Explicit localization problem - asp.net

when trying to translate the confirmation message to Norwegian i get the following error:
Cannot have more than one binding on property 'OnClientClick' on 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton'. Ensure that this property is not bound through an implicit expression, for example, using meta:resourcekey.
i use Explicit localization in the following manner:
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkMarkInvoiced" runat="server" OnClick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick"
OnClientClick="<%# Resources: lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick%>"
Visible="False" CssClass="stdtext" meta:resourcekey="lnkMarkInvoicedResource" ></asp:LinkButton>
here's the local resource file entry:
<data name="lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick" xml:space="preserve">
<value>return confirm('Er du sikker?');</value>
if i remove the meta attribute i get the English text(default).
how do i get the Norwegian text appearing without resorting to using the code behind?
removing the meta attribute prevents the exception from occurring but the original problem still exists. I can't get the Norwegian text to show.
only the default English text shows.
Another Update:
I know this question is getting old but i still can't get the Norwegian text to display.
If anyone has some tips please post a response.

Looks like you're making the problem harder by inlining the onclick. Why not split it out to a separate line?
function markInvoiced()
return confirm('<%= Resources.SomehowGet.lnkMarkInvoicedResource.OnClientClick%>');
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkMarkInvoiced" runat="server" OnClick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick"
OnClientClick="return markInvoiced();"
Visible="False" CssClass="stdtext" meta:resourcekey="lnkMarkInvoicedResource" ></asp:LinkButton>
And while we're looking at your code, you realize that you're essentially building an <a> tag, right? As such, why not just build an <a> and save yourself some grief?
And finally, next project why not ditch the built-in ASP.NET localization nighmare in favor of something sane like FairlyLocal, in which case you'd write this:
<a href="#" onclick="return confirm(<%=_"really?"%>) onserverclick="lnkMarkInvoiced_OnClick" runat="server">
<%=_("Mark Invoice")%>

Are you using the .NET resource manager and satellite assemblies to store your localized resources? It looks like you have hard-coded the alternative language in your markup, rather than storing it in a language-specific resources assembly...
.NET has some extremely rich localization and globalization capabilities. If you use them properly, localization should be a pretty automatic thing (assuming your client is providing their language code as part of the HTTP headers). Even if your client has not configured their browser with the appropriate language, it is still easy enough to manually change the UI culture via a user request (clicking a flag icon, configuring a setting, etc.)
This article might be helpful: ASP.NET Web Page Resources Overview

That meta tag is using implicit localization when you're using explicit localization in the OnClientClick. You will need to choose one method or the other. If you are to use explicit localization, you'll need to do the necessary work to set the proper culture info in your application in the code-behind.


When working in Visual Studio, can the ' asp: ' portion of an element be omitted?

Situation: I have been creating webpages in HTML5/CSS3 & Javascript using Sublime 2 text editor for a year, however a college course now requires me to use Asp.Net and Visual Studio 2010. I do not use the designer because I am proficient at doing things by hand, however I find that writing asp: inside every element is time consuming and causes syntax errors when applied to some HTML 5 tags and not others.
Example HTML 5: <button id="btn" type="submit" value="Button"/>
Example Asp.net: <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
Question: Can the asp: portion be omitted without effecting anything or is it required for IIS or the C# back-end functionality? What about runat="server" can that be omitted?
Google has come up dry regarding my inquiry, so any help is appreciated.
you simply cannot remove either of the two
but hear me out why, because I have a feeling you are not familiar with ASP and therefor are mistaking the meaning of the asp: and the runat="server" syntax.
first: runat="server"
this property on an element, tells the the compiler that this is actually a server side control
so a <button/> is not the same as an <button runat="server"/>
the first one is pure html, while the second one is a control, which can be bound to on the server side. .Net will give it a clientID (not to be mistaken by the ID you have to give it yourself).
second: asp:
this is a prefix, on certain elements, that tells the compiler these are ASP controls (the default controls given by the ASP.net framework). These include Buttons, TextBoxes, DropDownLists, ...
do not mistake 1 of these with a html element.
an <asp:Button id="myAspButton" runat="server"/>
is not the same as a <button id="myHtmlButton"/>
the first, is a server side control, which can be bound to (see it's runat="server" attribute), and this control renders to the browser as a <input type="submit"/> for example.
you could alter the rendering of the asp.net button class to make it return something entirely differnt if you wish.
and you are also not limited to using asp.net classes.
you can create your own controls, and put them in a custom created library
you could give those your own prefix.
if I created such a custom control, I could register a prefix for it in the web.config file,
and thus I could create a custom button extending from the original one (but with a default label in front...
<myc:CustomButton ID="myButton" Text="myButton" Label="myLabel" runat="server"/>
which could render into:
<button ID="*******">myButton</button>
the asterisks are symbolizing the Unique ID it will get from the .net framework
if you want to know more on custom controls, or extending default controls
here is a step by step explanation to create custom controls, or extend from a TextBox control.
it also shows how you add a custom prefix for your controls (in the this case 'cc')
you can find more info here
The runat="server" part is required to tell .NET that it will have to render a button there (which will contain .NET specific ID for processing upon POST). Not too familiar with web forms (I started with MVC), but I would assume that the asp: part is to help distinguish between server controls and standard HTML markup.
Why not try removing it and if it breaks something, then you know it's needed. For instance if the button doesn't show up after removing it, then obviously the .NET markup parser needs it to be there in order to know that it is a place holder for a server control.

