Dialogs (Real ones) - mvvm-light

Having tried a number of different solutions I keep coming back to this. I need a Window.ShowDialog, using the ViewModelLocator class as a factory via a UnityContainer.
Basically I have a View(and ViewModel) which on a button press on the the view needs to create a dialog (taking a couple of parameters in its constructor) that will process some logic and eventally return a result to the caller (along with the results of all the logic it computed).
Maybe I'm wrong for stilll looking at this from a Windows Forms perspective, but I know exactly what I want to do and I want to ideally do it using WPF and MVVM. I'm trying to make this work for a project, and ultimately don't want to have to go back to vanilla WPF in order to make it work.

I break the rules to implement a dialogwindow but tried to reduce it to a minimum. I have a method OpenDialog in my BaseViewModel:
public void OpenDialog(DialogViewModel model)
this.MessengerInstance.Send<DialogViewModel, MainWindow>(model);
And in my MainWindow:
Messenger.Default.Register<DialogViewModel>(this, model =>
// Instantiate the dialog box
var dlg = new DialogWindow();
// Configure the dialog box
dlg.Owner = this;
dlg.Content = model;
// Open the dialog box modally
That way i only have a loose coupling between my viewmodel and my MainView.
You can do the same for closing, my BaseDialogViewModel has a method:
public void CloseDialog()
this.MessengerInstance.Send<PopUpAction, DialogWindow>(PopUpAction.Close);
(PopupAction is just an enum) and my DialogWindow registers for that:
Messenger.Default.Register<PopUpAction>(this, action =>
switch (action)
case PopUpAction.Close:
You could also leave the receiver away when sending, to keep the view class out of the viewmodel but either way i think it's a acceptable solution :)

You can do that. Just create an instance of a page/usercontrol/window and call instance.ShowDialog().
Here's my T4 templates to generate a view/viewmodel with the messaging for closing a window and other tricks.


UINavigationController and UINavigationBarDelegate.ShouldPopItem() with MonoTouch

