Animate busy cursor in flex? - apache-flex

I find out how to replace the busy cursor here:
However, how do you animate an image for the cursor?

Use an animated asset created in the Flash IDE and embed it within your Flex app.

You can also create them programmatically, e.g. by extending flash.display.Sprite:
Class SampleCursor:
public class SampleCursor extends Sprite
public function SampleCursor() {
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, drawCursor);
public function drawCursor(e:Event):void {
// Draw cursor using graphics context
// ...
And in your Application you just register this class as a cursor (same for other types of cursors like bitmap or flash assets):
Hope that helps.


Unity 4.6 hide / unhide button using C# script

I've been working on a project in Unity 4.6 where it is necessary to hide and unhide buttons using C# script. Does anyone have an example on how to do this?
When a gameObject or component is set to inactive using SetActive(false) you cannot use any of the "Find" or "GetComponent" type functions. The only way you can reactivate the gameobject or component is to have a reference to it.
In your project could you store the keys in a list or array on startup? you could then iterate through the collection and reactive the disabled keys as needed.
If you want to show/hide a GUI object, and don't want to disable it just
Add CanvasGroup to the object
Set its alpha to 1 or 0 for show/hide CanvasGroup: GetComponent<CanvasGroup>().alpha = 1;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Showandhide : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject button;//assign the button object here
private bool isShowing;
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown("escape"))
isShowing = !isShowing;

Removing a blinking cursor in Flex Flash Player

I have a MX TextInput field on my form. As one of our user has seizure problems with blinking cursors, I am trying to disable it but without success. Through Control Panel, I have been able to prevent a blinking cursor in Office Apps and on the Web browsers but not with the Flex Application which uses the Flash Player. Has anyone come across this issue and have a solution?
Here's a simple solution that removes the cursor all together. I'm not sure if you want to remove the cursor (feasible) or stop the cursor from blinking (seems less feasible).
It works by setting the underlying TextField object's selectable property to false. The MX TextInput class has it's own selectable property, however, the code in TextInput also requires the editable property to be false to disable selection. So you need to extend TextInput to work around that.
The underlying TextField doesn't expose any properties to stop the cursor from blinking (that I'm aware of). TextField is one of Flash Player's built in classes, so the chances of modifying this low level behavior seem slim.
This obviously breaks the ability to copy/paste in the TextInput. You might have to devise a way to temporarily enable selection to support copy/paste or selecting text in general.
import mx.controls.TextInput;
public class CustomTextInput extends TextInput
public function CustomTextInput()
private var _hideCursor:Boolean = true;
private var hideCursorChanged:Boolean = true;
public function get hideCursor():Boolean
return _hideCursor;
public function set hideCursor(value:Boolean):void
if (value == hideCursor)
hideCursorChanged = true;
_hideCursor = value;
override protected function commitProperties():void
if (hideCursorChanged)
hideCursorChanged = false;
textField.selectable = !_hideCursor;

Handling error conditions on Flex

I have the following AS code.I have noticed that if an Application i s using the webcamera then it cannot be used by any secondary applications until unless the primary application is closed.
My question is that from the following code 1.can we capture that condition
2.If no camera is detected how to give the alert since it is an AS code
Filename is
Now how to call cldAS() from any.mxml file .Some example would be appreciated
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class cldAS extends Sprite
public function cldAS()
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
if(cam != null)
cam.setMode(640, 480, 30);
var video:Video = new Video(300, 450);
trace("No Camera Detected");
//How to give an alert here
}"You don't seem to have a webcam.");
instead of
trace(...) ?
Alert is available in Flex only , in AS3 you should really implement your own solution, on the other hand , since Alert is a Javascript function , you could also use ExternalInterface to call it.
As far as implementing your own solution is concerned, at the minimum you need a TextField to display your message, which text you could provide by sending a CustomEvent with a message property that will simply take a String. It wouldn't take too much work to create your own Alert class.It would sit on top of your App , you could toggle visibility when receiving a CustomEvent and have a Close button to hide it.
You should be able to call your AS3 class within script tags , other than that I'll leave a more detailed answer to Flex experts. I'm not sure if you can add a Sprite directly into Flex , for all I remember an object in Flex must inherit from UIComponent in order to be added to the stage but check with the other guys here, I haven't used Flex in quite some time...
public cld:cldAS = new cldAS();

