How is an SOA architecture really supposed to be implemented? - soa

My project is converting a legacy fat-client desktop application into the web. The database is not changing as a result. Consequently, we are being forced to call external web services to access data in our own database. Couple this with the fact that some parts of our application are allowed to access the database directly through DAOs (a practice that is much faster and easier). The functionality we're supposed to call web services for are what has been deemed necessary for downstream, dependent systems.
Is this really how SOA is supposed to work? Admittedly, this is my first foray into the SOA world, but I have to think this is the complete wrong way to go about this.

I agree that it's the wrong approach. Calling your own database via a webservice should raise red flags in a design review, and a simple DAO is the way to go (KISS principle).
Now, if it's data that truly needs to be shared across your company (accounts, billing, etc) THEN it's time to consider a more heavy-duty solution such as SOAP or REST. But your team could still access it directly, which would be faster.
My team had the same thing happen with a web service that we wanted to call in batch mode. Rather than call our own SOAP endpoint, we instead set it up to call a POJO (plain old java object) interface. There's no XML transformation or extra network hop through an SOA appliance.
It's overkill to put an XML interface between MVC layers when your team owns the whole application. It may not be traditional SOA... but IMO it's traditional common sense. ;)

I've seen people try to jam SOA at too low a level and this may be such a case. I would certainly not equate DAO and SOA at the same level.
I agree with #ewernli
What is SOA "in plain english"?
IMHO, SOA makes sense only at the enterprise-level, and means nothing for a single application.
If I'm reading into your question correctly, your web services are for C/R/U/D data into the database. If so, providing C/R/U/D services directly to the database and its tables are likely too low level to be SOA services.
I'd look for services at a higher level and try to determine whether they are interesting at to the enterprise. If so, those are your services. I'd also ask myself whether my former desktop app is providing services (i.e. should you be looking to make your new app an SOA service itself rather than trying to force an SOA architecture into the desktop app at a low level.

Consequently, we are being forced to
call external web services to access
data in our own database.
Man, that gotta hurt. As far as services in SOA go,
a service is a repeatable logical manifestation of a business task - that means you are not implementing SOA if you are not 'service enabling' business processes. If you are putting some web services to select data out of your data base, all you got is a bunch of webservices, which would slowdown your applications which could have been faster by conventional data access patterns (like DAO)
When you equate SOA with Web services there is a risk of replacing existing APIs with Web services without proper architecture. This will result in identifying many services that are not business aligned.
Also, service orientation is a way of integrating a business as a group of linked services - so ask yourself is the organization making use of these atomic services to achieve further benefits?
Do a google search for SOA anti-patterns and you will find what are the different ways to end up with a pile of web-services instead of SOA.

SOA... SOA... is the bane of my existence, for just this reason. What, or what not, constitutes SOA? I support SOA products in my day job, and some people get it, some don't. SOA.. SOA is about wrapping discrete business services in XML. ZIP+4 validation services. Payment gateways. B2B messaging.
SOA CAN be used to decouple desktop apps from backend databases. Sometimes it doesn't make sense, sometimes it does. What almost NEVER makes sense is low-latency high-query-count logic. If you ever have to use an application in France directly connected to a database in California, you'll get what I mean. SOA pretty much forces you to then smartly about how you model and return your data (look into SDO - Service Data Objects). The devil's in the details though. Marshalling data to/from XML can be costly.

Good SOA design is all about separation of behavior and data.
I repeat behavior and data need to be separate or else you will have lots or problems whether its CORBA/SOAP/REST/XMLRPC or even plain old in-the-same-JVM-method calls.
Lots of people will talk about service end points, message handling, and contracts making SOA one of the more soporific areas of computing when its surprisingly not complicated.
If you are doing Java its really easy. Make POJOs for your domain objects with no weird state behavior and no weird collaborators and then make Service classes with the behavior. More often then not you can just use your DAO as the service (I mean you should have a thin layer over the DAO but if you don't need one....).
OOP lovers will disagree of this separation of data and behavior but this design pattern scales extremely well and is infact what most functional programming languages like Erlang do.
That being said if you are making a video game or something very state based then this design philosophy is a bad idea. BTW SOA is about as vacuous as the term enterprise.

