how can i calculate the polynomial that has the following asymptotes - math

how can i calculate the polynomial that has the tangent lines (1) y = x where x = 1, and (2) y = 1 where x = 365
I realize this may not be the proper forum but I figured somebody here could answer this in jiffy.
Also, I am not looking for an algorithm to answer this. I'd just like like to see the process.
I guess I should have mentioned that i'm writing an algorithm for scaling the y-axis of flotr graph

The specification of the curve can be expressed as four constraints:
y(1) = 1, y'(1) = 1 => tangent is (y=x) when x=1
y(365) = 1, y'(365) = 0 => tangent is (y=1) when x=365
We therefore need a family of curves with at least four degrees of freedom to match these constraints; the simplest type of polynomial is a cubic,
y = a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
y' = 3*a*x^2 + 2*b*x + c
and the constraints give the following equations for the parameters:
a + b + c + d = 1
3*a + 2*b + c = 1
48627125*a + 133225*b + 365*c + d = 1
399675*a + 730*b + c = 0
I'm too old and too lazy to solve these myself, so I googled a linear equation solver to give the answer:
a = 1/132496, b = -731/132496, c = 133955/132496, d = -729/132496

I will post this type of question in next time. thanks
my solution in javascript was to adapt the equation of a circle:
var radius = Math.pow((2*Math.pow(365, 2)), 1/2);
var t = 365; //offset
this.tMax = (Math.pow(Math.pow(r, 2) - Math.pow(x, 2), 1/2) - t) * (t / (r - t)) + 1;
the above equation has the above specified asymptotes. it is part of a step polynomial for scaling an axis for a flotr graph.

well, you are missing data (you need another point to determine the polynomial)
you can solve the exact answer for b
but A depends on C (or vv)
and your question is off topic anyways, and you need to revise your algebra


How can I plot frequency response for a vibratory system with nonlinear differential equations?

I have a system of nonlinear differential equations for a 3 degree of freedom vibratory system.
system of differential equations
First I want to plot y, y_L and y_R against time (for a given value for Omega) and then I want to plot the domains (max values of y, y_L and y_R) against various amounts of Omega.
Unfortunately, I am not good at Octave. I have written the following code in Octave (based on a sample given by one of the users), but it ends with this error: "anonymous function bodies must be single expressions".
I would be grateful if anyone can help me.
Here is the code:
Me = 4000;
me = 20;
c = 2000;
c1 = 700;
c2 = 700;
k = 20000;
k1 = 250000;
k2 = 20000;
a0 = 0.01;
om = 25;
mu1 = (c+2*c2)/(Me);
mu2 = (c2)/(Me);
mu3 = (c1+c2)/(me);
mu4 = (c2)/(me);
w12 = (2*k2)/(Me);
w22 = (k1+k2)/(me);
a1 = (k2)/(me);
a2 = (k)/(Me);
F0 = (k1*a0)/(Me);
couplode = #(t,y) [y(2); mu4*y(4) - mu3*y(2) - w22*y(1) + a1*y(3) + F0*cos(om*t); y(4); mu2*(y(2)+y(6)) - mu1*y(4) - w12*y(3) + 0.5*w12*(y(1)+y(5)) + a2((y(3)).^3; y(6); mu4*y(4) - mu3*y(6) - w22*y(5) + a1*y(3) + F0*cos(om*t)];
[t,y] = ode45(couplode, [0 0.49*pi], [1;1;1;1;1;1]*1E-8);
plot(t, y)
str = {'$$ \dot{y_L} $$', '$$ y_L $$', '$$ \dot{y} $$', '$$ y $$', '$$ \dot{y_R} $$', '$$ y_R $$'};
legend(str, 'Interpreter','latex', 'Location','NW')
You have a strange term rather at the end of the vector definition
... + a2((y(3)).^3
You certainly meant
... + a2*y(3).^3
You get better visibility and easier debugging by breaking that into separate lines
couplode = #(t,y) [ y(2);
mu2*(y(2)+y(6)) - mu1*y(4) - w12*y(3) + 0.5*w12*(y(1)+y(5)) + a2*y(3).^3;
At least in this form, spaces or no spaces makes no difference. In general in matlab/octave [a +b -c] is the same as [a, +b, -c], so one has to be careful that the expression is not interpreted as matrix row. Spaces on both sites of the operation sign switches back to the single-expression interpretation.

EllipticCurve, sagemath

I have an elliptic curve defined by
y^2 = x^3 + 1062282974404935987005872930817*x + 1204388198013706813607478558721 over Finite Field of size 2017313518945563799802055961909.
And I want to get a point on this curve of order 3569809307570934983774171.
How can I get it?
Easily you can see that the order of E, is 2017313518945565643070719128784. The main stage is that you find the generator(s) of E, and with SageMath they are:
H_1 = (651721743085147348480059087840, 277924022187240437411690075386)
H_2 = (364767631279436218861124076682, 0)
But you can see that the order of H_1 is 1008656759472782821535359564392, so
G = 565104 * H_1
G = (1144674520220442511918931779419, 850803345221750997044804585048)
is the desired point on E.

