Extending ASP.NET role providers - asp.net

Because the RoleProvider interface seems to treat roles as nothing more than simple strings, I'm wondering if there is any non-hacky way to apply an optional value for a role on a per-user basis.
Our current login management system implements roles as key-value pairs, where the value part is optional and usually used to clarify or limit the permissions granted by a role.
For example, a role 'editor' might contain a user 'barry', but for 'barry' it will have an optional value 'raptors', which the system would interpret to mean that Barry can only edit articles filed under the 'raptors' category.
I have seen elsewhere a suggestion to simply create additional delimited roles, such as 'editor.raptors' or somesuch. That's not really going to be ideal because it would bloat the number of roles greatly, and I can tell it's going to be a very hard sell to replace our current implementation (which is also very less than ideal, but has the advantage of being custom made to work with our user database).
I can tell already that the concatenation method mentioned above is going to involve a lot of tedious string-splitting and partial matching.
Is there a better way?
EDIT: My initial goal was to use more built-in ASP.NET functionality. For instance, control access via <authorization/> elements in the Web.config. Doing this, as far as I can see, requires implementing roles themselves. Our current system's concept of auths seemed to fit very well apart from that one limitation.
Answering mnemosyn's questions
Yes. We have a central database for users, applications and their authorisations. It's a core system and there's no going around it.
Currently our system is not hierarchical, and it actually takes quite a lot of effort to maintain. When an application is created, a set of authorisations are defined (e.g., 'admin', 'user', 'poweruser', 'gatekeeper', 'keymaster', etc.). Users are then associated with those authorisations with the optional value for a unique combination of user and (app-specific) authorisation.
Can you elaborate on these 'categories' of which you speak?

This really sounds like an architectural issue to me.
First, you need to determine what you need, exactly. In a second step, map this to a concrete implementation. To jump ahead on that one: I wouldn't use the built-in providers for anything but the most simplistic cases. Also, this problem quickly gets very complicated, so I'd try to keep it as simple as possible.
To elaborate your needs, try to determine:
Do you really need to map the role concept to the database, as you would in a CMS? Or do changes to your role system imply a modification to the system. In that case, you could go for a much simpler solution and put an enum into the user. This will save a lot of database accesses, makes joins simple selects, etc.
What are you trying to achieve through the multi-role concept you explained? Is it really roles that you need? How about individual permissions? Do you, for instance, have a hierarchical structure so that every node can have a certain set of permissions associated with it, much like windows' file security concept?
If it's only categories, why not map categories to users, i.e. give each user a certain role in each category. This will require some tweaks for default category, etc.
A few tips there: Don't go for whitelists, always use blacklists. Controlling whitelists is a pain, esp. when a lot of rules come together. In drupal, for example, I think this is one of the major flaws (which is why they're rebuilding it to use blacklists in version 7). Allowing a user to do something they shouldn't is usually a much bigger issue than the other way around.
The windows file access concept is very complicated, because it has both black- and whitelisting, which additionally can be inherited - so try to keep your solution much simpler than that.
The string concatenation thingie sounds rather dangerous to me, I'd go for a cleaner solution in any case. This type of meta-logic gives headache.


Is this a bad DynamoDB database schema?

After a watching a few videos regarding DynamoDB and its best practices, I decided to give it a try; however, I cannot help but feel what I'm doing may be an anti-pattern. As I understand it, the best practice is to leverage as few tables as possible while also taking advantage of GSIs to do some 'heavy' lifting. Unfortunately, I'm working with a use case that doesn't actually have strictly defined access patterns yet since we're still in early development.
Some early access patterns that we may see are:
Retrieve the number of wins for a particular game: rock paper scissors, boxing, etc. [1 quick lookup]
Retrieve the amount of coins a user has. [1 quick lookup]
Retrieve all the items that someone has purchased (don't care about date). [Not sure?]
Possibly retrieve all the attributes associated with a user (rps wins, box wins, coins, etc). [I genuinely don't know.]
Additionally, there may be 2 operations we will need to complete. For example, if the user wins a particular game they may receive "coins". Effectively, we'll need to add coins to the user "coins" attribute & update their number of wins for the game.
Do you think I should revisit this strategy? Additionally, we'll probably start creating 'logs' associated with various games and each individual play.
Designing a DynamoDB data model without fully understanding your applications access patterns is the anti-pattern.
Take the time to define your entities (Users, Games, Orders, etc), their relationship to one another and your applications key access patterns. This can be hard work when you are just getting started, but it's absolutely critical to do this when working with DynamoDB. How else can we (or you, or anybody) evaluate whether or not you're using DDB correctly?
When I first worked with DDB, I approached the process in a similar way you are describing. I was used to working with SQL databases, where I could define a few tables and rely on the magic of SQL to support my access patterns as my understanding of the application access patterns evolved. I quickly realized this was not going to work if I wanted to use DynamoDB!
Instead, I started from the front-end of my application. I sketched out the different pages in my app and nailed down the most important concepts in my application. Granted, I may not have covered all the access patterns in my application, but the exercise certainly nailed down the minimal access patterns I'd need to have a usable app.
If you need to rapidly prototype your application to get a better understanding of your acecss patterns, consider using the skills you and your team already have. If you already understand data modeling with SQL databses, go with that for now. You can always revisit DynamoDB once you have a better understanding of your access patterns and determine that your application can benefit from using a NoSQL databse.