How do I pop up an UIAlertView when the back button of a UINavigationBar (controlled by a UINavigationController) was tapped? Under certain conditions, I want to ask the user an "Are you sure?" type of question so he could either abort the action and stay on the current view or pop the navigation stack and go to the parent view.
The most appealing approach I found was to override ShouldPopItem() on UINavigationBar's Delegate.
Now, there is a quite similar question here: iphone navigationController : wait for uialertview response before to quit the current view
There are also a few other questions of similar nature, for example here:
Checking if a UIViewController is about to get Popped from a navigation stack?
and How to tell when back button is pressed in a UINavigationControllerStack
All of these state "subclass UINavigationController" as possible answers.
Then there is this one that reads like subclassing UINavigationController is generally not a good idea:
Monotouch: UINavigationController, override initWithRootViewController
The apple docs also say that UINavigationController is not intended to be subclassed.
A few others state that overriding ShouldPopItem() is not even possible when using a UINavigationController as that does not allow to assign a custom/subclassed UINavigationBarDelegate to the UINavigationBar.
None of my attempts of subclassing worked, my custom Delegate was not accepted.
I also read somewhere that it might be possible to implement ShouldPopItem() within my custom UINavigationController since it assigns itself as Delegate of its UINavigationBar.
Not much of a surprise, this didn't work. How would a subclass of UINavigationController know of the Methods belonging to UINavigationBarDelegate. It was rejected: "no suitable method found to override". Removing the "override" keyword compiled, but the method is ignored completely (as expected). I think, with Obj-C one could implement several Protocols (similar to Interfaces in C# AFAIK) to achieve that. Unfortunately, UINavigationBarDelegate is not an Interface but a Class in MonoTouch, so that seems impossible.
I'm pretty much lost here. How to override ShouldPopItem() on UINavigationBar's Delegate when it is controlled by a UINavigationController? Or is there any other way to pop up an UIAlertView and wait for it's result before possibly popping the navigation stack?
This post is a bit old, but in case you're still interested in a solution (still involves subclassing though):
This implements a "Are you sure you want to Quit?" alert when the back button is pressed, modified from the code here: http://www.hanspinckaers.com/custom-action-on-back-button-uinavigationcontroller/
Turns out if you implement the UINavigationBarDelegate in the CustomNavigationController, you can make use of the shouldPopItem method:
CustomNavigationController.h :
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface CustomNavigationController : UINavigationController <UIAlertViewDelegate, UINavigationBarDelegate> {
BOOL alertViewClicked;
BOOL regularPop;
CustomNavigationController.m :
#import "CustomNavigationController.h"
#import "SettingsTableController.h"
#implementation CustomNavigationController
- (BOOL)navigationBar:(UINavigationBar *)navigationBar shouldPopItem:(UINavigationItem *)item {
if (regularPop) {
regularPop = FALSE;
return YES;
if (alertViewClicked) {
alertViewClicked = FALSE;
return YES;
if ([self.topViewController isMemberOfClass:[SettingsTableViewController class]]) {
UIAlertView * exitAlert = [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:#"Are you sure you want to quit?" message:nil delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:#"Cancel" otherButtonTitles:#"Yes", nil] autorelease];
[exitAlert show];
return NO;
else {
regularPop = TRUE;
[self popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
return NO;
-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex {
if (buttonIndex == 0) {
//Cancel button
else if (buttonIndex == 1) {
//Yes button
alertViewClicked = TRUE;
[self popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
The weird logic with the "regularPop" bool is because for some reason just returning "YES" on shouldPopItem only pops the navbar, not the view associated with the navBar - for that to happen you have to directly call popViewControllerAnimated (which then calls shouldPopItem as part of its logic.)
For reference, the route I took after giving up on ShouldPopItem() is to replace the back button with a UIBarButtonItem that has a custom UIButton assigned as it's CustomView. The UIButton is crafted to look like the original back button using two images for the normal and the pressed state. Finally, hiding the original back button is required.
Way too much code for what it's supposed to do. So yeah, thanks Apple.
BTW: Another possibility is creating a UIButton with the secret UIButtonType 101 (which is actually the back button) but I avoided this as it may break at any later iOS version.
Override only UINavigationBarDelegate methods in a UINavigationController subclass and it should simply work. Be cautious that the protocol methods are also called when you push or pop a view controller from inside your code and not only when the back button is pressed. This is because them are push/pop notifications not button pressed actions.
Xamarin does provide the IUINavigationBarDelegate interface to allow you to implement the UINavigationBarDelegate as part of your custom UINavigationController class.
The interface however does not require that the ShouldPopItem method be implemented. All the interface does is add the appropriate Protocol attribute to the class so it can be used as a UINavigationBarDelegate.
So in addition you need to add the ShouldPopItem declaration to the class as follows:
[Export ("navigationBar:shouldPopItem:")]
public bool ShouldPopItem (UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
I've merged this solution with a native Obj-C solution. This is the way I'm currently handling the cancellation of the BACK button in iOS
It seems that it is possible to handle the shouldPopItem method of the NavigationBar in this way:
Subclass a UINavigationController
Mark your custom UINavigationController with the IUINavigationBarDelegate
Add this method with the Export attribute
[Export ("navigationBar:shouldPopItem:")]
public bool ShouldPopItem (UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
Now you can handle popping in the ShoulPopItem method. An example to this is to create an interface like this
public interface INavigationBackButton
// This method should return TRUE to cancel the "back operation" or "FALSE" to allow normal back
bool BackButtonPressed();
Then mark your UIViewController which needs to handle the back button with this interface. Implement something like this
public bool BackButtonPressed()
bool needToCancel = // Put your logic here. Remember to return true to CANCEL the back operation (like in Android)
return needToCancel;
Then in your ShouldPopItem Implementation have something like this
tanks to: https://github.com/onegray/UIViewController-BackButtonHandler/blob/master/UIViewController%2BBackButtonHandler.m
public bool ShouldPopItem(UINavigationBar navigationBar, UINavigationItem item)
if (this.ViewControllers.Length < this.NavigationBar.Items.Length)
return true;
bool shouldPop = true;
UIViewController controller = this.TopViewController;
if (controller is INavigationBackButton)
shouldPop = !((INavigationBackButton)controller).BackButtonPressed();
if (shouldPop)
() =>
// Workaround for iOS7.1. Thanks to #boliva - http://stackoverflow.com/posts/comments/34452906
foreach (UIView subview in this.NavigationBar.Subviews)
if(subview.Alpha < 1f)
UIView.Animate(.25f, () => subview.Alpha = 1);
return false;

Adobe Flex3: Keyboard shortcuts when a view is visible?

