Making GridView Respond to 2 Drop Down Lists -

I have got 2 DropDownLists on my Form and 1 GridView. I want the GridView to display the data according to the selection from the DropDownLists.
For Example, One DropDownList contains Names and another contains Dates. Both the DropDownLists can post back. So if I select a name from 1st DropDownList, the GridView should show all the results according to that Name. Similarly if i select the Date from the other DropDownList , the GridView should show the results according to the dates. But i cant figure out as how to bind GridView to respond to 2 DropDownList.
BTW i am binding both the Drop Down Lists and the Grid View to the DataSource Objects, which is getting data from the database.
Any Suggestions??

It's better and cleaner if You use two DataSource with selecting data from db, and binding each of them to the DropDownList. I tried in my ASP.NET app do what You want but unfortunatelly I have erorrs :/
My only sollution is to don't use DataSouce in aspx file, but in DropDownList SelectedItem event use DataContext and it's possible that then you could bind both to the same DataView like below. I am not sure, but maybe You must use null in DataSource to reset GridView before use new data source:
protected void btPokaz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext();
var DzieciGrupa = from p in db.Dzieckos
where p.Grupy.Numer == Convert.ToInt32(this.dropListGrupy.SelectedValue)
orderby p.Nazwisko
select new { p.Imie, p.Nazwisko };
if (DzieciGrupa.Count() == 0) this.Label1.Text = "W " + this.dropListGrupy.SelectedValue.ToString() + " grupie nie ma dzieci zapisanych!";
this.GridGrupy.DataSource = null;
this.GridGrupy.DataSource = DzieciGrupa;
// this.GridView1.DataSourceID = String.Empty;
Try it and tell say that works ;)

For Your problem You should create dwo EDM class for each data source. And simple in DDL select event Your choose of DataContext depends from user choose in DDL.
Example :
protected void DDL_SelectedItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
TypeOfQueryData query = null;//you must know what type is data You query
DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext();
//query to get data from source
query= from p in db.Dzieckos
where p.Grupy.Numer == Convert.ToInt32(this.dropListGrupy.SelectedValue)
orderby p.Nazwisko
select new { p.Imie, p.Nazwisko };
DataClasses2DataContext db = new DataClasses2DataContext();
query= from p in db.Dzieckos
where p.Grupy.Numer == Convert.ToInt32(this.dropListGrupy.SelectedValue)
orderby p.Nazwisko
select new { p.Imie, p.Nazwisko };
this.GridGrupy.DataSource = null;
this.GridGrupy.DataSource = DzieciGrupa;
// this.GridView1.DataSourceID = String.Empty;//maybe You need do that


Rows added to gridview don't persist when save event is triggered

I have a gridview on my webpage that can have rows added dynamically. There is a for loop that adds the rows like this:
protected void AddNewJob(object sender, EventArgs e)
for(int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(newJobCount.Text);i++)
TableRow tr = new TableRow();
tr.Cells.Add(ServicesDDL("-- Select Service Type --"));
tr.Cells.Add(JobsDDL("-- Select Job Type --"));
After the rows are added and changed from their default values the rows are looped through and data is saved to the database. I'm having problems getting the rows added to the gridview to persist and exist on the gridview when the page's save event is triggered. That code looks like this:
foreach (TableRow row in assetTable.Rows)
if (isFirst)
isFirst = false;
DropDownList service = (DropDownList)row.Cells[0].Controls[0];
string assetText = service.SelectedItem.Value;
DropDownList jobDescription = (DropDownList)row.Cells[1].Controls[0];
string serialText = jobDescription.SelectedItem.Value;
TextBox equipmentCount = (TextBox)row.Cells[2].Controls[0];
string leaseText = equipmentCount.Text;
TextBox jobSize = (TextBox)row.Cells[3].Controls[0];
string originText = jobSize.Text;
TextBox serialNo = (TextBox)row.Cells[4].Controls[0];
string deliveryText = serialNo.Text;
string oNo = orderNo.Text;
if (assetText != "0" && serialText != "0")
APICallClass.Job j = new APICallClass.Job();
j.JobTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(serialText);
j.serviceID = Convert.ToInt32(assetText); = leaseText;
j.jobSize = originText;
j.serialNumbers = deliveryText;
j.orderID = Convert.ToInt32(global.GlobalID);
APICallClass.API.AddJob(j, Session["Variable"].ToString());
When the code pasted above runs, it only sees the rows that are pulled in from the database. I think my problem could be fixed by calling something like .databind() somewhere that I'm not, but I've tried a few places and they have not fixed the problem.
Thanks in advance for any help, and helping me become a more robust ASP.NET developer.
When a GridView is DataBind()-ed, the contents of the GridView are "rebuilt" based on the the GridView's DataSource. If you need the new row to stay in the GridView, either do not call DataBind() after the new row is added, or ensure that the contents of your new row are in the GridView's DataSource before future calls to DataBind().
In a page I wrote once I had a similar situation and did the latter. The data for the initial rows was pulled from the database on the first page load and persisted in ViewState. As the user added, removed, and reordered rows in the GridView, the page just changed the data in ViewState and re-DataBind()ed the GridView.

