is it better to avoid using beestings? -

I think
beestings change the html every time.
this means html is not able to be cached.
am I right?

I assume that by beesting, you mean some sort of random number in the URL.
Yes this will (usually) stop caching of pages. Some browser may still cache some or all of the page.
As to whether not to avoid it. Would caching a page stop it working as it should? If your page has fairly random content or content the changes often, users would not see this if the page is cached.
If you can avoid the need to stop caching, pages will be able to load faster. Which makes for a happy user.

Old, old question, but anyway... no. You actually can "cache some or all of the response generated by an ASP.NET page, referred to in ASP.NET as output caching". You can read more at this Microsoft page.
For those still wandering, bee stings are special tags used in Microsoft's asp.NET to hold server-side code, much like PHP would do. It is, or was, very common to keep simple code inline, although having significant amount of code in bee stings is considered a bad practice by Microsoft themselves.
But as a rule, yeah, it can be cached.


Nasty problem with AJAX uploaders on .net pages, sending partial forms instead of complete ones is tricky

Got a question: how far can we go without a form being implemented around the master page in a .net project?
I hate that form tag it stops us from having multiple smaller forms and thus we cannot use an "edit-in-place" feature properly, where i dont want to send all fields, just a few of them, and an ajax solutions is all good until we hit the wall of uploading a file, DAMN uploads, DAMN .net, DAMN HTML, does anyone know a way out of this ditch?
Question on the side, how on God's earth is posting a file thru the iframe regarded MORE SECURE than sending the file in an HTTPXML object? aren't they both an HTTP request?
thank you for bearing with my temper today
There's so many places to start it's hard to pick a point.
First off, although the single form issue is enforced by regular .net web forms there are other options such as MVC. This would give you more control to emit multiple forms on the page. Just don't nest them as a number of browsers can't deal with nested forms very well.
As far as ajax, you don't have to make an ajax call back to the web form that served the page. It is pretty common to instead make several generic handlers (.ashx files) which your ajax controls post to. As an example, you might have one .ashx handler which deals simply with file uploads.
Besides separating out the functionality, generic handlers don't have to go through the entire page lifecycle to handle what amounts to a single action.
Regarding an iframe upload versus a regular upload, I've never seen anyone claim one is more secure than another. It's not. Further, some browsers (safari, I'm looking at you) have interesting issues regarding iframes so I tend to stay away from them anyway.
I got over this problem finally, i first used nested forms which is pretty ugle, it worked fine tho until i tried it on IE9 the look was broken (the behavior tho wasnt), one little small tweak and i was over it, i inserted the form tags on runtime, and IE9 didnt complain ;)

ASP.NET #OuputCache Directive "Inheritance"

As I mention in an earlier question, I am having trouble with the performance of a web site... Some SQL queries are killing the server. But, as the title of this post mention, I looked at the OutputCache page directive to improve performance of the site.
Although, I came across some questions regarding this directive:
1- If I have a web-user control that declares an OuputCache directive in a page that has one too, which one will "win" ?
2- What's the best pratice regarding the duration ? I'd love to have a sliding window too.
Thanks for your help and please visit
On a request where neither are cached, both the page and the control will be created, and then added to the output cache. If the page is cached, the control will not be created, regardless of whether it's in the cache or not--its markup is contained in the cached copy of the page. If the page is not cached and the control is, the cached markup of the control will be used in the page.
Here's a good article on Output caching:
Generally, you seem to be looking at Page and Fragment caching. What you want to do is cache the Page, if you can, as that will give you the best performance benefit. But, if you have regions on the page that must change dynamically per user, eg: you are saying 'Hi {username}' at the top of the page, then you need to look at Fragment caching.
Fragment caching is not as effective as page caching, since the output has to be stitched together from cached info and dynamic info, but it's usually still MUCH better than NO caching!
It's a bit of an art, to tweak the caching depending on what the page does and the load on the database, but it can make a page load many Orders of Magnitude faster than non-cached.
FYI - if the db queries are killing the site you may want to also look at taming them and/or caching their output individually, so that you don't have to keep hitting the database for the same information.
Also understand the 'varyByParam' for caching is pretty useful too - say you have a page in 3 languages, you can cache a page for each language by using the varyByParam, as long as your Url some sort of language component that the varyByParam can pick up.

Is viewstate bad for SEO?

I am new to and have got some concerns about the bloated viewstate on a small site I'll be maintaining.
Since I actually don't want to learn (mvc looks interesting though), my question is if I should care about this potential issue or just wait 4 years until its time to rewrite the site....
Hopefully some of you have some experience or already have done a proper research to help me decide if it's worth the time to do something about it.
I am not interested in workarounds since if this is a serious issue I have found info about different ways to reduce the viewstate. (Although it requires me to understand the framework and code.)
some search engines only process the first few KBs of the page if the page size is large. As viewstate is a hidden input at the top of the form/page this can impact SEO as the actual content of the page may not get fully processed by the search engine if there is too much viewstate. Look into moving the viewstate to the bottom of the page.
It can cause excessive page weight but this will not hurt your standing with the search engines. ViewState is stored in a hidden input which are mainly ignored by search engines.
I know this thread is old but in ASP.Net every control including the page itself has a property called EnableViewState. All one has to do is turn it to false if they do not need a control to maintain state or for that matter the page itself

How to choose whether a web page should be a web user control?