I have a quite large Flex application with a large set of views and I ceratain views I'd like to add shortcuts.
And i'm looking for something like:
<foo:Shortcut keys="ctrl+s" action="{bar();}"/>
Is there any framwork or component already done that does something like this? I guess it should be too difficult to build? When building this I only want the shortcuts to be active when the view is visible. How do I detect this? What base class is best to inherit from when working with non visual components?
I don't know of any framework component that does that already, but the examples above should get you started if you try to build your own.
There's no need to inherit from any component for a non-visual component like the one you've described here (your "foo" class needs no parents.) There's nothing in the Flex framework you need to inherit from for this.
However you architect it, your foo class is going to have to take in and parse keyboard codes to listen for and accept one or more methods to call. All you have to do is figure out when to add and remove the event listeners that will call the passed-in methods.
To handle turning your keyboard events on and off based on visibility, just have your foo component bind to the "visible" property of it's parent and add/remove event listeners accordingly.
You might also consider having the listeners added when the component that foo is nested in is on the display list rather than just visible. To do this, simply added and remove your event listeners in one of the component lifecycle methods - probably commitProperties is the most appropriate.
I don't think this solution answer your question directly but anyway, to help solve your problem here is an example.
For instance, I've extended the TextArea component like so. This is the best I can do so far, it can definitely be improved upon. Like, I don't know how to make the cursor go to the end after the next shortcut is pressed.
public class TextArea extends mx.controls.TextArea
// the keysmap is an example dictionary holding keycodes
private var keysmap:*={
112 = "some text for F1"
,113 = "the text for F2!"
//etc, etc
public var handleKeyDown:Boolean =false;
public function TextArea(){
if(handleKeyDown ==true){
public function keydownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
if(e.keyCode >= 112 && e.keyCode <= 123){
e.currentTarget["text"] += String(keysmap[e.keyCode]) +" ";
I can't give you a solution using MXML, however my first thought would involve a singleton static class with a Dictionary that contains a list of objects as its keys and dynamically created dictionaries as the value pairing that contain keys denoting the desired key press with a function reference as the value.
So, say you had a Sprite and you wanted to capture ctrl+s for save when focus is on that object, I would get the instance of that Singleton, and call a function such as registerKeyBinding passing in the Sprite, the keyCode you want, and your pre-defined callback:
private var registeredObjects:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
public function registerKeyBinding(targetObject:Object, keyCode:int, callback:Function) {
if (registeredObjects[targetObject]) {
Dictionary(registeredObjects[targetObject])[keyCode] = callback;
else {
registeredObjects[targetObject] = new Dictionary();
Dictionary(registeredObjects[targetObject])[keyCode] = callback;
targetObject.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownListener);
private function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (e.ctrlKey == true) {
//calls the function if that key exists.
Can't say I've tested this, but it was just the first thing that popped into my head. You could then setup functions to deregister and delete keys from the dictionaries, check states of the objects in addition to the keyCodes, remove old listeners, and delete entire dictionaries when there is no longer a need for them. Hopefully this is at least a tiny bit helpful.

