Can I create a column of nvarchar(MAX) using FluentMigrator? - fluent-migrator

Using FluentMigrator, the default creation of a Column using .AsString() results in an nvarchar(255). Is there a simple way (before I modify the FluentMigrator code) to create a column of type nvarchar(MAX)?

You could create an extension method to wrap .AsString(Int32.MaxValue) within .AsMaxString()
internal static class MigratorExtensions
public static ICreateTableColumnOptionOrWithColumnSyntax AsMaxString(this ICreateTableColumnAsTypeSyntax createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax)
return createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsString(int.MaxValue);

OK, I found it. Basically, use .AsString(Int32.MaxValue). Pity there's not a .AsMaxString() method, but I guess it's easy enough to put in...

You can use AsCustom("nvarchar(max)") and pack it to extension

If you often create columns/tables with the same settings or groups of columns, you should be creating extension methods for your migrations!
For example, nearly every one of my tables has CreatedAt and UpdatedAt DateTime columns, so I whipped up a little extension method so I can say:
I think I created the Extension method properly ... I know it works, but FluentMigrator has a LOT of interfaces ... here it is:
public static class MigrationExtensions {
public static ICreateTableWithColumnSyntax WithTimestamps(this ICreateTableWithColumnSyntax root) {
return root.
Similarly, nearly every one of my tables has an int primary key called 'Id', so I think I'm going to add Table.CreateWithId("Foos") to always add that Id for me. Not sure ... I actually just started using FluentMigrator today, but you should always be refactoring when possible!
NOTE: If you do make helper/extension methods for your migrations, you should never ever ever change what those methods do. If you do, someone could try running your migrations and things could explode because the helper methods you used to create Migration #1 works differently now than they did earlier.
Here is the code for creating columns incase it helps you create helper methods:

How about extending like this:
public static class StringMaxMigratorExtensions
public static ICreateTableColumnOptionOrWithColumnSyntax AsStringMax(this ICreateTableColumnAsTypeSyntax createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax)
return createTableColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsCustom("nvarchar(max)");
public static IAlterColumnOptionSyntax AsStringMax(this IAlterColumnAsTypeSyntax alterColumnAsTypeSyntax)
return alterColumnAsTypeSyntax.AsCustom("nvarchar(max)");


Database independent random order in NHibernate

I have a query which uses code like:
new StandardSQLFunction("NEWID"),
new NHType.GuidType(),
new IProjection[0])));
The purpose is to get a random ordering. I run this against an SQL server, but I would also like to run it against an SQLite, since we use this for testing. SQLite does not support NEWID() but has Random instead. Is it possible to write the code (or configure) such that the same query will work against both databases?
I think the way to do this is to create two custom dialects. Have each one implement a random function differently:
public class MyMsSqlDialect : MsSql2012Dialect
protected override void RegisterFunctions()
RegisterFunction("random", new StandardSQLFunction("NEWID", NHibernateUtil.Guid));
public class MySqliteDialect : SQLiteDialect
protected override void RegisterFunctions()
RegisterFunction("random", new StandardSQLFunction("random", NHibernateUtil.Guid));
Now, the following query should work fine in either database:
Projections.SqlFunction("random", NHibernateUtil.Guid)));
Note that this is cheating a bit. random doesn't return a Guid in the Sqlite flavor, but since NHibernate doesn't need that information to do the ORDER BY, nothing should go wrong. I would consider calling it random_order or something to make it clear that this is only for ordering.

EF5 code first - You cannot use Ignore method on the property

This question has been asked all over the place, but the SUPPOSED workaround on CodePlex does not work.
I'm hoping someone has some updated information.
I have an EF5 Code First project where I have dozens of entities directly derived from an abstract base class. After creating some new entities that are derived from a class derived from that base class, when my database is initially created I get the following error:
You cannot use Ignore method on the property 'DisplayString' on type
'Doctor' because this type inherits from the type
'Contact' where this property is mapped. To exclude
this property from your model, use NotMappedAttribute or Ignore
method on the base type.
Here's my classes:
public abstract class AbsoluteBaseClass
public abstract string DisplayString { get; set; }
public class Contact : AbsoluteBaseClass
public override string DisplayString
get { return string.Format("{0} {1}", FirstName, LastName); }
set { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
public class Doctor : Contact
I have other cases like this (class derived from a class derived from the base) and I've got things working, but adding these new classes broke things again.
I've also tried add .Ignore directives (derived class before base) in OnModelCreating and that does not make any difference either.
modelBuilder.Entity<Doctor>().Ignore(p => p.DisplayString);
modelBuilder.Entity<Contact>().Ignore(p => p.DisplayString);
I have several cases where I have entities derived from AbsoluteBaseClass and most times things work, but then I would add another derived class and things would break again. There appears to be no rhyme or reason to this.
I'd REALLY appreciate some advice on how I can definitively get this to work as I add classes. There appears mention around of a fix applied to the EF5 source,then you build the source. Has anyone tried that and got it to work?
Thanks for any advice!
In my case, when using Code First (EF6) on an existing database, I created some base classes to handle the common properties like ID.
(Note: the following are inside the OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder mb) method)
I then needed to ignore the base classes entirely with:
mb.Ignore(new[] {
Then, somewhat counterintuitively, I needed to register the base model properties with:
mb.Entity<BaseClassA>().HasKey(m => m.ID);
One of my derived classes needed to ignore one of the base properties (call it NormallyNotIgnored). I used EntityTypeConfiguration, but I assume you could do the same with regular Fluent:
mb.Entity<DerivedClassB1>().Ignore(m => m.NormallyNotIgnored);
This at least has compiled/migrated (with -IgnoreChanges on the migration, since the tables already exist) and resolved the error in question. how to extend a control or collection

