Career day in kindergarten: how to demonstrate programming in 20 minutes? [closed] - children

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Closed 10 years ago.
Original Question
I was invited to the kindergarten group of my elder daughter to talk and answer the kids' questions about my profession. There are 26 kids of age 4-6 in the group, plus 3 teachers who are fairly scared of anything related to programming and IT themselves, but bold enough to learn new tricks. I would have about 20-30 minutes, without projector or anything. They have an old computer though, which by its look may be a 486, and I am not even sure if it's functioning (Update: it isn't).
My research turned up excellent earlier threads, with lots of good tips:
How would you explain your job to a 5-year old?
Career Day: how do I make “computer programmer” sound cool to 8 year olds?
What things can I teach a group of children about programming in one day?
My situation is different from each of the above though: the latter ones are concerned with older children, while the first one is about talking to a single kid (or elder person) — a group of 20 is a whole different challenge.
How can I teach the kids and their teachers about programming in a fun way?
Plan Based on Answers
Thanks for all the amazing answers, guys :-) I don't think it makes sense to accept a single answer, but I like Jim's the most, just as the majority of SOers apparently do. However, a lot of other answers contain useful hints and ideas (some of which I will surely use on future Career days in the school...).
I put together a rough plan:
Briefly explain what programming is, like in this answer.
Tell that computers are everywhere, and collect examples with the kids (as suggested in several answers below).
Do Jim's presentation with the sandwiches.
If time allows, build it further:
explain that the strength of computers is that they remember exactly what they are once taught (and demonstrate it by preparing a second sandwich, repeating all the faults of the first attempt)
have a second round trying to fix the bugs in the process
explain the concept of loops: you can make the computer prepare n sandwiches with a single instruction
This is my plan - I am pretty sure it will turn out very differently, so I will improvise according to the situation. The presentation is scheduled in about 2 weeks time - I will update the post afterwards and tell how it actually went...
Finally the day of the presentation arrived today... in brief, all went fine and it was a huge success :-)
The group turned out to be quite restless and energetic this time, so the conversation occasionally went a bit chaotic. I had to cut it short and get to the Big Sandwich Maker Show. Just as Jim described, the kids loved it.
There was one unforeseen side effect though: after the first slice of bread finally got ready, everyone wanted to eat! So for a while - during which I tried to keep up the conversation and explain more about programming - we had to install a sort of emergency service line with the kindergarten teachers to produce immense amounts of marmalade bread and feed the hungry crowd (this was half an hour after breakfast, for the record :-). Then we ran out of bread, which clearly meant the end of the presentation. The biggest burst of laugh erupted when after cleaning up the mess, the kids noticed that the poor computer stepped on a patch of marmalade which ruined his sock :-)
The teachers themselves were also very positively impressed - judging from the feedback, this was the best and funniest Career day in this group so far. Thanks again to all of you for the great ideas!
Things that could be improved (next time):
When I asked "do you think computers are smart?", to my surprise most of them answered "no". I then asked who thinks computers are smart, and why. However I neglected to ask who thinks computers are dumb, and why - thus I think I missed some potentially intriguing answers.
Inviting the kids to come around the table got them actively involved... but maybe a bit too actively at times. Bread slices started to disappear from the table and some of the audience mimicked the computer as closely as dipping their own fingers into the butter and the marmalade :-) So it is better to keep some distance.
To keep the hungry crowd under control, the kids should be clearly told in advance: "you can eat all the bread, but only after the demonstration!"
But overall, I am quite happy with the outcome. And I am sure the kids got the core message: as a programmer, if you avoid creating a mess, you can make your bread (even with marmalade :-)

I've done this before.
I laid down a lot of paper towels on a table, and got out a loaf of (cheap) bread, a small tub of butter, a small jar of jelly, and a plastic butter knife.
I said to the kids, "How many of you think computers are smart?" Most of them raised their hands. I said, "Computers are really dumb. People are smart. You have to tell a computer everything. It doesn't know how to do anything. I'm going to show you what I mean. I'm going to pretend I'm as dumb as a computer, and you guys tell me how to make a sandwich."
And when the first kid said "open the bag of bread!" I ripped the bag apart and let bread fall randomly all over the table. That got a lot of giggles. I continued to take the kids literally at their words until they learned to give short, specific commands, and eventually we ended up with a butter and jelly sandwich. There was a lot of laughter but they came away understanding, at least a little, what a programmer does for a living.
(I should note, I've also done this demonstration with adults in an "intro to programming" class, and it works just as well with them.)

