Binding Qt to LLVM - qt

What is the best way to create a Qt binding to a language that sits on top of LLVM?
Try to parse the Qt header files and generate an interface to C from that, call the C interface from LLVM? Or maybe try to get SWIG to interface Qt? Or is there a better way?

Have you looked at the smoke libraries from KDE? They wrap Qt as well.


Can I use QtGui instead of glew/glfw/SDL library in Qt for OpenGL?

Read this(from the Qt website): (
It says that it provides OpenGLin it.
So can i use QtGui class instead of glew/glfw/SDL library for OpenGLwork?
Yes you can. If you're already using Qt, you have the advantage of everything else also being Qt, otherwise you might (depending on the other framework) need to handle e.g. input in a special way.
You could use Qt to get a platform window and an OpenGL context for rendering. However, Qt is a huge framework, and it doesn't make much sense to go for it if that's all you need.

How to support multiple language in Qt Based Application

I am trying to develop a Qml based QT application which will support multiple languages.In the application there will be drop down list from where on select of language whole language family of the application will be changed.Can anyone help me on that giving idea how to proceed?
Is there any example? and is QTranslator() is the convenient way to do this?
The localization system of Qt is well documented: Internationalization with Qt
Simply you put your text directly in the C++ code, using the tr() method of QObject (or qsTr() in QML). Than there are some tools (lupdate and lrelease) to generate the translation files. I suggest to read the documentation, it's very easy.
Some useful links:
Hello tr: and example
Qt Linguist manual
QTranslator works well with Qt UI as you can use languageChanged() signal to update the UI. This isn't possible with QML.
See this QML WiKi, it is the recommended workaround (for now!).

How to Interact with a Qt C++ library inside a QML/QtQuick application?

I recently wrote a Qt based library to manage requests to for a professional desktop application.
Not really experienced with QML and QtQuick, I think about migrating this application to QML which seems to be really adapted for.
I began few tutorials with QML...Amazing.
And now, I wonder if I can integrage my wrapper library into a QML application ?
Basically, let the user capture a movie name into a nice QML interface, froward the input parameters to the c++ wrapper, and retrieve the resulting json results + QPixmap object.
Is it something possible ? I found some piece of codes to access QML components from a Qt c++ application but the inverse yet.
Or maybe am I thinking the things the wrong way ?
Have you ever wrote something similar, I mean regarding the interaction mechanism?

auto complete for Qt in emacs

I have become addicted to emacs and have been using it for everything. Now, I have started Qt4 . I am forced to move to the Qt Creator because of its auto complete feature which is required when writing programs in Qt because of the heavy use of pr edefined functions in it.
But the problem is that I don't want to leave emacs. Is there any way to get a auto-complete feature close to that of Qt Creator in emacs.
I have installed the CEDET-1.1 where I discovered the text file for c++ which contains all the commonly used c++ keywords. One way could be to add Qt class and function names in that file which gives me a pretty basic auto complete for Qt. But can I get a better auto complete?
Do not use cedet anymore, it is big, and slow.
I recommand you use, which is lightweight, and much easy to use. All you need to do is to learn and configure of auto-complete and yasnippet.

Is there something like .NET Reflector for Qt?

Once I've seen a nice tool called .NET Reflector. It can show the entire object hierarchy of .Net binaries/apps (sorry if the term is wrong).
Is there something like this for Qt? As Qt has very good QMetaObject abilities, it should be possible to traverse object-trees, call methods(slots), change properties, etc.
I am currently re-factoring a Qt project. The naming of variables is very domain specific and I am not the expert in this domain. So, it is difficult for me to map a widget-variable to the widget on the screen. Such tool would be a great help for me to understand the code.
Thank you very much in advance!
For simple uses you might want to take a look at QObject::dumpObjectTree()
If you need something more advanced there's kspy
kspy: examines the internal state of a
Qt/KDE app KSpy is a tiny library
which can be used to graphically
display the QObjects in use by a
Qt/KDE app. In addition to the object
tree, you can also view the
properties, signals and slots of any
QObject. Basically it provides much
the same info as
QObject::dumpObjectTree() and
QObject::dumpObjectInfo(), but in a
much more convenient form. KSpy has
minimal overhead for the application,
because the kspy library is loaded
dynamically using KLibLoader. See /usr
/share/doc/kspy/README for usage
instructions. This package is part of
the KDE Software Development Kit.
It depends on KDE's klibloader so if you are not under KDE you have to modify it but it should be rather easy. Sources are here.
There's QSpy project. It inspects all QWidgets of running application. I'm not sure how well it works, because I couldn't use it on Mac OS X. Maybe on Windows it works better.
