How can I access textbox properties in a custom validator? -

I want to build a custom validator control that inherits from BaseValidator. It will only be used on textboxes in my application. How can I get access to the textbox itself (read properties of the textbox) within the custom validator?
Here is what I have in my EvaluateIsValid function:
Dim t As TextBox = CType(Page.FindControl(Me.ControlToValidate), TextBox)
Return t.Text.Length <= t.MaxLength
It can't seem to find the control, so it breaks with a null reference exception. Can I do this another way?

To get the textbox:
Dim t As TextBox = CType(Me.FindControl(Me.ControlToValidate), TextBox)


How can I pass a textbox value from one aspx page to another aspx page in

I am trying to pass a textbox value from one aspx page to another aspx page. I have tried - Previous page property and Application variable. I do not want to use cookies for this textbox. I have tried the below code in page 2 and it throws me "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error.
Any help would be appreciated.
If Not IsNothing(Request.Cookies("IMF")("UserID")) Then
lblUserID.Text = (Request.Cookies("IMF")("UserID").ToString())
Dim txt As TextBox
txt = CType(Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("txtUsername"), TextBox)
If Not IsNothing(txt) Then
lblUserName.Text = Server.HtmlEncode(txt.Text)
lblUserName.Text = "[Name Not available]"
End If
End If

Datalist Controls access in ASP.NET

i am using a DataList that contains a few TextBox within a table. i had tried the code is the code behind
TextBox txtbox = dlCRR.FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;
The error is
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
When i debug i am seeing a null value. why is this?
You won't be able to find the textbox directly from the datalist control. You will have to find it from the DataList.Items.
TextBox txt = myDataList.Items[indexOfWhatIamLookingFor].FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;
or if you want to iterate all items
foreach (DataListItem dli in myDataList.Items)
TextBox txt = dli.FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;

Creating a New control of the same type as another control that is already declared

I'm using a custom template class to generate lines with my repeater control, i'd like to be able to specify the controls in this repeater dynamically from the code behind my aspx page.
In the code behind I've added controls to a list like this:
Dim lstControls As New List(Of Control)
lstControls.Add(New TextBox)
lstControls.Add(New Label)
lstControls.Add(New CheckBox)
lstControls.Add(New DropDownList)
lstControls.Add(New CheckBox)
Then i use this line to add the controls to my template
rptrSummary.ItemTemplate = New myTemplate(ListItemType.Item, , lstControls)
From the instantiateIn sub i'm doing something like this:
Dim ph As New PlaceHolder
For i = 0 To lstControls.Count - 1
This doesn't work properly and following .databind() of my repeater control the controls i specify only appear on the final row. I think this is because i've only declared the controls as NEW once, so i only have one rows worth.
tldr?/ conclusion:
How can i generate new controls of the same type as controls from my list? Something like:
Dim newControl as new Control = type(lstControl(0))
(this obviously doesn't work)
I've found the answer, here are some examples in case anyone else is stuck (i may also change the title so it's more similar to likely search criteria):
dim egTextbox as new textbox
dim egLabel as new label
dim newObject1 as Object = Activator.CreateInstance(egTextbox.GetType)
dim newObject2 as Object = Activator.CreateInstance(egLabel.GetType)
newObject1 is now a textbox
newObject2 is now a label

Can't clear credentials textboxes on ASP.NET CreateUserWizard Control

I have a CreateUserWizard control using forms authentication on my login/create user page. I customized the CreateUserWizardStep1 so that I could add some additional validators.
After successfully creating a user with the control and it displays "Complete
Your account has been successfully created." I have added an additional button that will allow the person to create another user by setting the ActiveStepIndex = 0. The problem is, while it sets the ActiveStepIndex correctly, it retains the old user account credentials. I try to clear them manually using the following code, but they still stick...Anyone have any ideas?
Protected Sub btnCreateAnotherUser_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Me.cuwMain.ActiveStepIndex = 0
End Sub
Private Sub CleanCreateNewUserInput()
Dim txtUserName As TextBox
txtUserName = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "UserName")
txtUserName.Text = String.Empty
Dim txtPassword As TextBox
txtPassword = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "Password")
txtPassword.Text = String.Empty
Dim txtConfirmPassword As TextBox
txtConfirmPassword = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "ConfirmPassword")
txtConfirmPassword.Text = String.Empty
Dim txtEmail As TextBox
txtEmail = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "Email")
txtEmail.Text = String.Empty
Dim txtQuestion As TextBox
txtQuestion = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "Question")
txtQuestion.Text = String.Empty
Dim txtAnswer As TextBox
txtAnswer = FindControlIterative(Me.cuwMain, "Answer")
txtAnswer.Text = String.Empty
End Sub
It finds the textboxes correctly, but it does not actually reset their values, even though in the debugger it says it did.
Thoughts ?
What happens if you call Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString(), true)? That should clear everything for you.
Also, the recursive nature of the FindControlIterative call would make your code quite expensive to run as it has to drill down into the control heirarchy for every control that you are looking for.
The problem with your code is that:
In a Wizard control, ViewState is not responsible for storing the modified values for controls such as TextBoxes. These controls implement the IPostBackDataHandler interface. The LoadPostBackData event fires in the page lifecycle, in which the VALUES of the controls load from the form HTTP POST headers... which are resubmitted by the client...
So how to destroy the HTTP POST Headers to clear the control values?
A new request results in new HTTP POST Headers... simply do this in the Button click event handler:
This has the added benefit that it goes to Step 1 of the wizard so you also dont have to do... wiz.MoveTo(wiz.WizardSteps[0]).
Credit to Konrad - ASP.Net Wizard - How to clear contents of web controls
I feel silly posting this..., but I just turned viewstate off on the CreateUserWizard control and that did it.
Thanks for the help Daniel, I now have a better understanding on how ASP.NET stores information.

previouspage.findcontrol getting variable from previous page

i am trying to retain the value of a variable from a previous page. i believe this is the C# way to do this, but i would like the way can someone please help:
TextBox myTxt = (TextBox)Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("previousPageTextBox");
currentPageTextBox.text = myTxt.Text;
i would like to know how to code this in
i tried this:
Dim myTxt As TextBox = CType(Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("Textbox1"), TextBox)
TextBox1.Text = myTxt.Text
but i got this error msg:
use the new keyword to create an object instance
This should do it, also make sure you are using Server.Transfer to go between pages.. but I am sure you already know this:
Dim myTxt as TextBox = CType(Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("previousPageTextBox"), TextBox)
currentPageTextBox.text = myTxt.Text
dim txt as TextBox =CType( Page.PreviousPage.FindControl("previousPageTextBox"),
currentPageTextBox.Text = txt.Text
PS:- You need to set the previous page in the page where you want to find the control.
<%# PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/Test.aspx" %>
Also better way will be to create an function on previous page which returns the text in textbox.
internal function TextBoxText() as string
return myTextPage.Text
end function
and use this on next page like this:
currentPageTextbox.Text = Page.PrevousPage.TextBoxText
let me know if this works because I've not used vb for long long time.
PPS:- It is only available if you user Server.Transfer or go to currentPage using some contorl like LinkButton from simple href links PreviousPage is null