How to bind data column to textbox?

I have datagridview and textboxes on form. I load records from different tables when user clicks any one radiobutton. Data in grid is shown perfectly. I want to show values of the row in those textboxes.
One solution can be: binding data from dataset.
Second one can be: transfer values of each cell of row to respective textbox.
Please help me. And, please tell me which one is better or is there any other method which is even better than these two.
Thanks in advance.
Try using a BindingSource
BindingSource bindingSource = new BindingSource();
DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();
DataAdapter da1 = new DataAdapter("Select * from Customers", conn1);
DataAdapter da2 = new DataAdapter("Select * form Orders", conn1);
//Let we set Customers table as bindiningSource datasource
bindingSource.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["Customers"];
private void RadioButtonCustomers_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bindingSource.DataSource =dataSet.Tables["Customers"];
private void RadioButtonOrders_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bindingSource.DataSource = dataSet.Tables["Orders"];
//First param of Binding is to which prop of TextBox to bind the value
//Second param is the data source
//Third param is the data member or the column name of the table as datasource, so
//we have to get that table from casting the bindingSource datasource prop and casting it
//to DataTable obj and after that to take the ColumnName prop of the desired column
textBox1.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text",bindingSource,((DataTable)bindingSource.DataSource).Columns[0].ColumnName));
textBox2.DataBindings.Add(new Binding("Text",bindingSource,((DataTable)bindingSource.DataSource).Columns[1].ColumnName));
Even if you change the datasource prop of bindingSource, textboxes will remain binded to rowvalue of first and second column
Hope this help.
Sir I done it making a simple WindowsForm with 2 radio buttons, 2 textboxes and datagridview
here is the sln file this must help u.
I tried many options to display value in textbox on the same form, but it was not working as datagridview could display records of two different tables.
Instead, I used the following event of datagridview:
private void dataGridView1_CellMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
this.dataGridView1.SelectionChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.DisplayValueinTextBox);
In DisplayValueinTextBox, I wrote following code based on numbers of columns displayed for each table:
private void DisplayValueinTextBox(object sender, EventArgs e)
textBox1.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[0].Value.ToString();
textBox2.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[1].Value.ToString();
textBox3.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[2].Value.ToString();
if (tblGrid == "Employee") //name of table which has more columns in grid
textBox4.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[3].Value.ToString();
textBox5.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[4].Value.ToString();
textBox6.Text = dataGridView1.SelectedCells[5].Value.ToString();
this.dataGridView1.SelectionChanged -= new System.EventHandler(this.DisplayValueinTextBox); //removed it as I was getting error.
catch (Exception exdisp)
I also changed SelectionMode property of dataGridView to FullRowSelect. This will ensure that textbox1 is displaying value of SelectedCells[0] even if user clicks any cell.
I still hope there is even a better option, so I wait for comments on this.

Positioning of DDL items?

i have a dropDownList which gets its data from a database. Now after the data has bound, i programmatically add another listItem to the ddl, like so:
protected void ddlEffects_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddl = dwNewItem.FindControl("ddlEffects") as DropDownList;
ddl.Items.Add(new ListItem("","0")); //Adds an empty item so the user can select it and the item doesnt provide an effect
It all works, but the problem is that the newly added listItem appears at the bottom of the DDL. I want it to be the first item. I tried making the value 0, but its still at the bottom. Is there any way to put it at the top?
Check into the ddl.Items.Insert method that will allow you to insert items at a specific location.
Like this for example:
using (Entities db = new Entities())
ddlDocumentTypes.DataSource = (from q in db.zDocumentTypes where (q.Active == true) select q);
ddlDocumentTypes.DataValueField = "Code";
ddlDocumentTypes.DataTextField = "Description";
ddlDocumentTypes.Items.Insert(0, "--Select--");
ddlDocumentTypes.Items[0].Value = "0";
Which using EF loads the DDL with items for the database, and then inserts at position zero a new item.