Which part do you think is wrong? The part that you have to hit the web service, or the part you are hitting the database directly?
SOA is more of an API design guideline, not a development methodology. It's not an easy thing to implement, but the reward of reusability is often worth it.
See Service-Oriented Architecture expands the vision of Web services or any technical book on SOA. Simply wrapping function calls with web call does not make it a Service Oriented Architecture. The idea of the SOA is to make reusable services, and then you make higher level services (like website) by compositing or orchestrating underlying low-level services. At the very low level, you should focus on things like statelessness, loose coupling, and granularity. Modern frameworks like Microsoft's WCF supports wiring protocols like SOAP, REST, and faster binary side by side.
If your application is designed to run over the Internet, you should be mindful of the network latency issues. In a traditional client-server application that is deployed on a LAN, because the latency is sub 10 msec, you could hit the database every time you need the data without interrupting the user experience. However, on the Internet, it is not uncommon to have 200 msec latency if you go across proxies or oceans. If you hit the database 100 times, and that will add up to 20 seconds of pause. In SOA, you would try to pack the whole thing into a single document, and you exchange the document back and forth, similar to the way tax is filed using Form 1040 if you live in the US.
You may say that the latency issue is irrelevant because the web service is only consumed by your web application layer. But you could hit the web service from the browser using AJAX reload the data, which should give the user shorter response time.


Transaction management in Web services

Our client follows SOA principles and have design web services that are very fine grained like createCustomer, deleteCustomer, etc.
I am not sure if fine grained services are desirable as they create transactional related issues. for e.g. if a business requirement is every Customer must have a Address when it's created. So in this case, the presentation component will invoke createCustomer first and then createAddress. The services internally use simple JDBC to update the respective tables in db. As a service is invoked by external component, it has not way of fulfilling transactional requirement here i.e. if createAddress fails, createCustomer operation must be rolledback.
I guess, one of the approach to deal with this is to either design course grained services (that creates a Customer and associated Address in one single JDBC transaction) or
perhaps simple create a reversing service (deleteCustomer) that simply reverses the action of createCustomer.
any suggestions. thanks
The short answer: services should be designed for the convenience of the service client. If the client is told "call this, then cdon't forget to call that" you're making their lives too difficult. There should be a coarse-grained service.
A long answer: Can a Customer reasonably be entered with no Address? So we call
createCustomer( stuff but no address)
and the result is a valid (if maybe not ideal) state for a customer. Later we call
changeCustomerAddress ( customerId, Address)
and now the persisted customer is more useful.
In this scenario the API is just fine. The key point is that the system's integrity does not depend upon the client code "remembering" to do something, in this case to add the address. However, more likely we don't want a customer in the system without an address in which case I see it as the service's responsibility to ensure that this happens, and to give the caller the fewest possibilities of getting it wrong.
I would see a coarse-grained createCompleteCustomer() method as by far the best way to go - this allows the service provider to solve the problem once rather then require every client programmer to implement the logic.
a). There are web Services specs for Atomic Transactions and major vendors do support these specs. In principle you could actually implement using fine-grained methods and true transactions. Practically, I think you enter a world of complexity when you go down this route.
b). A stateful interface (work, work, commit) as mentioned by #mtreit. Generally speaking statefulness either adds complexity or obstructs scalability. Where does the service hold the intermediate state? If in memeory, then we require affinity to a particular service instance and hence introduce scaling and reliability problems. If in some State or Work-in-progress database then we have significant additional implementation complexity.
Ok, lets start:
Our client follows SOA principles and
have design web services that are very
fine grained like createCustomer,
deleteCustomer, etc.
No, the client has forgotten to reach the SOA principles and put up what most people do - a morass of badly defined interfaces. For SOA principles, the clinent would have gone to a coarser interface (such asfor example the OData meachsnism to update data) or followed the advice of any book on multi tiered architecture written in like the last 25 years. SOA is just another word for what was invented with CORBA and all the mistakes SOA dudes do today where basically well known design stupidities 10 years ago with CORBA. Not that any of the people doing SOA today has ever heard of CORBA.
I am not sure if fine grained services
are desirable as they create
transactional related issues.
Only for users and platforms not supporting web services. Seriously. Naturally you get transactional issues if you - ignore transactional issues in your programming. The trick here is that people further up the food chain did not, just your client decided to ignore common knowledge (again, see my first remark on Corba).
The people designing web services were well aware of transactional issues, which is why web service specification (WS*) contains actually mechanisms for handling transactional integrity by moving commit operations up to the client calling the web service. The particular spec your client and you should read is WS-Atomic.
If you use the current technology to expose your web service (a.k.a. WCF on the MS platform, similar technologies exist in the java world) then you can expose transaction flow information to the client and let the client handle transaction demarcation. This has its own share iof problems - like clients keeping transactions open maliciously - but is still pretty much the only way to handle transactions that do get defined in the client.
As you give no platform and just mention java, I am pointing you to some MS example how that can look:
Web services, in general, are a lot more powerfull and a lot more thought out than what most people doing SOA ever think about. Most of the problems they see have been solved a long time ago. But then, SOA is just a buzz word for multi tiered architecture, but most people thinking it is the greatest thing since sliced bread just dont even know what was around 10 years ago.
As your customer I would be a lot more carefull about the performance side. Fine grained non-semantic web services like he defines are a performance hog for non-casual use because the amount of times you cross the network to ask / update small small small small stuff makes the network latency kill you. Creating an order for like 10 goods can easily take 30-40 network calls in this scenario which will really possibly take a lot of time. SOA preaches, ever since the beginning (if you ignore the ramblings of those who dont know history) to NOT use fine grained calls but to go for a coarse grained exchange of documents and / or a semantical approach, much like the OData system.
If transactionality is required, a coarser-grained single operation that can implement transaction-semantics on the server is definitely going to be much simpler to implement.
That said, certainly it is possible to construct some scheme where the target of the operations is not committed until all of the necessary fine-grained operations have succeeded. For instance, have a Commit operation that checks some flag associated with the object on the server; the flag is not set until all of the necessary steps in the transaction have completed, and Commit fails if the flag is not set.
Of course, if having light-weight, fine grained operations is an important design requirement, perhaps the need to have transactionality should be re-thought.