What about doing a kinesthetic version of Logo?
Say you have two kids side by side. Can they figure out how to switch places using only the commands Step Forward, Step Back, Turn Left 90 Degrees, and Turn Right 90 Degrees? I'm sure there are other games like going through a maze, etc.
I'd think you'd keep their attention if you can keep them moving. This will spark the interest. They'll figure out later that the job is sedentary. ;)

Don't try to show them anything on the computer. Watching someone else type is boring for adults. For 5-year-olds, it's a recipe for anarchy.
Instead, make it interactive. Some form of "Simon Says," but have them be the programmer.

I've never tried this, but it might be fun.
Physically demonstrate an algorithm by using some attribute of each kid as the input data.
For example, get them to form a line (in whatever order they go to initially), side by side. This might work better in a semi-circle so they can see each other doing the exercise, but there has to be a break in the line somewhere. Then, starting at one end of the line, get them to take turns doing "if the classmate on your left is taller than you, switch places; otherwise, stay put." The game ends when you go through the line and no one switches places. Get them to observe the results. (Hint: bubble sort!)

Make them write short programs for you to do simple things (like enter the room and take a seat) and then execute them literally to demonstrate the "bugs" -- where they were not specific enough or didn't take something into account, so that you will do things wrong. Try not to hurt yourself in the process. It should be funny and will get them a pretty good idea of what an algorithm is.

To turn the kids onto programming, you drive up to the kindergarten in your Rolls Royce and walk in with your gorgeous significant other.
If you're not Bill Gates, then you'll just have to explain that you sit in boring meetings for 4 hours a day, print cover sheets for TPS reports for 2 hours, and stare at stupid stuff written by preceding clueless programmers for the other 6 hours. (No need to mention that then you field calls from people who are maintaining your last program and who think YOU are the preceding clueless guy).
No, i'm not bitter, why do you ask?
Seriously, (I am sure I'm plagiarizing from one of those 3 threads subconsciously), have them play "give instructions to me on how to do Y", with you doing things the Genie way - all wrong unless instructions are very precise and clear. Actually mention genie as good example assuming the kids saw Aladdin.

I think you could do the following demonstration in 20 minutes. Maybe it's more suited for older children. I don't really know what kindergarteners are capable of. I'd personally avoid trying to explain programming, and instead describe a problem that we as programmers solve. For example, if there are enough children, you can demonstrate the Internet to them interactively.
Part I: How it Works
First describe to them, preferably with props, how the Internet works. Bring in a laptop connected by a cable (for visual effect) to a home router. Tell how computer programmers make all sorts of devices, including the programs on the laptop, the program in the router, and applications in other devices connected to the Internet, like cell phones.
Explain how computers aren't connected directly to each other because it's impossible to connect a cable from every computer in the world to every computer. You'd need a billion cables in your house. So instead, computers connect to routers. And routers give packets of data (for example, e-mails, pictures, or videos) to other routers until it finally gets to the other computer.
Describe the rules for a computer to talk to another:
A computer can only give a packet to its router.
A router can give a packet to the computers connected to it, or to the nearest router.
This explanation should be very short, but emphasize the rules. You should probably equate packets with e-mail or pictures.
Part II: Interactive Time
Then have 3 children volunteer to be routers. Everyone else is a computer and divide them up evenly. It'd help to have colored cards they can hold. Like the person holding the dark blue card is router that can talk to all the people holding light blue cards. Let's say you give out blue, red, and yellow cards.
Arrange the "routers" in a line, blue, then red, then yellow. The blue router will then have to give a packet to the red router to give it to the yellow router. Group the other kids around their routers.
Bring "packets" for each child. Mix it up with photos, letters, a print-out of tic-tac-toe to symbolize a game, or whatever. Start by having a single red computer send to a yellow computer.
"Ashley, pick a yellow computer that you want to send your picture to. OK, to send the picture to Brian, you have to give it to your router, Kelly. Tell Kelley who should get the picture. Kelley, you are blue, so you can't give the picture to Brian. You have to give it to Timmy. Tell Timmy who should get the picture. Timmy is red, so he can't give it to Brian. He has to give it to Renee. Renee, you can give the picture to Brian since he is a yellow computer and you are the yellow router."
Then have everyone think of one person to send their "packet" to, and watch your impromptu network in action.
Part III: Relate back to computer programming
To conclude, ask the routers whether it was easy to be a router, or hard because there was a lot of people trying to give you pictures at one time. Point out where things went wrong and tie it into real problems that we solve.
"I could see that Timmy was overloaded with packets because everyone had to send their packet through him. As computer programmers, we have to solve problems like this every day. One way we could solve it is to give Timmy 4 arms. Or maybe add another router so that if Timmy has too many packets to deliver, you could give it to a different router instead." Or "Maybe we want pictures to be delievered faster, so we could ask the router to deliver the picture first before delivering any other packets."