What logic must I cover in Collection.allow and Collection.deny to ensure it's secure?

So just started playing with Meteor and trying to get my head around the security model. It seems there's two ways to modify data.
The Meteor.call way which seems pretty standard - pretty much just a call to the server with its own set of business rules implemented.
Then there is the Collection.allow method which seems much more different to anything I've done before. So it seems that if you put an collection.allow, you're saying that the client can make any write operation to that collection as long as it can get past the validations in its allow function.
That makes me feel uneasy cause it's feels like a lot of freedom and my allow function would need to be pretty long to make sure it's locked down securely enough.
For instance, mongodb has no schema, so you'd have to basically have a rule that defines which fields would be accepted and the format those fields must be in.
Wouldn't you also have to put in the business logic for every type of update that might be made to your system.
So say, I had a SoccerTeam collection. There may be several situations I may need to make a change, like if I'm adding or removing a player, changing the team name, team status has changed etc.
It seems to me that you'd have to put everything into this one massive function. It just sounds like a radical idea, but it seems Meteor.call methods would just be a lot simpler.
Am I thinking about this in the wrong manner (or for the wrong use case?) Does anyone have any example of how they can structure an allow or deny function with a list of what I may need to check in my allow function to make my collection secure?
You are following the same line of reasoning I used in deciding how to handle data mutations when building Edthena. Out of the box, meteor provides you with the tools to make a simple tradeoff:
Do I trust the client and get a more responsive UI (latency compensation)? Or do I require strict control over data validation, but force the client to wait for an update?
I went with the latter, and exclusively used method calls for a few reasons:
I sleep better a night knowing there exists exactly one way to update each of my collections.
I found that some of my updates required side effects that only made sense to execute on the server (e.g. making denormalized updates to other collections).
At present, there isn't a clear benefit to latency compensation for our app. We found the delay for most writes was inconsequential to the user experience.
allow and deny rules are weak tools. They are essentially only good for validating ownership and other simple checks.
At the time when we first released to production (August 2013) this seemed like a radical conclusion. The meteor docs, the API, and the demos highlight the use of client-side writes, so I wasn't entirely sure I had made the right decision. A couple of months later I had my first opportunity to sit down with several of the meteor core devs - this is a summary of their reaction to my design choices:
This seems like a rational approach. Latency compensation is really useful in some contexts like mobile apps, and games, but may not be worth it for all web apps. It also makes for cool demos.
So there you have it. As of this writing, my advice for production apps would be to use client-side updates where you really need the speed, but you shouldn't feel like you are doing something wrong by making heavy use of methods.
As for the future, I'd imagine that post-1.0 we'll start to see things like built-in schema enforcement on both the client and server which will go a long way towards resolving my concerns. I see Collection2 as a significant first step in that direction, but I haven't tried it yet in any meaningful way.
A logical follow-up question is "Why not use stubs?". I spent some time investigating this but reached the conclusion that method stubbing wasn't useful to our project for the following reasons:
I like to keep my server code on the server. Stubbing requires that I either ship all of my model code to the client or selectively repeat parts of it again. In a large app, I don't see that as practical.
I found the the overhead required to separate out what may or may not run on the client to be a maintenance challenge.
In order for the stub to do anything other than reject a database mutation, you'd need to have an allow rule in place - otherwise you'd end up with a lot of UI flicker (the client allows the write but the server immediately invalidates it). But having an allow rule defeats the whole point, because a user could still write to the db from the console.
The usual allow methods I have are these:
insert: false
update: false
remove: false
And then, I have methods which take care of all insertions. These methods perform the type checks and permission assessment. I have found that to be a much more maintainable method: completely decoupling the data layer from the code which runs on the client.
For instance, mongodb has no schema, so you'd have to basically have a rule that defines which fields would be accepted and the format those fields must be in.
Take a look at Collection2. They support schema checking at run-time before inserting documents into the Collection.