I am attempting to extend a List. When using Visual Studio there are the different code hints for all the functions I can use with a List object. How can I extend the functionality of the List to show my new function?
public class ListExtensionHelper<T> : System.Collections.Generic.List<T>
public List<T> AwesomeFunction<T>()
For the life of me I could not find anything online on how I would do it for a List
If you are trying to add AwesomeFunction as an extension method to a regular List object, then you need to define an extension method in a static class:
public static class ListExtensions
public static List<T> AwesomeFunction<T>(this List<T> list)
Otherwise, the code you have should work; if you instantiate the ListExtensionHelper class, it should have all the functions of List as well as AwesomeFunction.
It sounds like you're looking for extension methods, rather than inheritance.
There are some really good examples here. There's also a really good library of extensions available here.
One of my personal favorites that I use is this:
public static class StringExtensions
public static bool IsNullOrEmpty(this string s)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s);
It's ridiculously simple, but a huge pet peeve of mine is having to write:
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(someVariable))
as opposed to:
if (someVariable.IsNullOrEmpty())
For me it's just a matter of being a natural construct of my native language. The built-in method sounds like:
object verb subject
whereas mine sounds like:
subject verb
It's probably silly, but when I want to act upon a subject it just makes more sense for me to start with the subject :)

watin - Settings.FindByDefaultFactory - doesn't seem to use my custom FindByDefaultFactory

Based on this article, I've written a custom class which implements the Watin.Core.interfaces.IFindByDefaultFactory, but I don't think I'm correctly assigning it to the watin settings, because it is never used.
Basically, Where/when should I assign to the Settings.FindByDefaultFactory? I've tried in my test Setup, and the text fixture's constructor, but neither seem to cause my custom class to be used. The tests still run and work, but I have to use the full ID's.
I'm using Watin in VS2008 from nUnit I am running visual studio as administrator, and tests run sucessfully as long as I don't rely on my custom find logic.
Here's what the start of my text fixture looks like, where I set the FindByDefaultFactory
namespace Fundsmith.Web.Main.BrowserTests
class WatinHomepageTests
private IE _ie;
public void Setup()
Settings.FindByDefaultFactory = new FindByAspIdFactory();
_ie = new IE("http://localhost/somepage.aspx");
//etc etc...
And this is what my custom Find By Default factory looks like (simplified), unfortunately, it's never called.
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using WatiN.Core;
using WatiN.Core.Constraints;
using WatiN.Core.Interfaces;
namespace Fundsmith.Web.Main.BrowserTests
public class FindByAspIdFactory : IFindByDefaultFactory
public Constraint ByDefault(string value)
// This code is never called :(
// My custom find by id code to cope with webforms ids...
return Find.ById(value);
public Constraint ByDefault(Regex value)
return Find.ById(value);
Edit: Extra information after the fact.
Based on me fuguring this out, (see answer below), It turns out that the way I was consuming Watin to find the elements was wrong. I was explicitly calling Find.ById, rather than letting the default action occur. So I'd reassigned the default but was then failing to use it!
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
Right, I've figured this one out, and it was me being an idiot and explicitly calling the Find.ById method, rather than letting the default action occur. It seems the test setup is a fine place to set the FindByDefaultFactory.
ie, I was doing this (wrong):
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
When I should have been simply doing this. (Without the explicit "Find.ById")
public void StepOneFromHomepageShouldRedirectToStepTwo()
//Other test stuff...
Not only was this me being stupid, but I didn't include this in my original question, so it would have been impossible for anyone else to figure it out for certain. Double slaps for me.

What is the best way to reuse functions in Flex MVC environment?

I am using a Cairngorm MVC architecture for my current project.
I have several commands which use the same type of function that returns a value. I would like to have this function in one place, and reuse it, rather than duplicate the code in each command. What is the best way to do this?
Create a static class or static method in one of your Cairngorm classes.
class MyStatic
public static function myFunction(value:String):String
return "Returning " + value;
Then where you want to use your function:
import MyStatic;
var str:String = MyStatic.myFunction("test");
Another option is to create a top level function (a la "trace"). Check out this post I wrote here.
You have lots of options here -- publicly defined functions in your model or controller, such as:
var mySharedFunction:Function = function():void
... static methods on new or existing classes, etc. Best practice probably depends on what the function needs to do, though. Can you elaborate?
Create an abstract base class for your commands and add your function in the protected scope. If you need to reuse it anywhere else, refactor it into a public static method on a utility class.