How to detect Screen width/height change in Flex

I have objects placed on the screen using x/y coordinates. I want a way to update that based on changes in Screen Width/Height. So if used re-sized browser window x/y should change. How do I cick off a function every time the screen is re-sized.
You can do that by attaching an ResizeEvent listener to whatever object you want to track:
public class Main extends Sprite {
public function Main ( ) {
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
private function resizeListener (e:Event):void {
trace("The application window changed size!");
trace("New width: " + stage.stageWidth);
trace("New height: " + stage.stageHeight);
You can setup a listener to the Resize event on the Application tag right in the mxml.
Although you may want to explore percentage based setting instead, it would be less of a effort in most cases.
The Best Way to detect changes in screen resolution is by simply Adding a event listener on application level and use the event properties to detect changes
private function init():void
this.addEventListener(ResizeEvent.RESIZE, resizeApplication);
public function resizeApplication(event:ResizeEvent):void
if(this.stage.stageHeight != event.oldHeight)
//perform action here or just use the above properties in any way you want
I made this function public so that it can be used anywhere in the application in case the event got fired but the view attached to it was not listening.

How to raise an event from a SWF in a SWFLoader to a parent Flex application?

How can I raise an event from a SWF file loaded into a Flex application (using SWFLoader)?
I want to be able to detect
a) when a button is pressed
b) when the animation ends
You'll need to do 2 things:
Dispatch an event from the loaded swf. Make sure the event bubbles if you sent it from nested views. Bubbling can be set through the bubbles property of the event.
Listen to the event from your main application. I think you should be able to do that on the content property of the SWFLoader instance.
mySWFLoader.content.addEventListener("myEvent", myEventHandler);
I took a lazier approach for raising the event inside flash
<mx:SWFLoader source="homeanimations/tired.swf" id="swfTired" complete="swfTiredLoaded(event)" />
private function swfTiredLoaded(event:Event): void {
mySWFLoader.content.addEventListener("continueClicked", continueClickedHandler);
dispatchEvent(new Event("continueClicked", true, true));
I believe its because you would be creating two seperate custom event class one in Flash and the other in Flex.
Dispatching one EV_NOTIFY.ANIMATION_ENDED from Flash may not be understood by Flex,since it has its own version of EV_NOTIFY.ANIMATION_ENDED.
As an adjunct to the answer by Christophe Herreman, and in case you were wondering, here is a way of making your own events...
[Event(name="EV_Notify", type="")]
public class EV_Notify extends Event
public function EV_Notify(bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false)
super("EV_Notify", bubbles, cancelable);
I have taken the liberty of setting the default value of bubbles to true and passing the custom event type to the super constructor by default, so you can then just say...
dispatchEvent(new EV_Notify());
In your particular case I doubt there are times when you would not want your event to bubble.
The prefix EV_ on the name is my own convention for events so I can easily find them in the code completion popups, you'll obviously pick your own name.
For the two cases you cite you can either have two events and listen for both of them, or add a property to the event which says what just happened, which is the approach which is taken by controls like Alert...
[Event(name="EV_Notify", type="")]
public class EV_Notify extends Event
public static var BUTTON_PRESSED:int = 1;
public static var ANIMATION_ENDED:int = 2;
public var whatHappened:int;
public function EV_Notify(whatHappened:int, bubbles:Boolean=true, cancelable:Boolean=false)
this.whatHappened = whatHappened;
super("EV_Notify", bubbles, cancelable);
then you call it as follows...
dispatchEvent(new EV_Notify(EV_NOTIFY.ANIMATION_ENDED));
you can then inspect the whatHappened field in your event handler.
private function handleNotify(ev:EV_Notify):void
if (ev.whatHappened == EV_Notify.ANIMATION_ENDED)
// do something
else if (ev.whatHappened == EV_Notify.BUTTON_PRESSED)
// do something else
I could not make this last approach work (with Flash CS4 and Flex 3). I put the dispatchEvent call in one of the last frames of my Flash animation, but could not pick it up in Flex.
I resorted to a counter variable and incrementing until I reached the known last frame number using the ENTER_FRAME event - which I can pick up using almost the same code.
If I can pick this up, then why can't I pick up a custom event?