To kind of borrow from the other ideas already posted, a game of Simon Says may be the way to go. However, you can stress how computers will do EXACTLY what you tell them to do. So, if the kids are Simon, and they say, "Simon says sit down." then you just sit down on the floor (not in a nearby chair or anything). Follow instructions to the letter and not to the spirit. (Of course, this may be tricky getting the kids to give ambiguous instructions, but I'm sure you can come up with something.)
Other than that, you could also talk about video games or other computer "things" that the kids may have used and you can say that programmers, like yourself, create those. And then maybe jump into the Simon Says to show how it works. Of course, this could result in a bunch of kids growing up thinking that you spend your entire day at work playing Simon Says with a computer...

I sometimes regard my job as playing with Lego bricks. You start with a set of bricks of different sizes, shapes and colors, and from that you build larger things. You can build castles or star wars robots using the same set of bricks.
And, it's about the same amount of fun!

One of the major perks of programming is the ability to create things. To make dreams come true. I don’t think this will appeal very much to small children who have no problem to let their imagination roam free anyway. What do computers bring to the table?
Instead, you could probably interest them in problem-solving, puzzles. The kind of thinking that is needed for programming. I probably wouldn’t use a computer at all; instead, let them solve an engaging mathematical puzzle. It doesn’t have to be hard but it should involve creative thinking.

When I try to explain programming in a short amount of time to people who aren't familiar with programming, I explain it using Legos. With Legos you have a bunch of simple pieces, this is like the programming language. Then you can piece them together however you want and make anything that you can imagine as long as you have the correct pieces.
To adults and kid this is likely to be a very interesting analogy and it still demonstrates the concept of programming.
Also, you could even build a Lego car poorly, then also display a Lego car with very nice design, and show them that programming is just like this. You can program cars or robots or whatever you can imagine, but there's not only one way to do it, there are many ways to do it. some better than others.
I have gotten so many people to begin programming and even switch their majors with this analogy. :)

I think I'd begin by talking for 2-3 minutes about computers, and that they follow instructions about what to do.
Then I'd demonstrate with a prebuilt LEGO Mindstorms robot and program it a couple of times and run it, just to show them that it follows the program. Mindstorms programming is pretty visual and simple to grasp.
Finally I'd try to explain that there are computers running programs almost everywhere, even in traffic lights, microwave ovens and their favourite toys.

Talk about how pervasive computer programming is - it guides airlines, phones, cars, how you buy your tickets online etc.
Then teach them to write a simple program symbolically -
1.Draw a grid on the blackboard.
2.Draw cheese at one end, and a mouse at the other end.
3.Have them "program" the moues to get the cheese!
Walk them through their failed attempts as a class, maybe have the mouse fall in traps or something in the grid. They would get a thrill out of it.

How to teach kids what programming is?
Well, the first step is likely to get some cows involved!
Download a simple programming game (like IQ Marathon) onto the laptop and hook that up to a projector. While you're doing this you can talk about how being a programmer often means working with recent technology (and thereby giving a demonstration of you doing so).
Once you've got it set up (practice so you can make it work in 5 minutes or less), you can use the game to show very visually (and with cows!) how the computer only does exactly what you tell it to, and how you (the programmer) have to figure out what instructions are necessary to make it do what you want. When you get it right, everybody is so happy about your success that there are dancing cows!
From there you can answer any questions, or perhaps just let the kids try and figure out how to program cows themselves. Wherever they want to go, really.

Give each child a cut out shape; circles, squares, triangles, different colors etc. Explain how programming is giving instructions in specific order. Hold up a picture of a smiley face and walk the kids through how to construct it. Yellow circle, black dot, black dot, arc. Then show a more complicated picture, and have the kids come up in order based on your instructions. You can even make a mistake (like putting the yellow circle over the black dots) to show how 'Bugs' creep into a program.

Demonstrate a simple lego mindstorm robot and its corresponding flow chart. You wont have to show then any code and they can see the end result of your logic by watching the lego execute your program.

Kids likes things that "do something" and flashing lights.
For my sons birthday, I made a safe (box with electric lock and lots of leds) that was connected with the PC.
They had some questions to answer, and each response resulted in flashing leds (green for good answers and red for wrong answers). If they answered enough questions right, the leds started a simple animation which ended with a loud "clonk". The safe was now open and they could collect their rewards.
It was fun to build and the kids loved it.

Sell them on the value of unattended automation. Have a kid walk to the front of the room and show the class what he does each night when he's brushing his teeth. Then have that same kid show you what he'd be doing during that time if he didn't have to brush his teeth.
Then tell that kid that you know how to move that brush across his teeth while he's doing that other thing that he'd rather be doing, and tell him he'll never even feel it. His teeth will just magically be clean next time his mother goes to inspect them.
Then maybe write some pseudocode on the chalk board that shows the Brush API accessing the Tooth resource in a background thread behind the Favorite activity.


