Always resize the viewStack - apache-flex

I'm facing one weird problem : I'm using a viewStack which have is property resizeToContent set to true. When I'm selecting a child higher than the viewStack, it's correctly resized, but when I'm selecting another child which is smaller, the viewStack isn't resized !!!
What I want is that my viewStack get the height of the selectedChild each time.
though, the Adobe doc say :
If true, the ViewStack container automatically resizes to the size of its current child.
Have any idea ???
thanks a lot

as I haven't found any solution, I take a work around : I'm setting a default value for the height of my viewStack each time I'm changing the view seleted....
It's not very clean, but it's work
but if someone found a better soluce, I'll be happy :)


Getting QScrollArea to resize its child widget immediately

I have a QScrollArea (we'll call it myContainer) that contains and scrolls a child view (we'll call it myChildWidget). All works almost fine - when I change the height of myChildWidget dynamically in response to something, if the height exceeds that of myContainer (the QScrollArea), a vertical scroll bar pops into view, effectively narrowing myChildWidget since I've set it to resize its child using:
The problem is that myChildWidget is not actually resized until later, rather than right when I set its new height or try resizing myContainer, so I can't do certain things depending on its new width without subclassing and putting in a whole bunch of extra code. Surely there's something I can call to get the QScrollArea to auto-resize its child right away, right? I can use:
but the problem with that is that it causes the widgets to flash and redraw when I'm not done setting things up. I've tried update(), updateGeometry(), and adjustSize(), both on the container and its child, and none work. Anything I'm missing? Thanks for any help.

Adapting the width of a Flexs 3 DataGridColumn to the content of its ItemRenderer?

I have the following scenario :
A Flex 3 DataGrid is sitting here
At runtime, a column is added to this grid
The column has a custom ItemRenderer
The ItemRenderer inherits from HBox, and adds a few items to the HBOx dynamically
My problem is that the width of the column doesn't change. As a consequence, my column stays small, and an ugly horizontal scrollbar is displayed in the line, instead of my content (which is completely unreadable).
I would like the column to adapt its width to the content of the HBox in the ItemRenderer. I tried the following :
Setting the 'percentWidth' of the ItemRenderer to '100'
Invalidating the properties of the ItemRenderer after adding the items
The only thing that has a "visible" effect it to force the width of the DataGridColumn. Obviously this is not acceptable since I'm dynamically adding components to the ItemRenderer, and I don't know how many or how big they are.
Besides, when I am in the ItemRenderer, I have no access to the column itself (or do I ?) so I cannot force the size of the column from here.
So is there a way around this ? Would AdvancedDataGrid help here (notwhistanding the fact that I cannot really use it for other reasons ...)
Alternatively, I would be happy enough if someone has a solution where the column cell is displayed without the ugly horizontal scrollbar (don't mention setting horizontalScrollPolicy to "off", been there, tried that, lost shirt ;) ).
I did not found a solution for the size, however I found the way to remove the scrollbar ; you must put the "horizontalScrollPolicy : 'off'" in the list of properties of the itemRenderer Factory (rather then on the itemRenderer itself).

Resizing contents in TabNavigator in flex3

Hi I am working on tabNavigator in flex 3.
I have tileList within it. Contents in the tab comes dynamically so I cannot provide explicitly fixed height and width.
I need to resize the tabs depending on the contents within it.
To resize the tabs I have enabled 'resizeToContent' property of tabNavigator.For some reason it is not resizing as expected.
Could anybody please suggest me the way out of it.
Hey thanks Gregor for you reply,
'resizeToContent' works fine for other child items in tabNavigator but fails when I use tileList as child in tabNavigator that time tileList resizes to its default size(4 rows are only visible). So i was wondering if there any way so that I can force tileList to display all its items without putting scrollbars after its default size.
just by invalidating size on creationComplete ,will that resize all tabs for me. I am having n-number of tabs in tabNavigator as user can add tabs and content within it.
Could you please explain me, how can I achieve this.
I am new to flex so just getting confused with its behaviorand struggling with this issue from long time.
resizeToContent only works when the user changes tabs. If you want the tab to resize once the content has been added, you need to listen for the appropriate event (creationComplete probably) and invalidate the size of the TabNavigator. That will give it an opportunity to resize itself.

calculate the height of parent element

I have three datagrids inside VBox container. Since I don't want scrollbar in my flex widget i am increasing the height of SWF
through javascript, which increases with each addition of row in my datagrid. My query is how can I get the exact height of
my VBox which is the parent element of datagrid. I am not able to get the height of VBox. I have tried to use measuredHeight,height with no success.
Could anybody please suggest me the way out for the same.
Thanks in advance!!!
vbox.height should give you theheight of the DataGrid.

How do I enable autoresizing for a Flex UIComponent?

I have a class which extends UIComponent and draws directly onto a Sprite contained within. Currently I'm (probably incorrectly) listening to the Event.RESIZE event and drawing the contents when the width and height are non-zero. The problem is that even though I've passed percentage widths to the instance tag, it doesn't appear to be resized along with other Flex components on the page, certainly the resize event isn't being fired at all.
I've hacked it for the moment by binding the width and height to a container which does resize, but how should I really be handling this?
Update :
It turns out I was setting the width and height somewhere in the redraw method (I have no recollection of why I did this!). I shall go hang my head in shame now...
I think you need to provide more information. I'm doing exactly the same, and it works smoothly for me. Perhaps the answer lies somewhere else: e.g. exactly what type of container do you use? Isn't it possible that the space gained/lost on resizing gets allocated to some other component within the cointainer? Try substituting your own component with an mx:Box with some colored background, and see if that resizes with the container.