Handling complex navigation in Flex

I am building a complex Flex app, and now I am at the point where navigation becomes a problem. I make use of Viewstacks with a Menu Bar, but I am not sure how to clearly structure this.
Depending on the logged in User and chosen Company by the user, he can see different pages. For now I restricted this hiding the appropriate buttons in the Menu Bar. However, not just the menu bar, but also buttons/links from within the app should be able to navigate to each existing page.
When I am loading up an existing page, it needs some initialization (depending on the context it is loaded from). In addition, when a company is chosen, I need to load the status from the backend, and depending on this status a specific page might be visible.
Are there any guidelines how to tackle more complex navigation/site hierarchies in Flex?
Now I am having all my views in a viewstack in the Application, and refer to it with Application.application.appViews.selectedChild -> but that's obviously not best practice, since it violates encapsulation.
Was thinking of implementing some sort of State Machine, which takes care of all this, but not quite sure it this would make sense, or if there is any better way.
Thanks guys,
If it's really complex, you might want to consider breaking your application up into modules.
Also, Mate is a great Flex framework for handling complex communication and navigation. Mate's EventMaps help you centralize the communication and logic between components, modules, etc. And, it keeps you away from the dreaded Application.application references.
Even if you don't use a framework like Mate, you can avoid the Application.application references by having components dispatch custom events that bubble up to the top-level of your application. The top level of the application can listen and catch these events and act on them. I've found this to be a much more flexible approach. I avoid Application.application as much as possible!
If you have a complex menu bar that needs to enable / disable a lot of buttons or options based on many different logic conditions, the State pattern is a decent way to handle it. I built an enterprise-level app that had a "Word-like" button bar at the top...and there were so many different conditions that affected the states of the buttons that I had to centralize the logic in one place. At first I didn't use the State pattern and maintaining the code was a difficult chore. One day, I bit the bullet and re-factored all the conditional logic into a StateManager class. It definitely made life easier from there on out.
Again, you might want to consider using Custom Events to broadcast important events to your application. You can make these events bubble up to the Application level. Then, by adding event listeners at the Application level, you can capture and respond to these events and target components or modules from the Application level. This gives you a central location for handling events and "directing traffic". It also prevents the tight-coupling of the Application.application approach. (Which quickly becomes a nightmare as your application grows and scales!)
For example, your StateManager can contain the case statements for deciding which state your application needs to be in. Once the decision about the current state is determined, you would dispatch a custom StateEvent. (Which might have properties like StateEvent.STATE_CHANGED and StateEvent.CURRRENT_STATE) This event can bubble up to the Application level and be caught by a listener. The listener then calls a method to load / change the state.
Does that clarify it for you? If not, perhaps I can spend an hour or two putting together a little sample.
Let me know,
I can give you the approach I used for some of your sub-questions, the problem of initializing a page at runtime and how to encapsulate navigation.
For page initialization, the issue I came across is that it's not always known once you navigate to a page whether certain elements should be shown, since it not-only depends on overall user permissions, but also permissions against the currently-selected data. And if the information needed to determine this must be loaded from the server, you cannot show the page as-is while loading the information. So we created a control called LoadingPanel, which is a container that can cover content with a loading indicator until additional information has been received. Here's a shortened version of the ActionScript:
public class LoadingPanel extends ViewStack
public function LoadingPanel()
this.resizeToContent = false;
public function get children():Array { return _children }
public function set children(value:Array):void { _children = value; }
public function get loadingImageStyle():String {
return _loadingImgStyle; }
public function set loadingImageStyle(value:String):void {
_loadingImgStyle = value;
if (_loadingIndic)
_loadingIndic.loadingImageStyle = value;
public function showLoadingIndicator():void
if (_loadingIndic)
super.selectedChild = _loadingIndic;
_pendingLoadingIndic = true;
var me:LoadingPanel = this;
var listener:Function = function(event:Event):void
if (me._pendingLoadingIndic)
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, listener);
public function hideLoadingIndicator():void
_pendingLoadingIndic = false;
if (_content)
super.selectedChild = _content;
var me:LoadingPanel = this;
var listener:Function = function(event:Event):void
addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, listener);
public function waitForEvent(target:EventDispatcher, event:String):void
var me:LoadingPanel = this;
if (!me._eventCount)
override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject
var result:DisplayObject = child;
if (_content)
result = _content.addChild(child);
if (!_children)
_children = [];
return result;
override protected function createChildren():void
if (!_content)
_content = new Box();
_content.percentWidth = 1.0;
_content.percentHeight = 1.0;
if (!_loadingIndic)
_loadingIndic = new LoadingIndicator();
_loadingIndic.percentWidth = 1.0;
_loadingIndic.percentHeight = 1.0;
_loadingIndic.loadingImageStyle = _loadingImgStyle;
if (_children)
for each (var child:DisplayObject in _children)
private var _loadingImgStyle:String = "loadingIndicatorDark";
private var _loadingIndic:LoadingIndicator = null;
private var _content:Box = null;
private var _children:Array = null;
private var _pendingLoadingIndic:Boolean = false;
private var _eventCount:int = 0;
We typically used these by wrapping a LoadingPanel around content then calling the panel's waitForEvent method. Typically, the event we'd wait for is for a web service response to come in. The class also lets you wait on multiple events before it will show its children.
Another recommendation I would make for your project is that you look into deep linking in Flex. Our users appreciated being able to bookmark a resource/location in our complex Flex application as well as being able to hit refresh in their browser and return to the same "page" they were on. But implementing deep linking also helped me out for one of the problems you mentioned; how do you send the UI to a specific page in an encapsulated manner? The way we did it is by raising a bubbling navigation event containing a destination "URL." A top-level navigation "manager" then handled interpreting the URL and "sending" the user to the appropriate area.
Hopefully this will give you some ideas for some of the challenges you face.