Assigning URIs to RDF Resources

I'm writing a desktop app using Gnome technologies, and I reached the
stage I started planning Semantic Desktop support.
After a lot of brainstorming, sketching ideas and models, writing notes
and reading a lot about RDF and related topics, I finally came up with a
plan draft.
The first thing I decided to do is to define the way I give URIs to
resources, and this is where I'd like to hear your advice.
My program consists of two parts:
1) On the lower level, an RDF schema is defined. It's a standard set of
classes and properties, possible extended by users who want more options
(using a definition language translated to RDF).
2) On the high level, the user defines resources using those classes and
There's no problem with the lower level, because the data model is
public: Even if a user decides to add new content, she's very welcome to
share it and make other people's apps have more features. The problem is
with the second part. In the higher level, the user defines tasks,
meetings, appointments, plans and schedules. These may be private, and
the user may prefer to to have any info in the URI revealing the source
of the information.
So here are the questions I have on my mind:
1) Which URI scheme should I use? I don't have a website or any web
pages, so using http doesn't make sense. It also doesn't seem to make
sense to use any other standard IANA-registered URI. I've been
considering two options: Use some custom, my own, URI scheme name for
public resources, and use a bare URN for private ones, something like
urn : random_name_i_made_up : some_private_resource_uuid
But I was wondering whether a custom URI scheme is a good decision, I'm
open to hear ideas from you :)
2) How to hide the private resources? On one hand, it may be very useful
for the URI to tell where a task came from, especially when tasks are
shared and delegated between people. On the other hand, it doesn't
consider privacy. Then I was thinking, can I/should I use two different
URI styles depending on user settings? This would create some
inconsistency. I'm not sure what to do here, since I don't have any
experience with URIs. Hopefully you have some advice for me.
1) Which URI scheme should I use?
I would advise the standard urn:uuid: followed by your resource UUID. Using standards is generally to be preferred over home-grown solutions!
2) How to hide the private resources?
Don't use different identifier schemes. Trying to bake authorization and access control into the identity scheme is mixing the layers in a way that's bound to cause you pain in the future. For example, what happens if a user makes some currently private content (e.g. a draft) into public (it's now in its publishable form)?
Have a single, uniform identifier solution, then provide one or more services that may or may not resolve a given identifier to a document, depending on context (user identity, metadata about the content itself, etc etc). Yes this is much like an HTTP server would do, so you may want to reconsider whether to have an embedded HTTP service in your architecture. If not, the service you need will have many similarities to HTTP, you just need to be clear the circumstances in which an identifier may be resolved to a document, what happens when that is either not possible or not permitted, etc.
You may also want to consider where you're going to add the most value. Re-inventing the basic service access protocols may be a fun exercise, but your users may get more value if you re-use standard components at the basic service level, and concentrate instead on innovating and adding features once the user actually has access to the content objects.

Calculating ratings/points in a community driven site

To learn ASP.NET MVC, I am thinking of creating a community forum like SO where people can rate posts, users etc. and the user can thereby gain points. I just can't figure out if the points should be added to the user profile whenever an action is done (post rated up/down, user created new post etc.) or if it should be calculated from the different activities the user has done.
I have a few pro's and con's for both ways of doing it:
Add rating:
Easier to implement, and much faster and less resource intensive.
If the value of the different activities change, you can't do anything about it.
No way of showing a history on how you have gotten your points.
Calculating rating:
Much easier to have a point-history for both the user and people viewing the account.
Possibility to change the amount of points for a given activity.
A little more difficult to implement.
More resource extensive (can be prevented by caching the data, or creating a job which calculates the points).
I think you've pretty much thought of everything. I can just offer some engineering tips. All things equal, always start of with what's easier to implement.
Now there are some cons with that as you say, so they're not equal, they don't offer the same functionality. So can you live without the history? If not, implement calculating first. Your model will be tight and well defined, which is always nice.
IF you determine later on that this is too cpu intensive, only then do you go about fixing it with a cache or a job. Good ideas, both, btw. 90% of the time, unless you really measure it, you'll be laboring on optimizations that are not necessary. Unnecessary optimizations are wrong.
It looks like you are trying to build something like stackoverflow, and Stackoverflow does have a history where your points came from. When you will use linq, the calculation method could be done purely in SQL, without a lot of effort on programming skills. (although it'd be a bit more advanced than the normal linq querys)
I'd go for the second option, merely because it's more interesting, you'll learn more about linq, caching, and MVC overall.
You can use ActionFilter classs to catch every action that adds/deletes user points. Like AuditActionFilter class. This can be done just by putting action filter attribute on top of corresponding methods. In the audit action filter class, you can figure out which method is executed easility using filterContext object and track the progress of points for each user in a flat file or xml, which you can show/parse when he wants to see his history.

