Looking for example of reading a file and sending data to Sql using Biztalk - biztalk

I am a newbie to the Biztalk world and up to now I am able to read file and send that data to Sql and vice-versa using an orchestration and by configuring physical ports in Biztalk Administration, but I want to receive and send data using the sql-adapter in a single orchestration, even if its not using single orchestration than also I want the way to do it, and also I want to understand all the functoids if any example available.
Any help would be appreciated...

It looks like you are in the very beginning stages of learning BizTalk. I would advise you to spend some time learning the basics. There are very good resources listed here
There is virtual labs sections for various topics..spend a day or two going through all the example.
http://www.cloudcasts.net/ is another resource I'll recommend, where they got lot of small videos help you understand topics.
I'll ignore the advice from Ashish Jaiman, custom adapter development is not a trivial task and its for advanced BizTalk developers

I would start with the links below
1. http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/en/us/adapters-included.aspx
2. It is very easy to develop a custom adapter using SDK and Adapter Pack ( you can find more info on the same link on the right side under Adapters)
and also a great resource


How to migrate content from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco?

I want to migrate content with metadata from Documentum WebTop to Alfresco.
Can anyone please help me with the possible ways and some basic steps if possible.
For the moment I can think about using apache chemistry open CMIS API to connect to both repository and migrate content.
But is there any other simplest way available? or is there any tool available that we can use as is with slight modifications?
Your inputs will be really helpfull.
Thanks in Advance...
The simplest way possible is to use CMIS to read from Documentum and write to Alfresco, especially if you don't already know anything about Documentum. That way you only have to learn one API.
This assumes your version of Documentum supports CMIS.
If you have a high volume of data to move you will probably end up implementing some sort of queue or streaming approach, as Miki suggests. But that still doesn't require you to write DFC code unless CMIS falls short in some area.
There are various ways.
Easiest way could be using middle layer migration app/toolkit/platform and implement DFC client for reading to middle layer from Documentum.
On the write side of your middle layer you could easily use client that could consume REST api at the Alfresco target environment.
We've done this using Kafka as a middle layer using source & sink connectors (Confluent).

Creating weblogic domain for SOA and extending it silently

To start with, I have to say that I am not an oracle developer and I have never used any oracle product. But I have a task in hand to automate Fusion Middleware. I have automated the installation using response files. However, I Am not sure how to create the soa domain and extend it to include soa components.
I am using this document http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/core.1111/e12036/toc.htm
(steps 8,9 and 10). MAnually, using the GUI i am able to do it but I need to automate it. I know it can be done via wlst scripts. Does anyone have a sample script as per the documentation?Unfortunately, I dont have much time to understand wlst scripting. Any help would be appreciated.

Best way to post binary data to a Scala playframework web site

I'm writing a web app in Scala using the Play framework. I'd like to be able to push some binary data to my web server from another machine I'm using to do number crunching. I'd like to do this over http. Can anyone suggest the best way to do each side? Ideas that have occurred to me so far are:
Send the data up as a file upload via the usual play form processing. Nice on the (web) server side, but I'm not sure what libraries to use for pushing the data up from the (number crunching) client. In C/C++ I'd consider using Curl.
Send the data up as raw POST with the binary attached and encoded appropriately. Not sure how to do either side.
I've done each of the above on several occasions in Python and C++ (although not recently enough to remember how!), but am not a web dev (but a more general sw engineer) and have only ever had control of one side before - so have no idea what the best way to do this is.
Any thoughts appreciated.
It depends what platform (and language) you're already using for the number-crunching client part. If that 'client' is also using the Play framework (or at least has access to the libraries), then there are some very helpful tools for accessing web services; (see here also).

Steps involved in reading an xml file from webservice .NET

I would like to know what are the basic steps involved in setting up your application to able to read data from another application. Then take that data and modify it and send it back to the application.
The data being read will have over 100 fields.... what is the most efficent way to store them? Put them in a class object?
I know web services are involved...any other info would be great!
The application is in .NET using vb
You may need to be more specific about your requirements to get a truly useful answer. That said, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is likely to make your life much easier. Google for tutorials -- I can't say I have a favorite. You can handle one- or two-way communication readily with WCF, and you can then focus more on making your application logic work.

Best Practices Server Side Scripting or Web Services

Let me start off by stating that I am a novice developer, so please excuse the elementary nature of my question(s).
I am currently working on a Flex Application, and am getting more and more confused about when to use server side scripting, and when to develop web services. For most of the functionality I am working on, I am taking various files from the user (client), uploading to the server for processing/conversion, then sending back to client in new format.
I am accomplishing most of this using asp.net generic handlers (ashx) files, but not very confident this is best practice. But at the same time, does making web services make any more sense? What would be considered best practice for this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The way I look at it is as follows:
Web Services mean Established Best Practice.
For most of our development, we don't need to create "Web Services", or what I'm thinking when I think REST, SOAP, and the Twitter API. You only need to start doing that once you've got something you're going to be using every day for years.
Clean and DRY code will Lead you to Creating a Web Service
If you spend the time to clearly define the parts of your upload-process-render Architecture, and you find that it can be applied to almost everything you are doing, then all you need to do to make it a Web Service is define a clear, 1-2-3 set of rules for using the system (GET/POST data, etc.). As long as you are consciously building an architecture the whole way, you'll end up creating a Web Service if it's worthy. Otherwise there's no need.
It sounds like you have a clear workflow going, I don't know anything about asp.net though.
As far as it being confusing sometimes, and best practices, I suggest the following:
Create a Flex Library Project for your "generic ashx file handling" Flex classes. Give it a cool, simple name.
Create a .NET Library Project that encapsulates all the logic for your server-side file processing. Host it online and make it open source. I recommend github. Test it as you go, and document it, its purpose and the theory behind it.
If you don't have to do anymore work at this point, and it's just plug and chug, then you've probably arrived at something that might become a Web Service, though that's probably a few years down the road.
I don't think you should try to create a Web Service right off the bat. Just make some clean and reusable code, make a few examples, get it online and open source, have others contribute and give feedback, and if it solves a specific problem, then make it a web service. You can just use REST for now probably, and build your system around that. RestfulX is a great library for that.
making web services without any sense make no sense ;)
Now in the world of FLEX as3 with flash version 10, you can easily read local files, modify them with whatever modifcation algorithm and save local files without pinging server.
You only have to use webservices if you want to get some server data or to send some data to server. that's all.
Flash / Flex uses a simple HTTP POST approach for file uploads, so trying to do that using SOAP web services will be problematic. Your approach of using ASHX here sounds reasonable to me.
To send / receive data that isn't file based (e.g. a list of files the user has uploaded previously), I would recommend looking at the open source Fluorine FX library. Fluorine uses AMF which is a highly performant way of doing data transfer with Flash. It's also purely configuration-based, which means you don't need to code against any of its APIs, just configure Fluorine to expose your .NET service classes. You could easily add attributes to those same classes to expose them as SOAP web services via WCF if you need that in the future. I would not recommend using SOAP with Flex however, due to the performance losses and also because the Flex implementation of SOAP has a history of bugs and interoperability problems.
