custom flex component, visual controls in design view - apache-flex

Do you know how if you drag an <mx:Label> or <s:Label> component into your Flex project, when you go to design mode you get this panel on the right to set its properties like text etc.
I have a custom component that I can call with actionscript, or with mxml like this:
<comps:TheComp field1="OK" field2="Yes" />
The component takes this input and uses it for its internal operation
private var field1:String;
private var field2:String;
private function initializeit()
// component takes the input and lays it out as needed
When I go to design mode, I can see the component under custom components, I can drag it to the stage and see it, but can't set its values field1 and field visually on the right like a normal <s:Label> or <mx:Label> would have.
Any idea how I can add that? Do I need to make it inherit something or anything else

Try using the [Inspectable] metatag in your code
private var field1:String;
private var field2:String;
Not sure if inspectable members can be private. If [Inspectable] alone doesn't do it, try making the vars public or protected.

You need to put any custom components you want to view this way into a library project and make a swc out of it, then use the swc instead of just the source code .

Those variables must be public. Variables are accessible from properties panel after setting them public.
public var field1:String;
public var field2:String;


adobe flex static function reference control

Is it possible to reference a control in an application from a static function?
What I have is a Viewstack containing VBoxes stored in separate controls. Ex:
<mx:ViewStack id="content" width="100%" height="100%" resizeToContent="true">
Once I get logged in on my login control, I would like to change the selected index of my ViewStack. From my outside controls, I cannot reference my ViewStack by name. I can reference a public static function from an outside control however I cannot refer to the ViewStack from within that function. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Normally you can have a singleton class where you can save the
instance of the main application and if you view stack is resides
inside your main application then you can do some thing like this
public static function changeIndex(index:int):void
FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.content.selectedIndex = index;
//urappinstance.content.selectedIndex = index;
You could reach it starting from FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication (if it is visible from there). Although, the design of such a thing may be questionable.
Is it possible to reference a control in an application from a static
Generally no. A static function (or property) exists on the class itself. Whereas MXML Children--such as in a view stack--exist on a specific instance of the class. A class level function will know nothing about any specific instances of the class and will not be able to access properties on a specific instance.
However, you can pass an instance of a class into a static function and access the properties that way. something like this:
public static function doStuff(myViewStack:ViewStack):void{
// do other stuff
And call it like this:

Difficulty copying/extending singleton manager class

I want to extend or copy the PopUpManager class to add the ability to keep track of the number of windows.
I just want to add a simple windowCount++ when a window is added and windoCount-- when it's removed.
the problem is PopUpManager is a Singleton class... I wasn't able to make it work properly by extending it. And now I have tried to copy the code from the file and just add my variable to the end of its functions. It doesn't seem to be working though since it says my properties are undefined even though they are declared above the constructor.
I am thinking I would have to make a copy of the since that's wehre it seems much of the business resides (PopUpManagerImpl extends EventDispatcher implements IPopUpManager) would that allow me to have access to the variable? and should I ignore the manager and just put it in the implementation class?
here is a link about Using the Flex Singleton register, which helped me out when finding myself in the same situation.
I hope you can inspire from that too.
You likely didn't declare yours properties as static. The PopUpManager uses all static methods - this is why working with it you use syntax like:
instead of
var popUpManager:PopUpManager = new PopUpManager();
This means that any variables declared in the PopUpManager need to also be static so as to be accessible at the class level.
public static var windowCount:int

