XQuery - problem with recursive function - xquery

Im new on this project and am going to write, what i thought was a simple thing. A recursive function that writes nested xml elements in x levels (denoted by a variable). So far I have come up with this, but keeps getting a compile error. Please note that i have to generate new xml , not query existing xml:
xquery version "1.0";
declare function local:PrintTest($amount)
let $counter := 0
if ($counter <= $amount )
then local:PrintTest($counter)
else return
$counter := $counter +1
My error is:
File Untitled1.xquery: XQuery transformation failed
XQuery Execution Error!
Unexpected token - " ($counter <= $amount ) t"
I never understood xquery, and cant quite see why this is not working (is it just me or are there amazingly few resources on the Internet concerning XQuery?)

You have written this function in a procedural manner, XQuery is a functional language.
Each function body can only be a single expression; it looks like you are trying to write statements (which do not exist in XQuery).
Firstly, your let expression must be followed by a return keyword.
return is only used as part of a FLWOR expression, a function always evaluates to a value. As you have written it return is equivalent to /return and so will return a node called return.
The line $counter := $counter + 1 is not valid XQuery at all. You can only set a variable like this with a let expression, and in this case it would create a new variable called counter which replaced the old one, that would be in scope only in the return expression of the variable.
The correct way to do what you are trying to do is to reduce the value of $argument each time the function recurses, and stop when you hit 0.
declare function local:Test($amount)
if ($amount == 0)
then ()
local:Test($amount - 1)
Note that I have changed the name of the function to Test. The name "PrintTest" was misleading, as this implies that the function does something (namely, printing). The function in fact just returns a node, it does not do any printing. In a purely functional langauge (which XQuery is quite close to) a function never has any side effects, it merely returns a value (or in this case a node).

The line $counter := $counter + 1 is valid XQuery Scripting.


In functional programming, is "saving the state" of an algorithm at the recursive function argument cheating?

for instance, lets suppose we had to write an algorithm to get the max value of an array of integers, could we still call the code functional if we make the recursive function return various information that simulates an assignment to a global object? an exemple:
function getMax(array, props={}) {
const {index = 0, actualMax = array[0]}= props ///initial props
const arrayNotEnded = array[index + 1] !== undefined
if (arrayNotEnded) {
const maxOf= (a, b) => a > b ? a : b
const newMax = maxOf(actualMax, array[index+1])
const nextIndex = index+1
return getMax(array, {index:nextIndex, actualMax:newMax} )
}else return actualMax
a funny thing about that is, in Haskell, we cannot have optional arguments, so this logic would not be something cool to work with, since we would have to pass the initial props every time we would need to call this function.
Yes, you could consider it cheating, but this is a well-known technique in functional programming, the accumulator argument [1][2][3]. Remember: code doesn't become functional by not having state, functional programming is all about making state explicit. There's no better way of doing that than by making it a parameter of your function.
Your code has some other problems, though. Most prominently, the state should be internal to your function, only being passed to a helper function (that might be locally declared or separate) but not as part of your function's public interface. This also prevents confusing your helper function by passing invalid state (e.g. out-of-bound indices). And yes, also the optional parameter smells - not because you think this is not possible in Haskell (it is, using Maybe), but because it can be forgotten or passed mistakenly. Instead, the helper function should have a required state parameter, and getMax should have none.
Last but not least, you should avoid out-of-bounds indexed access on arrays - check the length to know where the end is, don't compare to undefined. This includes unconditionally accessing array[0] - that makes it very easy to overlook that your function can return undefined. Make this error condition explicit as well.
Here's how I'd write it:
function getMax(array) {
if (!array.length)
throw new Error("array must be non-empty");
return maxFrom(1, array[0]);
function maxFrom(index, max) {
if (index < array.length)
return maxFrom(index+1, array[index] > max ? array[index] : max);
return actualMax
Even better than throwing exceptions would be if you'd had an algebraic data type at hand that you could return to represent the error-or-result.

How do I get output for a XQuery in MarkLogic in a one line output?

