Session Timeout extend in Asp.Net -

How to extend the session timeout?
I tried entering:
Session.Timeout = 720;
In formLoad and also tried in webconfig:
timeout="720" />
But still it times out after 10 minutes. Can anyone help about this issue?

Take a look at this Microsoft Technet article. Check if it suits your needs.

You might see this article, I haven't used it but a time ago I needed something like this to use in a webservice and I finished with another approach. It could be useful to you:
The Defibrillator: Keeping ASP.NET Session Alive Ad Infinitum


how to set web application session timeout at a fixed time....?

i have googled a lot but did not find any solution regarding expiring the session of all the user logged in at a fixed time (say 12:00 AM), all i know is
timeout="30" />
to extend the idle time of the session.can any one help me with this

session timeout configuration in Web.config

I am new to .net and MVC framework of it as well.
I need to create session timeout functionality.
So I tried
<sessionState timeout="20"></sessionState>
I tried mode="InProc" as well with no luck.
I already has this line in Web.Config
<sessionState timeout="30"
sqlConnectionString="Data Source=CORPSQLTS09RM18;user id=webuser;password=M#r3Bar!"
regenerateExpiredSessionId="true" />
And I know we can not use 2 times.
So anybody has anything in mind to help me out over here. In addition, after session timeout I want to redirect page to specific page.

session in is getting close after 2-3 minutes

I have made a web application which uses user authentication and if user is authenticated user then i store it in Session like below.
Session("uid") = txtUid.text
But after 2-3 minutes Session is automatically cleared.
increase your session time in Web.config
<sessionState timeout="260" />
2 - 3 minutes?
it means that you are not sure how long it takes for the session to close.
from here i can assume that you are using internet explorer?
internet explorer has a known issue with, if you have an underscore in your virtual path like
so i bet you have a scenario like this.
in any case, you can add the following line to your web.config to keep vars for 60 minutes:
<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="60"/>
it goes under:
You can set the session state of your web application in web.config. Add this code in the Configuration section of your web.config.
<sessionState timeout="20" />

Increase ASP.NET page timeout

I have a long running method which can take a minute. On my local, it's OK, but on the server, I get a 504 response. I assume this means the page is timing out. Is it SessionState that I need to change in the web.config? I tried that but didn't help.
What's the property to increase page timeout?
Thank you.
This should solve your problem. In the web.config put
<location path="somefile.aspx">
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="180"/>
Here is the source
You can take advantage of the HttpRuntime settings. I believe in your case you would tweak the executionTimeout property (which by default I believe is 90 seconds).
Here's a full rundown on the HttpRuntime settings: HttpRuntime Element (ASP.Net Settings Schema)
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="4000"
enable = "True"
No, it has nothing to do with Session. It has to do with the Request Timeout. One thing that might work is to have this on your Web.config:
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="600" /> <!-value is in secs-->

Moved from iis6 to 7.5 session timeouts

After moving over to the new platform the site is logging people out after a time of inactivity. This never used to happen and I wish to set the timeout to a larger value. I've changed some settings to no effect and even in code the session.timeout is set to 1440.
Any ideas where I can find another setting for it or where I might start with this problem.
The app pool was recycling as the worker process was set to expire after 20 minutes of inactivity.
Have a look at IIS session information here: HttpSessionState.Timeout Property
timeout="30" />
You can add this section to your web.config in your website root dir for authentication:
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms timeout="1440" slidingExpiration="true"/>
Assuming that you're using Forms authentication.
And this for session timeout:
<sessionState timeout="1440"/>