Flex: Popup Window - Get [ok] or [cancel]

I've done a lot of C# programming with both Winforms and WPF. I'm working on a Flex/Air app now for cross platform support. But this is my first flex project, so I'm learning as I go.
I've got a window that I want to popup, that the user will fill out a form, then hit OK or CANCEL. I set it up the same way I would've in C#, but it doesn't work, and I can't really see a way to make it do what I want.
So I'm trying events now, the events just don't seem to be handled...
EDIT again:
Oh, It's because the popup manager seems to create a new instance of the Form object, rather than using the one I created already.
so in the showWindow method, I put in this code rather than the popup manager:
then I remove it when I close it. The only problem is, it doesn't disable the rest of the parent like the popup manager does. Any suggestions on that?
private function btnAdd_Clicked():void
var form:Form = new Form();
form.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onFormClosed, false, 0, true);
private function onFormClosed(e:CloseEvent):void
//none of these Alerts are ever shown. I also tried breakpoints in debug to try an follow the code, with no luck
if(e.detail == Alert.OK)
else if(e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
private function btnCancel_Clicked():void
okClicked = false;
public function closeWindow():void
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
public function showWindow(parent:WindowedApplication):void
var window:IFlexDisplayObject = PopUpManager.createPopUp(parent, RecipeForm, true);
You can do this at least two different ways:
FIRST WAY: Using events
Let your Form class dispatch an event when either of the buttons is clicked. After Form is instantiated from the parent view, add an eventListener for the event(s) it's known to dispatch. When the Form dispatches the event, the eventListener will be invoked. You can even reuse Flex's CloseEvent and set the "detail" property to either Alert.OK or Alert.CANCEL before dispatching it.
In Form:
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
In parent:
var f:Form = new Form();
f.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onClose, false, 0, true);
private function onClose(e:CloseEvent):void
if (e.detail == Alert.OK)
// do something
else if (e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
// do something else
SECOND WAY: Using callbacks
Add a public var of type "Function" to your Form class and supply a callback function from the parent. This does basically the same thing as #1 except with little less abstraction / indirection.
I would recommend #1 since the event model in Flex is pretty well-conceived and more flexible than the callback.
In Form:
var e:CloseEvent = new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE);
e.detail = okClicked ? Alert.OK : Alert.CANCEL;
In parent:
var f:Form = new Form();
f.addEventListener(CloseEvent.CLOSE, onClose, false, 0, true);
private function onClose(e:CloseEvent):void
if (e.detail == Alert.OK)
// do something
else if (e.detail == Alert.CANCEL)
// do something else
Not sure if this is still an open issue. I ran into this very same problem and I think I figured out what is wrong. At least I did for my problem.
I implemented things exactly as you did. I also have the close attribute set to closeWindow (I'm using a TitleWindow for my dialog).
So when the window is closed via the X at the top, it will call closeWindow, also if you click on the Cancel button, it will also call closeWindow.
The problem for me was that clicking cancel, dispatches a CloseEvent which seems to be caught by a Listener which calls closeWindow again (possibly via the close attribute which probably creates its own internal listener). I'm not sure if its an infinite loop but Flex does not like this.
My solution was to create two functions, one for the X close window to call and one for the Cancel button to dispatch a CloseEvent of its own. This seemed to work for me. Hope it helps you.

