wordpress plugin development - wordpress

Does anybody know about a simple customizable wordpress plugin framework with the help of which i can build more frameworks rapidly ??.

There is no any plugin framework. And you don't need to build any. If you want to learn how to create WP plugins, just go and download some simple. See how they works, read docs. And viola.

You might check out:
LMB^Box WordPress Plugin API
GD Plugin Core
Wordpress Plugin Framework Reloaded
Search for them at http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/


I need a WordPress plugin that can create an IDE for codes to run on my website

I have a WordPress site, and I teach python on it and I want to share some code on it. I want a code editor that users can see my code and run it.
Please if you know any plugin that can do this help me.
I really do not think that there is such kind of a plugin available as of now. However, you can always search for such a plugin inside the official WordPress plugin repository.
Still, my recommendation would be to consider building your custom website ( not based on WordPress at all ) in order to achieve that using a different application or framework that has already developed a tool for that purpose.

How to integrate Angular into a WordPress plugin

How can we integrate a Angular project (Angular2) into a WordPress plugin that will be pushed into official WP repository? What dependency should be added?
You can give your first try with https://1fix.io/blog/2014/11/05/angularjs-json-api-wp-theme/
In a similar way we can implement in wp plugin as well.

Wordpress restAPI?

Is there now an official wordpress restAPI integration or I have to use some of from the provided plugins what are many of theme?
I remember that they wanted to integrate one of the plugins in the core but now I do not find nothing googleing over and over.
If I have to use one of the plugins which should be that?
https://github.com/WP-API/WP-API ?
https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/ ?
I would like to use it to get my custom post types and use it with ReactJS
This is official plugin
And this is api guide

How do you install PrestaShop inside a Wordpress install

I'm trying to install Smashing Magazine's free e-commerce wordpress theme that uses PrestaShop and Wordpress together. I've been trying for about a day already and can't figure it out. Anyone willing to help?
this is the link to the file
You should look at these suggestions they are very similar to your problem. You should also install the Prestashop-to-Wordpress plugin and the PrestaShop module for WordPress. I think you have to pay for the PrestaShop module for WordPress though.
It is two separate installs, 1 wp and 2 prestashop! The theme was designed to look the same so one can have both and user can navigate both but seems as they are on one platform, you can't install prestashop inside wordpress, you could possibly add the header & footer as well as a widget inside the blog or use iframe to view parts of it. They are two different platforms and to integrate both fully you would either have to create a module of some sort for prestashop or a plugin for wordpress in either case you would be using one or the other with both installed in your hosting account. If you want a shop in your blog or a blog in your shop the best way to do this would be to have a web designer create you a custom themes that look similar for both wordpress and prestashop, this would also be the case for any other shopping of blog platform. With that said both wordpress and prestashop offer solutions. With wordpress you can add plugins in order to sell products in your blog, with prestashop they offer various blog modules that you can install in your store, so you do have some options, I hope this helps sort it out for you, Good Day!

Enable my Wordpress Plugin and Theme w Remote Automatic Upgrade?

I see several plugins in my WordPress site that are enabled for "Automatic Upgrade". It allows me to simply click a button and get the latest update installed into my site. I'd like to find out more about how to integrate this automatic upgrade routine into my own plugins.
If you know of resources or a tutorial on how to do this please share it.
Thanks in advance!
Your plugins need to be hosted in a wordpress.org SVN repository to obtain that functionality. For information on getting your plugin hosted see: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/