Curve Fit 5 points

I am trying to curve fit 5 points in C. I have used this code from a previous post (Can sombody simplify this equation for me?) to do 4 points, but now I need to add another point.
// Input data: arrays x[] and y[]
// x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4] - X values
// y[1],y[2],y[3],y[4] - Y values
// Calculations
A = 0
B = 0
C = 0
D = 0
S1 = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
S2 = x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]
S3 = x[1]*x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3]*x[4]
for i = 1 to 4 loop
C0 = y[i]/(((4*x[i]-3*S1)*x[i]+2*S2)*x[i]-S3)
C1 = C0*(S1 - x[i])
C2 = S2*C0 - C1*x[i]
C3 = S3*C0 - C2*x[i]
A = A + C0
B = B - C1
C = C + C2
D = D - C3
// Result: A, B, C, D
I have been trying to covert this to a 5 point curve fit, but am having trouble figuring out what goes inside the loop:
// Input data: arrays x[] and y[]
// x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5] - X values
// y[1],y[2],y[3],y[4],y[5] - Y values
// Calculations
A = 0
B = 0
C = 0
D = 0
E = 0
S1 = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4]
S2 = x[1]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3] + x[1]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3] + x[2]*x[4] + x[3]*x[4]
S3 = x[1]*x[2]*x[3] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4] + x[1]*x[3]*x[4] + x[2]*x[3]*x[4]
S4 = x[1]*x[2]*x[3]*x[4] + x[1]*x[2]*x[3]*[5] + x[1]*x[2]*x[4]*[5] + x[1]*x[3]*x[4]*[5] + x[2]*x[3]*x[4]*[5]
for i = 1 to 4 loop
C0 = ??
C1 = ??
C2 = ??
C3 = ??
C4 = ??
A = A + C0
B = B - C1
C = C + C2
D = D - C3
E = E + C4
// Result: A, B, C, D, E
any help in filling out the C0...C4 would be appreciated. I know this has to do with the matrices but I have not been able to figure it out. examples with pseudo code or real code would be most helpful.
I refuse to miss this opportunity to generalize. :)
Instead, we're going to learn a little bit about Lagrange polynomials and the Newton Divided Difference Method of their computation.
Lagrange Polynomials
Given n+1 data points, the interpolating polynomial is
where l_j(i) is
What this means is that we can find the polynomial approximating the n+1 points, regardless of spacing, etc, by just summing these polynomials. However, this is a bit of a pain and I wouldn't want to do it in C. Let's take a look at Newton Polynomials.
Newton Polynomials
Same start, given n+1 data points, the approximating polynomial is going to be
where each n(x) is
with a coefficient of
, being the divided difference.
The final form end's up looking like
As you can see, the formula is pretty easy given the divided difference values. You just do each new divided difference and multiply by each point so far. It should be noted that you'll end up with a polynomial of degree n from n+1 points.
Divided Difference
All that's left is to define the divided difference which is really best explained by these two pictures:
With this information, a C implementation should be reasonable to do. I hope this helps and I hope you learned something! :)
If the x values are equally spaced with x2-x1=h, x3-x2=h, x4-x3=h and x5-x4=h then
C0 = y1;
C1 = -(25*y1-48*y2+36*y3-16*y4+3*y5)/(12*h);
C2 = (35*y1-104*y2+114*y3-56*y4+11*y5)/(24*h*h);
C3 = -(5*y1-18*y2+24*y3-14*y4+3*y5)/(12*h*h*h);
C4 = (y1-4*y2+6*y3-4*y4+y5)/(24*h*h*h*h);
y(x) = C0+C1*(x-x1)+C2*(x-x1)^2+C3*(x-x1)^3+C4*(x-x1)^4
// where `^` denotes exponentiation (and not XOR).

collision detection between two lines

This is a fairly simple question. I need need an equation to determine whether two 2 dimensional lines collide with each other. If they do I also need to know the X and Y position of the collision.
Put them both in general form. If A and B are the same then they're parallel. Otherwise, create two simultaneous equations and solve for x and y.
Let A and B represented by this parametric form : y = mx + b
Where m is the slope of the line
Now in the case of parallelism of A and B their slope should be equal
Else they will collide with each other at point T(x,y)
For finding the coordinates of point T you have to solve an easy equation:
A: y = mx + b
B: y = Mx + B
y(A) = y(B) means : mx + b = Mx + B which yields to x = (B - b)/(m - M) and by putting
the x to the line A we find y = ((m*(B - b))/(m - M)) + b
so : T : ((B - b)/(m - M) , ((m*(B - b))/(m - M)) + b)

Logic Function Mod5 Problem

I am looking for a solution:
A= {0,1,2,3,4};
F(x) = 3x - 1 (mod5)
Could you help me to find the inverse. I am struggling with this as it seems to be not to be onto or 1to1.
Thank you for your help.
x = 2y + 2, where y = F(x)
-> 3x - 1 = 3(2y+2) - 1 = 6y + 5 = y (mod 5)
edit: if you want this to be evaluated for the list of principal values mod 5 [0,1,2,3,4], just evaluate 2y+2 for each of these, and what you get is [2,4,1,3,0]. Which, if you plug back into 3x-1, you get [0,1,2,3,4] as expected.