Online Classroom: VSat, Leased line or something else?

One of my friends is planning to set up a online classroom sort of environment and currently is evaluating the various ISP/Connection options he can have. Though he certainly needs a 100% up time of the internet connection, it can be compromised to like 99.X% for a good internet speed. Also since he is just starting up, 'price' too is a constraint but quality should not be compromised.
VSat link is one of the options that we know that might work out but I am very confused googling on the benifts of a VSat link as compared to a leased line. I feel a 2 MBPS leased line(may be 2) can suffice.
What should be the right connection? Any thoughts?
VSat is going to have a noticeable delay if you're doing anything interactive. It's also prone to weather (heavy storms, snow, can affect the quality of the link). Also, are you in a remote area or a developing country? If you're not, then you should just go with some business DSL line.

Tips on managing all the godly wonders of information?

Ever since I started coding back in 2008 I was addicted to it and I still am today. Typically not a day goes by that I don't touch some code. What the hell is my point... I'll get to it soon I promise. I have been writing PHP for roughly a year, I absolutely love it and HTML for 2, and I can't get enough of them. However, I want to broaden my skill set to a larger field. At the moment, I find HTML really boring, in fact the UI (specifically HTML) is the portion of my projects I want to do the least. I know some Ruby, Python, java, C, and Perl; but I want to become as proficient in a few of these as I am in PHP.
I want to focus mainly on Ruby/ROR and learning Objective-C/Cocoa. I have books out of the ying-yang, but I have yet to fully finish reading any of them.
Finally what begs the question, how in the world can I focus on all of this yet at the same time keep doing what I am going with PHP (which is making medium size applications). I have the determination and I'm not going anywhere (I'm to young to like die or something), any tips?
(This is really about productivity and not programming, but I think it deserves an answer) Find a project that you're so passionate about, that if you don't finish it right now you will go insane. Then find a piece of the project that you can finish tonight. Then find a smaller piece that you can finish before you go to dinner. Finish that piece. After that, don't break the chain.
Also, don't multitask. You think you're good at it, but you're not (don't worry, no one is).

Can software developing in a large team be interesting and fun? [closed]

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I've been in the business of developing hardware and software for 19 years now. In the earlier days the projects and teams I worked on were smaller, much more effective and more fun.
The effect of the input of one single developer to the final product and to its success was evident to everybody. We had direct contact to and feedback from the customers. This was rewarding for our work and a very effective way to improve the product.
With the years the complexity of hard and software increases and more and more people were needed to get things done on time. The downside of the trend to bigger teams for me is that the contribution of a single developer to the project success gets smaller and smaller. And we lose the contact to real world of the users and customers because of growing QA departments more and more.
I always enjoyed my work and kept in touch with latest technologies like OOP, UML, .NET, and whatever. I already worked a few years as a team leader but I didn't like it very much because I missed developing and coding.
I'm just frustrated about the fact that my piece of the whole "thing" we're working on gets smaller and smaller and I lose the overview about it and the contact to the ground. Please don't understand me wrong, I don't want to cry for the good old days but for me the work on more and more specialized sub modules of a giant system simply gets more and more boring.
I'm wondering if I'm alone feeling like that and maybe if you have some advice how to bring the fun back to my work. And sorry, no, I'm not interested in working on an open source project in my free time. Nine hours a day in front of a computer screen are enough, life is more than coding...