Will elaborate - when I execute the following command :
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value
Above query returns a lot of information about the database "Documents" forest, like - forest-id, host-id, etc.
I only require that it should return only the "state" of my forest. How do I do that?
Use XPath to select what you want to return.
let $value := xdmp:forest-status(
return $value/*:state/text()
Also, no need for a FLWOR you could make it a one-liner:
Or you may find that using the arrow operator makes things easier to read instead of nested function calls and tons of parenthesis wrapping them:
=> xdmp:database-forests()
=> xdmp:forest-open-replica()
=> xdmp:forest-status()
The XML elements in the response are in the http://marklogic.com/xdmp/status/forest namespace. So, you would either need to declare the namespace (i.e. declare namespace f = "http://marklogic.com/xdmp/status/forest";) and use the prefix in your XPath (i.e. f:state), or just use the wildcard as I have done *:state

XQuery: declare a function returning nothing

declare variable $testseq as item()* := ();
declare function local:insertseq($target as item()*, $position as xs:integer?, $inserts as item()*)
as item()* (:might be great if we have a keyword to represent nothing:)
fn:insert-before($target, 1, $inserts) (:change the global sequence:)
() (:simulate returning nothing, empty sequence:)
element test
attribute haha {"&"},
local:insertseq($testseq, 1, ('a', 'b')),
I need to collect something into a global sequence while the script running. At the end of the script I release the sequence. The function insertseq must return nothing. It is possible with XQuery? Or are there other tricks to do it?
Error from BaseX:
$ basex test.xqy
Stopped at /Users/jack/Documents/SHK/XSD2OWL/Workspace/xqy/test.xqy, 7/4:
[XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: ("a", "b").
The answer on the title of your original question would actually be:
declare function local:f() as empty-sequence() {
As you probably want to solve a specific problem, you could think about creating a new question with another title and a corresponding problem description (including a tiny example with the expected input and output).
In functional languages, such as XQuery, variables cannot be reassigned once they have been defined (see Referential Transparency). As a consequence, you’ll need to use recursive functions to repeatedly add values to a sequence. fn:fold-left can be used as well: it feels challenging when being used for the first time, but once you understand what it does, you don’t want to miss is.

