Http requests / concurrency? - http

Say a website on my localhost takes about 3 seconds to do each request. This is fine, and as expected (as it is doing some fancy networking behind the scenes).
However, if i open the same url in tabs (in firefox), then reload them all at the same time, it appears to load each page sequentially rather than all at the same time. What is this all about?
Have tried it on windows server 2008 iis and windows 7 iis

It really depends on the web browser you are using and how tab support in it has been programmed.
It is probably using a single thread to load each tab in turn, which would explain your observation.
As others have mentioned, it is also a very real possibility the the webserver running on your localhost is single threaded.

If I remember correctly HTTP standard limits the number of concurrent conections to the same host to 2. This is the reason highload websites use CDNs (content delivery networks).

network.http.max-connections 60
network.http.max-connections-per-server 30
The above two values determine how many connections Firefox makes to a server. If threshold is breached, it will pipeline the requests.
Each browser implements it in its own way. The requests are made in such a way to maximize the performance. Moreover, it also depends on the server (localhost which is slower).

Your local web server configuration might have only one thread, so every next request will wait for the previous to finish


What are the steps to switching Drupal website/server to HTTP2

We need to convert our Drupal website to HTTP2. What would the steps be needed to convert the website and server?
Turn it on in your web server in dev.
Test it to make sure no unintended consequences - nothing should have to change at an app level to use HTTP/2 as the web server and browser takes care of all that for you automatically (one of the many nice things about HTTP/2!), but there can be unintended consequence due to removal of download constraints. See here as an example:
Decide if you want to optimise for HTTP/2 (e.g. bundle and sprite less) to get most out of the new protocol.
Turn it on in your web server in prod.
Monitor and measure impact. how to test load balancing is working

Our infrastructure team has configured a a load balancing using Radware. Basically we have 3 web server that are load balanced.
Before we go live I would like to test and make sure that load balancing is working. How do I test the following:
3 servers are load balanced and requested are evenly distributed. (Any automated tool exists?) InProc session are working.
You can test by first generating an artificial load on your site (with any one of a number of load generators). Then have a look at the Windows Performance Counters for each site: things like HTTP requests per second and CPU use would be reasonable high-level metrics.
Yes, there are automated tools, but they usually require quite a bit of setup, and the better ones charge a fee. Perf counters are fast, easy and free.
As #swannee said, InProc sessions won't work in a load-balanced scenario unless your load balancer is configured to use sticky sessions. It's better to use SQL Server sessions with load balancing.
FWIW, you can test your software in a "mini" load balanced scenario on a single server by enabling IIS web gardens (multiple worker processes), from the AppPool config dialog.
Can you look in the IIS server logs to see how many hits each server is getting?
Also, unless you are using sticky sessions, you are going to have problems with InProc session. It won't work on a server farm (unless as stated you have sticky sessions turned on). If you don't have sticky sessions, you'll be able to tell real quickly that your session is being lost between requests with just some manual testing.
Our organization makes a series of ping and advanced status pages. These pages are monitored by our load balancers so it can take out unhealthy nodes in the event one node loses a connection to a database server or the node itself is having issues.
Our ping pages spit out the server name that you're connecting to and the status. They are avaliable by the common server names themself, like and but more important, they all answer on
Refreshing the page will show us a new connection (you can see the server name change).
To test load you could use WCat, it's not the easiest tool to setup and script but it works.
To test sessions. you'll need to build out some pages that you can do load testing on to test sessions