What is SOA "in plain english"? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Can someone explain in plain english what is SOA all about? I hear SOA here, SOA there but I cannot understand exacly what it is and what is used for. Was it some simple concept and later evolved into something huge or what?
All documents, including wiki are a bit abstract or maybe I'm an idiot and don't get it. Is there an idiot's guide on this?
What exactly is there behind these three letters?
SOA is a new badge for some very old ideas:
Divide your code into reusable modules.
Encapsulate in a module any design decision that is likely to change.
Design your modules in such a way that they can be combined in different useful ways (sometimes called a "family" or "product line").
These are all bedrock software-development principles, many of them first articulated by David Parnas.
What's new in SOA is
You're doing it on a network.
Modules are communicating by sending messages to each other over the network, rather than by more tradtional programming-language mechanisms like procedure calls. In particular, in a service-oriented architecture the parts generally don't share mutable state (global variables in a traditional program). Or if they do share state, that state is carefully locked up in a database which is itself an agent and which can easily manage multiple concurrent clients.
You might find this article (What is SOA? - SOA and Web Services Explained ) helpful.
A little teaser:
SOA is a style of architecting applications in such a way that they are composed of discrete software agents that have simple, well defined interfaces and are orchestrated through a loose coupling to perform a required function.
There are 2 roles in SOA- a service provider and a service consumer. A software agent may play both roles. SOA is not an entirely new concept – however, this article mainly focuses on SOA as implemented with web services.
I see many answers explaining a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using even more advanced words and technical terms. I'd like to give a shot at explaining it for the layman, using an analogy in plain english.
But first a description of a SOA
SOA could be described in three layers as seen in the picture below. On one side we have the Provider and on the other side we have the Consumer, separated by a Bridge where the two sides communicate.
The consumer uses a number of Applications necessary for it's business and the provider uses Components that provide these applications with information. They communicate through a set of Services using a common architecture.
The analogy
Imagine a house on the country side, that in many ways is part of a larger community, like a city or town. The city has it's own complex systems for providing water and electricity, handling sanitation, providing transportation and other utilities. The House is the consumer in this model, the City (or community) is the provider and the pipes, sewers, powerlines, optical fibers etc. is the Infrastructure in which they communicate.
This model could loosely be compared to a SOA. The people in the house uses a number of different "applications" like radiators, computers, toilets, lamps, underfloor heating, bathtubs etc. These applications don't care how the city generates the water, creates the electricity or handles the waste as long as it works. The components of the city are generators, water pumps and sanitation areas. It provides the house with all these needs but it's up to the house to use it in what ever way it sees fit.
I hope this gave at least someone a better picture of a SOA.
Let's assume you have four cooks. In SOA, you assume they hate each other, so you strive to let them have to talk to each other as little as possible.
How do you do that? Well, you will first define the roles and interface -- cook 1 will make salad, cook 2 will make soup, cook 3 will make the steak, etc.. Then you will place the dishes well organised on the table (so these are the interfaces) and say, "Everybody please place your creation into your assigned dishes. Don't care about anybody else.".
This way, the four cooks have to talk to each other as little as possible, which is very good in software development -- not necessarily because they hate each other, but for other reasons like physical location, efficiency in making decisions etc.
It also means you can recombine the dishes (services) as you like. For example, you might just use the dessert to service a cafe, or just take the soup and combine it with a bread you bought from another company to provide a cheaper menu, or let other restaurants use your salads to combine with their dishes, etc.
One of the most successful implementation of SOA was at Amazon. Because of their design, they could re-package their whole infrastructure and sell it as Amazon Web Service.
*This is only one aspect of SOA.
SOA is an architectural style but also a vision on how heterogeneous application should be developped and integrated. The main purpose of SOA is to shift away from monolithic applications and have instead a set of reusable services that can be composed to build applications.