address a Flex checkbox in a component

I have a checkbox in a component:
<s:CheckBox id="myCB_1" />
In my main.mxml I need to test for the state of the checkbox. I originally had all my code in main.mxml, but it was getting really long, and I thought that it was better practice to break my code into components. Also, I have other projects where the same concept will apply, so I really want to figure this out.
I have the following function :
private function checkAlarms(currentTime:Date):void
if (!breakfastAlarmSounded)
if ((currentTime.hours > breakfastTime.hours) || ((currentTime.hours == breakfastTime.hours) && (currentTime.minutes >= breakfastTime.minutes)))
if (myCB_1.selected)
if (myCB_2.selected)
breakfastAlarmSounded = true;
simply addressing the component, as in:
doesn't work. Someone mentioned that I need to create a variable in my component that refers to the id (myCB_1) of checkbox, but I don't really understand or know how to do that, and they didn't elaborate.
How do I test for the status of the CheckBox "myCB_1" in the component from within my main.mxml?
many thanks,
With very little information, I'm going to suspect you originally had the CheckBox included in main.mxml and moved it to a custom component. If so, you need to address the CheckBox's ID via the custom component's ID. Something like this (from main.mxml):
If this isn't the case, please edit your post and give us more detail.
You said you created a new custom component and moved the CheckBox into it. Great, that's a helpful start :) When you included your new component in your main.mxml file, it should look something like this:
<component:YourNewComponent />
Of course, however you named it (and whichever namespace is used to reference it) will be different from my example, but the principle should still apply. In main.mxml, you need to give your custom component a unique ID string so you can reference it within main:
<component:YourNewComponent id="myComponent" />
From here on, you should be able to reference the component, and any public elements within it: myComponent.myCB_1.
It would be useful to provide more details about the context in which you're using this script. Nonetheless I'm going to throw out some information that may help.
In order for the script to access the component, it has to be within the scope of the component. Usually that means one of the following:
You have a <script> tag in the MXML, with code in it that references components within the same MXML file.
You have a <script source=''/> tag in the MXML, where is referencing components in the MXML file.
You are creating the component in your script and you have a definition for the component within ActionScript (ex. var myCB_1:CheckBox; is within the class definition).
If the script and the component aren't within the same scope then they can't see one another.
You need to refer to the checkbox through the component. Lets say that you use your component in your main like this:
<local:MyComponent id="myComponent" />
In your script, you want to refer to it:
if(myComponent.myCB_1.selected) { // do something }
Strangely enough, it works. I was getting a getting an 1119 error (Description 1119: Access of possibly undefined property myCB_1 through a reference with static type Class.) when I refer to the component with dot notation (myComponent.myCB_1.selected) and an 1120 error (Description 1120: Access of undefined property myCB_1) when not addressing it via myComponent.
With these errors I never thought to try running the thing. Long story short - it runs with or without addressing the component (???) go figure!
thanks for all the input and would love to hear any other comments.

Adding an MXML component as a child of the main application using ActionScript

How can I add an MXML component as a child of the main application using ActionScript. It's not possible to instatiate it, is it? Assuming that behind every mxml file stands an actionscrpt3 class, I tried to import it but id didn't show up.
You'll want to familiarize yourself with the flex component lifecycle:
It explains the actionscript code behind the mxml components, and it's important to be familiar with, because if you implement your components incorrectly, it can really slow down your application.
Anyway, I think you may be confused about what imports do. Import statements make the code available to use in your code, but it wouldn't create a component. You'd need to create a component the same way you create any object in actionscript, and then you'll need to add that component to the display list to make it show up.
The appropriate place to do this is in the createChildren() function:
override protected function createChildren():void {
var myText:Text = new Text();//create a new object
this.addChild(myText);//add it to the display list

flex3:How to override function set label of a button

Flex 3 question:
I trying here to avoid having to bind resources to all my components labels ( ie a button) and find a way to have this automated.
It corrupts the layout in design mode to bind directly in the mxml label="{resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit')}" and makes the design view useless. but when declaring bindings elsewhere, in actionScript or via a bind tag, it is counter productive and prone to many errors and miss.
I would like to create my own button that automatically invoke resources to localize a button label. So the author puts "Submit" in the mxml description of my button, and when running it would take the value of the label ie "submit" and use resourceManager.getString('myResources', 'submit').
but I can't find the way to override the set label function, Is it possible if yes how? else how can I go about it?
Maybe I am missing an essential process here that would make the use of resources more elegant, as well as how to override such thing as a button's label.
Thanks for your advices.
Create a component called MyButton, extending Button. Then use this:
override public function set label(value:String):void {
super.label = resourceManager.getString('myResources', value) || value;
Assuming the resource manager returns "null" or "undefined" this will work, and will only replace the value if it exists in "myResources".
If you don't want to override every component you need to do this with, then you can add a FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE event on every component. Then use a single generic function to do your label localization.