Is this asp compiled somehow?

I have an aspx document (I know nothing about asp, .net, aspx, nada). It is a normal html table structure for the most part, but there are strings of asp that seem to be inserting some sort of dynamic content. They are in the form:
<asp:Image ID="imgTopImage" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/topbar.jpg" />
<asp:Label ID="lblStyleCaption" runat="server" CssClass="label_caption" Text="Theme: " Visible="false" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="dropStyles" Width="150" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" />
It seems that whenever I delete one of these——something as innocuous as, say, the line with the asp:Image tag, which I would think should just remove the image, when I load the page I get run-time errors. It's very particular. My question is, is this compiled somehow, which is making it so fragile. Even just changing the topbar.jpg to something.png gives me an error. Do I need to track down the original files this was compiled from, or is this normal server-side asp(x?) that I'm just somehow else goofing up my changes to?
ASPX pages are compiled, and those tags refer to objects that are known to the server, so removing them could cause errors.
First, some basics in layman's terms
Tags that begin with ASP: (Example, <ASP:Button id="btnSubmit" runat="Server" Text="Click Me" />)
are not standard html buttons. They are server controls. When generating the html that goes out to the browser, the ASP.NET runtime looks at the server controls and creates the appropriate content depending on the browser visiting the page.
In the case of the Button control, it's usually a standard html button, but the runtime also generates the JavaScript and such to handle the button's server-side click event.
Why you're probably seeing errors when you remove a control:
Quite often, there's server-side code that's written that accesses these controls. For example, the developer may have decided to change the Text or the Visible property due to some event.
If this is the case, and you remove the <asp:Button> tag, then there will be server-side code that references an object that no longer exists in the aspx page, hence the errors.
More at these links on Server Controls:
(Actually, this older one is better for a new-to-asp.net developer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zsyt68f1(VS.71).aspx
I'd also recommend taking some time watching basic videos or going through the tutorials at http://www.asp.net/get-started
I just noticed this in your question:
Even just changing the topbar.jpg to something.png gives me an error.
That is a bit odd, but I know of at least one way it could happen...
Generally, Visual Studio will give you a warning (and not an error) if you include a relative URL to an image or a linked page that doesn't exist. The warning shouldn't block you from compiling. However, Visual Studio does have a setting that tells it to treat warnings as errors. That will block it from compiling. Here's how that would be set up:
from Project Settings> Configuration Properties select the build
setting and change the “treat warnings as errors” settings to true.
If you wish to NOT treat warnings as errors, simply change the setting to false.