IMHO, SOA makes sense only at the enterprise-level, and means nothing for a single application.
In many enterprise, each department had its own set of enterprise applications which implied
Similar feature were implemented several times
Data (e.g. customer or employee data) need to be shared between
several applications
Applications were department-centric.
With SOA, the idea is to have reusable services be made available enterprise-wide, so that application can be built and composed out of them. The promise of SOA are
No need to reimplement similar features over and over (e.g.
provide a customer or employee service)
Facilitates integration of applications together and the access
to common data or features
Enterprise-centric development
The SOA vision requires an technological shift as well as an organizational shift. Whereas it solves some problem, it also introduces other, for instance security is much harder with SOA that with monolithic application. Therefore SOA is subject to discussion on whether it works or not.
This is the 1000ft view of SOA. It however doesn't stop here. There are other concepts complementing SOA such as business process orchestration (BPM), enterprise service bus (ESB), complex event processing (CEP), etc. They all tackle the problem of IT/business alignement, that is, how to have the IT be able to support the business effectively.
SOA is acronym for Service Oriented Architecture.
SOA is designing and writing software applications in such a way
that distinct software modules can be
integrated seamlessly with high degree
of re-usability.
Most of the people
restrict SOA as writing client/server
software-web-services. But it is too
small context of SOA. SOA is much
larger than that and over the past few
years web-services have been primary
medium of communcation which is
probably the reason why people think
of SOA as web-services in general
restricting the boundaries and meaning
of SOA.
You can think of writing a database-access module which is so independent that it can work on its own without any dependencies. This module can expose classes which can be used by any host-software that needs database access. There's no start-up configuration in host-application. Whatever is needed or required is communicated through classes exposes by database-access module. We can call these classes as services and consider the module as service-enabled.
Practicing SOA gives high degree of
re-usability by enforcing DRY [Don't
repeat your self] which results into
highly maintainable software.
Maintainability is the first thing any
software architecture thinks of - SOA
gives you that.
As far as I understand, the basic concept there is that you create small "services" that provide something useful to other systems and avoid building large systems that tend to do everything inside the system.
So you define a protocol which you will use for interaction (say, it might be SOAP web services) and let your "system-that-does-some-business-work" to interact with the small services to achieve your "big goal".
I would suggest you read articles by Thomas Erl and Roger Sessions, this will give you a firm handle on what SOA is all about. These are also good resources, look at the SOA explained for your boss one for a layman explanation
Building a SOA
SOA Design Pattern
Achieving integrity in a SOA
Why your SOA should be like a VW Beetle
SOA explained for your boss
WCF Service Performance
what tends to happen in large organizations is that over time everything is either monolithic or disparate systems everywhere or a little of both. Someone eventually comes in and says we've got a mess. Now, you want to re-design (money to someone) everything to be oriented in a sort of monotlithic depends on who you pay paradigm but at the same time be able to add pieces and parts independently of the master/monolith.
So you buy Oracle's SOA and Oracle becomes the boss of all your parts. All the other players coming in have to work with SOA via a service (web service or whatever it has.) The Oracle monolith takes care of everything (monolith is not meant derogatory). Oh yeah, you got ASP.NET MVC on the front or something else.
main thing is moving things in and out of they system without impact and keeping the vendor Oracle SOA, Microsoft WCF, as the brains of it all. everything's all oop/ood like, fluid, things moving in and out with little to no impact, even human services, not just computers.
To me it just means a bunch of web services (or whatever we call them in the future) with a good front end. And if you own the database just hit the database and stop worrying about buzzwords. it's okay.
Only one suggestion:-
Read SOA Concepts, Technology and Design by Thomas Erl.
It has very beautifully given the details about SOA in plain English and with case studies.