I also require interaction with and feedback from the customer. However, a customer can be many things. As long as I'm satisfying someone (end user, team leader, big boss, etc.) then that's enough for me. The interaction itself is the key factor.
As for the feeling of pride and ownership from having a large impact on the system, again it's a matter of focus. You are still creating something, even if it's a smaller piece of the whole.
I long ago realized that I'm a small fish in a big pond. Learning to feel happy about my place in that pond was the only solution.
IOW, it's all relative!
I guess it all depends, there is a degree of camaraderie that comes with smaller teams and a lesser chance of ego's colliding. I have experienced both and they both have their upsides and downsides. To be honest, while working on a larger team I learned so much from other programmers, you think you know a lot, but someone always knows more.
It all depends on the team and the egos of the individuals.
When working on a team with ego problems, it doesn't matter how cool the technology is or how much interaction you get with the customers. One bad apple can drain all of the fun out of working on an otherwise cool project.
On the other hand, if the team has gelled, it matters very little if the technology is out-of-date, or the business problem is boring. Working on an back-office accounting system using VI and 10-year-old beta C++ compilers can still be invigorating when you feel like your peers are in the same fight and have your back. When you learn from others and are listened to when you have some new approach to try. When the developers control the build/test/deploy process so that it's sane and improves the lives (and sleep patterns) of the support team. When your peers (and you them) are always willing to help with an obscure language issue or work through a maddening bug. That what makes programming fun and interesting regardless of everything else.
You may want to consider changing companies back to a smaller company where you had a broader set of responsiblities, for one idea. Also, what are changes in the process that would help with the points you don't like?
I do have the question of what you mean by large here? Would a team of 50 people in a project be large? Or is it more like 1,000 to be large? On one level I'm asking for scale as there are teams beyond large if one wants to look at all the developers that work on Microsoft's big products like Office and Windows while at the other end of the spectrum are the one person development teams that do it all.
I'd second Kelly's answer that it depends on the team and egos for another big factor in things. What do you consider fun? Is it finding more efficient ways to solve problems that have poor solutions? Is it conquering a Millenium puzzle? Or is seeing someone smile while using your software what makes it fun? Lots of different possible answers and while I can make suggestions, how good or bad they are is totally for you to interpret.
I don't think you're alone in disliking how as a company matures the process can change as new people in various roles are added with increased bureaucracy and losing agility as it may take more signatures to get a change to be allowed or developers lose that touch to the customer of their product. There is a spectrum of various ways to produce software and some places may have less process in place and be focusing on "just make it work" while other places may want the process to be much more formal and organized with 1,001 policies for every little thing. At which end do you want to be working?
To answer the question as it's asked in the title: No!
I feel very similar and talked to many others who think the same. From my experience small teams are much more fun to work with and by that (and some other reasons) they're much more effective.
Thank you all for your interesting and valuable answers (and for correcting grammar and spelling :-)
You gave me some big points to think about:
The missing interaction with custumers (whatever "customer" means)
The interaction and feedback inside the developer team
What means fun for me. I think its more the smile in the face of the user than the use of cutting-edge technology.
How to deal with the sometimes overwhelming processes.
Last but not least to find my comfortable place in the big pond. It may be not the one where I'm staying at the moment...