Wcf ThreadPool and async

I've got an web page that is making 7 async requests to a WCF service on another server. Both boxes are clean without anything else installed.
I've also increased maxconnections in web.config to 20.
I run a single call through the system and the page returns in 800ms. The long and short of it is I think that the threadpool is being being overwhelmed as, once placed underload I cannot get more that 8 requests per second, even though both quad core boxes are running at 20% CPU load and the sql server it's connected to is returning the querys in under 10ms per call.
I've changed the service behaviour to concurrency.multiple but that's not seeming to help.
Any ideas anyone.
There are many different factors that could be in play here. Taking a stab at the remark that changing your instancing model on the service had zero effect (big IF here) then its possible the 'bottleneck' is upstream from the service. Either at the web server, or the client load generator.
You've got several areas to review for tuning: client, web server, wcf service server - that's assuming there are no network devices in the middle. Pick an end and work towards the other end. Since I'm already making an assumption that its not the service, then I'd start at the client and work my way towards the wcf service.
What machine is driving the load against the web server? A laptop? A desktop? A dedicated test agent, or a shared one? The client acting as the load generator for purposes of this test is also susceptible to maxConnections limitation as this is a client setting.
What is the CPU utilization of the client generating load? Could it be that the test driver is just unable to generate enough load to push these boxes? Can you add additional test clients to your test?
Web Server
What does the element look like in machine.config on the ASP.NET web server? Try setting autoConfig = true. This will allow the configuration to auto size based on the 'size' of the machine its running on.
WCF Service
Review WCF service for any throttling defaults that might be in play and tweak appropriately. See ServiceThrottlingBehavior on MSDN.
Let us know any changes in behavior you might observe (if any) if you make any changes!
The real answer here that everyone missed is that you're using an ASP.NET web page. That means your client is some form of web browser. Modern web browsers have a limit of 2 concurrent async requests at any time. This means that 5 of your requests were queued up and waiting for the first two to finish. Once those first two, it served the next two, then the next two, then the last one.
All of these round-trips and handshakes simply take time. I'm guessing that your roundtrip time is around 200ms, unfortunately you have to do it 4 times.
I also really dislike the "max 2" browser limitation on making webservice calls.
Is this service hosted in IIS, WAS or a Windows Service?
You should try to set Windows to run services on a higher priority. Your WCF Service is probably creating the threads it needs but they should be running at a low priority.
Hope that helps.

ASP.NET Deployment to Multiple Web Servers

I'm putting together my deployment plan for a major deployment next week (basically taking over a site).
I've never had to deploy to multiple web servers before.
Do I need to copy the files to each web server, or is there a tool which will do this for me?
I have to supply the IP address to some 3rd party vendors, which IP do I give them since there are four separate servers?
Please check this thread, hope this will help you: What method do you use to deploy ASP.Net applications to the wild?
I would of expected that there would be a load balancer which would spread the traffic between the servers. In which case you would give out the IP address of the external interface of the load balanacer.
For updates in this scenario I would typically take one server out of the loop for the load balancer then update that server, test it works ok then if you have 4 servers take another out and update/test that server. Then switch the load balancer so that the 2 updated servers are live and the other 2 are offline update/test those servers and then put them back into the loop so they're live and your update is complete with no downtime. Of course I'd typically do this during a period of low traffic where possible.
Whether you do this using some sort of automatic script or manually would depend on what systems you have in place and how often you would expect to make updates.
It's worth saying that Microsoft have since released a couple of tools to help with this:

Strategies for pushing updates to an ASP.NET webfarm?

How do most people handle updating ASP.NET applications running in a webfarm? I am having the problem that because the app is in use and the request affitnity is not sticky, when we push the update users run into errors as the process requests the request might be handled by the wrong version of the application. How do you do this? Take the entire application offline and let the push complete or do you update live and let the chips fall where they may? Ideally we'd like to minimize down time if at all possible.
any thoughts/suggestions/pointers would be appreciated
This is what we do:
Drain the active sessions off a particular server in the farm no new traffic will be routed to that server during the time.
Apply the patch to the drained server
Drain the sessons off the remaining servers
Allow traffic back to the original server
As the other servers are drained, apply the patch and let them come back to life.
Make half the servers inaccessible, update those, flip all the inaccessible servers to accesible and vice versa, update the other half, and put the other half back up.