Well You see.. SOA stands for Service Oriented Architecture.... In simplest words, you write a piece of code that is very generic i.e. it does some thing that can be used in a lot of applications ... may be something like a address book or may be a calculator. and you launch this code on the IIS. So you provide a service through your code. So you are a service provider. Now someone wants to use a similar code then he does not have to write the code again. He simply uses your code maybe through a web service. Hence he becomes a service consumer. Hence making a program using such services is called SOA. And the loose coupling is there as the service provider and consumer may be interacting even if they are using diff programming languages.
Hope you understand.
from ittoolbox blogs.
The following outlines the similarities and differences to past design techniques:
• SOA versus Structured Programming
o Similarities: Most similar to subroutine calls where parameters are passed and the operation of the function is abstracted from the caller - e.g. CICS link and execute and the COBOL CALL reserved word. Copybooks are used to define data structure which is typically defined as an XML schema for services.
o Differences: SOA is loosely coupled implying changes to a service have less impact to the consumer (the "calling" program) and services are interoperable across languages and platforms.
• SOA versus OOA/OOD
o Similarities: Encapsulation, Abstraction and Defined Interfaces
o Differences: SOA is loosely coupled with no class hierarchy or inheritance, Low-level abstractions - class level versus business service
• SOA versus legacy Component Based Development (CBD) - e.g. CORBA, DCOM, EJB
o Similarities: Reuse through assembling components, Interfaces, Remote calls
o Differences: Wide adoption of standards, XML Schemas vs. Marshaled Objects, Service Orchestration, Designing for reuse is easier, services are business focused vs. IT focused, business services are course grained (broad in scope)
• SOA (for integration) versus Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
o Similarities: Best practices (well defined interfaces, standardized schemas, event driven architecture), reusable interfaces, common schemas
o Differences: Standards, adoption, and improved tools
Reading the responses above, it sounds to me that SOA is what developers (good ones at least) have been doing from day one.
It could also stand for "Struct of Arrays" (as opposed to "Array of Structs") which is a common topic in parallel (especially SIMD) programming, but I'm guessing that's not what you mean here!
SOA is a buzzword that was invented by technology vendors to help sell their Enterprise Service Bus related technologies. The idea is that you make your little island applications in the enterprise (eg: accounting system, stock control system, etc) all expose services, so that they can be orchestrated flexibly into 'applications', or rather become parts of aggregate enterprise scoped business logic.
Basically a load of old bollocks that nearly never works, because it misses the point that the reasons why technology is the way it is in an organisation is down to culture, evolution, history of the firm, and the lock in is so high that any attempt to restructure the technology is bound to fail.
Have a listen to this week's edition of the Floss Weekly podcast, which covers SOA. The descriptions are pretty high level and don't delve into too many technical details (although more concrete and recognizable examples of SOA projects would have been helpful.
A traditional application architecture is:
A user interface
Undefined stuff (implementation) that's encapsulated/hidden behind the user interface
If you want to access the data programmatically, you might need to resort to screen-scraping.
SOA seems to me to be an architecture which focus on exposing machine-readable data and/or APIs, instead of on exposing UIs.
SOA or Service-Oriented Architecture is a software architecture pattern in which applications or systems are constructed from underlying (and usually distributed) software services that conform to a specific set of characteristics, namely:
Interface, Policy and Contract based
Location transparency
Loosely coupled
The primary goal of SOA is sofware development agility, i.e. the ability to respond the change easily, and cheaply, thus allowing businesses to rapidly respond to changing markets.
Services are typically (but by no means exclusively) implemented as web services, i.e. they operate over the ubiquitous web HTTP protocol, and are implemented either using XML-based SOAP or the lightweight (and more popular) REST paradigm.
Depends on who you are!
If you're an business owner, SOA is a solution to increase your incomes and business agility. If you're an entreprise architect, SOA is a way to draw nice and clean piece of software on a blank canvas. If you're an architect SOA is the solution to design loosely coupled services over an integration platform, to just plug services into outlets. If you're a developper SOA is a programming paradigm where a service is in the center of the design and the code.
You should read 100-SOA-Questions [pdf]
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software architectural style that builds applications as a collection of pluggable parts, each of which can be reused by other applications.

