Using Facebook Connect auth.RevokeAuthorization in ASP.NET -

I'm confused as to how revoking authorization works in the ASP.NET Toolkit. I've tried issuing the following:
ConnectSession connect =
new ConnectSession(FacebookHelper.ApiKey(), FacebookHelper.SecretKey());
Auth x = new Auth(fbSession);
But I get an object reference error during the RevokeAuthorization call. Here's the call definition.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Finally found a working example
Facebook.Session.ConnectSession fbSession =
new Facebook.Session.ConnectSession(ApiKey, SecretKey);
fbSession.UserId = iFBUserID;
fbSession.SessionKey = SessionKey;
Api oApi = new Api(fbSession);


Simple Odata Client to consume Odata with Authentication not working

I m new to Simple.Odata.client. I had a problem to access the Odata Service with below code. The below code return null. but Postman return with result.
suspected Problem : How to pass a url string with '1000' &format=json
Is the below Simple odata client setup correctly?
There is no UrlBase in Simple Odata client, but there is BAseUri
Is this ODataClientSettings working??
var settings = new Simple.OData.Client.ODataClientSettings();
settings.BaseUri = new Uri("https://..../UoM?$filter=wer eg '1000' &format=json");
settings.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("user1", "usrpwd");
var client = new ODataClient(settings);
please help
This worked for me
var credentials = new NetworkCredential(userName, password); //you can use the override with the domain too.
var settings = new ODataClientSettings(baseUrl, credentials) //baseUrl is a string.
IgnoreResourceNotFoundException = true,
OnTrace = (x, y) => Debug.WriteLine(x, y),
PayloadFormat = ODataPayloadFormat.Json, //here is where you specify the format
IgnoreUnmappedProperties = true,
RenewHttpConnection = true,
TraceFilter = ODataTrace.All,
PreferredUpdateMethod = ODataUpdateMethod.Merge
var client = new ODataClient(settings);
Your baseUrl should not contain all those OData tags but the endpoint of your service like Then as you use the Simple.OData.Client the resource url will be automatically completed.
Please, take a look at the OData standard to figure out how it works and see the Simple.OData.Client repo's examples to better understand how to use it.
To better understand how to use the Windows Authentication you can check Authentication and Authorization with Windows Accounts and how to access website with Windows credential
Hope this help.

Twilio AMD in .NET API?

I'm trying to use the twilio .net API with the new AMD. Ive tried updating my package to the latest alpha, but i still don't see an option for MachineDetection?
According to the documentation:
I should be able to set the parameter MachineDetection to either Enable or DetectmessageEnd
My Twilio REST API package is 5.5.3-alpha2, am i doing something wrong?
Dim Opt = New CallOptions
Opt.From = Settings.MyTwilioNumber
Opt.To = "+****"
Opt.Url = "****"
Opt.StatusCallback = "****"
Opt.StatusCallbackEvents = New String() {"initiated", "ringing", "answered", "completed"}
Opt.MachineDetection = "Enable"
Compiler throws an error saying that property MachineDetection does not exist.
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
I think the type you're looking for is CreateCallOptions instead of CallOptions. Give that a try and let me know if that works out.

