Hierarchical Rad Grid Troubles - asp.net

I'm not sure if anyone else has had trouble with this. I'm trying to use a RAD Grid to create a 4-level hierarchy to display to the user. I followed the tutorial on this website, and couldn't get it to work. I know that there is data within the child select statements, but the second layer is always coming up empty. I've checked my select statements against the database, and they're all correct. I believe that the problem is where I'm populating my parameters for my datasources. I've tried using the session method used in the tutorial, but that didn't work. I saw another way of doing it by using just regular asp:Parameters, but that doesn't work either. I think that the issue is with my parameter names because the tutorial puts a large emphasis on making sure they're named properly, but I don't see where it's incorrect. Has anyone else had this issue before using a rad grid?
Thanks for your help.
DataKeyNames for the GridTableView and their relational MasterKeyField in the GridRelationField are case sensitive...this caused the issue.

IIRC The Paramters names for the relation must match both their parents DataKeyField name, and the parameter name you are supplying to SQL / SP.
Ive had this issue before, best to break it down one nested table at a time, eg start with two and work from there.
<telerik:GridTableView DataKeyNames="ID,loc" DataSourceID="checkDFSource" Width="100%"
<telerik:GridRelationFields DetailKeyField="batch_ID" MasterKeyField="ID" />
<telerik:GridRelationFields DetailKeyField="loc" MasterKeyField="loc" />
<telerik:GridTableView DataKeyNames="ID,loc"
Are you sure those datakey names are correct? Ie they are the same for the master and the first child
Edit - Also, maybe i dont fully understand the markup but do you need two GridRelationField entries for each? Ive only ever used one in the past.


Telerik RadGrid: Show column only in edit mode?

I'd like to "hide" one column in my RadGrid and only have it show when I'm in edit mode. I tried just moving it into the edit item template, but that didn't work at all.
Any suggestions would be deeply appreciated!
Thank you!
"Paul's Third Law of Asking For Help
You will discover the obscure answer 5 minutes after giving up and asking for advice."
Turns out you set the column to "Display=False" but only if you are in popup or edit form mode, not inline.
Hope it helps someone else.
Even though you did answer this yourself I thought I'd write an answer to clarify some things.
You can set the default value of the EditColumn to be false, even in InPlace edit. However it makes it a lot more difficult to save edited data as the InPlace edit (for simplicity) requires the EditColumn to display the save or cancel items.
That being said, you can do it - however you need to use explicit CommandNames on the items:
Say you want to Update a row with the new values you have inserted in the InPlace edit. Then the confirm button's CommandName would HAVE to be "Update" to be picked up correctly.
All of this being said, it would be a lot simpler for you to keep the EditColumn intact even when in InPlace (editmode).
Or you could specify the EditTemplate for one column to widen the column, add the two buttons necessary to perform Update and Cancel as well as hiding the EditColumn so that multiple InPlaceEdits can't be performed at the same time. :)
I hope this helps someone, as I was stuck in a similar situation myself when I had to incorporate both InPlace and EditForms EditModes on a single RadGrid and knowing the above information made a WORLD of difference.
You can try this:
var agtype = $telerik.$(atCell).text().trim();
if(agtype == ""Guaranty""){{
var masterTableView = sender.get_masterTableView();
var columnIndex = masterTableView.getColumnByUniqueName(""Amount"").get_element().cellIndex;

Is there any way to add multiple "Auto Number Prefix" in oracle ucm?

See, I have a requirement in which I am supposed to change the "Auto Number Prefix" for only one profile, I am wondering if there is any way to achieve that?
You should be able to set AutoNumberPrefix in a rule side effect and have it apply only to that rule/profile.
For those who wants the answer for this, I found the method to provide the different prefix for different profile type. Go in Admin Server-> Configuration -> Paste this code;
AutoNumberPrefix=<$if dDocType like 'Profile_name'$>Prefix Name<$else$>another prefix name<$endif$>
Adding the code shown as "correct" is actually the more inflexible way to do this. Any changes require a restart of the Content Server.
Jonathan's answer was really close, but the syntax used ensures that the variable "AutoNumberPrefix" remains in the profile context. It needs to be placed into local data to be used. This is accomplished using the function "dpPromote".