A few guys on our team are of the opinion that every web page in the application should be a web user control. So you'll have all of your html + event handling in the Customer.ascx, for example, and there will be a corresponding Customer.aspx page that contains Customer.ascx control.
These are their arguments:
This practice promotes versatility, portability, and re-usability.
Even if the page is not re-used right now, it might be in a future.
Customer page might need to move to a different location or renamed sometimes in a future and moving user controls is easier.
This is a recommendation by MS for new development.
Is this really a recommendation for new development? Are there any drawbacks to this strategy? I agree that it's nice to have a user control on hand if the need arises, but it seems to be an overkill to do this to the entire application "just in case we need it later".
1, 2 & 3: Doing anything because "you might need it later" is a horrible strategy.
4: I have never read this and seriously doubt MS has ever said anything like this. Maybe some random article by one single person who has an MS tag or was an MVP or something, and a gullible junior dev took it as Gospel Truth.
Seriously complicates client-side script as the NamingContainer jiggery will prepend _ctl0 etc to everything sometimes.
I don't think MS ever recommended it. Request links to MSDN documentation.
Typically by the time your are done implementing something, and it is sufficiently complicated, you'll find a lot of "gotchas" when ever you try to "reuse" it. A good example is relative links in the user control that no longer work outside of their path.
Users don't need the ability to add/edit/delete Customers on every page. Indeed, you start to get into caching issues if you have these types of controls on every page. For example if on an Invoice page, you add a Customer, will the Invoice control be updated with the new Customer? All sorts of inter-control operability issues can manifest. These issues are hard to argue for, because of course, everyone's user control will be perfect, so this will never happen. ha ha right.
See if they can come up with an example where moving/renaming a user control actually saved time, instead of making it more complicated. Draw up an actual example and show the pros/cons of each.
Personally I'm not a fan, I think it adds a layer of complexity to the application that is not strictly necessary at the early stages. If you need to reuse a component that you had not previously thought would be reused, refactoring it into a user control at that point should not be very difficult.
I came across an application in .NET 1.1 that was written like that once. Someone must have heard that same misguided "best practice" and taken it for the absolute truth.
I agree that it adds a level of complexity that's mostly not needed. I usually find usercontrols more useful for something like portions of a page that are repeated on several pages. If you think you'd reuse the entire page... why not just use the original page?
I also don't understand the moving/renaming argument. It's not that difficult to rename/move a page. If you do what your colleagues are suggesting, you'd end up with a customers.aspx page that contains nothing but an orders.ascx file? I see more potential confusion/errors with that approach than by just renaming/moving a file.

Increasing WebForm Performance

When designing a WebForm application what are some important steps to take (or hacks if you like to use the term) to ensure the best possible performance (in terms of speed, stability, and scalability)?
Here's a good Best Practices written by microsoft. Chapter 6 is specific to ASP.NET, but the whole document is .NET in general.
You've got a ton of material, directly from Microsoft here.
Also a checklist is available if you want condensed information.
Just a couple, in addition to the good advice already given,
Don't put every single page in a webform, not everything needs it - The default behaviour from VS is to give you a master page that wraps a form around everything, and a lot of people seem to stick with that. In my experience, some controls can render 30% faster outside of a webform, so if you're just parsing a querystring then reading something from a database, leave the form at home if you can. Even getting your navigation out of the form will help.
Don't use a server control when plain old HTML will do - does it really require a asp:linkbutton or asp:hyperlink just to go to the FAQ page etc. Plain hyperlinks work just fine in, but some people seem to get stuck on the idea of using runat="server" for everything.
There is a phenominal book on this subject by one of the Yahoo guys, Steve Souders. It taught me a lot.
Or you can just watch this video. It's a high level overview of the same information - you can pick up a lot in 45 minutes by watching this.
NOTE: This content is not WebForms-specific. It's general best practices for the web, and it is what you need if you are trying to roll out a high performance website.
Big # 1 tip: turn off viewstate in the web.config. That should have been the default, if you need it for a control turn it on on a control by control basis.
My other piece of advice is stay the hell away from *view controls. Use repeaters and find a good 3rd party grid control. The really "magical" controls that ship with asp tend to be perf hogs, and in general just not a good idea anyways (with the possible exception of ListView)
1 - Turn on content compression on iis
2 - Cache everything you can
This will do for the majority of webapps out there.
I am not sure about content compression when the content involves html with js doing ajax stuff. Sometimes the blocks of data exchanged through ajax are small and in this case (and if that is considered content) compression often hurts instead of helping. For example, a four bytes block of data produces a compressed block of 100+ bytes.
