Opening Pages in New Window - xhtml

Is there a way to open a page in XHTML without using <a href="page.html" target="_blank"> that is standards compliant?
I'm not using frames, but there are some pages that I want to open in a new window instead of the current one.

You can use javascript's method. However this could easily be blocked by a pop-up blocker. Why do you not want to use the "_blank" target?

You can use something like this:
My Page
And then you run this jQuery:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a[rel="external"]').attr('target', '_blank');
This will add the target="blank" to the links and make your HTML validate :)

Most pop-up blockers wont block a pop up that has been requested by the user e.g you click a link and it pops up a window. IF you add an onlick event to your link and a target, the desired effect will work even if JS is turned off although you don't want to use target="_blank"


when i use link target _blank then onClick new tab open and suddenly tab again close

I search too much on Google but i couldn't find any result so i'm posting my question here
I'm using wordpress 3.6 and the wp e-commere plugin
i'm use this anchor tag
<a target="_blank" href="">google</a>
i also use,'_blank'); // function do same problem
when a user clicks on the link, a new tab opens and within 1 second it closes again.. its not working in mozilla and chrome, but it is working in IE
i checked and there is no theme problem.
if i add an anchor tag from e-commerce product then the tag target=_blank will not work, and if i add a anchor tag from wp product then the anchor tag will work...
How can i solve this problem?
and if i add href value with out http:// e.g
it opens in new tab successfully
but then its url is
if i write a proper href with http://, so there is open and close issue.
Any one know it solution ?
i apply many type of jquery and javascript code, but actually when i write _blank, and then new tab opening then issue comes
i'm adding some javascript code,
i use this method to open new tab
function urltarget(url,target){
if (target == '') {
target = '_self';
return false;
if i enter
<a href="" onclik="urltarget('','_blank');" > Example </a>
//its work ok, but if i used .net url
<a href="" onclik="urltarget('','_blank');" > Example </a>
//when .net comes in url then it create problem, new tab open and again close.
but it work in IE

Possible to make tabs that link to discrete HTML files and that don't reload entire page?

I need menu tabs that link to separate HTML files on my server, with unique URLs. I know this by itself doesn't require anything but CSS, but I would also like to retain the "instant load" effect of Javascript-enable menus, as well as loading only the relevant section of the page. (a CSS-only menu, I think, would reload the entire page). Is this possible?
It's possible with the help of Knockout.js and/or JQuery.
You could do it all with JQuery using the Tabs plugin provided by JQuery UI. You would have to write all of your own CSS so that you don't get the default "tabbed" look but something that resemble a menu.
Or, you could use Knockout.js to create a client-side view model with a set of commands that are bound to your menu items. Each command would then trigger a page update, most likely using JQuery.
Here's a very high-level example of how this might work starting with a basic menu:
<li data-bind="menuOption1">
A Knockout.js view model
var MenuViewModel = function ()
this.menuOption1 = function () {
// TODO: show the discreet HTML page
ko.applyBindings(new MenuViewModel());
How you actually show the page is up to you. It's probably easiest to use a JQuery AJAX call to load the page contents.
How you make/style the menu does not have any effect on how the pages linked in the menu are loaded once clicked. In order to avoid a page reload upon click, you'll need to make an ajax request to that page and load it into your current page.
I suggest using jQuery's AJAX so as to avoid cross-browser issues.
$('#menu a').click(function(ev){
url: "test.html",
cache: false
}).done(function( html ) {

anchor target blank - how to always open in same popup window

I have a number of anchors in a page. I want that when the user clicks on an anchor it would open a blank window. I have used target='_blank' and that works correctly. However, I want that if the user clicks on another link in the original page, I would like that it uses the same popup that was opened for the first window. What I do not want is that the user ends up with like 10 popups as this would be a bit messy for the user.
Is this achievable please?
Any assistance would be greately appreciated.
target is deprecated since HTML 4.01, you can however use JS like this:
var clicky = document.getElementById("clicky");
clicky.onclick = function(){, "test");
return false;
in the, the first attribute is the URL the link should go to, the second is the name of the window, clicking any link setup like this will open in the same window.
there's better and easier ways to do this to multiple elements with jquery etc. but it all hinges on the
Instead of using _blank (which is a special value for a new window), use a name - any name would do.
When naming a window this way, every time you call it by name it uses the same instance.
Just name your target.
This should open a blank window the first click and repopulate it when other target='mywindow' links are clicked.

phonegap childbrowser - change onClick to tap?

Im using the childbrowser plugin with phonegap and jqtouch.
I have this in a menu list to open webpages:
<a href="#"
onClick="PhoneGap.exec('ChildBrowserCommand.showWebPage','http://');" >
The problem is that the onClick opens the childbrowser as soon as I
touch it, and since I have this in a menulist, I cant scroll the list
up and down without the childbrowser opens.
So how can I change the onClick so it act as a tap instead?
What do I have to do?
What's worked for me is to use jQuery's bind approach and bind a tap event to the element that you'd like to call the Childbrowser. Here's some generic HTML and JavaScript that should give you a sense of what to do:
<p class="urlStyle">Your link</p>
$('p.urlStyle').bind('tap',function() {
}); javascript function is not working in Mozilla, but working in other browsers javascript function is not working in Mozilla, but working in other browsers, here is what I have write.
<a href="'../Terms.aspx','Terms','width=550,height=400')">
click here</a>
Actually what happened in Mozilla is popup is opened but parent window is blank with [object Window]
Please tell me What I am doing wrong?
The script looks all right, what might be a problem is that you are running it in the URL. Use the click event instead.
Also, you can use the href and target attributes in the link to make it degrade gracefully. That way the link will at least open up the page even if Javascript is disabled in the browser:
<a href="../Terms.aspx" target="Terms" onclick=",,'width=550,height=400');return false;">
click here</a>
Try a generator.
Alternatively, you might want to try href="javascript: randomVar = ...". The issue might be that the function returns an ID, thus breaking the in-line JavaScript.