Checboxes input helper PodsCms

i created a multiple checkboxes input helper adapting the code from this http://podscms.org/packages/checkboxradiobutton-yourvalues/
I modified it so that people don't have to hardcode values into the helper; instead values are taken from the column comment field (having a data field for columns would be appreciated in pods 2.0!)
Here is the helper: http://pastebin.com/w0UxDmnG
I encountered two problems, the first of which i already solved:
At thw beginning i enclosed the whole code in a function, to keep clean the namespace (isn'i it the right thing to do?). but i noticed that i do this, when i have two columns with this helper many strange things happen: the second column is blank, doesn't show checkboxes. After the second column with this helper no more columns are shown.Rich editor commands on all textareas don't appear and textareas themselves are non editable.
I suppose is an effect wrapping the code in a function. Unwrapped the code, problems are gone! (i wrote this because it can be helpful to developers out there.
I wanted to add a "Other" text field for comments outside the choices displayed with checboxes (like in google forms, for example). To trigger this "other" ("Altro" in the package i shared), pod creators have to write [] in the comments (eg: foo, bar, cat, []).
I was able to make the input, but, once data is filled in and the pods is saved, the data in the text field get lost. I really have no idea on how to fix this!
I hope my experience, and this helper could help someone, and i hope some could help me to improve it!
(and please someone create a podscms tag!!)
Pods 2.0 solves this kind of issue, it's now built into core as a field type option. Enjoy!

How to find which menu a node belongs to in drupal

I currently have nodes setup on my site, and each node belongs to a particular menu (not primary or secondary prebuilt menues).
How can i find out which menu a node belongs to?
Maybe this is what you mean:
$trail = menu_get_active_trail();
$lastInTrail = end($trail);
$menu_name = $lastInTrail['menu_name'];
menu_get_active_trail() returns a breadcrumbs like array, the last breadcrumb represents the current node.
Laurens Meurs, Rotterdam
I'm a noob, so don't bash me if what I'm going to write is worthless babbling.
I think you can't do that directly, unless there's some smart module out there that would do all the nasty SQL queries necessary to check this.
Node info is stored in the SQL table "node", and is identified merely by NID (node ID, which is the node number that appears after /?q=node/ in the address). Their aliases, if any, are stored in "url_alias" table, where you can find columns "src" and "dst", identifying the original and the aliased path (for instance, src='node/123', dst='my/url/alias'). The menu links can be found in the table "menu_links", where you can find the columns "menu_name" (the machine-radable name of a menu) and "link_path" (either the node/... or the alias).
So, what you'd need to do is the following:
get the current node's NID
query "url_alias" if there's an alias for node/NID and retrieve it, otherwise leave node/NID
query the "menu_links" table for the path you've determined and retrieve "none" or the menu's machine-readable name
You could then also query the table "menu_custom" to check what's the human-readable name of the menu you've determined.
Anyway, that's a complicated query (several queries?) and I'm a MySQL ignorant, so I can't help you with the actual code you'll need to use to check all that :P.
This isn't a direct solution and I see from your reply to a previous answer that you didn't wanted the simplest solution possible, but I thought I'd mention this option. The Menu Node API module maintains a table which Drupal lacks, a node-menu relationship table.
The module does nothing on its own, but there seems to be contributed modules which build on this, so depending on how complex your problem is it might be a starting point.
Updated: Sorry guys, didn't even realize I had posted this link. I think I intended it as a draft and simply posted it when closing tabs. That said, mingos (above) is right on.
My link is to a function menu_get_active_menu_name() that appears to provide you with an array containing the active menu for the current page. As I presume that is what you are using it for, it would be a nice way to abstract yourself away from the database calls that might cause problems down the line.
I myself have never tried it, which is probably why I didn't elaborate and post. well... at least didn't post on purpose.

