn't need with the Membership API like self-registration, etc. Of course this did present me with a challenge for role management. Typically, as long as your user object implements IPrinciple it can be used directly--but there are serialization issues with the development web server Visual Studio packages if your user class is not defined in the same assembly. Those problems deal with serialization, and your choices include putting the object in the GAC or handle cross-appdomain serialization yourself with objects that are in the GAC like GenericPrincipal and GenericIdentity. That latter option is what I had to do.
Bottom line is that if you don't mind letting the API do all the management for you, than it will work just fine. It is a bit of smart engineering work, and attempts to force you down a route with decent security practices. I've worked with a number of different authentication/authorization APIs (most were not CLR based), and the API does feel a bit constraining. However, if you want to avoid pitfalls with session/state/cache management you really need to use the API and plug in your own providers as necessary.
With your database, if you need to link a user with any database element you'll be storing the user's login id (Context.User.Identity.Name).
You seem to mix the Profile/Membership/Role provider API. But to answer your question: why not use it? I would use it unless there is a real constraint that makes it unusable...

How do I use custom member properties for people on my .NET website

I am trying to make an asp.net website using Visual web dev and C# that accesses data in an SQL database. For my site, I need to be able to save and access additional user properties such as age and gender. I have been playing around with the built in .NET Login tools but I don't understand how to keep track of the additional properties (age, gender...) I could store all the users information in my own database but how do I correlate the users data in my DB to the usernames in the member database that is automatically created?
Probably profiles are perfect and quite easy to use for your purpose. ASP.NET manages the relation between users and their associated profile data (which you can customize for your needs) quite comfortable. Here is short introduction video:
Are you using an ASP.NET website project or web application project? The video (and most information in MSDN) is related to website projects. For web applications there are some complications to take into account when you use profiles.
(Some hints if you are using a web application project:
How to assign Profile values?
If you are using an website project you can ignore this)
As Slauma said ASP.Net Profiles is a great way to do this using the Membership API.
But I don't like the way profiles use delimited list serialized in the database, and I've heard reports of speed issues under heavy load.
I Use Membership API on just about all applications, except for the profile bit.
To store user profiles, you can create a separate table. Maybe called 'UserProfile'. Add a column with a unique index for 'username' and/or 'email'. Which ever you treat as the user's username. Now you can use that column to pull profile information at runtime.
As a bonus, if you use an ORM like Entity framework, you can now write simple LINQ queries to pull your user information.

Microsoft Membership Provider Vs Custom Provider Vs Complete Custom Login System

I am currently converting a very old, but working classic ASP site to ASP.Net.
It has a completely custom written user management system. Whilst it works fine, it really needs a refresh as I want it to be more flexible for some future projects in the works.
When I asked someone about this, they said "You need to use the Microsoft Provider" and gave a lecture on how Microsoft release all these things for free and how good they are and should be re used as much as possible.
I have done quite a bit of research on it (mainly looking at the videos on http://asp.net/learn ) and am very impressed by some of the features as there appears to be drag and drop components for items that would take me ages to write.
However, the current membership database is complicated to explain, it is a completely custom written database that has many internal relations... It is not really "compatible" with the default Microsoft Provider.
I have taken a look at How Do I: Create a Custom Membership Provider?, but I feel a little out of my comfort zone and worried it will either be slow, introduce a security hole or simply won't work.
At the end of the day, the Microsoft Membership Provider should work for me - the only customisations I really need is the login to use the username/password field in my database and the create user script which has a lot of custom code to several third party systems (needing to provision services etc.).
I was just wondering, what would you do if faced with a similar situation?
Use the Microsoft Membership Provider and somehow get it to work for you (although I would like suggestions)
Use the Microsoft Membership Provider but use custom provider that is customised around your code.
Use your own completely customised solution?
That video does complicate things :) If you're going to implement a custom provider then reflector over the existing one is a good place to start :)
As a quick and dirty option you could, of course, hack the stored procedures that the SQL Membership provider uses but the custom code to provision services is probably stretching that.
If you think about it the remote provisioning of services doesn't really belong in a membership provider, it's not really a membership function - all membership does is provide usernames and passwords and authentication around them. My own feeling is that you should move the provisioning of services out of there, and perform it on the ASP.NET site after a user has been created - even if that's just calling a stored procedure once the membership provider has done its thing. If you do this you may find that the SQL membership provider will do everything you need it to (probably with the Roles & profile providers too), and thus you have way less code to write!
I've been in similar situations in the past. In both cases we created custom implementations of the providers (MembershipProvider, RoleProvider, ProfileProvider) around the existing mechanism.
In both cases we only used the provider implementations for read-only access, e.g. to give us the easy validation gubbins in web.config and suchlike. The user administration code was left well alone as it worked just fine.
If the existing provider works (has the right fields for your data), use that to start. You can VERY easily replace that with a customer provider later (just a single config value change).
Beware there isn't an "out of the box" ASP.NET management interface for that, you'll need to roll your own or use a third party one.
Use my specialized MembershipProvider to work against my own database tables.