Is geographic distance still a problem? [closed]

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There are a lot of good solutions for audio and video conferencing, task, calender and document management. We got specs, uml diagrams, code generators, etc.
But still companies pour tons of cash so that people can be physically there even in the times of recession and i wonder why?
Nothing beat a face to face meeting. Period.
I work with a remote development team every day and I can only support other responders in saying that NOTHING beats working face-to-face. You need the subtle cues of body language, facial expression, and the ease of communication when you're physically present such as doodling on a whiteboard. Video conferencing is a close second but the organizational issues are difficult to overcome (meeting rooms, webcams, bandwidth...).
Communication through documentation works to some extent, but is often perceived as unnecessary overhead by developers who drank the Agile kool-aid. I try to use the phone, skype, MSN or e-mail as much as possible, but it works better with those people of the team that I've actually worked with in-person for at least a few days.
Distance isn't to much the problem, to be honest. You're either co-located or you're not.
We use a combination of Skype IM, Skype Voice, mobile phones and email to keep in touch. We haven't really got into webcams properly, but even then, there's something about face to face contact you can't really replicate with technology.
I think most companies see splitting up their workforce as a step-change. A company that started out with homeworkers is better able to find and establish an office to move them into than the other way round. Money is only one consideration - it really does change the way the team works, and if you get it wrong, you don't have a team, you have a bunch of solo developers who actually take longer to do things.
Of course, it's also easier to recruit and mentor new members of the team if there's an office for everyone to work in.
Many people do better face-to-face. Many people do just as well at a distance. However, people in management tend to more focused on interpersonal relations, which generally means they're face-to-face people. So, as a general rule, people in management tend to dislike or distrust meeting at a distance.
Furthermore, meetings are very often unproductive. This applies to meetings at a distance and face-to-face meetings. Indeed, it's significantly easier to get off-topic, unprofessional, and unproductive when meeting face to face. However, when an at-a-distance meeting is unproductive, it's almost always seen as such because it was at a distance. It can be exceptionally frustrating to deal with the technology and limitations of remote meetings, and it's infinitely easier to blame the situation and the technology for your lack of productivity.
To sum up: people are a problem.
I have a few cynical and contrary opinions on this, based on my experience working for a large Australian organisation with branches all over the country and my current remote work for a US company.
Cynically - face to face works so you can do deals off the record. This may not be as corrupt or as underhand as it sounds but an astounding amount of management-level decision making happens where people negotiate relative tradeoffs involving influence, favors accrued and owed and stuff which is hard or embarrassing to quantify. Even when an organisation has a commitment to using teleconferencing, groups emerge who negotiate off-camera and thus acquire a competitive advantage.
At the purely technical level, I think face-to-face is nowhere near as important as cited. The political issue is in drawing this distinction - if you label your stuff as non-political and safe to do via remote comms, you are explicitly labeling the other negotiations as somehow not safe. Another aspect is that people looking to move up to management need to become visible and a known player in the face-to-face discussions.
Developers, including myself, are notoriously poor at picking up the non-verbal cues cited above (just ask my wife!). In a relaxed atmosphere of trust, they can use emoticons and in-jokes explicitly in IM sessions without worrying about translating someone else's expression, especially across cultures.
IM sessions, with the ability to search the transcript, are far more efficient than verbal or video conversations, when discussing projects. If you don't pick up some nuance at the time someone says it, you can go back and examine the exact sentence in context.
I use video chat infrequently and the main use of voice chat is so I can talk to my boss in his spare time whilst he's driving. Those are good conversations to give me a general feel for how things are going but usually inadequate for technical.
Here's a podcast that talks about distributed software development: Managing Commercial Software Projects. Here's a blurb from the show page:
Andy Singleton is an entrepreneur who
has long studied and practiced the art
of distributed software development.
Influenced by the open source and
agile movements, he has arrived at
some startling conclusions about how
to manage commercial projects. Among
them: don't interview people, don't
estimate schedules, and don't spend
time in teleconferences. In this
conversation with host Jon Udell he
explains why not to do these things,
and what to do instead.
I thought it was pretty interesting.
Face to face meetings provide a lot of visual feedbacks which you do not get in other means. This is must if you want to discuss important subjects like architecture, reviews etc, which tend to be slow or useless if done over phone, email, twiki etc.
Typically status updates can be done via other means, we normally use Skype, Twiki, Email, Phone keep in sync.
I really like communication via IM, email or phone. It's totally ok and I really appreciate using it.
Now comes the big "but" (with a single 't'):
You are not able to "just walk over" your colleague and ask him** a short question. For sure, you can IM him or mail him. But it will take some times till he answers your question.
The other point is drinking coffee. You cannot just drink a cup of coffee with him and talk about your problems.
If you let your brain release your thoughts, problem will disappear. And that's one reason behind drinking coffee with colleagues.
I really need personal communication. I need it. About 70% of the communication can be replaced by IM or whatever, but the 30% are very important.
** him = him/her
Some 80% communication is non-verbal, video conferencing helps a bit, but is not good enough.
There have been studies done over success rate of business negotiation and project cooperation depending on type of communication used. It was ranging from 90% success face to face, to less then 10% with email and text only IM.
For example one of such studies, conducted by Harvard Business School professor Kathleen L. Valley yielded for example such results:
"among 24 four-person decision making
groups interacting via computer, there
were 102 instances of rude or
impulsive behavior. Another 24 groups
that interacted in person yielded only
12 remarks of that nature."
Related Wired article: "The Secret Cause of Flame Wars"