Asynchronously Decoupled Three-Tier Architecture

Maybe I just expected "three-tier architecture" to deliver a little more than just a clean separation of responsibilities in the source code (see here)...
My expectations to such a beast that can safely call its self "three-tier architecture" are a lot higher... so, here they are:
If you were to build something like a "three tier architecture" system but this time with these, additional requirements and constraints:
Up and running at all times from a Users point of viewExpect when the UI gets replacedWhen other parts of the system are down, the UI has to handle that
Never get into a undefined state or one from which the system cannot recover automatically
The system has to be "pausable"
The middle-tier has to contain all the business logic
Obviously using an underlying Database, itself in the data-tier (if you like)
The business logic can use a big array of core services (here in the data-tier, not directly accessible by the UI, only through business logic tier facade)
Can be unavailable at times
Can be available as many parallel running, identical processes
The UI's may not contain any state other than the session in case of web UI's and possibly transient view baking models
Presentation-tier, logic-tier and data/core-services-tier have to be scalable independently
The only thing you can take for granted is the network
Note: The mentioned "core services" are heavy-weight components that access various external systems within the enterprise. An example would be the connection to an Active Directory or to a "stock market ticker"...
1. How would you do it?
If you don't have an answer right now, maybe read on and let me know what you think about this:
Sync considered harmful. Ties your system together in a bad way (Think: "weakest link"). Thread blocked while waiting for timeout. Not easy to recover from.
Use asynchronous messaging for all inter-process communication (between all tiers). Allows to suspend the system anytime you like. When part of the system is down, no timeout happens.
Have central routing component where all requests get routed through and core services can register themselves.
Add heartbeat component that can e.g. inform the UI that a component is not currently available.
State is a necessary evil: Allow no state other than in the business logic tier. This way the beast becomes manageable. While the core services might well need to access data themselves, all that data should be fed in by the calling middle tier. This way the core services can be implemented in a fire and forget fashion.
2. What do you think about this "solution"?
I think that, in the real world, high-availability systems are implemented using fail-over: for example, it isn't that the UI can continue to work without the business layer, instead it's that if the business layer becomes unavailable then the UI fails over to using a backup instance of the business layer.
Apart from that, they might operate using store-and-forward: e.g. a mail system might store a piece of mail, and retransmit it periodically, if it can't deliver it immediately.
Yep its the way most large websites do it. Look at nosql databases, Google's bigtable architecture etc.
1. This is the general approach I'd take.
I'd use a mixture of memcached , a nosql-cloud (couch-db or mongo-db) and enterprise grade RDBMS systems (core data storage) for the data layer. I'd then write the service layer ontop of the data layer. nosql database API's are massively parallel (look at couchdb with its ngingx service layer parallizer). I'd then provide "oldschool each request is a web-page" generating web-servers and also direct access to the service layer for new style AJAX application; both these would depend on the service layer.
p.s. the RDBMS is an important component here, it holds the authoritative copy of the all the data in the memchached/nosql cloud. I would use an enterprise grade RDBMS to do data-centre to data-centre replication. I don't know how the big boys do their cloud based site replication, it would scare me if they did data-cloud to data-cloud replication :P
Some points:
yYu do not need heartbeat, with nosql
the approach taken is that if content
becomes unavailable, you regenerate it
onto another server using the
authoratitve copy of the data.
The burden of state-less web-design
is carried to the nosql and memcached
layer which is infinitely scalable.
So you do not need to worry about
this. Just have a good network
In terms of sync, when you are
talking to the RDBMS you can expect
acceptable synchronous response
times. Your cloud you should treat as
an asynchronous resource, you will
get help from the API's that
interface with your cloud so you
don't even have to think about this.
Advice I can give about networking
and redundancy is this: do not go for
fancy Ethernet bonding, as its not worth
it -- things always go wrong. Just
set up redundant switches, ethernet cards
and have multiple routes to all your
machines. You can use OpenBSD and
CARP for your routers, as they work
great - routers are your worst point of failure -- openbsd solves this problem.
2. You've described the general components of a web 2.0 farm, so no comment:D

