Get loaded CSS between 2 divs as stylesheet.css - css

I'm trying to get a specific generated CSS for an area on one of my sites to use this CSS on the homepage from one of my sites.
I used all types of soft and FF add-ons to get the complete CSS for that specific area. However, they do not combine the CSS as 1.
I still have to copy/paste and have a chance of getting duplicate-loaded CSS.
My hope is that there exists a code snippet that reads the CSS between 2 divs and generate a .css file on the fly so I can use the generated CSS in another project.
(The reason I ask this is because there are over 4000 lines of CSS loaded from different CSS files.)

If you inspect an element (right click on it, "Inspect Element") in Chrome there's a styles window on the right, underneath that is Computed Style, this includes everything non-standard about that element including all ancestors properties that made it that way.
Using the styles listed under there, you can get everything together that made the style you're seeing.


How to export CSS modifications made in Firefox Dev Tools? [duplicate]

My preferred CSS workflow (at least when tweaking existing CSS) is to edit directly in the browser using the 3-panel Inspector panel, then copy the edited styles to my stylesheet.
Sometimes I'll edit the styles for many elements and forget that I edited some element (since you can only see if it's edited AFAICT by selecting exactly that element and looking for rules with a green bar to the left). Then I'll fail to manually copy that element's style changes to my stylesheet and, on reload, lose the changes.
Is there somewhere I can see all the places where I've edited styles using Inspector -- including adding new rules -- so that I can copy them all at once?
The Firefox devtools now have a "Changes" tab with a Git-like panel showing all your changes.

Is it possible to see all edited styles in Firefox developer tools?

My preferred CSS workflow (at least when tweaking existing CSS) is to edit directly in the browser using the 3-panel Inspector panel, then copy the edited styles to my stylesheet.
Sometimes I'll edit the styles for many elements and forget that I edited some element (since you can only see if it's edited AFAICT by selecting exactly that element and looking for rules with a green bar to the left). Then I'll fail to manually copy that element's style changes to my stylesheet and, on reload, lose the changes.
Is there somewhere I can see all the places where I've edited styles using Inspector -- including adding new rules -- so that I can copy them all at once?
The Firefox devtools now have a "Changes" tab with a Git-like panel showing all your changes.

conflicting css files while including it in .jsp ppage

Whenever I am trying to include an .html page (which contain a navigation bar in bootstrap code) in my jsp page, then it doesn't show all the details on navigation bar. But whenever I tried to include it in a separate single page, it shows everything. It is clear that there might be a conflicting .css file, because I have some code in my jsp file.
How can I fix this?
Without being able to examine the css in question myself (which might help matters) all I can really do is advise how to examine CSS.
Using Google Chrome, the best way to figure out CSS conflicts is to right click on an element - e.g. the problematic nav bar - and click Inspect Element.
This should bring up a bar similar to the one shown here:
Note the styling details on the left - it allows you to easily trace where the CSS that affects the element you've inspected comes from. More importantly, it also has a line through 'padding:.6em .8em;' - this is an overridden style, and the padding a bit further below which has no underlines is the style that overrides it.
If you're having CSS problems like this, you should be able to trace which styles are being overridden using the chrome inspect window. If you post your CSS, I might be able to be a bit more specific.

Trouble finding the right CSS to modify

I am building a site using Drupal 7 and have run into a CSS issue. I am trying to wrap everything on this registration page in the center and at the same time reduce the width of the drop down buttons. I believe I've narrowed the problem to my logintobaggan (drupal module) css sheet. But the button "widths" seem to be from the foundation.min.css (according to chrome elements). How would you guys approach this CSS problem? I am relatively new, so please don't be too harsh ;). Thanks!
I would get Firebug or similar in-browser development tool, select the element you are interested in seeing the CSS properties for, and then see exactly which rules are being applied or overridden. You can even modify the CSS right there in the tool until you get want you want.
From such a tool, I can see that the button widths are not explicitly defined, but are basically derived from the amount of padding (5px) around the text string inside the button.
The rules are defined starting on line 41 of this file:

How to use Firebug to easily find which css file defines a particular style

Maybe I'm just a Firebug newbie, or maybe there is some other better tool? But I'm trying to easily find which of several linked css files, defines a specific element's style.
For instance in a production environment I can pinpoint that a style named left-tab is being applied to a specific element, and it renders properly. In the development environment the same style is applied within the HTML, but is not being rendered the same way as in production.
The production and development environments each include 9 css files. I want to easily find which one defines the style left-tab. Using the CSS tab I can open and even (temporarily) edit each of these, but how do I search through these? Ctrl-F searches the HTML document itself, as opposed to the CSS contained within the Firebug pane.
Activate the style tab in the right panel "Style | Computed | Layout | DOM ". For every CSS rule, there will be a blue link "mystyles.css (line 22). You can quickly jump to a rule by activating Element Inspector (The box w/ mouse on the far left hand, hotkey is Ctrl + Shift + C. Highlighting over your element with Element Inspector (you can also click on it) will show you all the CSS rules that apply (or were overwritten).
When you right click an element and click 'inspect element' the box in the bottom right will display CSS styles for that element, just above each one it tells you which CSS file it came from and what line.