Google Apps Admin Settings API - 401

I'm trying to get the Organization name for a Google Apps domain. For this, I'm using the Google Apps Admin Settings API. I saw that it required 3-Legged OAuth. I try to implement OAuth 2.0 because OAuth 1 is deprecated. I try many thing to get this work but I'm always getting a 401 unautorized.
I request a token for the scope :
Here is my code:
// ClientID & ClientSecret values
var requestFactory = GDAPI.GoogleApps.GetAuthRequestFactory();
string organizationName = String.Empty;
Google.GData.Apps.AdminSettings.AdminSettingsService service =
new Google.GData.Apps.AdminSettings.AdminSettingsService(auth.Domain, Excendia.Mobility.Utilities1.BLL.WebConfig.ExcendiaAppName);
service.RequestFactory = requestFactory;
var result = service.GetOrganizationName(); // throw exception here...
catch (Exception ex)
What am I doing wrong?
Is this compatible with OAuth 2?
I also want to ask if there is another way to get organization name because GData library is supposed to be obsolete and replaced by new Google.Apis...
Thanks Jay. It works on OAuth 2.0 playground. Something on my side was not set correctly.
Using Fiddler I saw the Authorization header being set by my application. It was set to OAuth v1 instead of v2. So I found out I was using the wrong RequestFactory class.
Need to use GOAuth2RequestFactory instead of GOAuthRequestFactory...
So this is now working:
string organizationName = String.Empty;
Google.GData.Apps.AdminSettings.AdminSettingsService service =
new Google.GData.Apps.AdminSettings.AdminSettingsService(auth.Domain, "myAppName");
service.RequestFactory =
new Google.GData.Client.GOAuth2RequestFactory("cl", "MyAppName",
new Google.GData.Client.OAuth2Parameters()
{ ClientId = ClientID,
ClientSecret = ClientSecret,
AccessToken = token });
var result = service.GetOrganizationName();
if (result != null)
organizationName = result.OrganizationName;
catch (Exception ex)
return organizationName;
You are using the correct API. Though GData is being replaced by the new Google APIs, Admin Settings API still uses the old GData format for now.
Are you using a super administrator account to authenticate with? Can you try the operation on the OAuth 2.0 playground and see if it works for the account there?
You can also take a look at how Dito GAM, an open source Google Apps tool implements this call. If you create a file named debug.gam in the same path as GAM, GAM will print out all the raw HTTP calls and responses it's making/getting.

Unable to get AccessToken using OAuth2 to impliment Google Document List Api

In my ASP.NET application I am implementing Google Document List API, to fetch User data I using OAuth2 to do so I did some code:
string CLIENT_ID = "";
string CLIENT_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
string SCOPE = "";
string REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob";
parameters = new OAuth2Parameters();
parameters.ClientId = CLIENT_ID;
parameters.ClientSecret = CLIENT_SECRET;
parameters.RedirectUri = REDIRECT_URI;
parameters.Scope = SCOPE;
parameters.AccessCode = Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["AccessCode"]);
settings = new RequestSettings("My Application", parameters);
Every time OAuthUtil.GetAccessToken(parameters); gives error that is:
Can any one tell me where I am doing mistake?
Also, how to access RefreshToken??
You are using the redirect URI for installed in a web application.
I'd recommend you to update your code to use the newer Drive API, which also includes a complete ASP.NET sample application and tutorial: app calling service says its not initialized?

So this code runs in an app on Linux. The code calls one of my services. (WCF doesn't work on mono currently, that is why I'm using asmx). This code works AS INTENDED when running from Windows (while debugging). As soon as I deploy to Linux, it stops working. I'm definitely baffled. I've tested the service thoroughly and the service is fine.
Here is the code producing an error: (NewVisitor is a void function taking 3 strings in)
//This does not work.
var client = new Service1SoapClient();
var results = client.NewVisitor(Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UrlReferrer == null ? String.Empty : Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), Request.UserAgent);
Logger.Debug("Result of client: " + results);
Here is the error generated: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Here is the code that works perfectly:
//This works (from the service)
[WebMethod(CacheDuration = _cacheTime, Description = "Returns a List of Dates", MessageName = "GetDates")]
public List<MySqlDateTime> GetDates()
return db.GetDates();
//Here is the code for the method above
var client = new Service1Soap12Client();
var dbDates = client.GetDates();
I'd love to figure out why it is saying that the object is not set.
Methods tried:
new soap client.
new soap client with binding and endpoint address specified
Used channel factory to create and open the channel.
If more info is needed I can give more. I'm out of ideas.
It looks like a bug in mono. You should file a bug with a reproducible test case so it can be fixed (and possibly find a workaround you can use).
Unfortunately, I don't have Linux to test it but I'd suggest you put the client variable in an using() statement:
using(var client = new Service1SoapClient())
var results = client.NewVisitor(Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UrlReferrer == null ?
String.Empty : Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(), Request.UserAgent);
Logger.Debug("Result of client: " + results);
I hope it helps.
