Single-line vs multi-line CSS formatting - css

Though it's debatable, I've heard the majority of CSS developers prefer multi-line because of the ease of which a property can be found within the CSS file. But doesn't this make the CSS file bigger and less readable on the whole? I think single-line lets you scan the CSS file much faster. Any thoughts?

It's all a matter of preference based on what your team decides on. However, here's my take on why I use single-line formatting:
When I need to maintain CSS, I'm most often looking to modify an existing selector. If the start of every line is a new selector, and not just more style declarations, it makes it easier to scan the document for the selector I want to find. It also means less scrolling to find what I need.
Once I've found the selector I need to edit, good syntax highlighting makes it easy to read the rules for a specific selector, so I don't lose any readability by having all of my style declarations on a single line.
That being said, I wouldn't say it helps with file size any. I rely on YUI Compressor to compress my CSS for me automatically, rather than trying to manually maintain an efficiently declared style document.

IMO multi-line CSS is better because its more readable. But i would suggest you to follow your teams's standard and dont waste your time debating :)
And if you are worried about CSS file size, then you should minify / compress it.
Also, if you have time, you spend some on validating your CSS using Official W3C CSS Test Suites.

This is a matter of personal style - make sure whatever you choose that you are consistent. I personally tend to put each property on its own line for readability.

Use whatever style you find easy, at the time of development.
You can use a CSS minifier to reduce the size of the file at the time of deployment. You can find a lot of CSS minifiers which will help reducing the file size.
YUI compressor is a good one.

Just like JavaScript code, you would want to format your CSS the way that would conform to your team's standard, and let the compressor minifies it for deployment.


Inline styles vs styles in CSS

I know placing all your styles in a CSS file is the best thing to do as it is a lot neater.
But does it REALLY matter if the styles are inline or in a CSS?????
Edit below
My plan is to just place the styles in my MasterPage and all other pages will use the MasterPage....I believe the correct term is not "INLINE" but Embedded???
Some thoughts from one with experience, rather than a 'purist':
Storing all styles, for a large application, in one CSS file is not maintainable. You'll have perform a text search of the file to find the style you're looking for, or scroll a lot, and there's a higher chance that you'll overlook related styles when making an update.
If certain styles are particular to a page, not globally used, it is more maintainable to keep them in a style tag within the head tag.
Deep CSS inheritance hierarchies are also not maintainable. These are much, much worse than inline styles!
The CSS language itself does a poor job of applying styles to many elements in more complex structures. Consider lesscss, sass, or even jQuery for more than basic application of styles.
Lots of developers use HTML for presentation, mostly DIVs, when they think they are doing the right thing, or lecturing others. Some example above!
Using Inline CSS:
Repeat the same rule for every
element in the page.
More code and bigger file size to
transfer to the client.
Harder to maintain, suppose you want
to change the width to 200px, you
will need to go through all the page
and edit one by one.
<div style="width:100px; height:100px;"></div>
<div style="width:100px; height:100px;"></div>
external OR put css classes in the head [embedded styling]:
<div class="big"></div>
<div class="big"></div>
Based on your edit: that seems not to be inline CSS as in my example above, it is the same idea as using an external file, so if you want to do that go ahead, it is the same.
It matters because your code becomes very difficult to maintain or update if you use inline styles. Keeping your styles in style tags or separate CSS files allows you to comply with Don't Repeat Yourself, which is probably the most important development principle.
That being said, if you are absolutely certain that a piece of styling is unique to a given element, and also that it won't ever need to be tweaked, you can feel free to use inline styling. I sometimes use inline style for throwaway code and for things like landing pages (once they're done, they're done).
No but it is alot easier to make changes to the css if you only have to look one place instead of all your headers/inline
One other thing, your markup looks alot cleaner if you dont have eny css/javascript inline
When creating master pages I use in-line styles to create the basic layout of the page. For instance I include all of the styles that position the header at the top of the page, main content in the middle and footer at the bottom. Pretty much every style attribute related to positioning, I include in the masterpage as an inline style.
Storing styles in one document helps you to control on your entire project. Furthermore less code to maintain and applying changes.
It is a loth easier for maintenance... does it really matter depends on what you think what is important... why wouldn't you use a css file?
Do you mean putting your styles in the with or attaching them as 'style="x"' to your element?
There's several reasons for avoinding inline CSS.
1) Maintenance, it's easier to make changes to a code where all css is seperated from the markup itself. It also makes the code more readable as avoiding alot of inline css gives you less code.
<div class='test'></div>
is easier on the eye than:
<div style='background:yellow;width:10000px;height:10px;position:absolute;top:10003px;left:132032px;'></div>
When the css is inline you will also have a hard time finding where the code itself is and comparing styles. You will also often end up repeating the same code several times because you can't use classes.
2) Performance, CSS files can be gzipped, making for a smaller load. It's also easier for the browser to handle when it get js and css served as files.
3) Keeping with the best practice. Some other poor developer might want to edit your code later, and he sure would be happy if you kept away from inline CSS.
Now of course you can do CSS in the head of a document too, but why make your files bigger than they need to be? More code into the same file makes for more mess. And you can't gzip it if you do.
#Etienne , there is one disadvantage doing this way , if you want to deploy any changes to production you have make a build and push it.
If you maintain everything as css , you can just push the css file changes and invalidate the load balancer cache.
I thought this is a good point to mention.
When it is best to use inline style
Inline style is the best solution in situations when some style is created dynamically from user input via server-side code (ex, WordPress plugin), to be applied only to a single HTML element, in such cases insert it into an external CSS file causes only problems:
There is the need for a server-side code that creates a CSS class
with the dynamic style inside it.
There is the need for a server-side
code that write and save the .css file
There is the need for a
server-side code that is able to link the CSS classes created to the
correct HTML elements You must load an external CSS file for no
reason, this is a downgrade of performance (file size and 1 more HTTP
In many cases, where the dynamic codes are just one or two,
the problems are startling clears: you must create a file of ex.
800bytes with 2 lines of code, and load it as external files.
Greater exposure to bugs. More a code is complex more are chances of bugs. The server-side codes above are very complex in comparison to the simplicity of the task they do.
Real use-case:
Imagine a scenario where a user wants to upload an image and use it as a background in an HTML element. With old rule is just style="background-image:URL()". with the new rule some code must create and save an external file, with just the code style="background-image:URL()", create a CSS class for it, write it in the HTML component, load this CSS file with just one line of code. Totally nonsense. Consider also that this operation must be done every time the user updates the image.
Final result:
Worst performance due to 1 more HTTP request and large, complex, server-side codes.
Wasting hours of time for authors to develop something that is not only useless but also creates real problems.
At least one more file in the project
Worst readability/comprehensibility of the code because a user must check the HTML and then find the CSS code of the linked CSS class to see the value of the style.
When it is best to use an external CSS file
In all other cases than the ones explained above, in short, when the style is fixed and never change you should put it in an external CSS file.

