500 - Internal server error for ASPX page - asp.net

I have created one test.aspx and my local machine it is working fine. Once I upload the same to server the page is not working. It's showing
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.

It is impossible to help you without getting more info about the IIS configuration on your local machine and the server.
However, here's a quick stab of some things you should look at:
Check if Asp.net is installed on the server.
Make sure your app is targeting the proper .Net version that is on the server.
Check if all the assemblies your code is using are deployed correctly on the IIS server.
Add some exception handling and error logging to your code.
In particular, I'd venture to make a wild guess that your page is using some code that requires the IIS7 integrated pipeline and your server is either running IIS6 or is running IIS7 in classic mode. Though this is a stab in the dark and could turn out to be completely wrong. :-)

500 server errors are as useful as saying 'something broke'. They are the result of literally any exception you code throws plus anything else IIS croaks on. From your error msg, it sounds like an IIS config issue but it could still be your code. attaching a debugger to it would eliminate that possibility.
If you haven't looked at the server event log you can see if it registered anything.
There are a number of things that you can do to try to get a better, more specific exception. One way I try to diagnose them is to connect a remote debugger so I can see what's going on. If you have access to do so, I'd go that route.
You will need admin access to the server to install the Visual Studio remote debugging client (I'm assuming this is a .net app).
Another thing that can help are try/catch blocks and logging to a file or the event log--but have have to change your app most likely to implement that.

You have probably forgotten to upload the associated .dll. Have you tried right clicking on the project and using the publish feature?
If you are using IE, then you also need to turn off the "Show friendly error messages" option in Tools - Options - Advanced settings so that you get more details.
You may also need to change the web.config file so that error message details are shown, see the CustomErrors tag.


set Default.html as start page in Web application

I had played down with my host configurations to the point that I can't revert back! I just want to be able to run it from my own visual studio, so I can debug some javascript and don't care if it is not running on Local IIS. I have web application in VS 2013 (Proj1) that I want to add a default.html page to. I set it as the start page, but when running the app, I keep getting the error:
HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be
accessed because the related configuration data for the page is
Luckily, this is my own personal machine and I don't mind resetting its IIS or changing its apps configurations. I've tried the following:
I had initially setup my web application via VS as SSL Enabled = true, but now I am trying to reset, so my project properties look like this:
Even though I don't care about IIS setup, I still looked into my C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config\applicationHost.config file, but looked fine
looked at my web.config, but nothing stands out
I think the process of setting up the SSL is the culprit. Is there anywhere else I should look? I just want to be able to run a simple Default.html
I had a problem very similar to this before in the past. This is what I did to solve it.
Try to debug a very basic page with nothing on it (Make sure that works)
Then start building the page back up.
For me it was when I added "Custom Controls" back in, when I removed those controls from the page everything worked.

Why are blank pages being served with "200 OK" for asp.net errors in IIS 8.5 (Win 2012 R2)?

I've set up a new Windows 2012 R2 server running IIS 8.5.
We noticed that when an error occurs (eg the ASP.NET State Service was not running) that instead of outputting a 500 status code error screen, the request actually returns a totally blank page (only headers - with no content). We obviously need to see the errors and serving 200 OK for an error could be very problematic for indexers like Google etc or any wesite monitoring tools (which would not notify us that the site had gone offline).
On our other servers (IIS 7) we see the "yellow error screen" with a message like "could not connect to state server" (or similar).
What could possibly be wrong here? Is there some setting to globablly disable all errors (but this would be stupid if it also serves the 200 status code) or could something else be getting in the way?
The only other thing which could be interfering is we've got ISAPI_Rewrite installed on the server (but this doesn't usually cause this problem).
Had a similar issue on Windows 8.
In settings search for "Turn Windows features on or off".
Check that the following features are enabled
"/Internet Information Services/World Wide Web Services/Common HTTP Features/HTTP Errors".
"/Internet Information Services/World Wide Web Services/Common HTTP Features/Static Content".
You need to ensure Server Side Debugging is not enabled in the ASP module.
Classic ASP server 500 errors are returned as 200's. An attempt is made at opening the Server Side Debug Application, that then can't be found and IIS subsequently returns a 200 response and a blank page.
Make sure that you are not calling Server.ClearError() in Application_Error of Global.asax.cs that ended up being my problem.
Ripping out all Global.asax code helped me to find the cause of the error.
After that, the IIS started to return the error page as expected. Then, after the fix is applied, I returned the Global.asax code back.
Maybe this case helps you.
I had a similar issue when requesting the Default.aspx (set as page default in directory). The Server returned status 200, but the Content was blank.
In this case it worked to switch the Application pool's managed pipeline mode from integrated to classic.
Make sure you have enabled HTTP Activation

Site functions locally, "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" on server

I have an ASP.Net Website (not a web app, fwiw) that builds and works just fine locally through IIS on my dev laptop.
However, when I publish it to our QA box and try to view while I'm remoting into that server, I get a message from IE saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". Firefox just spits back a quick "Connection Timed Out"
There is absolutely nothing in the event log nor the IIS log about this. I'm unsure where I can look for more info.
I'm fairly confident it is an ASP.Net issue. I can install a sample site from our vendor, Ektron, into IIS and it will run. If I overwrite the sample's web.config with my own, it continues to run. If I then blow away the entire sample site and copy over my site from my local, I'll get the message about how "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".
I've tried to keep the environments as close together as I can. Both boxes are running IIS 7.5 under an integrated app pool for .Net 4.0. I browse via localhost on dev and via an IP on the server.
I am not terribly familiar with the Website template, so I might be missing something obvious (I hope!). I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance into how I can get more info on what the heck is going on so I can resolve this issue.
I think I'm getting closer. By using Fiddler (thanks for the suggestion, Amy!) I notice that it redirects the request to SSL. SSL requires a different license from our vendor, so that might be it. I'm still trying to understand why that redirect is taking place, but at least I have something now to look at.
I'd look into the SSL settings in the web.config / IIS - settings for Mime Types and also into Ektron's MIME Types in the MimeType.config file. I found that some .aspx pages like (ekajaxtransform.aspx) weren't functioning correctly because of firewall/proxy issues/restrictions.
Hope it helps. :)

HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden Error when accessing website

So I have all the updated code, the entire solution builds. It works on everyone else's machine, however when I try and access localhost/extranet on my machine, it gives me this error:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
Detail Error Info:
Module DirectoryListingModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler 0x00000000
Requested URL http://localhost:80/extranet/
Physical Path C:\svn\K2\trunk\appteam\web\Chatham.Web.UI.Extranet\
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Now I tried going into IIS7, and enabling directory browsing, this removed the error, but still didn't bring up my website. I also tried going in and disabling the default document, re-enabling it, everything, nothing worked. I've also restarted IIS a few times to no avail.
Any ideas?
It sounds like your IIS is not processing the routing rules for your application and is trying to find a default.aspx, index.htm, etc. Since it cannot, it is wanting to display the directory listings (which is why you were getting the 404.14).
I just checked my dev setup and I think that your AppPool has to be set on Integrated as opposed to Classic on the Managed Pipeline for the AppPool. I have ran into this before, there may be ways to use the Classic Pipeline, but this would/should be the quickest way to resolve your issue. To check/change the pipeline mode, click on Application Pools from the menu on the left side of IIS, find your AppPool and look in the managed pipeline column. If it is set to Classic -> Right click the AppPool, choose basic settings, then change the dropdown from Classic to Integrated.
If I am incorrect, someone please feel free to correct me on this in the comments.
Edit - Just to add, you can run an MVC app in the Classic Pipeline mode, but you have to do the IIS 6 tricks to get it to work properly. Mainly, you need to turn on wildcard script mapping for MVC to work in Classic mode, If not it expects an .aspx file (or similar) to exist for it to handle the execution pipeline over to .NET from IIS.
Causes this error is removed Global.asax file from your root directory of your site.
To solve this problem add a Global.asax file to your project.
See here: How to add Global.asax file to ASP.NET MVC4 project
In IIS, you need to find out which app pool your application is running from. Just right click the web application under Sites>Manage Web Site>Advanced Settings. The first property should be the app pool.
Now, click Application Pools. You should see a column called "Identity". Add that user to the ACL of the C:\svn\K2\trunk\appteam\web\Chatham.Web.UI.Extranet\ directory. If it just says 'ApplicationPoolIdentity', it can be a little tricky figuring out the user. If it's just running under DefaultAppPool, you can use IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool.
My solution was because I didn't have ASP.NET installed via "Turn Windows Features on and Off" so it was simple. I figured it out by enabling directory browser and trying to go to my views folder which then gave a more descriptive answer and pretty much said that there was a problem with a module because ASP.NET is not properly installed. It then dawned on my to go and install it.
Change the 'start page' by right click on the page and select 'Set as Start Page' that you want to open first when the web application starts first. This might solve your problem. :)
Also make sure in IIS Application Pool settings that Enabled 32-bit Applications under Advanced Settings is set to FALSE. I spent hours trying to fix this and that was my issue. Windows Server 2012 IIS 8.5
I solved this problem by setting exact .net framework. My website was using v4.0 version of .net.
Workaround to handle the problem:
Open command line as an administrator
Go to directory "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319"
Execute the following: aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Open IIS and change Pipeline Mode of Your application to Integrated
Hope this helps
In my case the HTTP Redirection feature was missing on the server (with IIS 10).
Adding the feature resolved the issue and the site started to load fine.

ASP.NET: Errors not viewable despite proper configuration

I'm having the classic (dare I say typical?) error on the ASP.NET production server, which tells me that I can't view errors. Below the error displayed below, are things I've already tried.
In IIS Manager (6.0), the application is located under one of the web sites in "Web Sites". It is indeed a web application, as opposed to a virtual directory (it has that gear icon).
When trying to view the error from the localhost (i.e. the server itself), it doesn't find the application on its path, even though the root web site works just fine from localhost. It is clearly not a firewall issue because first of all, the firewall is turned off, and second because the root web site works fine from localhost. Heck, I even tried connecting through telnet and that worked fine and dandy too, so it is most certainly and very clearly not a firewall issue.
Basically, I just need to view the error at all. I won't have to fix this problem if I can just see the error and fix it, because obviously there is something wrong in the code itself... I just don't know what, because IIS/.NET won't tell me.
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.
Details: To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".
So what I've already tried is what the error message itself suggests by setting the customErrors thing to "Off". In fact, it always was on "Off" so I didn't have to change anything. I've made sure that the web.config XML is valid.
Another common reason for this error is that the .NET run-time is set to version 1.1, not 2.0. I've also made sure that this is correctly configured to 2.0.
I'm running it in an independent application pool, meaning that there are no other applications at all, much less 1.1 applications, on the same application pool.
I've made sure that EVERYONE can do ANYTHING to the files and directories in the application itself. I understand the security ramifications here, I'm just trying to get it working at all, and then I'll constrain the access rights afterward, one step at a time. But in any case, everyone can read those files.
Any help deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The error is a .NET framework error so it finds the app, but there is a configuration error. What you could do is add some event logging code in APplication_Error handler in global.asax to trap these errors, or turn on health monitoring (<healthMonitoring enabled="true" />), which by default will log ASP.NET framework errors to the event log.
Never got this working until I changed the application from a "sub-application" (I don't know the proper terminology) to an independent website with its own hostname. ASP.NET works in mysterious ways.
