Removing the Default Wrap Character From all records - biztalk

I am using BizTalk 2009 and I have a flat file that is similar to the following
"0162892172","TIM ","LastName ","760 "," ","COMANCHE ","LN "
"0143248282","GEORGE ","LastName ","625 "," ","ENID ","AVE "
When I parse it and start mapping it I need to get rid of the quotation marks. I have marked the Wrap Character attribute for the schema as a quotation mark but it doesn't remove it when BizTalk is parsing the file.
Is there an easy way to specify the removal of a wrap character or am I going to have to run it through a script functiod every time? Also I would like to be able to remove the trailing spaces as well, if at all possible.

If you're still seeing the quotes after parsing, it likely means you set the wrap character property incorrectly. Are you sure you also set Wrap Character Type == Character?
As for the extra spaces, those will be hard to get rid of during parsing, because the quotes would specifically tell bts that they were intentional, so yeah, your best bet is to probably remove those during mapping or whatever.

this page seems to suggest that removing the trailing spaces can be done with:
> Pad Character Type = Hexadecimal
> Pad Character = 0x20


Treating "#" as a regular character when reading data

I'm almost certain this has been asked before but due to a certain social media app I drowning in unrelated search results.
So the data set that I'm importing contains actual "#", as in Apartment #404, and I'd like to if possible preserve the character but R thinks it's an end of line or something. At first it would bomb out on the first occurrence, then I set fill=TRUE and now it just ignores the rest of the line after that.
How does one instruct R to treat #'s as regular characters?
If you are not using "#" as a comment symbol in your data, you can use
read.table(..., comment.char="")
That should treat "#" like any other character.

Why do URL parameters use %-encoding instead of a simple escape character

For example, in Unix, a backslash (\) is a common escape character. So to escape a full stop (.) in a regular expression, one does this:
But with % encoding URL parameters, we have an escape character, %, and a control code, so an ampersand (&) doesn't become:
Instead, it becomes:
Any reason why? Seems to just make things more complicated, on the face of it, when we could just have one escape character and a mechanism to escape itself where necessary:
Then it'd be:
simpler to remember; we just need to know which characters to escape, not which to escape and what to escape them to
encoding-agnostic, as we wouldn't be sending an ASCII or Unicode representation explicitly, we'd just be sending them in the encoding the rest of the URL is going in
easy to write an encoder: s/[!\*'();:#&=+$,/?#\[\] "%-\.<>\\^_`{|}~]/%&/g (untested!)
better because we could switch to using \ as an escape character, and life would be simpler and it'd be summer all year long
I might be getting carried away now. Someone shoot me down? :)
EDIT: replaced two uses of "delimiter" with "escape character".
Percent encoding happens not only to escape delimiters, but also so that you can transport bytes that are not allowed inside URIs (such as control characters or non-ASCII characters).
I guess it's because the URL Specification and specifically the HTTP part of it, only allow certain characters so to escape those one must replace them with characters that are allowed.
Also some allowed characters have special meanings like & and ? etc
so replacing them with a control code seems the only way to solve it
If you find it hard to recognize them, bookmark this page

RegEx for Client-Side Validation of FileUpload

I'm trying to create a RegEx Validator that checks the file extension in the FileUpload input against a list of allowed extensions (which are user specified). The following is as far as I have got, but I'm struggling with the syntax of the backward slash (\) that appears in the file path. Obviously the below is incorrect because it just escapes the (]) which causes an error. I would be really grateful for any help here. There seems to be a lot of examples out there, but none seem to work when I try them.
To include a backslash in a character class, you need to use a specific escape sequence (\b):
Note that this might be a bit confusing, because outside of character classes, \b represents a word boundary. I also assumed, that -s was a typo and should have represented a white space. (otherwise it shouldn't compile, I think)
EDIT: You also need to escape the dots. Otherwise they will be meta character for any character but line breaks.
another EDIT: If you actually DO want to allow hyphens in filenames, you need to put the hyphen at the end of the character class. Like this:
You probably want to use something like
which is same as
because \w = [a-zA-Z0-9_]
Be sure character - to put as very first or very last item in the [...] list, otherwise it has special meaning for range or characters, such as a-z.
Also \ character has to be escaped by another slash, even inside of [...].

Regular Expression to remove contents in string

I have a string as below:
4s: and in this <em>new</em>, 5s: <em>year</em> everybody try to make our planet clean and polution free.
Replace string:
4s: and in this <em>new</em>, <em>year</em> everybody try to make our planet clean and polution free.
what i want is ,if string have two <em> tags , and if gap between these two <em> tags is of just one word and also , format of that word will be of ns: (n is any numeric value 0 to 4 char. long). then i want to remove ns: from that string. while keeping punctuation marks('?', '.' , ',',) between two <em> as it is.
also i like to add note that. input string may or may not have punctuation marks between these two <em> tags.
My regular expression as below
Regex.Replace(txtHighlight, #"</em>.(\s*)(\d*)s:(\s*).<em", "</em> <em");
Hope it is clear to my requirement.
How can I do this using regular expressions?
Not really sure what you need, but how about:
Regex.Replace(txtHighlight, #"</em>(.)\s*\d+s:\s*(.)<em", "</em>$1$2<em");
If you just want to take out the 4s 5s bit you could do something like this:
Regex.Replace(txtHighlight, #"\s\d\:", "");
This will match a space followed by a digit followed by a colon.
If that's not what you're after, my apologies. I hope it might help :)

Don't want spaces in the text, but this regex is passing not sure why

I am using the following regex
If I enter a space in the word, it passes.
I don't see where spaces are aloud in the regex, why is it passing?
You need to set the beginning and end bounderies so that the entire string must match the regular expression, otherwise it'll look for any match (which in this case is one or more of the characters specified).
Try this:
Because you haven't anchored it.
For these sorts of tests, it's typically safer to make sure you don't have the negated character class:
