What is the cost of object creating - asp.net

If I have to choose between static method and creating an instance and use instance method, I will choose static methods always. but what is the detailed overhead of creating an instance?
for example I saw a DAL which can be done with static classes but they choose to make it instance now in the BLL at every single call they call something like.
new Customer().GetData();
how far this can be bad?

The performance penalty should be negligible. In this blog entry someone did a short benchmark, with the result that creating 500,000 objects and adding them to a list cost about 1.5 seconds.
So, since I guess new Customer().GetData(); will be called at most a few hundred times in a single BLL function, the performance penalty can be ignored.
As a side note, either the design or the naming of the class is broken if new Customer().GetData(); is actually used: If class Customer just provides the means to get the data, it should be called something different, like CustomerReader (for lack of a better name). On the other hand, if Customer has an instance state that actually represents a Customer, GetData should be static -- not for reasons of performance, but for reasons of consistency.

Normally one shouldn't be too concerned about object creation overhead in the CLR. The allocation of memory for the new object would be really quick (due to the memory compacting stage of the garbage collector - GC). Creating new objects will take up a bit of memory for the object and put a bit more pressure on the GC (as it will have to clean up the object), but if it's only being used for a short time then it might be collected in an early GC generation which isn't that bad performance wise. Also the performance overhead would be dwarfed by the call to a database.
In general I'll make the decision whether to create a new object for some related methods or just utilize a static class (and methods) based on what I require from the object (such as need to mock/stub it out for tests) and not the slight difference in performance
As a side note - whether new Customer().GetData(); is the right place to put such code is questionable - to me it seems like the Data returned is directly related to a customer instance based on that statement and not actually a call to the database to retrieve data.


Cost of creating dbcontext per web request on ASP.Net

I am using Unit of work and Repository pattern along with EF6 in my asp.net web application. DbContext object is getting created and destroyed on every request.
I am thinking that it is costly creating the new dbcontext on every request(I have not done any performance bench marking).
Is this cost of creating DbContext on every request can be ignored ? Does anybody done some bench marking?
Creating a new context is ridiculously cheap, on the order of about 137 ticks on average (0.0000137 seconds) in my application.
Hanging onto a context, on the other hand, can be incredibly expensive, so dispose of it often.
The more objects you query, the more entities end up being tracked in the context. Since entities are POCOS, entity framework has absolutely no way of knowing which ones you've modified except to examine every single one of them in the context and mark it accordingly.
Sure, once they're marked, it will only make database calls for the ones that need updated, but it's determining which ones need updated that is expensive when there are lots of entities being tracked, because it has to check all the POCOS against known values to see if they've changed.
This change tracking when calling save changes is so expensive, that if you're just reading and updating one record at a time, you're better off disposing of the context after each record and creating a new one. The alternative is hanging onto the context, such that every record you read results in a new entity in the context, and every time you call save changes it's slower by one entity.
And yes, it really is slower. If you're updating 10,000 entities for example, loading one at a time into the same context, the first save will only take about 30 ticks, but every subsequent one will take longer to the point where the last one will take over 30,000 ticks. In contrast, creating a new context each time will result in a consistent 30 ticks per update. In the end, because of the cumulative slow-down of hanging onto the context and all the tracked entities, disposing of and recreating the context before each commit ends up taking only 20% as long (1/5 the total time)!
That's why you should really only call save changes once on a context, ever, then dispose of it. If you're calling save changes more than once with a lot of entities in the context, you may not be using it correctly. The exceptional case, obviously, is when you're doing something transactional.
If you need to perform some transactional operation, then you need to manually open your own SqlConnection and either begin a transaction on it, or you need to open it within a TransactionScope. Then, you can create your DbContext by passing it that same open connection. You can do that over and over, disposing of the DbContext object each time while leaving the connection open. Usually, DbContext handles opening and closing the context for you, but if you pass it an open connection, it won't try to close it automatically.
That way, you treat the DbContext as just a helper for tracking object changes on an open connection. You create and destroy it as many times as you like on the same connection, where you can run your transaction. It's very important to understand what's going on under the hood.
Entity Framework is not thread safe, meaning, you cannot use a context across more than one thread. IIS uses a thread for each request sent to the server. Given this, you have to have a context per request. Else, you run a major risks of unexplained and seemingly random exceptions and potentially incorrect data being saved to the database.
Lastly, the context creation is not that expensive of an operation. If you are experiencing a slow application experience (not on first start, but after using the site), your issue probably lies somewhere else.

ASP.NET: Create static collection for table data that doesn't change

I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC app that uses EF to perform all DB tasks.
There's a couple of related tables in the database that never change and I was thinking on creating a static collection that retrieves the data from those two tables (it's a few hundred records) the first time it is requested and just stores it in an object to prevent hitting the database every time.
Since I've read several people saying that you should avoid static objects in ASP.NET I was wondering if this was a bad practice or if it is acceptable for scenarios like this (read-only and small amount of data which should prevent concurrency problems).
Also I would like to know if there are other better alternatives to do this.
I have done exactly what you are planning on doing for exactly the same reason. It has been working well for several years already.
Just make sure that you get the initialization of the data right and you should be fine. When initializing, keep in mind:
Don't use locking if at all possible (or your app will deadlock 2
minutes before you're going on vacation)
You MUST NOT under any circumstance let a static constructor fail
Make sure no consumer of your cache has the ability to modify it
If the data isn't really static and you would actually need to re-read it fairly often then this might not be the best solution.
Just in case you're wondering, I've used this approach to cache for instance country data, currency data (base data, not rates), sales unit data (pcs, m, kg etc). These are all stored in a database but almost never change.
It is not a very good approach to use static objects. I would use something like RavenDB which can be used to store your settings or DB data in-memory. It has a very small footprint and is very fast. It has full LINQ support.

which is better small relation db query or constant global variable interaction?

I am building a web application where i am using multilingual support.
I am using variables for label text display, so that administrators can
change a value in one place and that change is reflected throughout the application.
Please suggest which is better/less time consuming for displaying label text?
using relational db interaction.
constant variable.
xml interaction.
How could I find/calculate the processing time of the above three?
'Less time Consuming' is easy, and completely intuitive; constants will always be faster than retrieving the information from any external source, even another in-memory source. Probably even faster than retrieving it from a variable (which is where any of the other solutions would have to end up putting the data)
But I suspect there is more to it than that. If you need to support the ability to change that data (and even if not), you may consider also using Resource Files, which would enable you to replace all such resources based on language/culture.
But you could test the speed fairly easily using the .NET 4 StopWatch class, or the system tickcount (not sure of the object offhand where that comes from) if you don't have 4.0
db interaction, in that case the rate of db-interaction would be increased, unless you apply some cache logic.
Constants, Manageability issues.
XML, parsing time+High rate of IO etc.
Create three unit test for each choice.
Load test them and compare the results.

I’m not sure whether lazy load pattern is useful here

I’m currently reading a book on website programming and author mentions that he will code DLL objects to use lazy load pattern. I think that conceptually I somewhat understand lazy load pattern, but I’m not sure if I understand its usefulness in the way author implemented it
BTW - Here I’m not asking for usefulness of lazy load patterns in general, but whether it is useful in the way this particular book implements it:
1) Anyways, when DLL object is created, a DB query is performed (via DAL), which retrieves data from various columns and with it populates the properties of our DLL object. Since one of the fields ( call it "L" ) may contain quite a substantial amount of text, author decided to retrieve that field only when that property is read for the first time.
A) In our situation, what exactly did we gain by applying lazy load pattern? Just less of memory usage?
B) But on the other hand, doesn’t the way author implemented lazy load pattern cause for CPU to do more work and thus longer time to complete, since if L is retrieved separately from other fields, then that will require of our application to make an additional call to Sql Server in order to retrieve "L", while without lazy load pattern only one call to Sql Server would be needed, since we would get all the fields at once?!
BTW – I realize that lazy load pattern may be extremely beneficial in situations where retrieving particular piece of data would require heavy computing, but that’s not the case in the above example
It makes sense if the DLL objects can be used without the L field (most of the time). If that is the case your program can work with the available data while waiting for L to load. If L is always needed then the pattern just increases complexity. I do not think it will significantly slow things down especially if loading L takes more time than anything else. But that is just a guess. Write both with lazy loading and without then see which is better.
I think that this is pretty useful when applied to the correct columns. For instance let's say that you have a table in your database, Customers, and in that table you have a column CustomerPublicProfile, which is a text column which can be pretty big.
If you have a screen (let's call it Customers.aspx) which displays a list of the customers (but not the CustomerPublicProfile column), then you should try and avoid populating that column.
For instance if your Customers.aspx page shows 50 customers at a time you shouldn't have to get the CustomerPublicProfilecolumn for each customer. If the user decides to drill down into a specific customer then you would go and get the CustomerPublicProfile column.
About B, yes this does make N extra calls, where N is the number of customers that the user decided to drill down into. But the advantage is that you saved a lot of extra un-needed overhead in skipping the column in the first place. Specifically you avoided getting M-N values of the CustomerPublicProfile column, where M is the number of customers that were retrieved on the Customers.aspx page to begin with.
If in your scenario M has a value close to N then it is not worth it. But in the situation I described M is usually much larger than N so it makes sense.
Sayed Ibrahim Hashimi
I had a situation like this recently where I was storing large binary objects in the database. I certainly didn't want these loading into the DLL object every time it was initialised, especially when the object was part of a collection. So there are cases when lazy loading a field would make sense. However, I don't think there is any general rule you can follow - you know your data and how it will be accessed. If you think it's more efficient to make one trip to the database and use a little more memory, then that is what you should do.

DataReader or DataSet when pulling multiple recordsets in ASP.NET

I've got an ASP.NET page that has a bunch of controls that need to be populated (e.g. dropdown lists).
I'd like to make a single trip to the db and bring back multiple recordsets instead of making a round-trip for each control.
I could bring back multiple tables in a DataSet, or I could bring back a DataReader and use '.NextResult' to put each result set into a custom business class.
Will I likely see a big enough performance advantage using the DataReader approach, or should I just use the DataSet approach?
Any examples of how you usually handle this would be appreciated.
If you have more than 1000 record to bring from your DataBase.
If you are not very interested with
custom storing and custom paging
"For GridView"
If your server have a memory stress.
If there is no problem to connect to
your DataBase every time that page
Then i think the better is to use DataReader.
If you have less than 1000 record to bring from your DataBase.
If you are interested with
storing and paging "For
If your server haven't a memory
If you want to connect to your
DataBase just one time and get the
benefits of Caching.
Then i think the better is to use DataSet.
I hop that i'm right.
Always put your data into classes defined for the specific usage. Don't pass DataSets or DataReaders around.
If your stored proc returns multiple sets, use the DataReader.NextResult to advance to the next chunk of data. This way you can get all your data, load it to your objects, and close the reader as soon as possible. This will be the fastest method to get your data.
Seeing that no answer has been marked yet even though there are plently of good answers already, I thought I'd add by two bits as well.
I'd use DataReaders, as they are quite a bit faster (if performance is your thing or you need as much as you can get). Most projects I've worked on have millions of records in each of the tables and performance is a concern.
Some people have said it's not a good idea to send DataReader across layers. I personally don't see this as a problem since a "DbDataReader" is not technically tied (or doesn't have to be) to a database. That is you can create an instance of a DbDataReader without the need for a database.
Why I do it is for the following reasons:
Frequently (in a Web Application) you are generating either Html, or Xml or JSON or some other transformation of your data. So why go from a DaraReader to some POCO object only to transform it back to XML or JSON and send it down the wire. This kind of process typically requires 3 transformations and a boot load of object instantiations only to throw them away almost instantly.
In some situations that's fine or can't be helped. My Data layer typically surfaces two methods for each stored procedure I have in the system. One returns a DbDataReader and the other returns a DataSet/DataTable. The methods that return a DataSet/DataTable call the method returning a DbDataReader and then uses either the "Load" method of the DataTable or an adapter to fill the dataset. Sometimes you need DataSets because you probably have to repurpose the data in some way or you need to fire another query and unnless you have MARS enabled you can't have a DbDataReader open and fire another query.
Now there are some issues with using DbDataReader or DataSet/DataTable and that is typically code clarity, compile time checking etc. You can use wrapper classes for your datareader and in fact you can use your DataReaders a IEnumerable with them. Really cool capability. So not only do you get strong typing and code readability you also get IEnumerable!
So a class might look like this.
public sealed class BlogItemDrw : BaseDbDataReaderWrapper
public Int64 ItemId { get { return (Int64)DbDataReader[0]; } }
public Int64 MemberId { get { return (Int64)DbDataReader[1]; } }
public String ItemTitle { get { return (String)DbDataReader[2]; } }
public String ItemDesc { get { if (DbDataReader[3] != DBNull.Value) return (String)DbDataReader[3]; else return default(String); } }
public DateTime ItemPubdate { get { return (DateTime)DbDataReader[4]; } }
public Int32 ItemCommentCnt { get { return (Int32)DbDataReader[5]; } }
public Boolean ItemAllowComment { get { return (Boolean)DbDataReader[6]; } }
public BlogItemDrw()
public BlogItemDrw(DbDataReader dbDataReader)
DataReader Wrapper