LESS/SASS CSS opposite from minification/optimizations?

I wonder can I say that LESS/SASS CSS "pre-processors(I think they are called?)" is the opposite from optimizations like minification? I wonder if there will be any noticeable performance impact? or do you think easy of development is more important?
I ask this because what LESS CSS generates is something like
body #div1 #div2 p
body #div1 #div2 p a:link, body #div1 #div2 p a:visited
and I think it can really bloat up my CSS quite a bit. as you can see, such specificity is not required and it makes reading CSS hard (at least what I see in firebug).
In Sass you can control 'specificity bloat' by understanding how nesting works. You don't have to do any nesting at all if you don't want - it's something you can control.
Using the new #extend directive, you can actually reduce redundancy in your CSS by applying the priciples of OOCSS and can thus improve performance. Here's a good article to get you started with #extend. And a few more OOCSS resources:
The great advantage of #extend in Sass is that it takes the manual effort involved in applying OOCSS and makes it wonderfully painless and easy.
Finally, as Andrea pointed out, Sass has a variety of options for minifying CSS (see the :compressed style), so overall you've actually got a pretty potent toolkit for not only improving your performance as a developer, but also improving the performance of your CSS. For an example of this in action, see how Chris Eppstein, author of Compass and core contributor of Sass, refactors the Digg stylesheet down from 125 lines of code to 85 lines of code (a 32% reduction).
You'd be surprised, but gzipped CSS files that have repeated blocks of code shouldn't be too much larger than ones with the shorter selectors.
This is thanks to how the compression algorithm handles duplicate strings in a file. Instead of including the same string twice, it replaces the second occurrence with a reference to the first one, and so that string only appears in the compressed file once. Take a look at how repetitive the selectors in your generated CSS file are - this should make them compress fairly well.
Naturally, the key to this is making sure your CSS files are gzipped - leaving them uncompressed will definitely increase the file size.
Depending on the options, SASS can give output in different styles. For production, you will want to set the output style to 'compact'.
There is a firebug addon for sass that should make things easier to read. You don't really need to read the output directly anyway.
Sass, less and xCSS will generate more output but I wouldn't call it bloat.
Hand written CSS, with it's many redundancies and duplications will degrade quickly as developers pile name spaces on top of others during the life cycle of the code. One of the symptoms of poorly maintained, designed or written software is bloat. And because CSS has some design deficiencies from the start, even the best CSS coders are effected by this limitation.
So you got to weigh up the initial footprint of your well formatted sass/less file against a hand written CSS file that has been edited a few times over.
Another benefit on sass is that your HTML becomes leaner. You don't need to append class names throughout your code to make up for the flat, global structure of CSS.