Globalization difference in inline tags in ASP.NET

Is there any advantage/downfalls between using the inline write tag instead of the resource tag? Example:
<%=Resources.Site.SampleString %>
The resources tag (expression tag) as seen in any MSDN example:
<asp:Literal id="Literal1" runat="server" text="<%$ Resources:Site, SampleString %>" />
I find the first option far easier to use, and it has IntelliSense, but maybe it won't function the same?
These methods will function exactly the same. The latter simply calls first one; there is a reason why strongly-typed resources access code is being generated in the background. Therefore you can use whatever method you please.
By the way, there is also another way - by using meta:resourcekey attribute. So you should be able to write:
<asp:Literal id="Literal1" runat="server"
meta:resourcekey="SampleString" text="Default one" />
and it all should work exactly the same.
EDIT on implicit Localization.
What I forgot to mention, is that with meta:resourcekey certain conditions have to be met. The conditions are:
Values are taken from App_LocalResources, therefore related resource file need to exist
Related resource file name must be pagename.resx, for example: Default.aspx.resx, Default.aspx.es.resx
The resource file must contain keys in form of resourcekey.propertyname, for example SampleString.Text, SampleString.ID (although I wouldn't localize control ID's)
Because of how resources are generated, the key mentioned above must exist in invariant resource file (Default.aspx.resx), or it won't be localized.
I realised after some time that the <%=Resources.Site.SampleString %> method does not have designer support (which is understandable). This doesn't bother me, but it is a difference (for future readers).
So if you need or want designer support, the second option would be necessary.

CKEditor breaking custom .NET tags by converting single quotes to double quotes

At the client's request, we just upgraded a custom CMS system for a large site from FCKEditor 2.x to CKEditor 3.5.3.
Inside an ItemTemplate I have a custom UserControl tag in which the attributes are populated by DataBinding, like so:
<my:Viewer runat="server">
<my:CustomTag runat="server"
ImageUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ImageUrl") %>' />
So, the point is that the above works just fine. However, when the HTML is put into the latest CKEditor, CKEditor changes the ImageUrl attribute to use double-quotes instead of single quotes. Once it's changed to double quotes, it causes a parsing error on the .aspx page. Changing: "ImageUrl" to "ImageUrl" works, but it's not ideal for our client who is going to have to update every page that exists in a very large CMS system. So, I'm asking this question hoping someone might know of a way to toggle CKEditor to use single quotes in HTML attributes by default instead of double quotes to reduce the amount of work my client is going to have to do.
I'm only looking for easy configuration-type changes, not patching the editor, etc.
This should do what you want
Taken from here
To avoid CKEditor changing special chars:
switching in source view:
CKEDITOR.instances.TEXT.on( 'mode', function(ev) {
if ( ev.editor.mode == 'source' ) {
var str=ev.editor.getData();
str=str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, "\"");
When save edited document:
var html=CKEDITOR.instances.TEXT.getData()
html=html.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, "\"");
I'm going to say that the " solution that I mentioned being too much work is simply the only answer...just to put some closure on this. Or, if I can find a way, I'll withdraw the question. Thanks rqmedes for trying...I'd actually forgotten all about this question until I got your response

How can I use HTML5 email input type with server-side .NET

As I understand it, the <input type=email> element in HTML5 will render as a simple text field in browsers that do not support the tag. On other browsers it will render properly, like on the iPhone it will bring up the e-mail keyboard layout.
I’d like to use this in a project but my input fields are <asp:TextBox> controls. How can I use the HTML5 element but still access its data server-side like the rest of my fields?
There is an update for .NET framework 4 which allows you to specify the type attribute
See feature 3 way down the page
Feature 3
New syntax lets you define a
TextBox control that is HTML5
compatible. For example, the following
code defines a TextBox control that is
HTML5 compatible:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" type="some-HTML5-type" />
you can try adding the attributes manually, like:
TextBox1.Attributes["type"] = "email";
TextBox1.Attributes["type"] = "url";
TextBox1.Attributes["type"] = "number";
Sorry I'm a bit late to the party, though I think that others can benefit from what I did. I have a page which is HTML 5 though we still have .NET 3.5. We wanted to keep the .NET element, though have the type change to email. I've tried several methods (including Milox above) to no avail, though the one which worked for me was the following: I added a JavaScript property to the element itself inline (when I put it in a script tag it wouldn't pick up for some reason...)
Here is what your tag would look like if you use my changes:
<asp:TextBox runat="server" type="email" onfocus="this.type='email'"/>
Whether or not it is accessible as a server control, you should be able to access the HttpRequest.Form collection and retrieve the value. No matter what the browser does with the tag, it has to submit a string to the server.
in your .aspx file add
<input type="text" required autofocus placeholder="Email Address"
class="txt-input txt-input-username" ID="myTextBox" runat="server"/>
in your Code Behind .cs
myTextBox.Attributes["type"] = "email";
This Worked For Me
You need to create your own custom control and override the Render routines. Feel free to use either the source code or DLLs
