ASP.NET MVC: Basic form question -

A friend has asked me to help him with a project that's MVC. This is my first experience with MVC. I'm trying to build the MVC components for a form for him.
A page has a modal popup which uses a JavaScript to POST or GET and receive HTML backā€”that it displays inside the popup modal.
I need to create an MVC form that has validation to display inside aforementioned popup. This popped-up form will be used elsewhere on the site, so needs to be modular.
Should I create an ActionResult in my Route's Controller that returns an View (.aspx) containing my form? Should I instead create a Partial View (.ascx) that has the form, then use that Partial View in a View for my Route so other parts of the site--other Routes--can do the same?
I'm stuck at that basic understanding. From there, I don't even know what to do about the validation (was told the same validation will be used on a nearly identical form) and how a ViewModel fits into this like is used elsewhere on the site.
I've been reading a lot and looking at a lot of examples but I'm still confused.

You've got two separate questions here really. To deal with whether you should use a partial view or a regular view, just think of it this way. Does the HTML content in question represent a full page, or just a piece of a page that will be reused inside of other pages?
If it's the former, then use a full View. If it's the latter, then put it in a partial view. It sounds to me like you just need a full View. In either case, it's easy to change to the other if it turns out it's not meeting your needs.
As to validation, take a look at xVal if you're using ASP.Net MVC 1. It allows for easy validation using attributes on your models.

When you make your post from the modal popup do the validation then in the actionmethod you created specifically for that popup. If you want client side validation write up the js to do it.
As for the modal markup and what not just create a partial view for that, shouldn't be a big deal.


How do I check if a ASP.NET MVC view contains a form?

I need to change the page formatting depending on whether the page (actually a layout template) contains a form or not. Is there any way to determine this in ASP.NET MVC 4?
If I understand you well, you can use ViewBag or ViewData or Session.
For example when you page was loading, you can set ViewBag data in get method. Then you can decide in view page what you want.
Also another way, when your page loaded in javascript you can post info of your page has form. You can collect this data in Session with a special key for current page.
As a result yes we can, I hope my answer enough. If not enough, I can help you if you explain well what you want really?

I want to make the MVC page configurable, any ideas?

guys, I was applied a big task is about to make the MVC page configurable.
It means:
It just like the webpart in webform.
1.We can config the partial view in the view,make the partial view enable or not,we can drag and drop the partial view anywhere in the container.
2.One partial view is related to a simple mode(entity),and also the fields of the form in the partial view can be configurable:enable or not and the position can be adjusted.
now I have some ideas as following:
1.I create an model base, let other models inherit from model base,model base just hold the metadata related to the fields and the model itself.
2.Render the settings which is in model base to hidden field throght html helper and partial view.And on the client, I just use the jquery to handle the layout according to the setting in the hidden field.
3.The partial view I just let it to render only, and the real logic I will hand it on the page which contain the partial view. I think this would be simple and extendable.right?
So any ideas here? I really think this task is complicate.
In the past, Omar AL Zabir Blog has an portal website, called dropthings, maybe it is closed now. He tried to implemented the things like igoogle did. You can see that project at codeplex.
And you also can find some ideas for that find of application at Lakkakula's Blog
Hope this help.

MVC Custom Control?

I am trying to figure out how to use/create a custom control in ASP.NET MVC 2.
I created a custom control earlier and compiled it (ccontrol.dll), the control renders a div, textbox and a button + some javascript in order to post a comment on the website. It could be a static aspx page that i wanted to allow my visitors to add a comment to. I would then drag my control from the toolbar to the aspx page and run it, it would then render all the code needed on the webpage including fetching the data from a datasource and displaying that inside the div. The user could also just type in a comment and press the button to save it to the datasource.
Is this possible to convert to MVC 2? Any good tutorial that covers custom controls and MVC 2? (Ideally would be if the control could be made into a .dll file that i then could reuse on future webpages)
How do i write a custom control the mvc way? Any good tutorials on the topic?
You cannot design Custom Controls according the normal style because in Mvc there is no ViewState and there are no server side control events. Data are returned back to the server through a Model Binding process. The fact that rendering and filling data in are handled in separated pieces of code make difficult to implement complex server controls in Mvc.
However, I developed a theory, and also a toolset to make quite easily custom controls ina Mvc too in the full spirit of the Mvc paradigm i.e keeping separation of concerns between Views and Controllers. See My Codeplex project. There, you will find pointers to documentation and tutorials on my blog. If you need assistance feel free to contact me.
No it is not possible to use custom controls in ASP.NET MVC. you need to re-write in MVC way