Are middleware apps required to do business logic?

Let's suppose I have a large middleware infrastructure mediating requests between several business components (customer applications, network, payments, etc). The middleware stack is responsible for orchestration, routing, transformation and other stuff (similar to the Enterprise Integration Patterns book by Gregor Hohpe).
My question is: is it good design to put some business logic on the middleware?
Let's say my app A requests some customer data from the middleware. But in order to get this data, I have to supply customer id and some other parameter. The fetching of this parameter should be done by the requesting app or is the middleware responsible for 'facilitating' and providing an interface that receives customer ids and internally fetches the other parameter?
I realize this is not a simple question (because of the definition of business logic), but I was wondering if it is a general approach or some guidelines.
Apart from the routing, transformation and orchestration, performance should be kept in mind while loading middleware with functional requirements. Middlware should take a fraction of the entire end-to-end transaction life time. This can be achieved only by concentrating on the middleware core functionalities, rather than trying to complement the host system functionalities.
This is the "Composite Application" pattern; the heart of a Service Oriented Architecture. That's what the ESB vendors are selling: a way to put additional business logic somewhere that creates a composite application out of existing applications.
This is not simple because your composite application is not just routing. It's a proper new composite transaction layered on top of the routing.
Hint. Look at getting a good ESB before going too much further. This rapidly gets out of control and having some additional support is helpful. Even if you don't buy something like Sun's JCAPS or Open ESB, you'll be happy you learned what it does and how they organize complex composite applications.
Orchestration, Routing and Transformation.
You don't do any of these for technical reasons, at random, or just for fun, you do these because you have some business requirement -- ergo there is business logic involved.
The only thing you are missing for a complete business system is calculation and reporting (let us assume you already have security in place!).
Except for very low level networking, OS and storage issues almost everything that comprises a computer system is there because the business/government/end users wants it to be there.
The choice of 'Business Logic' as terminoligy was very poor and has led to endless distortions of design and architecture.
What most good designers/architects mean by business logic is calculation and analysis.
If you "%s/Business Logic/Calculation/g" most of the architectural edicts make more sense.
The middleware application should do it. System A should have no idea that the other parameter exists, and will certainly have no idea about how to get it.

ASP.NET Service Oriented Architecture

I've been asked to investigate a design for an ASP.NET (not MVC) application using a service oriented architecture.
This seems a bit wolly and could mean a lot of things. I'm looking for some guidance/articles on this topic to get me started.
Google will certainly provide a wealth of articles. I don't think I can improve on that.
But I think the important essence of services is to separate the UI from the back end when you're designing. Partitioning the problem by thinking about UI forms, gathering data from text boxes into data transfer objects or perhaps binding them directly to columns in tables will give you one kind of system.
But a service oriented view starts by looking at the business problem you're trying to accomplish and breaking it up into coarse grained functions, with methods that are units of work that span transaction boundaries. You'll worry more about the contracts and interfaces between clients and services.
Once you get the interfaces right, clients and services can be implemented independently. You can change the service implementation without affecting clients as long as you don't change the interface or break the contract.
SOA is about a style of thinking, not tools or standards like SOAP.