Suitable environment for a 7 year old [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
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My 7 year old would like to learn, how to program? (his idea not mine, and he does things in the outside world. So, I am not too worried from that point of view. He already went so far as to take a game programming book out of my office to read at bed time.) The other day we sat down and wrote a very simple number guessing game (you pick 8 and it is correct, anything else it is wrong).
It went OK but there were a number of questions he had based on the syntax of the language. (I happened to pick Java as I had the IDE opened at the time.) I teach post-secondary introductory programming courses so this was a bit of an eye opener to me (most students out of high school are reluctant to ask questions) as I really had to figure out, how to explain syntax to a 7 year old?
Clearly any C type language is going to have the same issues, as will most “languages”. I looked at squeak but decided not to use it yet. I looked at the Alice environment but didn't like it for this either.
From a physical point of view he is comfortable with a keyboard/mouse and can put together Lego sets with relative ease (so following directions with a fun outcome works for him). I have access to Lego NXT but he is still a bit young for that (it takes too long to see the results of the work, even with the supplied graphical environment).
Ideally I'd like the experience to help him build up confidence in math and logic (if a 7 year old has logic:-).
I remember using turtle graphics/logo as a child. I am leaning towards this but wondering if there are any other ideas or if anyone can recommend a good logo environment?
Edit 1:
Logo works out well. I'll need to teach him the concept of angles (90 degrees, 180 degrees). Unfortunalty they don't really do division at school yet so angles might be fun...
First off draw a square:
At some point later I'll go into loops:
And then variables:
make "length 50
FORWARD :length
This works out very well. Virtually no syntax, easy for a 7 year old to remember the vocabulary, and immediate feedback.
Edit 2:
Well it was a success, in that he was able to write a simple program (no loops yet) while I was out of the room. It actually works out very well - we went out and got to graph paper and a protractor, we fugured out 90 degree angles, and he made a bunch of squares, turned a square into a rectangle, and got to see where he went wrong and how to debug it. I'd recommend this approach for anyone with a 7 year old who is interested in programming. I think I'd recommend it to my post-secondary students too (!)
There is actually a browser-based Logo interpreter in Javascript.
I strongly disagree with the people who say seven year olds would have a hard time learning new syntax. This is completely backwards. Try teaching pig latin to a seven year old and to a thirty something non-native English speaker. Or try traveling in a foreign country with your kids. See who can chat fluently with the natives after a month (hint: it probably won't be you).
Kids pick up on arbitrary linguistic conventions much faster than us gray hairs do.
I learned how to program when I was 10 in exactly the way you taught your son. My dad used the GW-Basic interpreter that came with our AT&T PC6300, and we wrote a game where the computer asked you a question, and you had to answer A/B/C. The big advantage to syntax in GW-Basic was that you didn't have multi-line statements. You might want to try something similar. Java, with it's curly braces, might be a little tough.
Example code:
10 PRINT "What color is Big Bird?"
20 PRINT "A. Blue"
30 PRINT "B. Green"
40 PRINT "C. Yellow"
60 IF ANSWER$ = "C" THEN PRINT "Good Job!" ELSE PRINT "Oops, wrong answer!"
I spent hours upon hours using various permutations of that syntax and writing my own "games". And it made me want to learn more... might help.
Tell him about parsers. You just need to add context and reasoning to why things exist. The curly braces are so that the machine that reads the code knows where things start and stop.
I find that most people including children pick up things easily as long as you explain the purpose of them. This is why school was a terrible failure for me, no-one ever explaining the point of learning half the stuff.
Scratch is another one. Developed at MIT specifically for the purpose of teaching programming to children.
I think that Python might fit your needs. It is well known for being easier to learn than many other languages and the interactive interpreter allows programmers to immediately see what happens when a piece of code is executed. The IDLE gui that comes with it is easy to use. It also has a turtle module through TKinter.
Developmentally, a seven year-old is unlikely to grasp the basics of syntax even in their spoken language.
Whatever language or environment you use, I would recommend focusing on the idea of programming as play rather than the ability to write actual programs. Towards this end, something you can run from a command line and see immediate results, like Python or, for a more graphical experience, Silverlight, would probably be best.
Microsoft has a couple of interesting efforts that seems a nice fit:
popfly: --- "Popfly includes a simple way to create and share games with your friends. Choose from a variety of built-in templates or start from scratch to create a side scrolling game, a 2D shoot-em-up, or a host of others. And best of all, you can get started without writing a line of code" ... I think it can really help being motivated :)
smallbasic: --- supposed to be simplified but having framework support (the short description is too marketing like, so I didn't paste it :P)
Try Small Basic, which has a mini-BASIC language and simplified for the younger crowd.
Flee from Java! Try something designed for teaching, like scratch, LOGO, or PLT Scheme.
Why not go back to the days of QBasic? That's the first language I learned (actually it was GW-BASIC, but that's beside the point).
The syntax is much easier to get one's head around (albeit fickle and sometimes downright frustrating). It doesn't teach anything OO, but that's probably above his head anyway, as it would have been mine.
This site may also be of interest.
I'd say use visual basic, or something similar where you don't have to worry about syntax, curly braces, etc as much. I was programming at 7, but it was in LOGO and C64 Basic. I HATED LOGO ... it was so frustrating to me that one of the "big" things you could do was move around a stupid turtle. However, C64 Basic (to me) was great ... once I had that down (a couple years) I was psyched to learn C and even C64 assembler.
Two thoughts come to mind:
My 3 year old son loves playing World of Goo with me. He can't solve problems yet, but I can see he is soaking up loads of information.
