UDK "Error, Accessing a member of _'s within class through a context expression requires explicit 'Outer'" - unreal-development-kit

I get the following error in the UDK Frontend when I try to make my project:
C:\UDK\UDK-2010-03\Development\Src\FixIt\Classes\ZInteraction.uc(58) : Error, Accessing a member of GameUISceneClient's within class through a context expression requires explicit 'Outer'
The class ZInteraction extends Interaction.
Line 58 is: GetSceneClient().ConsoleCommand("KEYNAME"#Key);
What is the problem here? I am still investigating and I will update as I find out more.
edit: Tried fixing the line up as class'UIRoot'.static.GetSceneClient().ConsoleCommand("KEYNAME"#Key); - no change.

Found it!
From a forum post, Scripting Changes from UT3:
When accessing a member of a within class' container class, you now have to use the special Outer member variable. This presumably helps deal with name clashes.
I had to change the code to the following:
Depending on what function is giving you this error, you will need one or more sets of Outer.. You can research to find out how many layers deep you are, or you can just add one at a time until the code compiles. I chose the latter, because it's hard enough already to navigate this UnrealScript. :)


Is there a fix for InheritanceManager breaking static type checking?

I have added django-model-utils to an existing (large) project, and the build is now failing, as part of the build includes static type checking with mypy.
It complains that models that I have added objects = InheritanceManager() to, don't have attributes for reverse ForeignKeys, if the reverse FK is accessed in a method on that model. For example, take the following:
class Student(Model):
school = ForeignKey(School, related_name='students')
class School(Model):
objects = InheritanceManager() # IRL School is a subclass of some other model
def something(self):
return self.students.filter(...)
Then running mypy on it, will return:
error: "School" has no attribute "students"
And even if I remove the related_name, and use self.student_set (i.e. the default django relation), it will still produce the same type of error. Only removing the InheritanceManager fixes the static type checking. Of course, I'm using it for a reason as I need to select_subclasses elsewhere in the code.
Has anyone come across this, or have a fix?
django-stubs uses plugin to add all managers. This plugin is triggered only if added manager is a "subclass" (not just real subclass, but also recognizable by mypy as such) of models.Manager.
django-model-utils is untyped, so InheritanceManager is in fact Any for mypy, and plugin does not see it. To solve exactly this issue I was adding py.typed marker to django-model-utils as a CI stage after package installation. You can also use a fork with py.typed or create a stub package for django-model-utils. This can result in other issues and doesn't give good type checking (all unannotated methods have Any as implicit arguments and return type), but is better than nothing. For my needs the marker was sufficient.
py.typed marker is an empty file located in package root (venv/lib/.../django_model_utils/py.typed) - it tells mypy that package does not need separate stubs and contains all necessary types.

multilline use of object methods

I have a question that's nagging me.
Is it possible to use multiple methods of an
instance , without writing the name. I dont
mean static methods.
Language : java
For example: object name bibo of class manager
the class has three methods
- fire
- hiring
- raise
And what i want is like this:
I'm asking cause I saw this in another project, but cant recall how it was done or what project it was.