Synchronous dialogs in Flex?

How can I open a synchronous dialog in Flex? I need to call a function from an External Interface (JavaScript) that will open a simple dialog in the Flex application and returns an value according to the button the user has clicked (OK/Cancel).
So it should by a synchronous call to a dialog, i.e. the call waits until the user has closed the dialog like this.
//This function is called by JavaScript
function onApplicationUnload():Boolean
var result:Boolean;
result = showDialogAndWaitForResult();
return result
Does anybody know how I can do this? I could write a loop that waits until the dialog has set a flag and then reads the result to return it, but there must be something that is way more elegant and reusable for waiting of the completion of other asynchronous calls.
Unfortunately a callback does not work as the JavaScript function that calls onApplicationUnload() itself has to return a value (similar to the onApplicationUnload() function in Flex). This JavaScript function has a fixed signature as it is called by a framework and I cannot change it. Or in other words: The call from JavaScript to Flex must also be synchronous.
Flex doesn't work in a synchronous fashion, as it is a single thread application and so needs your code to hand execution back to the "core" in order to handle user input etc.
The way to do it is to make your dialogue's behaviour asynchronous:
function onApplicationUnload():void
function resultMethod(result:Boolean):void
ExternalInterface.call("javaScriptCallback", [result]);
You can't do that in Flex. As David mentioned, Flex is single-threaded, so you can't have your function block while the dialog is being processed.
Your best bet might be to use a Javascript popup. You'll have a lot less control over the window, but it should behave the way you want (blocking the function until it's been closed).
Have your Flex code use an event to wait for the dialog. In the main thread, register an event handler that waits for the dialog to close. On OK in the dialog, dispatch the dialog complete event.
With Cairngorm, this is something like:
In the main thread:
CairngormEventDispatcher.getInstance().addEventListener(ClosingDialogCompleteEvent.DIALOG_COMPLETE, onClosingDialogComplete);
(if you want to avoid returning until complete, loop on a timer and global variable.)
In the dialog closing handler:
CairngormEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new ClosingDialogCompleteEvent(<parameters>));
The event handler:
public function onClosingDialogComplete (e: ClosingDialogCompleteEvent):void
param1 = e.param1;
param2 = e.param2;
// etc.
// Continue processing or set the global variable that signals the main thread to continue.
For this to work, the class ClosingDialogCompleteEvent has to be defined. Partial code for the class is:
package com. ... .event // You define where the event lives.
import com.adobe.cairngorm.control.CairngormEvent;
public class ClosingDialogCompleteEvent extends CairngormEvent
// Event type.
public static const DIALOG_COMPLETE:String = "dialogComplete";
public var param1:String;
public var param2:String;
public function ClosingDialogCompleteEvent(param1:String, param2:String)
this.param1 = param1;
this.param2 = param2;
Waiting on an event is the best way to synchronize in Flex. It works well for startup dialogs too. In a flex-only application it works especially well.
I have explained a workaround to create synchronous alert in flex
OK... after all I found a possible solution. But I guess hardly everybody is going to do that seriously :-(
The solution focuses around using a while loop to check for a result and then return the function that is being called by JavaScript. However we need a way to sleep in the while loop, while we are waiting for the result. However calls to JavaScript are synchronous. Now the trick is to make a sleep in JavaScript, which is also not directly available here, but can be done using a synchronous XML Http Request like described on this blog.
As I said - I won't recommend this only as last resort. For my problem I have resorted to ugly JavaScript popups.
Have your dialog call another function in flex to process the result of the user selection:
private function deleteFileCheck():void
Alert.show("Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"Confirm Delete",
Alert.YES| Alert.NO,
this, deleteFileHandler, null, Alert.NO);
private function deleteFileHandler(event:CloseEvent):void
if (event.detail == Alert.YES)
...do your processing here
You can fake a synchronous dialog in flex by popping up a dialog then disabling everything in the background. You can see this in action if you do Alert.show("Hello World"); in an application. The background will grey out and the user won't be able to click on any UI in the background. The app will "wait" until the user clicks the OK button.