How to make rich/compound views

I have recently started to examine ASP.NET MVC. I have studied quite a few examples and common to these are that they contain quite simple scenarios, where a view will map to either an instance of a type in the model or a list of a paritcular type from the model.
I'm looking for guidelines to compose/composite views. In the long term I would like Ajax to be part of the equation, but for now I'm looking for a simpler non Ajax setup.
The problem
Here is a description of a contrieved problem. A domain model contains the types A and B.
class A
{ String ID, String Name, int Age
List<B> ListOfB
class B
{ String ID, String Name, String Url}
I would like to have a that allows the following:
A DropDownList showing type A information
Details about the particular A picked in the dropdown
A list showing type B's related to the selected type A
A form that makes it possible to edit the data of a selected type A
A form that enables the user to add a new B.
The view should not show all of this at once, instead it has to show different combinations of information and functionality according to user input. Combinations of detail and functionality could forexample be:
Initially only show the dropdownlist containing A's
If an A has been selected in the dropdown:
Show the particular A as selected in the dropdown
Show detail info about the selected A
Show list of detail info of related type B's
The user wants to edit a particular A
Show the particular A as selected in the dropdown
Show form that allows user to edit particular A
Show list of detail info of related type B's
The user wants to add a new B
Show the particular A as selected in the dropdown
Show detail info about the selected A
Show list of detail info of related type B's
That could look something like this (used the web version of balsamiq mockups - what a fantastic invention!):
Combination 2:
Combination 4:
Creating the view and controller
Since the solution has to allow for different combinations of data and functionality, I think it would be smart to have a parent view (not to be confused with a masterpage) that contained placeholders for parital views. Then, the parent views controller could make up the right combinations of model data and partial views and feed these to the parent view.
Finally; the questions:
Is my way of thinking in accordance with the mvc methodology?
Can you explain/show (not necessarily all of it) how the controller can compile the right combination of partial views and feed these to the parent view?
Can you point me towards an Ajax based solution?
Can you suggest books/links that contain examples of complex views? mvc fully supports all of your requirements but there are few things you should get up to speed on:
You should look at implementing view models to help seperate your domain model from your specific views. Here is a good link on how to start this.
You need to get up to speed with a client side javascript framework for the ajax work with partial html rendering. jquery will do this or ms ajax. Here is an example
To your detailed questions:
Is my way of thinking in accordance with the mvc methodology? mvc is not going to constrain you at all so essentially this is fully supported
Can you explain/show (not necessarily all of it) how the controller can compile the right combination of partial views and feed these to the parent view?
You can use partial views if you want to seperate bits of code out and can easily refresh them by loading them independently using ms ajax or jquery. You would have a controller that mapped onto your parent view and can delegate and refresh partial views in ajax calls.
Can you point me towards an Ajax based solution?
jquery will do this or ms ajax. Here is an example
Can you suggest books/links that contain examples of complex views?
This link talks a lot about this.

ASP.NET page validation

I have a requirement wherein I have a bunch of about 10 aspx pages.The user shall be able to go from one screen to another using navigation.All the range , custom,regex validators need to file so that data enetered is correct.Required fields need not be entered at this stage and the user can skip required fields. On the last page, I need to find out all the fields which are required and if incomplete want to show the user, these fields are required, sort of summary with link to the page where the control was left blank.
Does any one have any good ideas to achive validation on pages which the user has left and can do validation at the very end before the data is submitted. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Validators form part of the page on which they lie. You cannot use the built-in validator controls to validate input fields on previous pages in the sequence. If you must do it this way, then you should implement your own validation framework which validates data on each page, but provides feedback on the summary page.
You should look into the usability issues faced if you only give feedback to the user at the end of the sequence of pages. He/she will be required to go back a few pages and retry input there. I don't think that is a good option at all.
A much better option would be to use the ASP.NET Wizard control (which loads sequential UI in separate panels, but on the same page). That would enable you to use Validators in conjunction with your setup. This article by Steve C. Orr provides a good introduction to using Validators with the Wizard control.
Alternatively, you can use the AJAX Tab control as others have suggested.
You can achieve this by using i.e. a TabControl (ships with the Ajax Control Toolkit).
Same thing I am applying in MVC but I suggest you to use Tab control rather to use Bunch of pages as sshow posted.