MvvmLight ViewmodelLocator StaticResource stops loading

I am consistently experiencing the weirdest thing whenever I use MVVM Light. I create a ViewModelLocator and register in as a static resource in app.xaml:
<viewmodel:WindowsViewModelLocator x:Key="ViewModelLocator" />
Everything works fine, meaning that on launch the static resource is registered, I can use it, and I can see it by going to
but then suddenly, randomly, and permanently, this stops working. It has happened to me on every single project, but I'm yet to identify why, as I can't identify the consistent action I did to make it stop working, nor can I figure out any way to revert it back to whatever it was I had when it was working...
the only way to move on is to manually register the resource on startup like this:
if (!Resources.ContainsKey("ViewModelLocator") || Resources["ViewModelLocator"] == null) Resources.Add("ViewModelLocator", new WindowsViewModelLocator());
and finally everything starts working again and usually that's the end of it.
But it happens EVERY SINGLE TIME.
I set a breakpoint in the constructor of the locator and it surely is not being hit... anybody have any idea what I might have possibly done wrong?
EDIT: I finally found the actual exception which was:
A first chance exception of type
'Microsoft.Practices.ServiceLocation.ActivationException' occurred in
which led me to find the answer which I've posted below. thanks!
It turns out the problem was the order in which I was registering the viewmodels that have dependencies. I have a base ViewModelLocator that initialized the ViewModels, and an inherited ViewModelLocator that contains the Platform-specific code...
In one of the constructors of one of the ViewModels, I was referencing one of the dependent types, which would be registered with a design-time instance. But since this was runtime (which doesn't get registered until it hits the derived platform viewmodellocator) the reference was null.
I moved the dependent code out of the constructor into a more appropriate location and that appears to fix it!
long story short: if you're having this issue, make sure you are initializing everything correctly in the right order and in the right place!

How do I find which messages an object understands?

In Pharo, I know that integers understand the message to:. The workspace offers suggestions:
But if I inspect an integer from the workspace, it doesn't mention to::
Searching for SmallInteger doesn't show anything in the system browser either:
How do I discover which messages I can send to objects? Ideally I'd like to see their source code too.
Revisiting your question I noticed that, in your last screenshot, you did not search for the class SmallInteger but for a package named SmallInteger. This Package does not exist.
But you probably wanted to search for the class SmallInteger. This is done by the keyboard shortcut Cmd-F Cmd-C (Alt-F Alt-C on Linux) or by selecting Find Class… in the context menu of the class panel of the Nautilus system browser. This lets you browse the methods implemented in SmallInteger. If you work up your way through the superclasses you can have a look at all messages understood by an instance of SmallInteger.
Each class understands the message allSelectors.
allSelectors answers a set of all the message selectors that instances of the receiver can understand. This includes all messages selectors in the method dictionary of the receiver and in the method dictionaries of it’s superclasses.
So try and print or better, inspect:
1 class allSelectors.
Also, you can just type the name of the class wherever you want, select it, then press command+B (browse). That'll bring up a browser on said class.

Understanding some code

I have an application which was built a few years ago. I came across a section of code that baffled me as the functionality this provides throughout the ASP .Net application is great but i just dont understand it. Perhaps its the [] throwing me off but i think it could be some C# code converted to VB .Net.... Not sure but wondered if anyone understands this and if so could they share what its doing
The code in an NotInheritable class
Public Overloads Function [Get](Of B)() As B
Dim myType = GetType(B)
Return DirectCast([Get](myType), B)
End Function
I understand it overloads a function but
Why are the [] there for and what do they mean? When would you use them? If i remove them i have a compiler error.
Get in VB .Net is used in properties so is this some shortcut access to a property somewhere? Or
where could i view which method its overloading?
I've used code similar to List(Of Customer), IQueryable(of Customer) but how has (Of B) allowed in this manner?
I have read up on MSDN and researched around. The only thing that comes to mind is either some C# syntax conversion or some old VB6 syntax which the original developer must have used whilst creating the application.
Appreciate any clarification on this.
Because Get is part of Visual Basic Language Keywords. You need the bracket to indicate you want to use them as a method/property name.
Here is an excerpt from Microsoft on Keywords as Element Names in Code (Visual Basic):
Any program element — such as a variable, class, or member — can have
the same name as a restricted keyword. For example, you can create a
variable named Loop. However, to refer to your version of it — which
has the same name as the restricted Loop keyword — you must either
precede it with a full qualification string or enclose it in square
brackets ([ ]), as the following example shows.
1) Brackets allow you to use reserved words as identifiers (like the ampersand in c#).
2) It appears to be a bad naming decision. If they wanted to hide an existing member they could have used the Shadows keyword.
3) You'll need to examine the inheritance hierarchy. Start with the most recent parent.
4) It is calling a different overload of Get in the implementation but the Of B is trying to contrain it to B for some reason.