Have a go with Alice. My son is too young to try this, but once he is older we'll give it a go if he is keen. FWIW I learnt about this program after watching The Last Lecuture by Randy Pausch (R.I.P)
Have him check out My seven year old is learning this as we type...
Etoys is perhaps the thing you're looking for. It's a partly graphical flavour of smalltalk made just for children. This is used by the olpc project.
I was involved with a primary-grade computer course using Stagecast. This is a graphical programming language designed for children. I found it an ideal introductory language because it is graphical and interactive. It does not require reading or mathematics, it runs on Windows and Mac OS, and is ideal for simple games so children are motivated to learn.
While it appears that it is being redesigned, you can still get the old version of Hackety Hack, which is a ruby programming kit designed by _why for teenagers and beginning programmers.
I am a bit torn about Alice.
On the one hand, it is nice to have a framework where you can program with direct visual gratification. This is really a good idea.
On the other hand, I think that it is a very bad idea to have beginners program exclusively by drag and drop. I fear that this might even lead to a sort of illiteracy, where they are unable to produce properly written code when the drag and drop interface is taken away.
Personally, I think the basics of arithmetic operations and Boolean logic are more important to teach to a child first. After they have grasped these concepts then I think moving on to the basic constructs are appropriate. I just don't see how a child could understand conditionals and looping without Boolean logic, but then again, there are some pretty bright kids out there :)
Assuming the previous statement is met, I would have to cast my vote for python.
I would have looked for one of the many arcade game engines and let him play with that. Choose one where he will need to use loops and conditions, and maybe some procedures.
There a book called Learning to program from pragmatic that is geared towards people who have never programmed before and might not be extremely technical.
It uses Ruby which can be quite easy for new people to pick up.
Squeak Smalltalk system is an implementation of Smalltalk that I have heard much good about when it comes to educating children in programming.
The Etoys project supposedly contains lots of resources for keeping the learning experience fun and motivating.
I became interested in programming when I was introduced to Turing language in high school. Turing was used as a teaching language in many schools at the time, and it worked very well for me to introduce programming concepts. Here is a description of Turing from WikiPedia
Turing is a Pascal-like programming language developed in 1982 by Ric Holt and James Cordy, then of University of Toronto, Canada. Turing is a descendant of Euclid, Pascal and SP/k that features a clean syntax and precise machine-independent semantics.
Named after British computer scientist Alan Turing, Turing is used primarily as a teaching language at the high school and university level. Two other versions exist, Object-Oriented Turing and Turing Plus, a systems programming variant. In September 2001, "Object Oriented Turing" was renamed "Turing" and the original Turing was renamed "Classic Turing". Turing is available from Holt Software Associates in Toronto.
Versions for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Apple Macintosh are available. Turing is still widely used in high schools in Ontario as an introduction to programming.
In November 2007, Turing, which was previously a commercialized programming language, became freeware. As of November 28, 2007, it was available for download from the Holt Software website free of charge for personal, commercial, and educational use.1
You could also use Commodore 64 emulator. It start's right from BASIC.
Might as well throw out Lego™ Mindstorms™ as a possibility. It uses a graphical programming language based on LabView.
I read this post earlier today, and then by chance accidentally went to and discovered
Teaching Kids to Hack(Program) with Hackety Hack
Figured I'd post it as an additional resource for anyone looking at this question.
I recently responded to a similar SO question with a pointer to kidbasic, which is open source and cross platform software.
Scheme is nice and syntactically similar to Logo, in the respects of simplicity. Also Scheme offers a very intuitive way of understanding recursion and picking up these type of fundamental concepts in computer science that early on is nothing but good with more good.
UCB Scheme also offers a lot of built in functionality for manipulating sentences, which may make more sense to a 7 year old than constructing polygons and solving number puzzles (not to say that the sky's the limit!).
I was typing programs from the book "BASIC Fun" when I was in 2nd grade.
I distinctly remember that the concepts of infinite loops and INPUT A$ was like discovering gravity. Heady stuff.
Self taught, my progress was glacially slow, although I did reach a point in a program where I wished that GOSUB took variable arguments, which in retrospect meant I understood function pointers.
My early goals included writing LONG programs. A lengthy program not a bad goal for a 7 year old because a program with a well defined spec makes the risk of failure too high. Anyone can write a long program and feel good about it and learn a lot along the way.
There was a whole genre of books for programming in BASIC for kinds from the 80s. That stuff is a great source of programming ideas. However I wouldn't recommend using BASIC even for a 7 year old-- lua has the simple feel of BASIC but it isn't broken crap.
Look no further, there's actually an entire learning platform/ OS designed for this very purpose: Sugar.
The OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) operating system called Sugar is now available to the general public and you can run it as a VM within all major operating systems such as Mac, Windows and Linux.
Download a copy at Sugar Labs.
One interesting activity included is called TurtleArt, a souped up 21st century version of Logo. Also has a kid friendly version of a Python IDE called Pippy. It actually teaches kids Python!
See TurtleArt and Pippy and the other activities found in Sugar.
Alan Kay was behind some of the novel concepts in Sugar OS which is actually a modern incarnation of his visionary DynaBook. Even as an adult (who's an engineer), I find it fun to play with.
And if you love Sugar as a VM, you can even buy the hardware and at the same time help a poor kid somewhere else in the world.
Engadget explains : OLPC XO Buy-One, Give-One program underway
As a bonus to us adults, Sugar is derived from Fedora. So it's a real and complete Linux based OS. Should be fun to hack. ;-)