Domain Object in Views

We've been having a discussion at work about whether to use Domain Objects in our views (asp.net mvc 2) or should every view that requires data be sent a ViewModel?
I was wondering if anyone had any pros/cons on this subject that they could shed some light on?
Thank you
I like to segregate my Domain Objects from my Views. As far as I'm concerned, my Domain Objects are solely for the purpose of representing the Domain of the application, now how the application is displayed.
The presentation layer should not contain any domain logic. Everything they display should be pre-determined by their Controller. The ideal way to ensure this is always adhered to is to ensure the view only receives these flattened ViewModels.
I did ask a similar question myself. Here's a quote from the answer I accepted:
I think that there are merits to
having a different design in the
domain than in the presentation layer.
So conceptually you are actually
looking at two different models, one
for the domain layer and one for the
presentation layer. Each of the models
is optimized for their purpose.
If I have the domain objects for Customer > Sales > Dispatch Address, then I don't want to have to deal with the object traversal in my view. I create a flattened view model that contains all of the properties. There's almost no extra work in mapping to and from this flattened view/presentation model if you use the excellent open source project AutoMapper.
Also, why would you want to pass an entire domain object back to a view if you can create an optimised representation of that model?
If you use NHibernate or similar - your domain objects will most likely be proxies, serializing these dun work. You should always use a ViewModel and map your domain objects to DTOs within your viewmodel. Don't take shortcuts here. Setting the convention will alleviate the pain you'll suffer later on.
It's a standard pattern for a reason.
It depends. In some case it will be fine to use instances of model classes. In other cases a separate ViewModel is the better choice. In my experience it is perfectly acceptable to have different models in your domain and in your views. Or to use the domain model in the view. Do what works best for you. Do a spike for each option, see what works and then decide. You can even choose a different option for each view (and/or partial).
There are definitely going to be simple little apps where it's fine to use the same models across all layers. Generally little forms over data apps. But for a proper domain, my thoughts on the subject are to keep the domain models and view models separate because you don't want them to ever impact each other when changed.
If the domain logic needs a small change to process some new business logic on the back end, you don't want to risk that altering your view. Conversely, if marketing or someone wants to make changes to a view, you don't want those changes leaking back into your domain (having to populate fields and maintain data for no other purpose than some view somewhere is going to use it).
I have a good comparision currently because I'm working on two projects using different approaches. I'm far from stating that "this is bad and this is good" because this is written in some patterns. I know patterns, I like patterns, but I never blindly follow them just to be right. I always use what do I need currently to achieve current goals.
In first app, using domain objects in view, development is very quick. Few changes in few places and you have additional properties, form inputs etc. You don't bother about the layers, just extends/change the code and pass to another problem.
In the second app, where there are always object for use here, there and somewhere else, there's a dozens of classes looking the same, doing the same, and a ton of conversion code between various version of the same objects. More bad is that some developers do some logic on "this version" of class, and other logic is done on "that version". Development is very painful and requires a lot of testing afterwards. Changing a simple thing requires a lot of attention and a lot of code need to be changed. I really don't like this app for that, because I've never yet seen a business benefits from this approach, at least during last year (and we are in the production stage from the year). This app is three-four times more expensive to develop and maintain than the first one.
So, my funny answer on the question is: it depends. If you work in 10-20 people team, you like to come into the work, drink few coffies, talk with friend, do few simple things and go home, a lot of intermediate objects and conversion code will be good for you. If your goal is to be fast and cheap, if you want to focus on business layer, new features, quick changes following, and more if you touch software business and want to cash your project (we do all this stuff to be finally sold, right?), the second approach would be probably better.