Is it always bad idea to use inline css for used-once property?

I have a table, with 10 columns. I want to control the width of each column.
Each column is unique, right now I create an external CSS style for each column:
div#my-page table#members
{ width: 40px; }
I know there is a best practice to avoid inline style.
I do approve using external CSS for anything look'n'feel related: fonts, colors, images.
But is it really better to use external CSS in this case?
It does not incur extra maintenance cost.
It is easier to produce.
Cons I can think of:
If you have separate designers and development team - using inline styles will force designers to modify content-file (aspx in my case).
It might use more bandwidth.
Anything else I've missed?
IMPORTANT: I am asking about only one specific case where style used will ever apply to exactly one element, and is not part of the global-theme, such as width of one particular column.
There are lots of reasons why style="" is bad. I consider it a bug anywhere I encounter it in my codebase. Here are some reasons:
style= has higher priority than other CSS selectors making it hard to effect changes in the stylesheet; the stylesheet has to work harder to override these.
style= rules are hard to find in the code when you need to make global changes.
You download this CSS code with every page view.
If you have multiple stylesheets for the same HTML codebase your style= rules are not part of the stylesheet and thus are unchangeable.
However, if you are generating content and it's difficult to describe this content in a static CSS file, you might also need to generate the CSS to match that content. It is often easier to simply generate style= rules despite the drawbacks. If, however, your generated content can be easily described in a CSS file, because the generated structure doesn't often change, or because you can easily generate HTML AND a CSS file at the same time, then it's probably better to not use style=.
Some suggestions for alternatives to style= that may be appropriate:
Instead of inline styles, use class names. Works well if you have lots of columns in your table that have the same properties, and which you expect to always have the same properties. Then your stylesheet can remain fixed while your HTML is fluid, since the CSS only references classes. This is probably the approach I'd use.
Use JQuery or some other javascript library to style your objects programmatically after the page loads.
Easier to produce is not really a valid argument - people like splitting huge chunks of code into smaller chunks - same with code and markup.
+ No extra HTTP connection (unless you are already downloading a .css file anyway)
- Every time the page gets sent, this CSS is sent with => more bandwith
- Designers need to modify CSS in Application Code (bad practice)
Usually, you shouldn't - unless it's a really well thought through performance tweak as google does.

Daunting task of refactoring 5000 line CSS. Any tips?

