Flex Tree/Branch Diagramming/Graphics - apache-flex

I was wondering if anyone had access to source code that would allow me to draw lines between objects. I have examples of the standard one line between 2 objects.
What I'm looking for is an example of how to draw a branching line. I.e. Starts as a line coming from an object and then branches out to other objects. I don't want to draw multiple lines from the same object because I need the objects to be related and the lines to have a settable property.
The added issue is that I want the number of branches available to be settable by the user. But if I can find code that dooes the branching lines, it probably wouldnt be too hard to tweek.
Hopefully what I'm looking for makes sense. Any hints and tips would be much appreciated.

Check out the graphing libraries:
Birdeye's RaVis and Source
Flare and Source


What type of data do I need for maplines in R highcharter?

I'm trying to add a mapline object to a highcharter graph (ideally using hcmap as a base)--in my case, so county borders can look different than state borders.
I've seen the solution listed here, but it doesn't work for me--indeed, running the answer's example code fails to create different lines for states and counties. Meanwhile, the more complex code shown here does work, but I'm not sure what it's doing under the hood, or how I could use its method to create a mapline object of state boundaries. What kind of data do I need to add a working "mapline" series? Does anyone know a good source for one for state boundaries?
Any help would be appreciated!

Label individual points in Sage plot

This seems like a straightforward problem, yet I can't find a solution. In Sage, I've got about 30 sorted points for a scatter_plot, and I want to add the order position as a label. I know this is easy if I were working with a graph object, since I could use the vertex_labels option in plot. Is there a simple fix to get this to work for a scatter_plot, or would I need to do something like make the points vertices and keep track of the exact location of each point
Currently, you may have to use matplotlib directly or mess around with that method inside of Sage to get this. See here or here for some related questions.
I've opened Trac 20583 for this.

Manually Drawing Curves on R like Paint

I was trying to allow the user to give a curve as input for some analysis. Is there a package that can be used in this regard? Basically, a GUI like paint wherein the user can draw a simple curve and which would be stored in R as a set of data points or as an equation if its a simple curve.
Reading mouse input
Below is a list of sample approaches to first the problem, from the most complex to simplest (IMHO).
I would recommend that you have a look at the
Less laborious solution may involve looking at the way interactive
plots in Shiny are handled. Using the click option would
enable you to get the mouse cursor position. Together with the Shiny
framework this would provide a convenient wrapper to get mouse input
from a user.
Finally, third approach could rely on making use of the locator function available in the graphics package. Depending on what you intend to do, this may be the simplest solution as you could then use read values to inform generation of your graphic.
Generating graphics
Assuming that you got your values via the locator functionality you could attempt to draw your line using segments. It would be a little fiddly as you would have to translate your coordinates to some placement of the dot in your desired chart but this wouldn't computationally too taxing, just a matter of bring mouse pointer values to some x/y values on the chart.
If you care to update your post with a sample code and reproducible attempts of your previous work, I bet the question will receive more replies. You may find this discussion on making a reproducible example in R helpful.

How to draw a line or select something in using qvtkwidget?

I successfully made a program by using qvtkwidget, showing a few lines and points. And everything works perfectly. Next, I want to add an edit mode to my program, so that I can draw a line on it, or select some points or lines from it. Could anyone give me some guidelines for doing that? Do I need to use vtkRenderWindowInteractor? I tried to google but still can't find any clue.
you have to work with vtkinteraction, vtkobserver- callback, and vtkselection modules. and this example also useful http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/Interaction/MoveAVertex HTH
And here is set of examples you may find relavent to your goal

How to draw a directed graph with labels on edges using quickgraph and graph# libraries?

I'm trying to draw a directed graph with labels on edges. I'm using graph# (graphsharp) and quickgraph, and I saw an explanation in the forums about how to add labels (it is not supported by the library), but cannot manage to implement myself. If someone could provide a working example using these two libraries I would be very thankful.
I'm now looking for something a little more complicated: My edges behave like nodes, they have connections to other nodes and have a name-tag. So they are like any other node, and when I draw the graph these edge-nodes must appear exactly in the middle of a certain connections. Any ideas?
Although it's not documented, QuickGraph supports output to other formats, like DGML. VS 2010 includes a very basic DGML viewer. It may be possible to output DGML so that the resulting graph has edge labels. However you will likely need to add support yourself.
Download the QuickGraph sources and play around with it. I'm a committer on the project, so if you figure it out let me know and we'll get your changes into the project.