Removing consecutive numbers from a sequence in XQuery

Input: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15,16,17,24,25,26,27,28)
Output: (1,7,14,17,24,28)
I tried to remove consecutive numbers from the input sequence using the XQuery functions but failed doing so
xquery version "1.0" encoding "utf-8";
declare namespace ns1="http://www.somenamespace.org/types";
declare variable $request as xs:integer* external;
declare function local:func($reqSequence as xs:integer*) as xs:integer* {
let $nonRepeatSeq := for $count in (1 to count($reqSequence)) return
if ($reqSequence[$count+1] - $reqSequence) then
else ()
Please suggest how to do so in XQuery functional language.
Two simple ways to do this in XQuery. Both rely on being able to assign the sequence of values to a variable, so that we can look at pairs of individual members of it when we need to.
First, just iterate over the values and select (a) the first value, (b) any value which is not one greater than its predecessor, and (c) any value which is not one less than its successor. [OP points out that the last value also needs to be included; left as an exercise for the reader. Or see Michael Kay's answer, which provides a terser formulation of the filter; DeMorgan's Law strikes again!]
let $vseq := (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15,16,17,24,25,26,27,28)
for $v at $pos in $vseq
return if ($pos eq 1
or $vseq[$pos - 1] ne $v - 1
or $vseq[$pos + 1] ne $v + 1)
then $v
else ()
Or, second, do roughly the same thing in a filter expression:
let $vseq := (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15,16,17,24,25,26,27,28)
return $vseq[
for $i in position() return
$i eq 1
or . ne $vseq[$i - 1] + 1
or . ne $vseq[$i + 1] - 1]
The primary difference between these two ways of performing the calculation and your non-working attempt is that they don't say anything about changing or modifying the sequence; they simply specify a new sequence. By using a filter expression, the second formulation makes explicit that the result will be a subsequence of $vseq; the for expression makes no such guarantee in general (although because for each value it returns either the empty sequence or the value itself, we can see that here too the result will be a subsequence: a copy of $vseq from which some values have been omitted.
Many programmers find it difficult to stop thinking in terms of assignment to variables or modification of data structures, but its worth some effort.
[Addendum] I may be overlooking something, but I don't see a way to express this calculation in pure XPath 2.0, since XPath 2.0 seems not to have any mechanism that can bind a variable like $vseq to a non-singleton sequence of values. (XPath 3.0 has let expressions, so it's not a challenge there. The second formulation above is itself pure XPath 3.0.)
In XSLT this can be done as:
<xsl:for-each-group select="$in" group-adjacent=". - position()">
<xsl:sequence select="current-group()[1], current-group()[last()]"/>
In XQuery 3.0 you can do it with tumbling windows, but I'm too lazy to work out the detail.
An XPath 2.0 solution (assuming the input sequence is in $in) is:
for $i in 1 to count($in)
return $in[$i][not(. eq $in[$i - 1]+1 and . eq $in[$i+1]-1)]
There are several logic and XQuery usage errors in your solution, but the main problem with it is that variables in XQuery are immutable, so you cannot reassign a value to one once assigned. Therefore, it's often easier to think about these types of problems in terms of recursive solutions:
declare function local:non-consec(
$prev as xs:integer?,
$rest as xs:integer*
) as xs:integer*
if (empty($rest)) then ()
let $curr := head($rest)
let $next := subsequence($rest, 2, 1)
return (
if ($prev eq $curr - 1 and $curr eq $next - 1)
then () (: This number is part of a consecutive sequence :)
else $curr,
local:non-consec(head($rest), tail($rest))
local:non-consec((), (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,14,15,16,17,24,25,26,27,28))

Recursively wrapping up an element

Say I have an element <x>x</x> and some empty elements (<a/>, <b/>, <c/>), and I want to wrap up the first inside the second one at a time, resulting in <c><b><a><x>x</x></a></b></c>. How do I go about this when I don't know the number of the empty elements?
I can do
xquery version "3.0";
declare function local:wrap-up($inner-element as element(), $outer-elements as element()+) as element()+ {
if (count($outer-elements) eq 3)
then element{node-name($outer-elements[3])}{element{node-name($outer-elements[2])}{element{node-name($outer-elements[1])}{$inner-element}}}
if (count($outer-elements) eq 2)
then element{node-name($outer-elements[2])}{element{node-name($outer-elements[1])}{$inner-element}}
if (count($outer-elements) eq 1)
then element{node-name($outer-elements[1])}{$inner-element}
else ($outer-elements, $inner-element)
let $inner-element := <x>x</x>
let $outer-elements := (<a/>, <b/>, <c/>)
local:wrap-up($inner-element, $outer-elements)
but is there a way to do this by recursion, not decending and parsing but ascending and constructing?
In functional programming, you usually try to work with the first element and the tail of a list, so the canonical solution would be to reverse the input before nesting the elements:
declare function local:recursive-wrap-up($elements as element()+) as element() {
let $head := head($elements)
let $tail := tail($elements)
element { name($head) } { (
if ($tail)
then local:recursive-wrap-up($tail)
else ()
) }
let $inner-element := <x>x</x>
let $outer-elements := (<a/>, <b/>, <c/>)
return (
local:wrap-up($inner-element, $outer-elements),
local:recursive-wrap-up(reverse(($inner-element, $outer-elements)))
Whether reverse(...) will actually require reversing the output or not will depend on your XQuery engine. In the end, reversing does not increase computational complexity, and might not only result in cleaner code, but even faster execution!
Similar could be achieved by turning everything upside down, but there are no functions for getting the last element and everything before this, and will possibly reduce performance when using predicates last() and position() < last(). You could use XQuery arrays, but will have to pass counters in each recursive function call.
Which solution is fastest in the end will require benchmarking using the specific XQuery engine and code.