2 Mutually exclusive RadioButton "Lists"

I think this has to be THE most frustrating thing I've ever done in web forms. Yet one would think it would be the easiest of all things in the world to do. That is this:
I need 2 separate lists of radiobuttons on my .aspx page. One set allows a customer to select an option. The other set does also but for a different purpose. But only one set can have a selected radiobutton.
Ok I've tried this using 2 asp.net Radiobuttonlists controls on the same page. Got around the nasty bug with GroupName (asp.net assigns the control's uniqueID which prevents the groupname from ever working because now, 2 radiobuttonlists can't have the same groupname for all their radiobuttons because each radiobuttonlist has a different uniqueID thus the bug assigns the unique ID as the name attribute when the buttons are rendered. since the name sets are different, they are not mutually exclusive). Anyway, so I created that custom RadioButtonListcontrol and fixed that groupname problem.
But when ended up happening is when I went to put 2 instances of my new custom radiobuttonlist control on my .aspx page, all was swell until I noticed that every time I checked for radiobuttonlist1.SelectedValue or radiobuttonlist2.SelectedValue (did not matter which I was checking) the value always spit back string.empty and i was not able to figure out why (see http://forums.asp.net/t/1401117.aspx).
Ok onto the third try tonight and into the break of dawn (no sleep). I tried to instead just scrap trying to use 2 custom radiobuttonlists altogether because of that string.empty issue and try to spit out 2 sets of radiobuttonlists via using 2 asp.net repeaters and a standard input HTML tag inside. Got that working. Ok but the 2 lists still are not mutually exclusive. I can select a value in the first set of radiobuttons from repeater1 and same goes for repeater2. I cannot for the life of me get the "sets" to be mutually exclusive sets of radiobuttons.
As you have two groups of radio buttons that you want to function as one group of radio buttons, the solution is simple: Make it one group of radio buttons.
The only problem you have then is that the value that you get has the same name from both lists, but that can be solved by adding a prefix to the values so that you easily identify from which list the option comes.
Update: based on the new info posted as an answer. The option I proposed on my original answer corresponds to the 3. You really must consider the following:
Html radio buttons have only 1
built-in mechanism to handle the
exclusivity, which is the name.
You are explicitly requesting a no js solution, so given the above you must manipulate the Ids to achieve it. If you weren't blocking this option I am sure someone would come up with some nice jquery or js library that already supports it.
The option 3 is clearly the less invasive, as you are not forced to affect the actual data, and are not affected by future updates to it.
It's not that much code, just something extra on the List indexes, and some simple thing as:
int? list1Value = null;
int? list2Value = null;
var value = Request.Form["somegroup"];
if (value.StartsWith("List1"))
list1Value = int.Parse(value.Substring(5));
list2Value = int.Parse(value.Substring(5));//Assuming List2 as prefix
I saw your other question, and you just need to use the same group name. Make sure you have different values for all items regardless of the list they come from. A way to achieve this is adding something to the values, like: <%# "List1-" + Eval("ID") %> and modifying the code that reads your Request.Form["yourgroupname"].
I think you should just use RadioButtons instead of RadioButtonLists.
Here's an article that presents a solution to resolve the radiobutton naming bug.
Though this post is dated 1 year ago already, I just read it because I face the same problem.
Currently I have 1 solution using jQuery:
Client side script (you must also include jQuery)
function SetRadio(rb) {
$('input:checked').attr('checked', false);
rb.checked = true;
For every radiobutton (which is a listitem in a radiobuttonlist) I add the following on the serverside:
li.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:SetRadio(this)");
For me this works in both IE and Firefox, with 3 radiobuttonlists, without using groupnames.
You can check each radiobuttonlist for a selecteditem/value, or you can extend the SetRadio function so it stores the selected value in a hidden field.