Dynamically update dropdownlist

I have this dropdownlist populated and everything. The only problem is that whenever I add a new item in the database through my website, the dropdownlist doesn't update for some reason.
private CurrentUser _cu = new CurrentUser();//just to check if use is an admin or not.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
_cu = (CurrentUser)Session[Common.SessVariables.CurUser];
if (!_cu.CanReport) { Response.Redirect("~/default.aspx"); }
CurrentUser cu = (CurrentUser)Session[Common.SessVariables.CurUser];
if (!IsPostBack)
foreach (PrefixAdd loc in cu.Prefix)//Prefix is a Property
ListItem x = new ListItem(loc.Prefix);
#Wayne I'm using a store procedure to just insert a Prefix like Pre,yes,sey, etc. Then the list is populated with prefixes.
StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder(255);
sbSQL.Append(string.Format("exec insPrefix #Prefix=N'{0}';", PrefixBox.Text.Trim()));
string msg = string.Empty;
msg = (_oDAW.ExecuteNonQuery(sbSQL.ToString())) ? string.Format(Common.GetAppSetting(Common.ConfigKeys.User_Submit_Success),
PrefixBox.Text.Trim()) : Common.GetAppSetting(Common.ConfigKeys.SubmitFail); //this is a somewhat custom method for CS and databinding.
# Yuriy Rozhovetskiy Yea I add new items to this page with the dropdownlist.
Whenever you add an item to your database, you have to rebind your drop down list.
yourDropDown.DataSource = //...
That is, DropDownLists (and other controls) have no way of knowing that their data has changed behind the scenes, they can't automatically detect it. You have to tell the controls to rebind their data manually.
Good job on the Page_Load(...){ if !(IsPostback) part.
Since you add new prefix on this page with some postback item you need to add this new item to PrefixID dropdown's Items collection and update the CurrentUser instance in Session right after you have add new prefix to database. list of dropdownlists - similar to Access continuous form

What I'm looking for is a way to mimic the MS-Access style continuous form within In one particular case, I want a control, bound to a datasource which returns a dropdownlist for each row, bound to the value within the datasource. Any change to any of the dropdownlists' would perform an update to the database instantly.
I have got halfway to achieving this using a repeater control, with the DropDownList.SelectedValue assigned within the Repeater.ItemDataBound event.
But now, supposing I add an OnSelectedIndexChanged event to the DropDownList - how would I then query the repeater to know which row I was on (to get the primary key value, for example)
I'm not sure this can be done easily.. so the question is what should I really be doing? I don't want to use a GridView that requires me to select a row to edit.. I just want to have the dropdownlists autopostback for any updates.
Hope that's clear?!
Cheers! :D
For examples sake, lets say we are binding to a custom class called Record
public class Record
public int Id;
public string Value;
If you put custom logic on the Repeater.OnItemCreated event you can attach the primary key to the id of the drop down list
protected void Repeater_ItemCreated(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
if (!(e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem))
var dataItem = e.Item.DataItem as Record;
if (dataItem == null) return;
var dropdown = e.Item.FindControl("myDropDown") as DropDownList;
if (dropdown == null) return;
dropdown.ID = dropdown.ID + dataItem.Id;
Then on the SelectedIndexChange, you can pull the id off of the dropdown that fired the event.
protected void SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
var dropdown = sender as DropDownList;
if (dropdown == null) return;
var stringId = dropdown.ID.Replace("myDropDown", "");
int id;
if (Int32.TryParse(stringId, out id))
updateRecord(id, dropdown.SelectedValue);
It's very much an ugly hack, but it should allow you to do what you want.
Easiest way to tackle this would be to mimic the Access continuous form ASP.NET style. Which would be to make a UserControl to handle the row-level UI, then put said UserControl in a repeater.