I have a blog post (link above) that goes into a lot more detail and I'll be making a source code generator for these and other DataAccess layer code.
You can use the same technique for DataTables (the code generator produces the code) so you can treat them as strongly typed DataTable without the overhead of what VS.NET provides out of the box.
Keep in mind that there is only one instance of the wrapper class. So you're not creating hundreds of instances of a class only to throw it away.
Map the DataReader to intermediate objects and then bind your controls using those objects. It can be ok to use DataSets in certain circumstances, but those are few and far between when you have strong reasons for "just getting data". Whatever you do, don't pass a DataReader to your controls to bind off of (not that you said that you were considering that).
My personal preference would be to use an ORM, but if you are going to hand roll your data access, by all means I think you should prefer mapping DataReaders to objects over using DataSets. Using the .NextResult as a way to limit yourself from hitting the database multiple times is a double edged sword however so choose wisely. You will find yourself repeating yourself if you try to create procs that always grab exactly what you need using only one call to the database. If your application is only a few pages, it is probably OK, but things can get out of control quickly. Personally I'd rather have one proc per object type and then hit the database multiple times (once for each object type) in order to maximize maintainability. This is where an ORM shines because a good one will generate Sql that will get you exactly what you want with one call in most cases.
If you are not interested in updating or deleting the records you fetched from database, I would suggest using DataReader. Basically DataSet internally uses multiple Datareaders, so DataReader should give you good performance advantage.
In almost every situation DataReaders are the best solution for reading from a database. DataReaders are faster and require less memory than DataTables or DataSets.
Also, DataSets can often lead to situations in which the OO model is broken. It's not very object oriented to be passing around relational data/schemata instead of objects that know how to manipulate that data.
So, for extensibility, scalability, modularity, and performance reasons, always use DataReaders if you consider yourself a Real Programmer™ ;)
Check the links for facts and discussion about the two in practice and theory.
Irrespective of whether you're fetching a single result-set or multiple result-sets, the consensus seems to be to use a DataReader instead of a DataSet.
In regards to whether you should ever bother with multiple result-sets, the wisdom is that you shouldn't, but I can conceive of a reasonable class of exceptions to that rule: (tightly) related result-sets. You certainly don't want to add a query to return the same set of choices for a drop-down list that's repeated on hundreds or even dozens of pages in your app, but several sets narrowly-used may be sensibly combined. As an example, I'm currently creating a page to display several sets of 'discrepancies' for a batch of ETL data. None of those queries are likely to be used elsewhere, so it would be convenient to encapsulate them as a single 'get discrepancies' sproc. On the other hand, the better performance of doing so may be insignificant compared to working-around the natural one-sproc-one-result-set architecture of your ORM or hand-rolled data-access code.
I have gone to a method that uses DataReaders for all calls, I have noticed a marked performance impovement, especially in cases when I am loading drop down lists, and other simple items like that.
Personally with multiple drop downs, I typically go to pullling individual chunks of data to get it, rather than say a stored procedure that returns 5 result sets.
Take a look into the TableAdapters that are available with .NET 2.0 and up. What they do is give you the strength of a strongly-typed DataTable and allow you to map a Fill method to it that will use a DataReader to load it up. Your fill method can be existing stored procedures, your own AdHoc SQL, or even let the wizard generate the AdHod or Stored Procedure for you.
You can find this by starting up a new XSD DataSet object within your project. For tables that are used for more than just lookup, you can also map insert/update/delete methods to the TableAdapter.