I've just been assigned the task to refactor a huge 5000 line CSS file... but here's the worst part - I also need to make it IE6 compatible. Any CSS gurus have suggestions of tools, or possibly tips (common pitfalls) for use in my monolithic expedition? Cheers.
checkout sass... it includes the ability to convert css to sass.
A sass file is a yaml file that can be parsed down into a css file. It allows you to use variables and alternate organization...
sass example:
!main_color = #00ff00
:color = !main_color
:background-color = !main_color
:color #000000
css output:
#main {
color: #00ff00; }
#main p {
background-color: #00ff00;
color: #000000; }
Some tips:
Use version control so you can roll back when needed.
Come up with a checklist of visual tests to run through after each change, in each browser. A spreadsheet of URL links and things to look for, building on them as you run across problems (think "unit tests" but not automated).
Use a CSS-specific beautifier first to get everything into the format you prefer for braces, etc.
Consider using something like SASS to "compile" your CSS as you go along.
Comment the heck out of things, especially where you're doing IE6-specific stuff.
Future-proof yourself by building a separate file with IE6-specific directives as you go along, or at least use Microsoft's way of filtering them out for other browsers.
Use the W3C Validation often.
Mechanically, I would attack it like this:
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="newhotness-ie6.css" />
<link type="text/css" href="oldandbusted.css" />
Move code from the third (old) file into the other two, cleaning up as you go. That way you can validate your code without worrying about tons of errors in the old stuff, and you can track your progress, Ctrl-Tab between them more easily than between locations in a single file, etc.
(If you can't control the markup to add your CSS files, use an #import at the top of the old file.)
Start from scratch!
Assuming you can check all the major pages manually, I would be VERY tempted to wipe the entire file and start from scratch. Spot-checking for IE6 inconsistencies, you'll be doing nearly the same amount of work anyway, but it will be much, much more painful if you're modifying old, browser-specific CSS.
That 5000 lines may well be expressable in 2000 lines of modern, well-designed CSS. I think most experienced CSS developers would find it less work to write 2k lines of new CSS than modify 5k lines of horrible CSS.
which is based on this:
Not necessarily CSS, but here's worflow tip: use GIT.
start off by importing the files in git;
commit for every minor step, and record what you did;
whenever you find that you broke something, you can identify the exact same step broke using git bisect ( a good description );
For extra kicks, here's a talk about code coverage for CSS to help you quickly weed out unused rules.
As Triptych said, I would start from scratch. Also, consider the following:
use a CSS reset file to smooth out cross-browser inconsistencies:
get it working perfectly in Firefox, then tweak for other browsers as needed
study the underlying HTML. How is it organized? Is it laid out with tables? all DIVs? Semantic tagging?
is the CSS used for layout or simply styling (fonts, colors, etc.)?
Once you get a feel for that, study the content. Categorize the layout and elements as much as possible, so that you identify all the common elements and can maximize the efficiency of your CSS
remember the C in CSS, Make the most commonly used font the body font, so that other elements will inherit it by default.
use relative units (ems) for font size, to allow proper scaling of text
try not to use ANY inline styles
make use of Firebug - it will let you inspect an element and see exactly what CSS is in effect and where the rules came from
don't be afraid to re-use portions of the old CSS, especially for things like dropdown menus, which can need very specific incantations to work properly
have fun! starting from scratch lets you implement best practices and learn a ton along the way. When you are done you are probably going to look back on this as a good experience.
there is a presentation here that should get you in the right headspace for tackling this task: CSS Systems
I would be tempted into creating a test suite first: automating page visits (perhaps with Selenium?), taking screenshots, then using something like ImageMagick to compare those with reference images.
Also, I second all the suggestions to use source control. If you later discover that your refactorings broke something that wasn't checked by the test suite, you can add a new test and then bisect your history to find the change that broke it. Git is good for that.
Get a code editor with good syntax highlighting. Also, goodluck I dont envy you.
My initial thought was does some like NCover exist for CSS, as it would be handy to see if all of the CSS is referenced. A quick Google on CSS code coverage found a few things- you might want to look yourself though:
Install sass, run css2sass on your 5000 lines of css, proceed. After you are done with your sass file refactoring, run sass2css to regenerate the css file. Best of luck!
I'd suggest Stylizer - it is a CSS editor with an embedded live preview browser. It makes life much easier when editing CSS files and can tell you which rules affect which element on the page and more.
All of you guys saying he should start from scratch are wrong. You shouldn't. Try to identify the different parts the site uses. Put them on a sheet of paper. Find the parts that match together. Build a structure. Find parts of the application that are the same but are still styled with different rules.
Take that one part and name it. Then match all app parts that use that "pattern" with the correct HTML/CSS.
Repeat until you're done. Break up the large task in small chunks.
Identify whether the original CSS writer used standard methods like using a CSS reset. If he didn't, and everything is defined by #id without reusable classes, well, then maybe the guys saying you should start from scratch are in fact right. But my point here is that you can't just recommend that without assessing the situation.
Using the Dust-Me Selectors Firefox Plugin can be handy. It's a bit like a code coverage tool for CSS.
Tool suggestion: ReSharper by JetBrains. It will autocomplete CSS and rename selectors site wide from the CSS file editing window.

X is to CSS what GWT is to Javascript; what is X?

Is there a structured language for declaring styles in a sensible way, which can then be rendered into browser specific css files, similar to what GWT does to Javascript?
It would ideally be a language that supports variables, deals with browser quirks and differences (e.g. filter:alpha vs opacity), provides an intuitive syntax for common tasks such as centering, and has a way to express fallbacks for less capable browsers.
Sass, as in Haml and Sass has some of what you're looking for.
It has variables, math, and other goodies.
The official version is Ruby based, but there are versions for other languages like PHP and Python.
It might not do EVERTHING you mentioned, but it's worth checking out.
GWT's ability to generate code on the fly and it's powerful "deferred binding" capability could definately be applied to stylesheets and allow for build-time optimization of CSS.
Right now, the "GWT way", according to styles is to include all the styles you'll need and use apply them by making use of "dependent style names". But this definitely leads to lost of useless CSS being included where it's not needed.
I know there is at least one attempt to optimize CSS at build time. This would involve combining multiple seperate stylesheets into one, and removing all non-essential whitespace (minifying). I think this might also allow you to make use of deffrred binding to essentially "optimize out" CSS from where it's not needed (ex: browser specific styles).
To answer my own question (again): Less seems like one of the most interesting projects so far. CSS extension supporting variables, mixins (complex variables), nested rules, and simple arithmetic.
you might want to try HSS.
Thanks for your comments! Sass and HSS seem very similar in scope: simple and block variables, nested blocks, single line comments. HSS has the advantage of being a superset of CSS.
StyleInjector looks more ambitious and interesting. By leveraging GWT's deferred binding capabilities and introducing CSS syntax extensions like conditionals, this approach should make it easy to define not only browser specific but also locale specific styles. Also being able to reference other GWT resources directly, and automatically minimizing styles by removing and merging selectors is pretty cool. I'll definitely follow this project closely.
